The Qianqing palace and the imperial study were the rules of the former Emperor. Women in the latter palace could not enter without permission.

But at the beginning, Emperor Shengming gave it to empress Jiang. When she came, she could go in directly. No one would stop her. Of course, empress Jiang was the only one who could do it in the harem.

Since King Ling married fengnv and empress Jiang gradually fell out of favor, this special list has become invalid. And Princess Jing has such a special column. She can go directly into the Qianqing palace or the imperial study. Even the notification is different.

Princess Jing is very satisfied that she has this special column now.

With a smile on his face, he went in with a snack.

The emperor is busy looking at the memorial now.

Although there are no livelihood issues to deal with near the end of the new year, there are still a lot of big and small issues in the new year. Just the arrangement of the palace, the rewards of these ministers are enough headache.

After the quiet imperial concubine put down the snack, the emperor of the holy hell didn't even lift his head. She said faintly: "it's hard."

Then he went on with his business.

Jingguifei did not leave immediately, but chose an empty chair to sit down.

By the way, I took a book and read it to pass the time.

It's no fun for her to go back to her palace. It's better to stay in Qianqing palace for a long time, and her face is bright.

I read for a while.

Emperor Shengming just took a rest and looked up.

See red clothes, subconscious heart is happy, called a: "frost son."

At this moment, he seemed to feel like he was back in the old days.

Princess Jing heard the name of empress Jiang.

First of all, I was stunned.

The expression on the face is aggrieved, she has done so many things, how can the emperor mistake her for Jiang Shuang!

"The emperor!" Jinggui's face was angry and she called out: "it's my concubine!"

The emperor saw clearly that there was shuang'er and this was Princess Jing.

Just the expression of joy swept away, the face immediately sank down.

He put down the memorial in his hand and looked at Princess Jing unhappily: "what's the matter with you? You've been in the palace two days a day. You've been in the palace for decades. Why don't you understand the most basic rules and etiquette? "

"I just gave you the position of imperial concubine a few days ago. I don't think you want to be imperial concubine. You have to go back to be imperial concubine Jing."

"Concubine Jing is a concubine, but she is a side room after all. In the harem, the only one who can wear red is the queen Said the emperor in a voice that was almost very severe.

Princess Jing's face was ugly.

Yesterday she listened to the Empress Dowager's words, really when the emperor is the default that she can wear red, the original trouble for a long time, or for ginger frost. I think this color belongs to ginger frost, she doesn't deserve to wear it!

"What do you mean, emperor

The emperor of the holy hell looked at Princess Jing and felt that she was strange now.

She there or at the beginning that understanding, even if didn't get the imperial concubine position share still comfort oneself of quiet imperial concubine?

Now she is just a woman without rules!

"What do you mean?" Emperor Shengming yelled: "Tak Fu, you can take Princess Jing back to her palace, tell her the rules, tell her what princess can wear and what princess can't wear!"

"Yes." De Fu's face was complicated and he looked at Princess Jing.

Jingguifei pestered for a while, but she was taken down.

After she was taken down, the emperor felt that it was wrong to let the eunuch in: "you go and summon miss Chaoyan into the palace."

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