Movie Master

Chapter 964: policy change

I have to admit that Barry showed his great courage, handing over a billion dollars to Lance with a wave of his hand, and he also has full control of the first stage of the DC universe.

This condition is shocking at any time, even ten years later, not to mention it is now 2006, when Hollywood is still hesitant about adapting comics to movies, Warner Bros. is even more decisive and bold. It's amazing.

But Lance knew that things were not that simple. Even if it holds the power of the producer and the final editing rights, it is impossible for a big company like Warner Bros. to let it go. After all, this is an investment of one billion yuan, and the related interests may far exceed ten billion yuan. No one can take it lightly.

"Fantastic Four 2015" is the most classic case. Irreconcilable conflicts broke out between Twentieth Century Fox and director Josh-Trank, and they were even directly posted on social media. Both sides blamed each other , Shirking responsibility is really embarrassing, it can be called a disaster. In fact, the root cause is the struggle for control. Film companies hope that the film will be more commercialized and more profitable, but they can't help but intervene in the production process and post-editing. As a result, the finished product deviates from the director's idea, and may even be completely different.

This is not a single case, but a common situation. As far back as the "Godfather" series, "Jaws", "Raiders of the Lost Ark" series and other works, film companies have continued to intervene in the production process and dictate; in the future to "Batman vs. Superman: In Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad, Iron Man 3 and other works, the semi-professionals standing behind insist on stepping into the professional field and giving opinions, which is unavoidable.

Of course, Lance is not what it used to be. Given his charisma and professional strength, Warner Bros. will definitely not confront him head-on. After all, Lance has remained undefeated since he became a director, and Warner Bros. is naturally more willing to trust him. , but when it comes to a big project like the DC universe, communication, communication, contradictions, conflicts, and compromises are all inevitable. Regardless of what Barry is saying now, no one can predict in advance what will happen in practice.

More importantly, Lance's mind is very clear: Warner Bros. still regards him as a producer, not a collaborator of Chaos Films.

Barry can't be blamed for that. Imagine that if the DC universe can be successful, the profit may be calculated in tens of billions—just like the "Harry Potter" series, then Warner Bros. will take the initiative to cede the benefits to Chaos just because Lance is alone Film industry? Warner Bros. is not a charity.

However, Barry also knew that one of the important reasons why they broke up last time was the cooperation between the companies. Therefore, his talk today left room for discussion, "What kind of team will be used for production", in fact, this left the possibility for cooperation between the two parties. Although there was no promise made in one breath, the subtext is that as long as Lance nods, they can sit down and discuss slowly. The division of interests has never been so simple.

But for Lance, things are much simpler. The cooperation between "Iron Man" and "The Incredible Hulk" is on the right track, and Chaos Pictures has firmly grasped the initiative—except that the creative committee is still trying to hinder the creation of the script, but the cooperation between the two parties is currently very smooth. This not only means that Lance has decision-making power and control, but also means that Chaos Films has entered the next stage of development.

After going through a lot of hardships, Lance led Chaos Films to where it is today. He has become a chess player, and naturally he will not return to the position of a chess piece. Therefore, the cooperation proposal of the DC universe does not seem to be very attractive.

Barry has very limited knowledge of the cooperation between Chaos Films and Marvel Films, so he naturally doesn't know how it works. Warner Bros. is already at the forefront among the six major Hollywood film companies, but with three generations of experience Lance, however, had already trotted all the way ahead of Warner Brothers.

Judging from Barry's proposal today, Lance and Universal Pictures have always kept the "Invincible Hulk" move secret, and they have initially achieved results. I'm afraid that even Universal Pictures themselves don't know that they are becoming Lance's pawns - they have just been promoted to become a chess player, and Lance will make dangerous moves. This decision, whether it is Lang or Barry, is still underestimated. Lance.

After saying his proposal, Barry did not wait for Lance's reply, but raised his legs with a smile, "However, you show that you are not in a hurry to make a decision. We can sit down and discuss the specific situation slowly. After all, This project needs at least five years of layout, things are not that simple, are they?"

Lance suddenly realized this. He now proposed the concepts of Marvel Universe and DC Universe, which changed the course of history. This also means that the threat of DC Universe in the future will increase linearly. In the last life, there were many reasons why the DC universe lagged behind the Marvel universe. One of them was that Warner Bros. made a mistake in judgment and missed the best time to create a blueprint for the universe. After 2013, the Marvel universe has matured, and Warner Bros. At that time, he planned to catch up and catch up, but the layout was inevitably rushed.

A comparison makes it very clear. The Marvel Universe has successively launched "Iron Man", "The Incredible Hulk", "Thor" and "Captain America". A single movie will introduce characters one by one, and then there will be "Avengers". Alliance”; but after the DC universe has been brewing through the Christopher Nolan version of the “Batman Prequel” series, there is only one “Superman: Man of Steel”, and it can’t wait to put “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”, “Suicide” Squad" and "Justice League" launched.

In other words, the audience doesn't know these people yet, and the hodgepodge has already appeared on the stage before the superheroes are familiar with each other. This is indeed more difficult for audiences who are not comic fans.

But now, Warner Bros. has insight into the veins of building the framework of the universe. Even if it's not Lance, they will inevitably find other ways to build the DC universe next. This also means that the competition between the DC universe and the Marvel universe will be more intense and closer than in the previous life.

This idea flashed by, but Lance did not lose his footing. He was never afraid of facing competition. When encountering a narrow road, the brave wins. The road to the rise of Chaos Films is full of thorns, but they always fight their way out. If it's time to fight for quality, Lance has absolute confidence; what's more, he still takes the initiative now, doesn't he?

"In fact, regarding the DC universe, there have been heated discussions within the company recently. We need more professional opinions to guide us. If you are willing to join our discussion, that would be great." Lance said briefly During the thinking time, Barry went on to say, "However, compared to these distant things, I still have a work on hand that is more urgent. Katherine Kennedy found me not long ago and mentioned a Scott Fay -Fitzerald's work, she wants to put it on the big screen, and Catherine and I have always thought that you are the best choice for this work."

Scott Fitzgerald, one of the most outstanding American writers in the twentieth century, "The Great Gatsby" established his position in the history of literature.

"Oh? 'The Great Gatsby'?" This was almost everyone's first impression of Scott, and Lance was no exception. Historically, this novel has been adapted five times, and the most familiar to modern audiences is naturally the 2013 version starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Ha, no, no." Barry chuckled lightly, "Catherine wants to adapt a short story by Scott, written in 1922, but I don't know if you have time to adapt the script." Barry After adjusting his sitting posture, he continued, "Of course, we have enough patience to wait for your schedule. To be honest, apart from you, we can't think of anyone else who can bring this work to the big screen." Suddenly, Barry seemed to think of an interesting incident, and couldn't help but chuckled, "You know what? Catherine thinks it's really suitable for you to play the leading role in this work, not only because of your charm, Also because of your performance."

The corner of Lance's mouth twitched really brought too many fresh highlights today, it can be seen that Barry has changed his strategy, he is not only looking for long-term cooperation with the DC universe , and at the same time extended an olive branch to Lance to resolve the conflict—whether this work can reach a cooperation is not important, and it is naturally the best to be able to cooperate, but compared to the DC universe, the cooperation of any work is insignificant However, the real meaning of Barry's mention of this work is to express his desire for reconciliation, affirming Lance's ability in screenwriting, directing and acting, and truly recognizing Lance's status.

It can be guessed that this is probably the attitude of Warner Bros. after the rise of Chaos Pictures - the appearance of the "seventh player" will inevitably bring about a reshuffle of Hollywood forces, and the attitude of the six major film companies is also very important. Judging from the present , Twentieth Century Fox and Sony Pictures should be self-sacrificing, while Universal Pictures and Paramount have shown an attitude of active cooperation. Warner Bros. and Disney are the most noteworthy. Tonight, with Disney's Robert Iger absent, Barry sat in front of Lance and offered an olive branch.

"It seems that the recognition brought by an Oscar statuette is far greater than I imagined." Barry understood Lance's ridicule immediately, and couldn't help but chuckled—Lance was nominated for the best director for three consecutive years, However, he still returned empty-handed. Nominated for Best Supporting Actor for two consecutive years, he won a statuette. Now, more and more people are beginning to recognize Lance’s acting skills. There are also endless invitations from actors, "So, Which Scott's work is it?"

"I haven't read that article yet, if you're interested, you can read it yourself, it seems to be called..." Barry thought about it seriously, "Uh, 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', yes, that's the name .”

It's "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"!

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