Movie Master

Chapter 931: Sparks start a prairie fire

Christian-Hans (Christian-Hans) opened the "Bild" webpage, and the instant news update was prominently hung at the top, "Thousands of people besieged Heathrow Airport, 'Fury Road' crew arrived in London, European propaganda”, on the accompanying picture, dense crowds surrounded the plane, and the shock of the visual sense of an isolated island was conveyed through the computer screen.

Christian immediately became excited, and kept muttering, "Finally! Finally!" Clicking on the news link, he quickly browsed the news content. Since this is instant news, the content is very simple, and he briefly reported on the crew Encountered a warm welcome at Heathrow Airport, and said that follow-up reports will now be launched.

Immediately, Christian browsed the official websites of the most important newspapers in Germany, such as "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", "Focus Weekly", "Berlin Morning Post", "Der Spiegel Weekly", etc. The European publicity of the crew of "The Road" was reported. It seems that at this moment, all the news media are turning their attention to London. Europe!"

"Star Weekly" simply launched a report in the form of a special topic. Their report is undoubtedly the fastest updated. Not only did they update the detailed pictures of the airport pick-up, but they also updated the pictures of the huge motorcade chasing the car. The grand occasion that happened in London in two hours was reported.

Looking at the click-through rate, the "Star Weekly" news actually has more than 800,000 hits. It has attracted such fierce attention in such a short period of time. In enthusiastic Germany, people's expectations for "Fury Road" are not low.

Christian could barely suppress his excitement, and started dancing while sitting in front of the computer. He immediately dialed his friend's cell phone, "Frank, Frank! Did you see that? It's exploded on the entire Internet now,'Rage Lu' came, they really came! Lance really came!"

"Are you still at home? I'm at Rathausplatz! Everyone's coming here, all the fans here in Berlin, we're going to have a party here to welcome Lance! There's already There are six or seven hundred people, and you are still at home? Quick, come here!"

The words of his friend made Christian jump up from the chair directly, "What?" His head accidentally hit the chandelier, grinning in pain, but he didn't care at all, "Why did you go to the City Hall Square? Why? I have no idea?"

"Yahoo Community! Didn't you see? There's a post calling for major European cities to gather for the premiere of 'Fury Road'!"

"Okay, okay." Christian didn't have time to pursue it, and rushed out at a trot, "I'll come."

The Yahoo community has reached an unprecedented level of excitement at this time. When everyone is paying close attention to the overseas box office of "Fury Road", European movie fans are no exception.

Leaving aside the deep-rooted notions of aristocracy and class, Europe has always had a natural preference for Lance's films, because on this continent, they like commercial films, but they prefer art films. European filmmakers and Movie audiences are always pursuing the artistic quality of movies. If a balance can be found between business and art, the younger generation in Europe will definitely be fanatical in pursuit of it. Lance's crime trilogy has been enthusiastically sought after in Europe. Except for "Murder with a Knife", which has obvious cultural awareness of Los Angeles landmarks, the overseas box office of Lance's other works is higher than the North American box office. The contribution of Europe cannot be ignored. This time, "Fury Road" is hailed as the perfect combination of business and art. The discussions on human nature, freedom and discrimination all hit the high point of Europeans.

All this is directly reflected in the Yahoo community, as early as two weeks ago, European countries began to look forward to it. A movie fan from the United Kingdom suggested that all major cities hold fan gatherings, not only to express their welcome to "Fury Road", but also to further exchange their views on the movie. Big city support.

Therefore, today's "Road of Fury" is not only arriving in London, other major cities have also launched celebrations, such a scene is indeed not necessarily seen once in twenty years.

The Piazza del Popolo in Rome was already crowded at this time, with more than two thousand people bustlingly standing in every corner of the square. The lively scene reminded me of the annual Assumption Festival. It seemed that the whole city had entered the party time , people exchanged opinions in full swing, discussing their thoughts on all of Lance's films. Suddenly, a voice sounded, "Lance has entered the city!" In an instant, everyone cheered, as if the crew of "Fury Road" was no longer in London, but in Rome, "The car started Circled the city, obviously Lance didn't want his hotel to be revealed so soon." Apparently someone was connecting with London on the phone, live.

"When Lance comes to Rome, he can stay at my house." A woman's voice rang out sharply, causing a burst of laughter.

Eva-Bianca (Eva-) raised her hands high and jumped vigorously. Although she didn't know why she wanted to jump, she just wanted to jump, especially when she thought that Lance had now arrived in the European continent. The excitement couldn't be suppressed, "Eleanor, for the tickets for the premiere, I'm going to line up at the gate one day in advance. Do you want to come with me? Mark said he would go too."

"Are you sure? It's so crazy for a movie? The last time we went to the Track Rock Music Festival, it wasn't like this!" Although she said so, the girl named Eleanor was full of joy on her face , "Say, are we going to the premiere, or waiting for Lance at the hotel entrance?"

"You mean, maybe we can enjoy a good night?" Ava's eyes flashed with excitement, and before she could finish her words, the two girls started screaming and jumping up, even if it was just thinking about it, This is enough to make them very excited.

With the Piazza del Popolo in Rome as the center, Milan, Venice, Turin, Florence, and Naples have all entered the party time, and turbulent crowds have taken to the streets, just like the pick-up team at Heathrow Airport, welcoming them in their own way" The crew of Fury Road landed in continental Europe. Not only that, even the major media in Italy joined the party.

The official website of the "Evening Post" reported on the grand occasion at Heathrow Airport for the first time under the headline "Hollywood upstart arrives in Europe and starts a journey to make history"; while the "Republic" showed in the headline that They expressed their strong confidence, "Sword Pointing to Records: 'Fury Road' Comes to Europe"; "News" pays more attention to the controversy caused by the film in North America, "Breaking down barriers of sexism, 'Fury Road' pressure It is a thorny road to walk out, so what about Europe?"

In addition, "Twenty-four Hours Sun", "National News", and "Daily" all carried out related reports immediately. In order to attract attention, "Italian Daily" even sent a team of reporters to London directly to report in real time. The situation on the spot was broadcasted, and within just two hours, the website won more than 900,000 hits—this is incredible for a newspaper with a daily circulation of only 400,000 copies. From this aspect It can be seen that "Fury Road" has attracted much attention in Italy.

This is not only because of "Fury Road", more importantly, this is the first time Lance landed in Europe as an actor, although three years ago, Lance came to Europe to promote "The Day After Tomorrow" , but that was already three years ago, when Lance was just a fledgling rookie director, time flies, and now Lance is no longer what it used to be.

This year's Berlin Film Festival and Cannes Film Festival both invited Lance to attend, but unfortunately, because the filming period of "Fury Road" was too long, after missing Berlin, the slow progress of post-production missed Cannes again, This prevented Lance from landing in the three major international film festivals. Now it seems that Cannes is ruined to the gut - if the premiere of "Fury Road" is held in Cannes, how much attention will this extravaganza bring to the Cannes Film Festival? How many surrounding interests will there be? incalculable.

Now Cannes Film Festival has ended for nearly three months, "Fury Road" is long overdue and finally set foot on European land, people are naturally excited, especially in Reims After the crime trilogy, now that he reappears in front of people, the weight in his heart is completely different-to make up for the regret of Cannes, the French people welcomed it with the highest standard.

"Le Figaro" headlined "The King Comes" and seconded the photos of the boiling crowd at Heathrow Airport, strongly announcing the coming of "Road to Fury"; "Le Monde", "Parisian", and "L'Equipe" Newspapers that have a strong influence within Europe have all set their sights on the upcoming premiere of "Fury Road". Before the grand occasion at Heathrow Airport, they have already started to warm up for the movie. , The heat wave of the summer vacation has crossed the barrier of the Atlantic Ocean, and it is also beating drums in Europe.

More than 3,000 people gathered in the Bastille Square in Paris, of which 600 to 700 people attended in full costumes—not suits and dresses, but the costumes of the sons of war in "Fury Road", dusty, ragged, weather-beaten, and evil Awe-inspiring, this small group of people gathered together and instantly became the focus of attention of the audience. They shouted the same slogan, "Son of War!" The majestic slogans brought unbelievable momentum, and the mighty crowd began to parade around the blocks around the Bastille Square, as if the carnival atmosphere of the National Day a week ago was still in the air, and it was ignited vigorously again! (To be continued.)

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