Movie Master

Chapter 927: empty street

The dense sea of ​​people spread out in sight, and the wide and empty apron was completely occupied by the crowd at this time. Looking down from the glass wall of the reception hall, one can clearly see the Dense crowds filled every corner of the line of sight, surging and boiling like a vast ocean, and even made one wonder if the landing strip of the plane had already been occupied.

Alice couldn't help thinking of the grand occasion of the Nürburgring Music Festival not long ago - that music festival was big enough to accommodate 100,000 people, so... Are there 100,000 people in front of you?

"One hundred thousand? No, it's definitely not. One hundred thousand is definitely more than that." The girl with the ponytail raised her voice high, and it was only then that Alice realized that she had unconsciously shouted out the exclamation in her mind But Alice didn't have time to be shy, her attention was drawn away by the girl, "But I'm sure, ten thousand people, there are at least ten thousand people here!"

Ten thousand people, what kind of concept is this? Alice's head was at a loss. All she knew was that in the high school she was in now, there were only 800 people in the entire school—just 800 people could fill the school's football field. So, ten thousand people?

Alice looked at the endless sea of ​​people in front of her again, as if there was no end in sight at all. The scorching temperature filled every oxygen factor, and the air seemed to start to boil, and Alice didn't even realize it. The footsteps began to lighten up, and Adrian's voice came from next to my ear, "Jesus Christ, is it true that half of the people in London are gathered here today? When was the last time such a grand event happened?" ? 'Titanic'? I'm not sure, I don't think I've ever seen such an exaggerated sight on the news."

"It seems that it's not just us who are looking forward to 'Fury Road' this time, isn't it?" Alice couldn't suppress her excitement, and interrupted, causing everyone in the small team to turn their heads to look over, and then The girl with the ponytail laughed brightly, "It must be so! Let those old stubborn people see our energy, Tony-Blair (tony-) should hear our voice!" After finishing speaking , she raised her hands high, cheering all the way and walked quickly towards the stairs.

"Sam is like this." Adrian said with a smile, "After the release of 'Borrowing Knife', in order to protest the indifference in the big cities of modern society, she did the 'Free Embrace' project on the streets to promote the film and also publicize The warmth between people has been done for a full month. Therefore, she will never miss this opportunity."

It turned out that the girl with the ponytail was called Sam.

Alice only felt an indescribable excitement and blood pounding in her chest, "Alice! Come on!" Adrian's shout brought Alice back to her senses, showing a big smile, and walked quickly After following up, the restrained mood finally began to dissipate, and the joyful mood unconsciously took over all the minds, "Adrian, tell me, when will Lance land?"

At this moment, if there is a helicopter looking down from a high altitude, you will see a strange scene: the traffic artery leading to Heathrow Airport is blocked, and the long traffic array is winding for nearly three miles. But the road leaving Heathrow Airport was extremely deserted, the sparse vehicles looked extremely lonely, and the contrast of the extreme drop was jaw-dropping; what was even more frightening was that a large black cloud extended from the terminal building above the airport apron. The shoulder-to-shoulder shadows are like a harbinger of summer thunderstorms, thick clouds spread layer upon layer, and the invisible strong psychological pressure is vented; not only that, the violent crowds are still flocking And, as if there was no end in sight, just judging from the view, there were 20,000 to 30,000 people crowded on the apron, not only the open space outside Terminal 4 was full, Even the large open space near Terminal 5 is completely packed...

This is definitely an unprecedented scene. In my impression, even when Michael Jackson arrived in London for his "Dangerous Journey" concert in 1992, the grand reception of 8,000 people was far less exaggerated than today. The current grand occasion has broken away from the influence of a simple movie or a star, showing people the pinnacle of the influence of the modern entertainment industry.

This is the real empty alley!

The heat wave hit her face, and Alice almost couldn't stand still. The almost melting scorching heat scorched every inch of her skin, and she couldn't even breathe for a moment, overwhelming all of Alice's cognition and senses ; There are people everywhere in her sight, except for people or people, they stand in the sea of ​​people, like a drop of insignificant water, not to mention moving forward, it is extremely difficult to stand still in place, she can only be passive Following the waves of people, the involuntary but impassioned emotions raged violently in her mind. For the first time in her sixteen years of life, she knew what it meant to be passionate, desperate, and insane. mad.

It only took three seconds for Alice to become a member of the crowd and blend in perfectly. Instead of feeling afraid, she screamed excitedly, "Ah! Adrian! Say, Is that what the wasteland world in 'Fury Road' feels like?"

Adrian couldn't suppress his emotions either, he raised his hands high, clenched his fists inexplicably, his eyes flashed brightly, "Then tell me, are we the sons of war?" Although "Road of Fury" temporarily It hasn't been released in the UK yet, but the online reviews have been overwhelming.

"Warboy!" Alice blurted out subconsciously without thinking at all. After hearing her own voice, Alice also felt a little strange. She never knew that she could be so crazy, but this This feeling was so good that Alice laughed brightly and shouted again, "Son of War!"

The corners of Adrian's mouth also raised high, and he shouted loudly with Alice, "Son of War!" At the same time, his raised fists couldn't help but waved up and down, beating the rhythm, "Son of War! Son of War! "But it was not enough. Adrian saw Alice start to jump up in place, and he couldn't help jumping along with him, and the roar in his mouth became louder and louder, "Son of War!" The emotions were pushed to one high point after another in the shouts, as if there was no limit, the whole person began to fly lightly into the air, the lightness and excitement of spreading wings and flying high made people forget about it.

Sam-Granger felt like a canoe in a stormy sea, completely out of control, and could only toss in the waves, and then she heard a voice behind her. She turned her head subconsciously, and she saw Alice and Adrian, both like fools and lunatics, jumping wildly on the spot, beating the rhythm with their heads up, raising their hands high, stepping on the ground. Rhythm and shouting, "Son of War!" It looked like a metal rock concert - metal rock? Sam suddenly remembered the weird style of "Fury Road", steampunk and metal rock.

Before the brain made a judgment, Sam raised his hands without hesitation and started to jump, bang! boom! boom! The jumping rhythm matched the pounding of the heart, and the manic energy burst out continuously, and then she also started to shout, "Son of War!" She is a Son of War, and each of them is a Son of War , raise your arms high, against the traditional conservative concepts of this society, against the deep marks left over from history, against the arrogance of patriarchalism, against ubiquitous oppression and discrimination, on the road of pursuing freedom, Run wildly and never stop.

"Son of War!"

The weak but fanatical shouts gradually spread in the stormy waves, and more and more people began to join the ranks, jumping, hitting, and shouting, "Son of War!" Just like a virus, it spreads quickly, ten people, one hundred people... five hundred people, three thousand people, ten thousand people... no one can be an exception, everyone forgets themselves and starts screaming, the earth-shattering sound waves overwhelming The vibration spread from an angle can be clearly felt in other corners of Heathrow Airport, and the heat wave in the air spread continuously, so that the passengers who were waiting for the plane also rushed He walked to the glass wall on the side of the tarmac, trying to find out what happened today.

Listen The wind brought the fanaticism and passion, "Son of War! Son of War! Son of War!" At this moment, it seems that the British Isles can feel this energy, and even France across the strait smells an unusual breath.

The sound of "boom boom boom" even overshadowed the roar of the plane's engine, so that no one noticed that a plane had landed smoothly, and slowly stopped in the open space after a long taxi. This is a private plane, obviously not a normal take-off and landing flight at Heathrow Airport, so the passengers on board are...

The crew of "Fury Road"?

Suddenly, a group of 80 airport ground staff swarmed out, forming two teams under the cabin door in front of the private jet, and the security measures were completed in just 30 seconds. Only at this moment did the people at the scene realize that the person they had summoned so hard had finally arrived in London! The moment they've been waiting for has finally arrived!

In an instant, the crowd surged, and everyone moved in the same direction, but the shouts not only did not weaken, but became more violent, "Son of War! Son of War! Son of War!" A concise and powerful slogan, like piercing clouds and cracking stones, Layers of ripples were stirred up under the sky, thunderous! (To be continued.)

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