He got up and went to the depth of the cave. The special charm came from the depth of the cave, but he didn't find anything at the bottom of the cave. There was no fork in the road. Where did this special charm come from?

A moment later, chennan stares at the stone wall at the bottom of the cave, because that kind of fairy breath is emitted from the stone wall. This kind of breath makes people feel refreshed. If you smell the cultivation, there are signs that it is loose. Chennan believes that this kind of breath is the reason that the lone wolf has changed into a powerful monster. Now he is invincible. If it takes time for that lone wolf It's absolutely going to be all over the world.

"Boom!" Chen Nan threw a remnant gun on the wall of the cave, and the debris flew. There was no glacier in it. The wall of the cave was already the main body of Mount Everest. A big pit was made on it, and the solid stone wall was still behind it.

Chen Nan believed that there must be something good hidden behind the stone wall. He simply took out his axe and began to dig the hole. After several hours of digging, the spirit became more and more intense, which made him more excited. He realized that there was something good in it, and he refused to stop for a moment. After several hours of digging, the light finally appeared in front of him.

Chen Nan is greatly pleased, sacrifice a remnant gun to blow up directly, "boom!" When the stone wall was smashed through, he was stunned by what appeared in front of him.

Outside the cliff, there is an abyss full of clouds. In the abyss, there is a cliff straight up and down. The strangest thing is that the cliff is covered with old bark like dragon scales, which is like a dragon circling the cliff. And that kind of fairy breath comes from the cliff in front of it.

Chen Nan is trying to lean out of the body to see the abyss, "whoosh!" A golden light flew out of the cave and landed on the cliff. Duck's egg grinned and made a face at him.

Chen Nan almost didn't vomit blood, how did this food come back? I really want to eat myself poor. He leaned out of the cave and looked out. He was even more surprised when he saw that there was no sun on the abyss and no bottom at the bottom. The most incredible thing was that the cliff he saw just now was not a cliff, but a tree trunk. He could not see the whole picture in the cave just now, so he regarded it as a cliff.

The trunk of this tree is tens of feet in diameter. It passes through the blue sky and the nether world. It is covered with branches like big trees, which cover the sky and block out the sun. It is born in the middle of the abyss. The whole abyss is oval, which surrounds the giant tree in the middle.

It's a pity that the branches of this giant tree are dry and lifeless. It's been dead for many years, but it's filled with a sense of flood and famine.

"What tree is this? It may have existed since ancient times Chen Nan was dumb. At this time, he could be sure that this giant tree was growing in the middle of Mount Everest. That is to say, the middle of Mount Everest was hollow. No one believed it. Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he would not believe that the highest peak in the world, Mount Everest, which is revered as Mount Everest, would be hollow. And there was a giant tree growing in the middle of Mount Everest. Is it pearl The existence of the peak is due to the failure of this giant tree. Isn't that amazing?

Think of here, chennan can't help fighting a cold war. In order to plant a tree, he hollowed out the mountain. Even Mt. Everest may have been moved by someone. This person must have the ability to move mountains and overturn the sea. It's not impossible to think of the great power in ancient times.

Duck's egg grinned on the tree trunk, and a pair of small claws grasped the tree trunk, as if they wanted to get into the tree trunk.

Chen Nan has an idea. That kind of fairy breath comes out from the tree trunk. Is there any treasure in it?

From this idea, Chen Nan flies across the air, embracing the old skin on the trunk with both hands, and beating the trunk with a residual gun. The trunk makes a sound of "sound". Listen to the sound, it may be really hollow.

The edge of the hole is five or six feet away from the tree trunk, and the remnant gun can't reach it. If the remnant gun rushes through the hole, in case the remnant gun can't pierce the huge tree, he will also fall into the abyss. The bottom is not deep, and once he falls, there will be no residue left.

If only the divine sense were stronger, because the remnant gun was a magic weapon. If the divine sense was bigger, he could directly sacrifice the remnant gun and bombard the tree trunk, but not now. With his current divine sense, he could only barely control the remnant gun, but he could not attack the enemy.

"What to do?" Chen Nan thought for a long time and tested the hardness of the tree trunk. He cut it twice with his sword. The tree trunk is very strong, harder than ordinary steel, and can't be cut at all. For today's plan, he can only use a remnant gun. In order to cultivate resources and break through, he has to fight anyway.

He flew back to the entrance of the cave, with the remnant gun in his hand. Chennan turned Xuangong, roared and dived toward the tree trunk, "boom!" If it's a normal tree, the gun will be blown into powder, but this lifeless tree trunk is just broken.

Chen Nan jumps up from the remnant gun, comes to the tree trunk, pulls out the long gun, and then flies back to the hole. He bombards the tree trunk in such a way. The mountain is like thunder. The roar is heard all the time. Duck's big eyes are watery and scared. He flies up and holds the branch tightly for fear of shaking it down.

Chennan bombarded for hundreds of times, and finally blasted a hole in the tree trunk. It was really hollow, and there was a colorful glow in it. The rich fairy breath floated out of it, which made people feel refreshed."Brush!" Duck eggs flash away, into the tree hole inside, Chen Nan surprised, if there is any good things inside, it won't be eaten.

He was afraid that the duck egg would do something wrong, so he flew to the tree trunk. As soon as he wanted to go in, the duck egg seemed to see a ghost and flew out again. His big eyes were scared and full of fear.

Isn't there a monster in it, which makes this little thing afraid of being like this? Chen Nan was on guard, holding the remnant gun tightly, and went into the tree cave. The hollow tree cave was very wide, with a diameter of one foot. Seven or eight feet below, there was a group of colorful brilliance, full of auspiciousness. In the middle of the colorful colors, there was a green halo covered by milky light, which could not be swept through by the use of divine consciousness, and even sent out a refreshing spirit.

No matter what it is, it's necessary to go down and have a look. Chennan is about to take action. Duck's egg flies over and falls on his shoulder. His big watery eyes are still afraid.

Chen Nan looked at it and said, "since you are so afraid, don't go down!"

Duck's egg pouts and shakes its head. It has to follow. It looks like a determined child.

"Well, let's go together!"

Duck egg stops on his shoulder, a claw tightly grasps his hair, for fear of shaking off his own, chennan comes to colorful Guanghua along the tree trunk, Shenzhi sweeps out, and finally sees clearly.


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