Movie Master

Chapter 948: dog-tooth

"Tom, you're crazy!" Although Wade still had a smile on his face, he waved his hands in the direction of Albert and Gawain as a friendly greeting, but the voice squeezed out of his teeth was full of anger.

Lance was standing next to him, but he pretended not to hear, and looked away with a smile.

Tom Cruise looked very calm, and pressed his hands down, "Calm down, Wade, calm down, I'm not in a hurry, why are you so excited?"

Wade still gritted his teeth, and squeezed out the words word by word, "That's because you don't know what you're doing!" Wade turned his head to look at Lance, with a smile on his face, his eyes showing Asking for help, "Lance, say something."

"Wade." Tom really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and exchanged glances with Lance, "Lance already understood what he meant, what else do you want him to say? If you want to play, then you must cooperate with this publicity plan. Youwang (myspace), and that..."

"Facebook." Receiving Tom's help-seeking gaze, Lance added that it is only 2006, social networks are far from rising, and Twitter (twitter) has only just been established, and even the prototype has not yet been perfected, so they The options are very limited. But this will still not affect the establishment strategy of the Marvel universe. Based on the Internet, getting closer to the masses, increasing interaction, putting down airs, and breaking the mystery will still be the mainstream trend of publicity in the next ten years.

"Facebook." Tom nodded, smiled, and said, "What's the name?" Then he said, "I have to change all the previous images, learn to be funny, learn to laugh at myself, and let go of the burden. This is A deal. Play in or get out."

"But there is still room for manoeuvre, right?" Wade turned his head to look at Lance, casting a look of proof.

Lance raised his eyebrows, "Wade, you know I don't like to compromise." A retaliation made Wade choke. The same sentence has undergone earth-shaking changes in just six months, and now in the entire Hollywood, I am afraid that no one dares to directly refute this sentence of Lance.

As Tom said, cooperate or quit. Lance didn't care at all, what he cared about was them, even the creative artist management company had to bow its head.

"Wade, I told you, this guy is a complete bastard." Tom said with a smile, his mood seemed very relaxed.

Wade looked at Tom and Lance, feeling powerless, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was more helpless and bitter, "But, this is Lance's work. You know, no one wants to miss Lance's work, **** Christ, Terrence Cox is willing to kneel down and lick Lance's shoes if he can be in Lance's work!"

"Oh, Wade, you made me blush." ​​Lance's teasing made Wade very speechless, looking at Lance's smiling eyes, he couldn't help shaking his head, "Tom is right, you are indeed A jerk."

The topic they were chatting about was "Iron Man". After careful consideration, Tom decided to give up Tony Stark's chance to play. After all, Tom's image project took twenty years to build, and any changes must be made with caution.

In fact, Lance knows the future development trend. Mysticism and perfect image are no longer popular. With the strong rise of social networks and smart phones, Hollywood stars have gradually stepped down from the altar and have truly become a part of people's lives. , They can also cry and laugh, they also have ordinary people's troubles and their own shortcomings. Even Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks, who have been in the film industry for decades, have to let go of their airs and blend in with the crowd.

But Lance also knows that change is a labor pain, which is easier said than done. Acting in "Murder with a Borrowed Knife" is already a huge challenge. Tom needs time to repair his image. If he plays "Iron Man" now, the "style" that Tom has always valued will no longer exist. Therefore, Lance did not advise too much.

However, for Wade, giving up "Iron Man" is really a heartache.

In the eyes of people in the Hollywood industry, now Lance is a magician with the ability to turn stones into gold, and cooperating with Lance means that he will never fail. The news of "Iron Man" continues to flow, and Lance is still promoting "Fury Road" in Europe. At that time, Hollywood was already under the tide, and the top agents of the five major brokerage companies all set their sights on this work—more precisely, on Lance. . The box office and word-of-mouth of "Mission: Impossible 3" this year are not satisfactory. J-J-Abrams still seems to be out of breath, and last year's "War of the Worlds" is far from meeting expectations. If Tom can star in "Steel "Hero"...

"It is rumored that you will not be the director, is this true?" Wade was still unwilling to give up, trying to find another reason to convince himself: he did not give up a great opportunity.

"What's the difference?" Lance's response made Wade choke.

Shaking his head with a smile, Wade still replied, "There is a big difference. The producer is not the director after all." There are still a lot of rumors leaked in the industry. What is certain is that the script of "Iron Man" was written by Lance.

"Everyone has his own judgment, doesn't he?" Lance's answer is really intriguing.

If Lance only wrote the "Iron Man" script, how much would the project be worth? If Lance only served as the producer of "Iron Man", how much appeal would this project have? People want to believe in Lance's talent, but to what extent? This is indeed worth thinking about.

Wade also heard the deep meaning in the words, a trace of embarrassment slipped through his heart, but it was fleeting, and he immediately realized that Lance had been hiding behind the scenes, maybe he was observing the movements of various forces. That's the case, does this mean that Chaos Films' blueprint for future plans is not just "Iron Man"? Thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and Wade didn't have time to go any further, so he said to Lance, "Does this mean that you have time to think about 'Mission: Impossible 4'?" It seemed that Lance had noticed that Inclination to answer, Wade added, "At least you can think about it."

Although "Mission: Impossible 3" was only released this summer, Paramount has no plans to talk about a sequel at all. What's more, the film's final box office performance is unsatisfactory, with 130 million in North America and 260 million overseas. After calculating the global box office, this work with an investment of 150 million yuan may have a loss of about 10 million yuan. However, thanks to the accumulation of series works and Tom's appeal, peripherals such as video tape rental and TV station on demand can be used This loss is wiped out. Even so, Paramount will need time to consider if it restarts the sequel.

However, it is another matter for Tom. He naturally hopes that this series can continue and become his brand. Now Tom is the producer of the series and has the power of life and death for the entire work. Wu/Yu/Senhe in the second part and j-j-Abrams in the third part are all directors handpicked by Tom-the reason is simple, Tom must be the biggest name in the entire crew, and he doesn't want other directors or Other actors come to share the profits, and at the same time, he doesn't want other bright spots to take away his own light. He must have control over the entire crew, so Tom always prefers those who are not so famous. Well, Tom doesn't mind putting the guide barrel of the "Mission Impossible" series in the hands of newcomers.

The reason for choosing Lance is very simple. He is quality assurance. With the box office performance of the second and third parts of "Mission: Impossible" gradually declining, maybe Lance can save this series. Once again, Tom can choose the director according to his own ideas.

Although Lance has limited understanding of Tom's ideas and Wade's abacus, he is no longer a small character who needs to rely on other people's lights. He can choose works according to his own ideas. "Mission: Impossible 4" is obviously not within his choice within a short period of time, "I can consider it because of Tom's friendship. But you know, the result will not change much."

Tom couldn't help laughing, and patted Lance's arm, "You'd better pray that I don't find your Achilles heel."

Unexpectedly, Lance stomped his feet, "Hey, my ankle should still be where it Such a response made Tom and Wade have three black lines on their foreheads, but they couldn't help laughing.

"So, have you chosen the actor for 'Iron Man' in your mind?" Wade brought the topic back again, but his tone changed slightly from before, "If not for the time being, I think Ben-Ah Fleck was a good choice."

"Are you serious?" Lance complained without a moment's pause.

Wade raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender, "At least I tried." It can be seen that this should be a mandatory requirement within the creative artist management company. From an objective point of view, Ben is indeed a superhero. Appearance characteristics, and for superheroes, facial paralysis has no effect, but unfortunately, after offending Lance, this road should be blocked, "speaking of business, James-Franco (james-), What do you think? Also, we have a new face, Ryan-Reynolds, who are all coming to the party tonight, and if you want, you can meet them face to face."

This is the real reason why Wade and Tom came to visit early. In the competition for "Iron Man", the Creative Artists Agency has already taken the lead by half a body. . (To be continued.)

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