The representatives of the three major families raised their glasses frequently, full of confidence, and seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

As soon as the market opened in the afternoon, Waller sneered, pointed down and threw out a huge order. He looked fierce and said to himself, "James, James, there are no Gemini in Wall Street today. Waller is the only one who can stand still. Now I'll give you some big ones to see how long you can hold on."

With a click of the mouse, a sum of 50 billion yuan was smashed in by Waller.

Compared with his self-confidence, James on the other side was cold sweated from the beginning of the sale. He didn't have much time and said anxiously: "president, Liu Dong, we are a little short of money. Let's see if we can raise more money!"

Nalan Shiyu's face is a little pale. When she looks at Liu Meiyan, Liu Meiyan has nothing to do. The working capital of 100 billion is almost the limit they can prepare. The remaining 60 billion is from the Steinberg fund. Which company will keep so much working capital? After all, their strength is not small compared with that of the American Claude group and the Beijing guards.

"Don't worry, Mr. James. I'll think of something else." As a last resort, nalanshi wants to call her father and ask him to raise some money.

Chen Nan, who has been operating the computer quietly, suddenly gets up and says, "two bosses, don't worry. We have enough money. James, we have enough money. You can continue to operate. Don't worry about anything else."

Although Nalan Shiyu is not happy with chennan, she knows that chennan won't hurt herself. She glances at chennan and looks at James again, hoping to know the result.

James suddenly hit the keyboard: "yes, President, we have enough money!"

Because he suddenly found that when the funds ran out, there was another 50 billion yuan in the account out of thin air. James immediately understood that chennan also wanted to use the funds to hold each other a little bit, and put all their funds in. He wanted to use his own funds to fight with them. James knew more about the details of the Langya mercenary regiment. Seeing this, he nodded to chennan.

In fact, he still doesn't understand that even if he doesn't count Langya's property, chennan still has shares in wengongzi in the capital, which has swept away the gambling king Ji Wentian's family business and won Smith $500 million. In addition, Tianwaitian's industry is seriously underestimated by Wu Mingju and Smith.

Nalan Shiyu and Liu Meiyan look at each other. Although they don't know the background of chennan, they both trust him in their hearts. With him, they will settle down. At this time, they even think that there is a man. Why do they have to think of any way to solve the problem? It should have been him.

What happened next confirmed James's judgment. Whenever his capital just ran out, the money in his account would immediately increase by 50 billion yuan. Although it was strange, James knew that it was the wolf tooth mercenary regiment that used the inside information, which made him completely relieved, and his mood became lighter, and he kept making a lot of money.

They are relaxed, but Smith's side is a little nervous, because it's about 2:30 before the general attack time, but the other side's funds are continuous, and there seems to be no sign of being exhausted. It is reasonable to say that at this time, the capital chain of Donghuan group should be very tight.

After a while, Waller found that the other side's hanging list was still as powerful as the black cloud, without any subsequent powerlessness.

"Hum!" Waller snorted coldly: "compared with me, I think you are a little bit younger. This time, I will make you vomit blood!" Without hesitation, he turned to Smith and others and said, "Mr. Smith, boss Wu, prepare another 200 billion for me right away!"

"Good!" Several bosses responded almost at the same time. In their opinion, the other party's strong rebound is reasonable, but I'm afraid it's just a dying struggle. In China, how many companies can withstand the joint efforts of the three families? The fiercer the other side's rebound, the more they earn and the richer the harvest, so each of the three families immediately added tens of billions of dollars.

When the funds arrived, Waller was confident again. He launched an all-round block against Donghuan group in the futures and stock markets, preparing for the impending net closing.

"Oh yeah!" Rodriguez excitedly waved his fist over there. "A few bosses, in another quarter of an hour, I can completely break the sixth defense line of Donghuan group, and the final victory will belong to us!"

"Well done. In 15 minutes, we will launch an all-round attack and let the Donghuan group, Yulei international and the boy surnamed Chen completely die. I want to have both beauty and property!" Cried Smith.

Wu Mingju's face was full of excitement: "Nalan Shiyu, you're going to be in my bag soon. I'll ask you to come to me at that time. Hehe, well, I'll give you a way to live for your sake of being a woman of Wu. You two should be my little Secretaries, ha ha." Wu Mingju looks obscene and seems to have seen a pair of excellent twins waving to him.

"Tick, tick, tick!" In the hall of Donghuan group, there was only the sound of the quartz clock and keyboard on the wall. James still pointed down and operated in an orderly way. However, after all, the financial war had huge funds and involved a wide range of fields. He was also very nervous and his face was full of sweat.

Liu Meiyan and Nalan Shiyu also felt a strong smell of gunpowder. They unconsciously stood behind James, clenched their fists and stared at the disk. Even Zhang Hualin, Chi wanting, Murong qinger and other leaders came to the hall. Everyone did not speak and looked at the disk solemnly."Dang!" The minute hand points to half past two.

On the computer screen, the share price of Donghuan group was suddenly plummeted by the super large order, and went straight to the limit.

At the same time, the investors in the stock exchange hall all let out a cry of surprise. Some institutions that want to fish in troubled waters all keep a close eye on the screen. It's so weird. This kind of super single is rare in life. Who is so big? Do you want to kill Donghuan group?

"The decisive battle has begun!" There was a exclamation in the hall of Donghuan group. Everyone could not help but clench their fists. The needle fell down in the big hall, and the heart beat could almost be heard.

"PATA!" A drop of sweat trickled down James's brain and onto the keyboard, but he didn't have time to wipe it off. His fingers moved faster and money was thrown out.

"Pa!" Chen Nan knocks the keyboard, stands up, shakes hands and lights a cigarette. He is the only one in the hall who has the most leisure.

Liu Meiyan and Nalan Shiyu swept to his computer and saw rows of files downloaded quickly, just like snowflakes dancing all over the sky.

"What did you download?" Chi wanting also saw it and finally couldn't help asking.

Chen south close to her ear whispered two.

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