Huang Xuan's face was full of carelessness.

Before Gu Chaoyan came here, she and Ying Han and Xue Feihan had seen the injured person. Ying Han was the best one among them. She had no way at all. That person's internal organs have been cracked, if not for the dean's pills to maintain a trace of life signs, this person would have died.

They all felt that this man could not be saved at all. The Dean had to insist on finding a way.

Of course, she didn't think anyone could.

Even within a few days, no matter how good the medicine pill, even the little sign of life could not be maintained. Not to mention Gu Chaoyan, who can cure him alive, Huang Xuan doesn't believe it.

Now Gu Chaoyan even put such cruel words in front of her. Huang Xuan had a sneering smile on her face: "if you can't cure it? What should you do? "

Seeing that they were already on the bar, the Dean came over and yelled, "Huang Xuan, that's enough."

Huang Xuan saw that the Dean actually helped the student who had been here for a few days.

The psychological anger is even worse.

"If you can't be cured, you're going to pack up and get out of St. If a man like you can be cured, I'll go away! "

In her opinion, Gu Chaoyan can't cure people at all.

As long as Gu Chaoyan now brain fever agreed, can rightfully will her to drive out, she at that time is to see, she also how proud.

It occurred to the dean that Huang Xuan could say such a thing.

Gu Chaoyan such a student, even if she can not save people, he is not willing to let people go.

Looking at Huang Xuan anxiously: "take back your words! As a teacher, how can you do that? "

"Well, I agree. I hope Dr. Huang will keep his promise." Gu Chaoyan said frankly, there is still a trace of firmness in her eyes. She stood there with her back straight. Gu Chaoyan is not tall, but she is not short among the women in Shengming kingdom. Especially Huang Xuan is half a head shorter than her. Gu Chaoyan looks at her like this.

Huang Xuan had a sense of oppression.

She shook her head. She must be hallucinating.

"I'll see." Huang Xuan looked at Gu Chaoyan and the people lying there, and left with a sneer.

Xia yinghan looks at Gu Chaoyan and the Dean, opens his mouth, and runs out without saying anything. As soon as Xia yinghan left, Xue Feihan followed.

Gu Chaoyan and the president were left in the room.

The Dean sighed and said, "Chaoyan, don't take it to heart. Huang Xuan has a strange temper occasionally. She was born in an ordinary way. She got these things little by little through her own efforts. She paid more than others. So when you meet someone who is very talented like you, you will feel a little uneasy. "

The president watched Huang Xuan grow up. He had some feelings. That's what he said.

"Dean, the bet that there is no way out is made by her first, not me." Gu Chaoyan's eyes are clear, looking at the Dean calmly.

Huang Xuan felt that her efforts were several times more than those of ordinary people, which was against her teacher's ethics.

If it's something else, she can tolerate it.

But today is different.

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