Movie Master

Chapter 944: film history champion

For the uninitiated, it's just a vague idea of ​​just how serious the constraints of an R-rated movie are, and "recommended for 17+" doesn't seem that bad, it's just that some kids can't watch it, but in fact, the movie The most important part of the market is the family, but when the children can’t watch it, it often affects the parents’ unwillingness to watch it—leaving the children at home alone or entrusting them to family and friends, and then the parents go to the cinema to watch it alone, which is really too troublesome. Even if they can, they will choose some romantic movies or comedy movies; this is only part of the R-rated restraint, another focus is on overseas markets, many countries are reluctant to import R-rated movies, especially those that do not have a movie rating system A country or a religiously conservative country or region.

The number of overseas countries where "Titanic" is released is 66, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is 61, and "Avatar" is 74. But for the R-rated movie "Fury Road," the set of numbers is forty-seven. In contrast, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" has 53, and "Passion of the Christ" has benefited from the controversy of religious themes, and the number of release regions is 63.

To put it simply, the difference in the base determines the difficulty for R-rated movies to achieve success in overseas markets.

It is precisely because of this that the overseas box office performance of "Fury Road" is becoming more and more unbelievable. The disadvantage of quantity can only be compensated by quality. This is the best expression of "Fury Road" overseas box office.

In the British market, "Fury Road" easily made history, with a total box office of 123 million US dollars, not only becoming the third work in British history to break 100 million, but also surpassing "Titanic With a score of 114 million, it was officially crowned the box office champion of British film history.

In the German market, "Fury Road" also reached a new high, with a cumulative box office of 105 million US dollars. Although it failed to break the record of "Titanic", it still became the second German film history to break 100 million at the box office. works, ranking second in film history.

Not only that, "Fury Road" has achieved exceptional box office data in France, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain, South Korea and other countries and regions. It seems that every market is moving towards the "Titanic" movie history. The record is close, or "Lord of the Rings 3". In the current film history, a total of four works have broken through one billion US dollars in global box office. "Titanic" has achieved 2.1 billion. Prewar 1" followed closely behind. Judging from the box office curve of "Fury Road", it seems that it has become the fifth work in film history to break the global box office of one billion. The only suspense is: Where is the limit of this R-rated movie?

The United Kingdom and Germany became the only two overseas markets of "Furious Road" that exceeded 100 million. In addition, France's 53 million, Italy's 67 million, Spain's 33 million, Brazil's 32 million, Mexico's 37 million... These results are eye-catching. Globally, there are as many as 14 films with a box office exceeding 10 million. The outstanding performance is exciting. Although it can't compare with the "Titanic" that swept thousands of troops-it is estimated that "Fury Road" has a score of 1.5 billion in overseas markets, but compared with "Lord of the Rings 3" with an overseas box office of 740 million However, "Fury Road" did not show any weakness, and the momentum of triumphant progress has fully bloomed in various markets around the world, as if the power of this movie can be felt in every corner.

The biggest surprise is not mainland China - after all, the box office potential of this area has not been really tapped, 2006 is not 2011, but Japan. As the world's second largest film market—Japan and the United Kingdom have been competing for this title. In 2006, Japan's box office potential will determine the film's overseas box office limit. The Japanese box office of "Lord of the Rings 3" is 9,400. million dollars, while the Japanese box office of "Titanic" was two hundred million dollars.

Originally, professionals thought that the metal rock style of "Fury Road" and the full color close to comics would win the love of Japanese audiences, but the ending was surprising. The final box office of "Fury Road" in Japan It's only 29 million—Japan is the only region in the global box office market where "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" beats "Fury Road". Captain Jack Sparrow made 8,400 in this area. 10,000,000, but "Fury Road" was only 29 million. It didn't even win the box office championship for a week, and it was suppressed. The performance is still worthy of recognition, but compared to the film's sweeping performance in other markets, the treatment of "Fury Road" in Japan is indeed shabby.

Later, some people analyzed that the controversy of "Fury Road" has become a magic weapon to boost the box office in Western countries, but it is difficult to break through the blockade in Asia. Under the strong influence of Confucianism, the road to eliminating discrimination in Asia is still full of thorns . Not only in Japan, the box office of "Fury Road" in South Korea is also quite satisfactory. The score of 19 million is not bad, but it is not excellent either.

However, on the whole, the history-making pace of "Fury Road" has not stopped. Small markets such as Argentina, Colombia, Denmark, Norway, Venezuela, and New Zealand have achieved excellent box office of more than 7 million, which makes people deeply moved. Feeling the turbulent waves caused by this film in the world, including India, Indonesia, Singapore, China/Hong Kong/Hong Kong, China/Taiwan/Taiwan, Egypt, South Africa and other regions have also handed in good answers.

679 million. In the end, "Fury Road" earned a total box office of 679 million US dollars in 47 countries and regions overseas!

This result, in terms of horizontal comparison, the overseas box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is 640 million. Even with the strong charm of Captain Jack Sparrow, the sequel bonus, and the superior number of regions, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" overseas box office still lost to "Fury Road". In terms of distribution in overseas markets, Disney easily crushed Chaos Pictures, but in the end they still lost another city.

It is worth mentioning that the North American box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" eventually passed the 400 million threshold and settled at 403 million. This also makes "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" the eighth work in film history with 400 million in North America, and also the fifth work in film history with 1 billion worldwide. However, the glory of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is still eclipsed in front of "Fury Road".

In terms of horizontal comparison, the overseas box office of "Lord of the Rings 3" is 742 million, and "Titanic" is 1.528 billion. "Jurassic Park" has a score of 626 million, ranking third in the overseas box office list of film history.

Although it has not been able to set a new record of overseas box office like North America, "Fury Road" has written its own history, especially the overseas box office once again surpassed the North American data, which once again proved that Lance, as a director, He has already established his own status in the arena on a global scale, and has truly become a hall-level figure.

As a result, the global box office of "Fury Road" finally reached 1.292 billion. This is not only Lance's fourth North American 200 million-level work, but also really pushes Lance's career to the top. It is the sixth film in the history of the film—after "Pirates of the Caribbean 2"—that surpassed one billion worldwide. What's even more commendable is that, with its crazy performance in the North American market, "Fury Road" surpassed "The Lord of the Rings 3" is on the top of the global box office history list, ranking second, just behind James Cameron's end-of-the-century box office bomb "Titanic".

After going through the crazy bombing of the entire summer file, the sea has changed. North American film history box office list, the top three are "Fury Road", "Titanic", and "Star Wars"; the top three overseas film history box office list are "Titanic", "Lord of the Rings" 3", "Fury Road"; the comprehensive global box office champion, runner-up and third place have been updated, "Titanic", "Fury Road", "Lord of the Rings 3".

No. 1 in North America, No. 3 overseas, and No. 2 globally, the box office results of "Fury Road" are perfect, setting an almost insurmountable peak!

If you want to count the records created by "Fury Road", UU Reading www. is enough to fill two large sheets of paper, covering five continents from North America to Africa; from the opening weekend to the cumulative speed of the box office, explosive power and durability are fully dominant; from topicality to attention, the publicity strategy has become A cross-age symbol... But the real magic of the film lies in the unimaginable cult style and the ground-breaking breakthrough of discrimination. There is no doubt that "Fury Road" will become a unique and beautiful landscape in the long river of movies, which has nothing to do with records. related to the times.

What's even more unbelievable is that the investment of 150 million has resulted in a global box office of 1.29 billion. With this work alone, Chaos Pictures has become one of the top six in Hollywood—although Chaos is currently The foundation of the film industry is still too shallow, but no one can deny that this independent film company has demonstrated stronger competitiveness than DreamWorks. Not only can every work be profitable, but every work is Explosive profits can be achieved, as is the case with every previous work, and "Fury Road" - although there is no detailed statistics - preliminary estimates will bring more than 500 million profits to Chaos Pictures.

500 million? Earn $500 million for one work? This was simply too shocking, and immediately attracted exclamations from all the media in North America:

The seventh biggest player in Hollywood is officially on the rise! (To be continued.)

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