Movie Master

Chapter 941: Bole reputation

There are many reasons why a play can last forever, but it goes without saying that the script cannot be ignored. The musical script of "Sweeney Todd" is trustworthy, and the excavation of the role of Todd also shows the rich heritage of British drama. For such a work, if you meet an excellent director who can fully guide the performance of the actors and develop the background of the actors, then this is bound to become a blockbuster role that will be recorded in history. If you consider the attributes of the role and the work itself—a semi-biographical , Crazy, murderer, tragic character, incomplete personality, bear the burden of humiliation, extremely miserable, so the impact of the Oscar statuette is twice the result with half the effort.

In the last life, Johnny Depp was nominated for an Oscar winner for "Sweeney Todd", but he hardly had any chance, because that year, Daniel Day-Lewis in "There Will Be Blood" showed absolute dominance , an insane performance, portraying a cold-blooded oil tycoon whose soul has fallen into evil in a horrifying manner. The almost crazy but calm and restrained traits almost swept the entire awards season, and no one can shake his position.

But in Lance's view, the nomination of "Sweeney Todd" is a typical public relations effect, fame outweighs strength, and his performance did not even reach the level of Johnny in "Ed Wood", in that year , Ryan Gosling of "A Blow-Up Doll," Denzel Washington of "American Gangster," Ulrich-Muhe of "The Storm," Ulrich-Muhe of "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" Mathieu-Amalric and others are more worthy of a nomination, especially the latter two non-English actors. Their performances have reached the level of shocking actor, even if they cannot shake Daniel's dominance , but can also be discussed on a horizontal line. It is a pity that if non-English performances want to hit the best actor and actress, strength alone is not enough. The right time, place and people are indispensable.

If "Sweeney Todd" is in the hands of the right director and the right actors, Lance believes that it is not impossible to challenge Daniel in "There Will Be Blood". The difference is that Todd is evil to the point of twisting and falling into madness. The belief in revenge driven by family affection and love has become the executioner who kills family affection and love with his own hands, creating an ancient Greek tragedy; "The character in "Daniel" is called Daniel—he is evil to the cold, morally corrupt, and profit-driven greed and ambition make everything a means, even family affection and faith are no exception. The duel between these two evils should become the most intense battle for the best actor in film history, and it's really hard to say who will win.

However, this is only theoretical, how to actually operate, and who can challenge Daniel Day-Lewis' cold performance that is not crazy and not alive is definitely not as simple as talking on paper.

What's more, Lance's current focus of work should be on "Iron Man" and "Invincible Hulk", and "Sweeney Todd" is no longer within his scope of thinking. But Dieter Koslick and Laurie McDonald weren't the only two hoping to win Lance's favor.

Although the news of "Iron Man" is raging in the North American continent, Chaos Pictures and Lance have never positively admitted the accuracy of the news. Even Marvel Pictures has no official news. Everything is just a rumor. It seems that it is still far away from a certainty; secondly, even if "Iron Man" is finalized, the operation of the film industry is unique-Lance's itinerary for this year has been booked, but there are still next year, the year after, and queen In 2010, Lance was incapable of being a director, as well as producers, screenwriters, and even guest appearances by actors. For those producers or directors at their peak, the projects in their hands It is not uncommon to fill the schedule for the next three or even four years in one go. Lance is at his peak right now.

Therefore, in almost every city, Lance can meet producers or screenwriters who take the initiative to come to the door, and they hope to approach Lance with the projects in their hands. Even if they didn't win Lance's direct favor, they still hope that Chaos Shadow Industry can take over. This is the direct manifestation of Lance's strong appeal now. Quietly, relying on Chaos Films under the name of Lance, it has become the number one choice for countless independent films.

During the promotion, Lance met a French producer, François-Xavier-decraene (-xavier-decraene), in Paris, Berlin and Barcelona. This is a producer who is mainly active in Europe and does not have much influence in North America. He holds the right to adapt a biography and hopes that Chaos Films can invest in the project.

The reason is simple, "I believe in Mr. Strelo's professionalism and ability as a producer." These are the original words of François, with a slightly reserved smile on his face, but Gleaming with unwavering faith.

In addition to Lance's own reputation, Chaos Films released the blacklist for free - this year's Independence Day, the second blacklist was announced on time, which also made Chaos Films win the support and love of independent filmmakers Not only screenwriters are willing to vote their works to Chaos Films, hoping to use this platform to get more attention; even independent producers are also willing to try their luck on Chaos Films.

Looking at the career curve of Lance, he started as a distributor and was responsible for excavating high-quality independent works in Europe; then he turned to directing, and "City of God" became an instant hit; after that, although he dabbled in commercial films, the independent attributes in each film still shine, It reached its peak in "Fury Road". It can be said that Lance's understanding of independent films, small-budget investment, cult works, and personal style has indeed been proved, which also earned him the title of "Bole".

This is why Francois found Lance.

The biography in the hands of François really attracted Lance's attention. This work is "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly". This is a biography written by Jean-Dominique-Bauby, the former editor-in-chief of the French fashion magazine "Elle" and journalist Jean-Dominique-Bauby, who used his left eye after suffering from "locked-in syndrome". Unfortunately, he passed away the day after the book was published. The name "Diving Bell and Butterfly" is a metaphor for Jean's life after illness. Diving symbolizes that his body is heavily imprisoned and cannot be released or free; while the butterfly represents her spiritual world and can fly freely. Travel the world. After the publication of this book in 1997, it caused a sensation throughout France.

The so-called locked-in syndrome means that in his body, which is unable to move his body, speak, or breathe on his own, and has almost completely lost motor skills, only one eye can move. This eye is the link between his waking consciousness and the world. The only connection tool, blink once for yes and twice for no. It is with this eye that Jean selects the letters on the letter board to form a word, a sentence, or even a whole page of text, and completes this biography.

"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" is undoubtedly an excellent work, but it is not easy to shoot successfully. The most important thing is who will play Jean? Jean on the hospital bed, he has only one eye that can convey emotions, which puts forward almost strict requirements on the performance; while Jean in the memory must present the delicate changes of emotion with a restrained and rich performance, the heavy burden on the actor Not to be underestimated, especially given that French has to be used and the options are even narrower. Javier Bardem gave an Oscar-level performance in "The Deep Sea Sleep" of a similar genre, but the performance of "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" was more difficult than "The Deep Sea Sleep".

This is also the reason why Francois has been unable to find an investor in France-"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" seems to be the kind of work that "stays on paper better than putting it on the big screen". Although Chaos Films is an American company, it is obvious that Lance's reputation is enough for Francois to make a bold attempt.

In the last life, "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" was finally taken over by the American director Julian Schnabel. An almost raving prose style, the calm romance has a deadly French taste. It can be said that Julian has completed a successful job.

Lance accepted François' business card and the original work of "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly", and at the same time told James Corden about the work that night.

Chaos Films needs to develop its own production and distribution in an orderly Chaos Films is responsible for releasing the blacklist, in fact, Chaos Films has very little advantage, and they still have to compete fairly with others compete. Therefore, of course, Lance would not miss out on such masterpieces as "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" that were delivered to the door.

For "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly," he won't be directing, he won't be writing the script, and he won't even be producing if he can, leaving it to Chaos Pictures to run the show. Only in this way will Chaos Pictures get rid of the predicament of DreamWorks in the future-if Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen do not personally participate in the battle, the quality of their works will be difficult to achieve. Guaranteed.

As Lance expected, the cost of one work after another, under the complete victory of "Fury Road", has exploded with huge energy. Now Chaos Films is really on the right track, entering the independent stage of operation. This is crucial for the next work of developing the Marvel universe-after all, Lance has so many skills that it is impossible to do everything in one hand.

Lance led the crew to promote in Europe, and at the same time opened up more possibilities for the future development of Chaos Films. Whether in mainland China or overseas markets, the box office dominance shown by movies is desperately strong, historical records are disappearing one by one, and The Undertaker is heading towards a field that no one has explored! (To be continued.)

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