Movie Master

Chapter 946: Triumphant return

The high temperature in midsummer seems to have gradually subsided. The heat wave is grabbing the tail of August and tossing up and down amidst the waves. The young people in Los Angeles are still hugging their surfboards with laughter and rushing to Venice Beach to enjoy themselves before school starts. last weekend.

Albert Allen looked at the frolicking figures on the street, with wanton smiles blooming in the bright sunshine in the afternoon, and couldn't help sighing, "Youth is indeed the most beautiful."

Percy Bradley, who was sitting across from him, glanced at Albert and complained coldly, "That's indeed a little far away from you."

"It's not as close as you think." Albert rolled his eyes, and fought back directly, "Especially after returning from Europe, you look much older."

"So, you're envious?" Percy replied lukewarmly, and Albert almost jumped up on the case.

The crew of "Fury Road" has just officially ended the promotional period and the movie's mighty history-making journey. When the crew arrived at the Los Angeles Airport, they were almost overwhelmed by the frenzy of reporters. As for Lance, he had to go through the VIP passage to escape. However, Albert did not follow the crew to Europe for publicity.

"Hey, you are...Percy? Right?" While talking, a girl stepped forward, her face full of excitement, "I saw you on the news, you are Lance's assistant, right? ?” With the fervent promotion of the crew, everyone’s exposure rate has risen in a straight line, and Percy has been in the newspapers frequently, and his popularity has risen with the tide.

Albert immediately noticed Percy's slightly furrowed brows, and suppressed a smile so that he didn't laugh directly.

For others, it is a happy event to be recognized by strangers—especially strange beauties. In a vanity fair like Hollywood, recognition means everything; but for Percy, he doesn't like strangers very much. Not only because Percy is not used to dealing with strangers, but also because Percy knows that these so-called "famous names" are full of exchange of interests and greed of desire .

Percy showed off to Albert just now, and was immediately slapped in the face, so Albert couldn't help but laugh.

Percy exuded a cool aura of "no one should enter" all over his body, but he still couldn't stop the girl in front of him. This girl looks to be around twenty years old, with long blond hair casually draped over her shoulders, and the combination of vest and heating pants shows the advantages of slender legs. Although the curve of her chest is not impressive, her fair skin glows under the sun Charming luster, youthful vigor rushes to the face.

"Beth-Behrs (Beth-Behrs), you can call me Beth." The girl was not frustrated, she showed a bright smile, and introduced herself, "That's my friends, we are here tonight There is a party on Third Street, and you are welcome to come and join us." Beth's enthusiastic attitude made Albert a little embarrassed, but Percy still had a zombie face, indifferent, and Albert sat beside him, avoiding embarrassment. She opened her eyes, but Beth didn't seem to notice, and turned to look at Albert, "Of course, if your friends are also interested, we welcome them with open arms."

Such a tone, as if Albert was just an insignificant amateur.

Percy was entertained by this sentence, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and the smile in his eyes burst into a smile; Albert gritted his teeth, picked up the coffee on the table depressedly, and took a big gulp.

Beth didn't know what mistake she made, but she just turned her head to look at Percy, and said positively, "I hope you will definitely come, I'll wait for you!" Then, she left with her friends, After walking a few steps, she still turned her head and shouted, "Beth, my name is Beth! See you tonight!"

At this time, Beth was just an ordinary girl in Hollywood, with the dream of being an actress, struggling to find her own opportunities. She didn't even get any auditions, not to mention the American TV series "broke sisters" that would make her famous in the future, so she had to grab every opportunity, even if it was just a little bit.

Albert put down the coffee cup, looked at the almost uncontrollable smile on the corner of Percy's mouth, curled his lips speechlessly, "You can tell her that we have a more grand party tonight, if I'm not mistaken, You still have the last invitation letter in your hand."

Percy shot back without hesitation, "Don't act like your invitation letter has already been sent out."

Unexpectedly, Albert raised his left hand and made a "wait a moment" gesture, and then quickly walked towards a group of hot bikini girls not far away, holding ocean balls, bath towels and small ice buckets in their hands , obviously preparing to go on a beach vacation, Albert walked up to them, and after only a few words, you could see that the girls were all laughing, and the atmosphere was very lively. He took out several invitation letters from his pocket and handed them to them.

The whole process took less than two minutes, Albert turned around and walked back, spread his hands, shrugged, "All my invitations have indeed been sent out." Percy's rebuttals were all blocked in his chest, really I am aggrieved. Seeing Percy's depressed expression, Albert couldn't help laughing out loud.

Tonight, Lance hosted a party in his own name, in the name of moving to a new house—he bought a villa in Malibu and officially moved in after returning from Europe, but in the eyes of others, it was The celebration banquet of "Road of Fury", because all the employees of Chaos Shadow Industry received the invitation.

Although it was a private party, Lance did not strictly limit the number of participants. Instead, he made 400 invitations, 300 of which were sent to the employees of Chaos Films and the crew members of "Fury Road". They were allowed to invite anyone to attend, ranging from five to ten; the remaining one hundred invitations were not idle either, Dorothy and Cole shared fifty, and Lance gave Theo , Ian and Gao Wen each had ten invitation letters, and he only left twenty.

It can be said that this party is bound to be very lively, and everything is carnival-based. It is really the last party in midsummer.

However, in the eyes of Hollywood people, this party is definitely not that simple. It is not only a celebration party for the triumphant return of the "Fury Road" crew, but also a celebration party for Lance after breaking through the blockade of Warner Bros., Sony Pictures, and Disney. It is also the stage where Chaos Films strongly declares to be the seventh player. Even if Lance didn't make a special trip to invite industry leaders and top stars, everyone will find ways to enter this party, no matter what the purpose is.

Both Percy and Albert also received ten invitation letters, but they have their own considerations. On the one hand, they have been busy with work in the past few years, and they hardly have much time to meet new friends. It seems that friends are all over the world, but there are only a handful of people who can really be called friends; on the other hand, they all know the value of the invitation letter in their hands, and if they invite some people, they will inevitably offend others, and this invitation Letters are like proudly blooming flowers, bees, waves and butterflies flock to them, which is really annoying. The exchange of interests is all exchange of interests. Therefore, the invitation letters in the hands of both of them were not fully sent out.

Unexpectedly, Albert gave it directly to the bikini girls in such a big way.

Percy looked at the triumphant Albert, and retorted speechlessly, "In this case, why didn't you just give her the invitation letter just now?" Beth, here refers to Beth.

Albert spread his hands up, with a helpless rogue expression, "It's not my attention she needs, but Mr. Percy Bradley, Lance's assistant, right?"

The corners of Percy's mouth were twitching slightly, but he suppressed his anger, and continued, "If she knew that you were Lance's queen director, the scene should be very lively." Percy was only Lance's assistant, and he had no real power At most, it’s just matchmaking and introduction to Lance; but Albert has real power in the crew, not only the jobs in various links, but also performance opportunities such as extras. Albert has a direct say .

Such a counterattack made Albert choke and couldn't speak. He could only stare at Percy viciously—obviously, Albert didn't like to be the center of attention, especially now that those people were like hungry wolves, Treating him like a piece of fresh meat is really uncomfortable.

"Hey, Percy!" From a distance, a shout came from across the and Albert turned their heads at the same time, and then saw Robert Downey Jr., enthusiastically Waving hello with eloquence, Albert didn't quite understand—Robert is not an unknown person, although he is now in a career trough for nearly ten years, but he doesn't need to be so enthusiastic about Percy, if it is Cole , understandable, but Percy?

Albert turned his head, and then saw Percy frowning again. At this moment, the waiter in the coffee shop came over and asked politely, "Sir, do you need a refill for your coffee?"

Albert nodded and pointed to his coffee cup, but Percy hesitated for a moment, then picked up the last invitation letter on the table, put it on the waiter's tray, and squeezed out a smile, "Tip." After finishing speaking, he stood up and left directly.

"Percy!" Albert was dumbfounded, but Percy ignored him at all and walked away. Then, Albert saw Robert waving to him, greeted him with a smile, and then walked quickly After catching up with Percy, the two disappeared into the crowd.

Albert stared at the backs of the two of them for a moment, then looked back with a smile, then saw the waiter who was still astonished, and shrugged, "Today should be your lucky day." ( To be continued.)

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