Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 205: Land of summer country

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He Mulan could know why Zhao Ming was stunned, because Zhao Ming could understand Xianbei. Although she hadn't exposed herself because of self-preservation, Ke Tuoba said that "please accept another princess", Zhao Ming naturally could not be completely unresponsive.

He Mulan also thought it was quite crap. You married the princess, and people and Di Ziyu also have husband and wife status. Isn't this equal to the emperor taking the wife?

How could a Mingjun do such a lost product?

So He Mulan thought about it, and advised Tuobayu: "Your Majesty, I think this matter is open to question. General Di should not be a disregard. Although Helendin went west, it was not necessarily a defection. People, things need to wait and see for a while ... "

"What more to watch? If you want to surrender, go straight to the city of Man Wan. Even if you don't surrender, can't Di Ziyu wait for the chance to seize it? As a result, both of them went to Shangyu."

Tuobayu showed a cold look.

"Shangyu is now stationing this Helianchang man and going there, it will be difficult to catch it."

"Your Majesty, think about what He Lianchang did. How did He Lianding's family die ..." He Mulan remembered the tragic state of Wu Ying Temple and couldn't help sighing.

"He Lianchang killed He Lianding's family, but His Majesty collected the body of his family, raised and treated his son, and even married his sister to a lover of love. Faithfulness is the country, but those who are loyal must also have a strong sense of affection and righteousness.

"If your Majesty accepted the four princesses at this time, in the event that Helian really wanted to belong, would he find that the same thing happened when he left the country, wouldn't he be more discouraged? You should treat him better now That's my sister and son. "

He Mulan consciously helped Zhao Ming a lot, and it doesn't make sense to say more. She used to be a princess's maid, so naturally she didn't want her master to marry again. This kind of snoring eventually turned out to be a blame.

What's more, if this Princess Helian had entered the palace, maybe it was the Queen Helian who had no children and no pets. The woman's life was not good. First, she lost her country and became a concubine. After suffering The hand-forged gold person became the queen, but when she became the queen, Tuobayu went abroad to fight every year. When she was little in the country, she left no children.

In a few years, there will only be more beauties from all countries in the harem. Why is it necessary for her to remarry a woman?

Because He Mulan is also a woman, she thinks more and has a sincere tone.

Tuoba was not a person who could not listen to persuasion. He also understood the story of "purchasing horse bones with thousands of dollars."

Tuobayu felt a warm thing stuffed into his hands. It turned out that Zhao Ming, who was next to him, took a towel and changed it to a hot one.

He picked up the towel and wiped his face again, and suddenly asked Zhao Ming in the words of the Huns: [You are on the side of Princess Helian. You should see Helendin often. What kind of person do you think he is? 】

At this point, Helian Mingzhu was awake under the mention of He Mulan. In order to preserve her reputation, to keep Yu Cuiyu Ye, Helianding, Helian Zhishui and others, she said without hesitation:

[Pingyuan is the most affectionate person I have ever met. At that time, Liu Fei's mother, Liu Fei, was frail and ill. She lived for several years by relying on her mother's care. Later, the emperor died, and several princes rebelled in succession, namely the plains and the emperor's grace, and led the troops to level up the chaos and allow Helianchang to succeed. 】

Her elder brother had a great opportunity to support himself in the army that year, and after taking care of himself who was still in the palace, he finally returned to King Qin. Although the mother-in-law is a big reason, they grew up together in the palace from a young age, and naturally have better feelings than a mother who has been in bed for several years and has been sick in the queen's palace.

[That was just the year before, Your Majesty. A person who was loyal and unfascinated with the throne two or three years ago will not become an ungrateful person in a few years. 】

"This plain has great prestige. Since I captured the Xia Kingdom, I have gone up to the Crown Prince and down to the people of Li Min. Everyone misses his achievements and looks forward to his return ..." Tuobayu saw an **** talking about Helianding They all have tears in their eyes, and they are full of emotions.

"Well, I'm running anyway, and I can't make people laugh."

He Mulan was relieved and resigned.

After He Mulan left, Tuoba thought about her words and thought that it really made sense. In addition, he has no interest in the "four princesses", and the harem has nowhere to live. Those who are just angry and think more.

He summoned He Lianren, who was driving out of the city of Pingcheng, and led him to the Xia Kingdom with gold and silver satin, so as to comfort Helen Shui and the four princesses, so as not to be one child or two children Panic, what was wrong.

Tuobayu said to Helian Ren:

"Although He Lianding ran away, he has always been hostile to my country Wei. Suddenly letting him change camps suddenly, it is naturally necessary to consider it carefully. I can't be like He Lianchang, be the one who follows me and the one against me The emperor who died. If that's the case, why should I go to attack Xia Kingdom? If I'm like a tyrant like Helien Chang, it won't be long before someone comes to overthrow me. "

Helian Ren is Helianding's nephew. Because of his handsome appearance and mild temperament, after being surrendered, Tuoba became a guardian and became a hunter to manage the emperor's bow and arrows. He was originally a fiancee in Xia Kingdom but not Tong Wan. He had a deeper feeling for Helianding than Helianchang. When he heard Tuoba ’s orders and words of comfort, he burst into tears and cried for the plains. Lian Ding thanked him for his kindness.

As for the two horses he later ran to death, he hurried to Xia Guoan to soothe Helianding's "sister" and son, etc., for the time being.

After Tuoba sent people to send Helien Ren, he thought that the Tatar people might be a little uneasy because of the patriarch's appearance, and the human nature was straight. If he ran to the west because of terror, there would be one less land in Xia Kingdom. He could supervise the Huns, so he stepped down again and sent an envoy to the King Di Yeren to appease and tell them that he was not angry.

After doing everything, Tuobayu felt that he was very enlightened. Even if Cui Hao and Gu Yi were asked, they would not be scolded again.

Fortunately, there are Mulan reminders!

What a blessing for me!

That night.

"His Majesty is doing a good job. But just how to appease Helianding's relatives? Will the kinsmen and courtiers who have just returned to Xia Guo be even more suspicious? Mrs. Helian in the harem passes this incident, yes Isn't it to be pushed out by other concubines? Your Majesty can't just think about the surface, Heliandin is not important, what's important is the situation that Xia Guo just stabilized. You also want to go northward, and you can't lose anything at the rear. Your Majesty , You should continue to send envoys now, while appeasing Xia Guo ’s old ministers, while letting Dou Dou speak well and comforting the talents of Helene. And ... "

Cui Hao didn't say anything, but Gu Yan's instincts broke out again, and he started various "maybe", "but", "may", "and" in front of Tuobayu. His face turned from red to blue, then from blue to white, and finally black was scary.

Cui Hao dragged Gu's sleeves several times, but the rise of Gu's helplessness, he ignored him at all. Tuobayu bit his teeth again and again, and his fists were pinched and loose. In the end, he was helpless. He had to stand there and perform his own tricks--the tour was too empty.

Huh! What went wrong!

Nothing happened that happened!


He Mulan came out of Tuoba's account, and just met He Lianzhu, who was holding the case, and chased it out. As the general of the Montenegrin camp, he could not have much contact with the people close to his Majesty, so He Mulan did not pause and continued to move forward.

Unexpectedly, Helian Mingzhu shoved the case in his hands and hurriedly chased him. She is now the new celebrity around the emperor, and the righteous son of the eunuch, Zhao Ni. Others are also willing to sell her, open one eye and close one eye.

The pearl of Helian motioned to He Mulan to go to a place where there was no one, and thanked her softly in Xianbei: "Thank you for lifting the four princesses."

She was displeased and embarrassed by him before, all swept away by this incident, her favorability was full again, and the trend was faint and explosive.

He Mulan first met, then responded with a smile, and said with a smile: "No matter what the four princesses say, I'm talking about my heart. I and the four princesses have never lived, and there is no truth for her."

Helen Pearl dropped her head shyly.

‘I just know that you did n’t speak for Yu Cui, so I know you ’re all for me. ‘Helian Mingzhu thought with joy.

‘This is the Aiwu and Wuwu that Han people often say. ’

"Anyway, I'm really happy." Helian Mingzhu looked up and solemnly thanked He Mulan. "You deserve my thanks."

He Mulan accepted her gratitude with a smile, and sighed: "It seems that Princess Helian and her brother Helendin are average and attractive people, and they can attract your old servant to do so. She cares. "

After turning her face, she turned straight and said, "It's just that you are now a palace person around Her Majesty, and you should think of His Majesty, otherwise it will be a disaster."

The glorious daughter of Helian Pearl was born into a dead country, and she was a secretive eunuch. She had been miserable for a long time to mention Tuoba, and she rubbed the fire. Posthumously loyal and full of admiration, his young daughter suddenly had a temper, and said, "He is a monarch, I am a slave, what can I do besides thinking of him?"

"This ... I didn't mean to question you ..."

He Mulan couldn't help it.

Girl, is it really good for you to wear puppet clothes and pout?

It looks so uncomfortable!

When seeing the "big wood" in her heart, Helian Mingzhu couldn't help but get close to He Mulan, and said diligently: "General Hua, if you said that if you had a chance, you would ask me for your chance and let me recover Liberty, can this be counted? "

He Mulan suddenly remembered that she seemed to be saying this, but at that time, she did not expect that her **** had done so smoothly and thought she could not persist.

But when he said it, He Mulan nodded.

"Since I promised you, I will speak naturally. When I find the right time, I will try to let you be free."

When the Beizheng Rouran comes back, the emperor will surely give a big reward and reward the cattle and sheep land. At that time, when she thought about it with Tuoba, she said that the little **** wanted freedom. As long as Tuoba was in a good mood at the time, she should not be reluctant to be a **** who is responsible for peeing.

Helen Mingzhu listened to her promise, dropped "I believe you", hugged her arm, and ran away.

He Mulan hadn't reacted to what had happened, only to see the bright red behind her ear, and she couldn't help but wonder.

"I don't look like a woman at all ..."

He Mulan touched her face.

"Did she treat me like a princess?"

The Xiongnu woman is really bold!

It was said that Helian Mingzhu looked shamefully and returned to Vice Admiral Wang Tie, just to meet with the orderer Zong Zong.

Zheng Zong saw that this pretty little **** came back with a blush, and he couldn't help but sway, and smiled forward: "Oh, where did Zhao Huangmen go? His face was flushed. I'm cold. Are you ice? "

The sacrifice was a close-serving minister who drafted documents and prepared pens and inks around the emperor. Because Zheng Zong had a good voice, he followed the people of Hongdai Temple in the Shuozhou Rebellion and screamed at Helianding's army. As a reward, I made a housekeeper beside the emperor.

However, after all, he was originally a small official of Hongying Temple, and his net worth was not prominent. He was quite marginalized by the emperor, and his mentality was a bit distorted. He preferred to put a "close" face in front of the **** palace girl to satisfy him That poor pride.

People like this, Helian Mingzhu, met in the Summer Palace. I do n’t know how many of them. Most of them were courtiers who suddenly became powerful because of their flattery. They did not have a good face for Zheng Zong. In addition, this Zheng Zong is actually a good-looking, lascivious person, often using her name to sneak her face and grab her, even more disgusted.

This love probably convinced her that she didn't understand Xianbei, and often laughed at her with words. Now that Zhao Ni has something to do, he is even more reckless, and when he said such a thing, Helen Pearl could only stare at him. Go back to the king's account.

Zheng Zong ate behind closed doors and was upset, so he casually asked who Zhao Ming met.

Hua Mulan was recently a celebrity beside the emperor, and she had a promising future at a young age. The palace man told him that what had just been discussed with Zhao Ming was General Hu Yao.

"General Tiger Hu Hua Mulan? Who is that?" Zheng Zong felt familiar with the name, thought about it, and came over. "Remember, the one who caught the ghost."

Strange, he is not as handsome as himself.

Zheng Zong shuddered.

He was staring at God, and the left and right servants in the account shot out the account. When he saw that he was still waiting outside, he reprimanded him displeasedly: "Isn't your Majesty asking you to invite the two adults, Guru and Cui Hao? Why are you still at the door? "

Although the renren is a close prince, the rank is too low, and the left and right servants are Xianbei senior officials. Naturally, his rebuke came and opened his mouth.

Zheng Zong's face turned red now. He pleaded guilty, and walked away, stayed a few feet away, looked back at the two servants, and frowned:

"The two old guys know how to do great things, and I will embark on the road to heaven ..."

He stood there, seemingly imagining the day when he set foot on the road to heaven, but his thoughts gradually fell, and he could not return to God for a long time.


The border of the original Xia Kingdom, outside of Shangcheng.

"Pingyuan, isn't it good ..." Di Ziyu faced bitterly, feeling that he was going crazy. "We went straight to Tongwan, why do we have to stop here?"

Before saying that, Di Ziyu got the advice from the Central Government to persuade Helianding, and immediately ordered the army and went.

Although he married Yu Cui next to the four princesses by mistake, the woman was so powerful that he quickly became a powerful assistant besides Wang Dong. He has never seen a woman who can actually settle accounts, understand the languages ​​of the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Qiang, Han, and Lu Shuihu, and use all kinds of imperial methods.

After she took Yuye out of the palace, the two women, in the name of "Helian Pearl", bowed their ears and conquered them, waiting for him to call "Master Queen".

The Tatar women have a very high status. The Tatar **** is a goddess. The Tatar people once had a queen. The Tatar's main mother is a person who can lead a war at a crisis. Therefore, once the mother-in-law is unable to obey the crowd, it is that the King of Kings is more powerful, and no tribe will agree to their marriage.

On the one hand, Di Ziyu felt that Helian Mingzhu was proud and noble since she was young, and she may not be able to do such a beat and show her softness like Yu Cui. She wanted to smooth the obstacle in front of Helian Mingzhu by her ability, but she really looked at her hand. The intimacy of the young masters after the young masters can not help but feel dull in their hearts.

It was as if someone had snatched his daughter-in-law.

He was ordered by Cui Hao to greet Helianding at the border of Xia Kingdom, and he had to make an unintentional inspection of it. This kind of test of acting skills was not his specialty at first, and Wang Dong and half of the men and women were brought under worry. , Want to hand over half of the people in Xia Kingdom to Yu Cui for temporary care.

Yu Cui was very surprised that Helendin was able to return home peacefully. After all, Helendin could really return, and the princess in the palace had the greatest support. Everyone can see that Wei Di Tuobayu valued Pingyuan, and when the plain explained the truth, the identity of the princess and his own oolong could be changed back.

Yu Cui was originally a housekeeper nurtured by Helendin, and sent the princess to take care of her sister. Helendin was her old master, and she also wanted to follow Di Ziyu to the border of the Xia Kingdom. Once she did not believe Di Ziyu's mind, Erlian Helian was cautious and saw that Di Ziyu might not be able to believe his words.

Unexpectedly, he did not agree with Di Ziyu's life and death. Later, before Di Ziyu left, Stuart Sun Han took it in the name of "protecting the princess" and made it clear that he was a hostage.

He began to panic. If Helian would not return and did not believe him, would Tuobaji give Huang his marriage with Pearl of Helian?

What's more terrifying is that outsiders thought he had passed away with the four princesses, but he knows that Mo Lin said that he didn't have a close relationship with Fangze, even the woman of Yu Cui, he never touched a finger!

What a loss!

When he and Helian Vevar greeted Helian from the border of the Xia Kingdom, Di Ziyu's complexion was a bit unnatural, and he couldn't speak properly. In addition, Helian Vevar originally admired Helianding, while Di Ziyu was not When I noticed, I told the truth.

Poor He Lianding was robbed of the horse by Di Yefei in Rouran, and the grain was on the horse. All of a sudden there was no way to live, so he found a way to burn and rob in Rouran, grab horses, grab food, and even grab people. The ransom, a life of nine deaths, took nearly two months to return to the border of Xia Kingdom from Rouran.

The gang of them have gone through all kinds of dangers and set off from the first month, through three countries, and finally returned to their home country. Originally more than 20,000 fine riders, they have only returned more than 2,000, and less than one tenth. These souls belonged to other countries, and it was not bad to die. He Lianding had only one idea left in the end, that is, to take all the remaining people home, how can he not die in another country.

He firmly determined that the city of Wancheng is high and deep, and there is also a forage that can be eaten for about ten years. Wei Guoqiang attacked it. He could not break the outer city without a half year. Then he returned with peace of mind, but it took only a few months to work. No, no city, no family.

"How exactly did Wei break the rule of Man Wan?" Heliandian asked Helian Weaver in a vague face. "I didn't tell the landlord before I left. Don't leave the city to fight, don't stick out, wait for me to help?"

"At that time, Emperor Wei suddenly came to the city and called your banner, saying that you had surrendered to Wei. He ... Helian Changxin thought it true, disregarding the persuasion of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs and Princess Helian of the Chao Dynasty, and put all your family ... Beheaded, and tossed his head under the tower to make a difference. "

Hellenvevar was afraid to look at Hellendine's face.

"As soon as this happened, the Manchu fighters immediately became very chilled. From that night onwards, there were non-stop ministers who led the ministry to flee from the city and fled to the Wei country outside the city. There were insufficient guards in the city, and the military heart was turbulent. Zhang Taishi used With a sound of slamming east, He Lianchang was sent out of the city. When the cavalry left the city, He Lianman and Helen Mengxun, who pretended to be He Lianchang, were killed by more than 10,000 iron guards. Accounted. "

Hellenvevar cried at Helendin's feet.

"My brother died so terribly. He Lianchang asked him to disguise himself, and he was not allowed to retreat. He would really fight to the end. He would rather die, and pity my nephew. He is only sixteen years old this year and also died in uniform. Outside the city ... "

"What about Hellenchang?"

Helen asked in a grudge.

"Now I'm backing up to the upper arm, packing up the remnants."

"Tuo Ba 焘 ... He Lianchang ..."

Helena had lost the energy to commit suicide.

In this kind of dry narrative, he seems to have seen how Helianchang took his own way of death, and how Noda ’s Tongwan City became a dangerous city.

Such a sturdy city cannot be broken in a short time.

Only the human heart can be easily broken.

He deeply felt that the loss of Tong Wancheng was ridiculous. Helianding was sorrowful, desperate, and stood up under the advice of the envoy Liu Song. He wanted to turn the tide and be a hero who could save the overthrow of Xia Kingdom.

But now, instead of enjoying heroic treatment, he is treated like this by his monarch.

That "foal" (giant wolf) won everything, cattle and sheep, land, population, army and courtiers. And Helianchang was alive.

It's him who lost everything ...

Only him ...

Hellendine had fallen into various delusions, and those horrible visions made him appalling.

He saw that he was riding thousands of miles to attack Tuoba, outside Shuozhou. How did three thousand elites die at his command? The sword flickered, the spear stabbed, and flesh flew ...

He saw that he fled in a hurry, like the bottom of a tomb, and countless backward minions would be shot under the horse by random arrows, stepping on the mud ...

He saw that Rouran broke up with himself, took away the armored warhorse of his dead general, and parted ways, but took a risk in Rouran, first losing the warhorse forage, and then hunted by the horse thief and the Rouran tribe master. , The valley is red, the trees tremble, the murderous sky is thin ...

Helianding slaughtered in the haze, and it seemed that he could never walk out again.

"Princess of the Plains, Emperor Wei is a virtuous monarch. Not only did you collect the corpse of your family, but he also rescued Helian to stop the water. The four princesses are also safe and sound ..."

Di Ziyu watched Helian Weifa crying while holding Helianding's thigh, crying, feeling that he was a bit embarrassed to be the first defector, but his task was to bring Helianding back to Wancheng safely. Speak, at this time it is difficult to ride a tiger and can only speak out.

He Lianding was almost on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, a word of Di Ziyu woke him up. He grabbed Di Ziyu's placket and questioned:

"What are you saying, my son is alive? My sister is alive?"

"Yes ... Yes ... On the day Tongwan was breached, His Majesty happened to be in the Daxia Palace, and in order to avoid the palace guard, he hid in the Wuying Hall, and happened to rescue Dalang who had escaped. He did not slaughter the city and did not harass the Baiguan There are no people in the official residence, either. I told my Majesty that I adore the princess, so the princess is fine, and was given to me ... "

Just a fake.

But this is not the time to say this. In order to protect the identity of Helian Mingzhu, Di Ziyu, they never said in front of outsiders about the situation of Helian Mingzhu today.

"You ... you married my sister?"

Hellen glanced at Hellenveva.

The latter wiped his tears, and nodded in the posture of holding his thighs.

He Lianding suddenly showed the expression of "good cabbage for pigs".

Di Ziyu was startled by this expression, and immediately explained: "It was also an expedient measure at that time, and the pearl was so beautiful. No one knew what would happen if the Great Summer Palace was broken. Wei Guo ’s Xianbei Tieqi has been fighting for war. Isn't the fight? I, I, I haven't touched the princess! I have been a guest forever! "

This time, it was Helenvevar's turn to scan his lower body with surprise, showing the expression "You are OK".

"I've been given to you, my sister's name is gone. Now you are my brother-in-law ..." He Lianding scolded with annoyance: "I'm also going to marry my sister's scenery, Now she is so wronged to marry someone and still carry that reputation! "

Was given to a teenager!

This Di Ziyu, when he was in Tongwan City in the past, never looked at his eyes.

There is no courage, not a good match.

Di Ziyu clenched his fists.

Rao is that he knows that he will not be very high in Helendin's mind, nor did he expect that he would be upset to such an extent. Helen Pearl is indeed distinguished, but after all, she is already a princess of the country of death. If you give it to other Xianbei heroes, you might as well marry him.

At least he really admired her.

"Public Plains, what shall we do now?" Helenveva knew that half of the people Mali brought by Di Ziyu were Xianbei. If they were slightly wrong, they would be captured back to Tongwan soon.

In his mind, He Lianding would rather die, even if He Lianchang killed his family. The royal clan's iron bones never surrendered, otherwise he would not have gained a reputation of "brutal and fierce" among the surrounding small Hu nations.

Di Ziyu's eyes widened. "What do you mean, of course, you want to go back to Tongwan. Dalang, they are waiting for Pingyuan to return. His Majesty said, as long as Pingyuan is willing to surrender, he still has the same status Official positions, never betray. "

"I won't go back."

For a moment Hellend thought about it and said her answer.

"We will go south together in a while, and make a look to return to Tongwan, throw away them when Wei people are not prepared."

"Pingyuan, I can't do this with you." Di Ziyu shook his head. "My tribe is still waiting for me in Xia Kingdom. There is also the safety of Princess Pearl. Forgive me for forgiving."

"I don't care what you do."

Helendin said calmly.

"I don't believe any emperor's words now. They change from day to night, and they put on a high look and easily play with others' lives and deaths ..."

"What are you going to do? You more than 3,000 people, without supplies and forages, just escape, and where can you escape? Now there are Wei people everywhere, there is no place at all ..."

Di Ziyu suddenly thought of a possibility, and said incredibly, "You ... wouldn't you go to Helianchang?"

How indifferent is this?

"I'm going to find Helian Chang ..."

Helian nodded, and a smile made the child cry.

"The Wei people will not kill He Lianchang. Tuobayu wants the four kingdoms to see him as a Mingjun. Even if he captures He Lianchang, he will not kill him. Instead, he will treat him favorably and let other countries. In the future, the monarch can return with peace of mind. Even if he still fears He Lianchang, he will not move him. My wife and mother and my family's more than a hundred enemies can only be reported by myself. "

Helen must be a lunatic and a lunatic, otherwise he would not do anything outside Shuozhou.

But Di Ziyu was an ordinary person, and he couldn't imagine how crazy he was.

Hellenveva did not want to follow Hellendine to desperately. He had surrendered to Wei Guo, and there was no disadvantage. But after all, he is a Xia Guo nationality, and he will not stop Helianding's decision.

But Helendin wouldn't let him go like this, he still needed Hellenveva's men.

"I went to worry about Tuobayu's worries. I have come to me."

Helien turned to get on the horse.

"I'll get Helian Chang's head."

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