After Lin peiya and Dong Wan left, Bai Ling received a transfer on her mobile phone. Gu Chenhao transferred all the money earned from the Li family to Bai Ling's account. She transferred Gu Chenhao back 5 billion.

After receiving the money, Bai Ling was in a good mood. She took a bottle of beer and drank it heroically.

Fu Chen, who was dealing with things on the computer, glanced at her and silently took back his eyes.

It's just that this girl hasn't drunk for a long time. It's rare for her to be happy. Don't spoil the fun.

At this time, Bai Ling's phone rang. It was Lu Jingyu who called.

"No money, transfer!" A very reasonable tone.

"How much?" Bai Ling was not annoyed. What Lu Jingyu did was a study of burning money.

"Call 30 billion first? It should last for a month and a half. " Lu Jingyu was busy in his hands. He stared at half of his research and frowned tightly.

He has done countless weapons research, and only this kind is the most brain - and money-consuming.

So far, he has filled in 200 billion, and there is no progress at all. Just now, he suddenly found a new research site, but he still has to spend a lot of money.

"OK." Bai Ling didn't talk nonsense. She took out another mobile phone and transferred it to him for 30 billion.

After transferring the account, she asked, "where is it?"

"Step n, first step."

Bai Ling, "..."

She suddenly felt that the wine in her hand was not fragrant.

All she put in was hard-earned money.

Lu Jingyu felt the change of her mood and flattered her, "but there is a breakthrough."

I'm the gold Lord. I have to coax her well, or I won't give you money.

Bai Ling's face was much better, "hold on."

Within a minute of hanging up Lu Jingyu's phone, the mobile phone rang again.

It's Joson this time.

"Miss Bai, our people occupy less than half of the underground world in the capital. There are a lot of casualties. Some industries need to be restored. Our brothers need to heal and buy some weapons... There is no money in the account you gave us."

Bai Ling pinched her eyebrows. "How much do you want?"

"Turn 25 billion first?" Joson said.

Bai Ling, "..."

that 's ok!

The money she just got was gone before it was hot.

"You know, the underground world costs a lot." Joson explained, "I've tried to save."

If it were the underground world in other provinces, the daily income would be comparable to that of a formal enterprise, but Bai Ling was in charge of the underground world

It is a peaceful world and a protection network for ordinary people. It not only can't earn money, but also burns money very much.

"Don't save. Do what you should do. I'll find a way to save money." Bai Ling transferred the money as she spoke, but found that the balance was only 20 billion.

She has some clothes!

In the twinkling of an eye, he became a poor man again.

So she sent Gu Chenhao a message, "give me the 5 billion you just transferred."

Gu Chenhao, who received her text message, "..."

He has no intention of asking for the money.

But Miss Bai told him to go back again. What's the operation?

"Is five billion enough? Would you like to turn more? " Now Bai Ling is Gu Chenhao's master. She has to be filial.

Bai Ling was a little silent for a moment, "then you can turn 1000 yuan more."

A thousand?

Gu Chenhao was stunned. "Is that enough?"

"Enough." A very concise word.

Gu Chenhao was silent for a moment. "Can you ask me, master, you just made 50 billion yuan. Why do you use 100 yuan of pocket money?"

Why can't a big man with so much money have only a thousand pocket money?

"Well ~ just a minute ago, my account balance was zero." Very helpless tone.

Gu Chenhao, "..."

I earn a lot of money and spend a lot of money!

Thinking of this, Gu Chenhao resolutely transferred 100000 to Bai Ling.

He wants to transfer more, but his deposit is only so much.

He suddenly felt that he had been too poor these years.

After receiving Gu Chenhao's transfer, Bai Ling transferred the money to Joson.

After hanging up Joson's phone, Bai Ling leaned on the sofa and her good mood disappeared immediately.

When Bai Ling called, Fu Chen heard the content on the phone. Seeing that Bai Ling was in a bad mood, thin lips slowly hooked up, "it's all right, I'll raise you!"

Bai Ling gave him a look and smiled, "can you afford it?"

The smile on Fu Chen's lips was stiff. It seemed... It was a little difficult to raise.

This girl is always hundreds of billions

I'm afraid he can't make money as fast as she throws money.

Suddenly, Fu Chen's phone rang.

"Master Fu, there is not enough money. We need 5 billion."

"Master Fu, you need 30 billion to buy new weapons."

"Fu ye, the company needs 50 billion to invest in new projects."

Fu Chen, who answered the phone, "..."

After five minutes of financial transactions, Fu Chen looked at the zero funds in his account, and his expression was suddenly bad.

Bai Ling tilted her head and looked at him with a smile, "Lord, what do you say to raise me?"

"Cough!" Fu Chen coughed softly and rubbed his temples. He was a little embarrassed. "Otherwise, we'll go back to my parents for dinner today?"

It's a little big that the poor have no money to eat.

"Oh." Bai Ling sneered, "man!"

Fu Chen, "..."

How does the fiancee dislike him?

Wait online, very urgent.

In the next few days, Fu Chen took Bai Ling to Fu's house for a meal. During the day, both of them were busy.

Bai Ling is busy treating people.

Fu Chen was busy promoting projects in various continents.

They are all making money.

When Fu Chen earned one billion yuan in three days, the funds he got were hacked before they were hot.

One billion, in the blink of an eye into the public welfare account.

The man who hacked his money left a few words on his computer: have the ability to bite me, poor man!

Fu Chen felt that a mouthful of blood was blocked in his throat and could not go up or down.

He took out the phone and called Jiang Shiyue, almost gnashing his teeth, "where is Xu Siyu?"

"She's hacking your account... Fu, master Fu, I have no choice. I'm paralyzed and can only watch her transfer your money." Jiang Shiyue said almost angrily. At this time, he had no strength at all.

Next to him, Xing Yu is no better than him.

Fu Chen's cold face was blue, "let her answer the phone."

Soon, Xu Siyu answered the phone, his tone was arrogant and overbearing, "why? Don't you like it with so little money? You are really not a good thing. Just you, you still want to be with sister Bai. You dream! "

Fu Chen's slender fingers rubbed his temples. His face didn't look good, but his tone was very helpless. "How do you want to stop?"

He doesn't love money, but the girl has been targeting him and bothering him to do things.

"Break off your engagement with sister Bai."

Fu Chen did not hesitate, "no, change another one!"

"Then wait. Next time I'll send the bomb to your house!"

Before Fu Chen could speak, Xu Siyu hung up.

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