After a while, Qin Wanrou quickly noticed that one of them looked like chennan. Qin Wanrou's eyes were immediately attracted to him and couldn't move away from him.

"Is that him? Why is he here? Why does this happen? " Whether it's true or not, Qin Wanrou is overjoyed.

"What is this? Mirage? " The tour guide looked at the scene with unbelievable face.

Qin Wanrou wakes up. Is it a mirage? But it is said that mirage is the image of real events reflected by the air. Is it really dangerous? Qin Wanrou was in a high degree of mental tension, because she saw the familiar shadow being besieged by two people, and there was a constant blood mist rising from him.

"Wanrou, you watch first, I'll greet others. It's really a spectacle. Have we seen the immortal war?"

The female tour guide was very excited about what she saw, and immediately turned to greet other people. The tourists pointed to the air in front of her. They couldn't believe what they saw. They always thought it was an illusion. How could the scenes in martial arts novels really show up?

Qin Wanrou was very nervous. Her eyes were fixed on the picture, but she didn't hear the guide's words at all.

But at this time, she found that one of them disappeared suddenly, and seemed to be killed by the familiar shadow.

It's true. At this time, the war situation on the cliff has changed. The younger martial brother pours on Nalan Ruofei again, hoping to lead chennan to save him. The two brothers take the opportunity to kill him.

Seeing that the evil man pours on Nalan Ruofei, chennan comes to help him although he is about to fall. His elder martial brother follows him behind. He takes a long sword with him and splits it down to chennan. It's just because chennan is at the end of the crossbow and can't withstand a single blow. This sword is a bit casual and its power is much lower than before.

And the younger martial brother sees Chen Nan pounce on him, and laughs, "the one who kills you is Cang zuoqian. Go to die for me." Zuoqian cooperates with the elder martial brother and turns back to attack him. He wraps up a sword shadow to cover chennan. Because chennan doesn't support him, another elder martial brother follows him. His sword is also greatly reduced.

Seeing that her brother-in-law came to save her, Nalan Ruofei knew that her brother-in-law would not survive. At this time, she had only one idea, that is, to die with her brother-in-law, so she rushed to her brother-in-law regardless of everything. It's just that she's too slow. There's something wrong with her.

Chen Nan, who seems to have no support, suddenly speeds up. The remnant gun stabs out a sharper gun curtain than before. The cruel and bloody killing intention makes the evil man surprised. He immediately realizes that it's not good. Just now, he seems to be deliberately pretending to have no support. He hastens to urge his internal power to strengthen the attack, hoping to block the other side's shot.

It's too late for him to realize it. What chennan wants is this kind of effect. He pretends that it's hard to support and makes two people careless. Because he is seriously injured, it can be said that two people can't see his flaws.

Because Leng Fu's carelessness gave Chen Nan enough time, he used his best, and the curtain of the gun quickly swallowed the shadow of the sword and blasted at the evil man. At the same time, Leng Fu's sword light slashed at Chen Nan. Chen Nan didn't hide at all. In order to kill the evil man completely, he fought for a knife, but took advantage of it to rush at him.

Magic cloud 12 legs.

A whirlwind leg shadow instantly surrounded zuoqian. The villain had been seriously injured by the remnant gun. He couldn't escape. He was kicked out on the spot and fell on the edge of the cliff. After two successive heavy blows, the six internal organs of zuoqian's house were broken. He couldn't live at all. He had a bloody mouth and died on the spot.

Chen Nan staggers to the ground, the remnant gun slants to point, although staggers, but still stands.

Seeing that her brother-in-law didn't die, she killed the other person. Nanlan ruosheng stopped, clenched her pink fist, and stared at the scene nervously, hoping for a miracle, hoping that her brother-in-law could show his divine power to kill another person.

Leng Fei didn't expect that chennan killed his younger martial brother with a careless strike. Immediately, his blood poured into his pupils, and nine swords split out in a series. He rolled up the sky and chopped chennan down. The nine ring sword technique was about to start again. He already saw that chennan had just made a powerful strike, and now it's really the end of the crossbow.

Chennan seems to fall to the ground at will, but it just falls in front of a dead Xuanwu. There is a short halberd at his feet. There is no pressure from the evil man. Although chennan is seriously injured, he is a lot more casual. Seeing Leng Fei rushing at him in a rage, he immediately realizes that his chance is coming. He kicks on the short halberd, and the short halberd rotates, and the wind rushes to Leng Fei.

Leng Fu sneers. The short halberd seems to be very powerful, but it doesn't have any killing power. He doesn't pay attention to it at all. He knocks the short halberd with a knife, and then turns his wrist to attack chennan again.

Just let him did not expect, short halberd just knock out, a fierce kill has come to the throat.

"Ah Leng Fu immediately realized that he had been attacked by the other party. In a hurry, he forced to turn his body in the air to avoid his throat. With an awe inspiring killing power, he wiped his neck and flew in the past. He took up a cloud of blood and startled Leng Fu into a cold sweat. Then he saw an almost invisible silver thread extending from chennan.

Before he could react, the killing power suddenly sank, and then he felt his arm light. When he looked at it again, one of his arms was separated from his body.

Silver light suddenly flash, enchanting red line a flash already gone, cold Fu shoulder blood spring gushing, right arm by Chen Nan Sheng cut down."Ah Leng Fu yelled. He almost didn't pass out in pain. He didn't expect that he nearly killed himself at the end of the other party's attack. Worthy of being a prefecture level master, Leng Fu caught the long sword with his left hand and sealed his blood with his index finger to stop the injury.

Chen Nan sighs to himself. He just confused the other side with a short halberd. Binghun followed him to attack secretly. Although he still didn't miss, he only took one arm and didn't kill the other side. His injury was too serious. The other side used his left hand knife, but he still didn't have a chance. He had no chance to attack again. He had to poke the residual gun on the ground so that he wouldn't fall.

Nalan Ruofei saw that the other side's arm suddenly fell off. Although she didn't see what was going on, she also knew that it was her brother-in-law who did it. She immediately cheered. Even she didn't expect that her brother-in-law not only killed one person, but also cut off the other side's arm under the extreme disadvantage, which seriously damaged Leng Fei.

"Brother in law!" Seeing her brother-in-law stabbing the floor with a gun, she was about to fall. Nanlan Ruofei rushed to help her brother-in-law immediately.

"Don't come here, princess." Chen south a break to drink, but because the injury is too heavy, there is no momentum at all. If Nalan comes over, he will be bound. If she is not here, even if she is seriously injured, he can still do it.

Although his voice was small, Nalan Ruofei still cleverly stopped and slowly retreated, because she realized that she could not help her brother-in-law in the past, but would become a burden to her brother-in-law.

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