In both kneeling at the same time, Miao Wuhua and Guo Huaian suddenly trembled, and then both of them urinated their pants!

Looking at the silver pistol with muffler on the hand of the man in black, they were shocked again!

What's more, they both sweat like rain

Both of them thought that they were No. 1 figures in the capital of Shu, but they were so embarrassed at the moment!

Although the man in black didn't say why he came here, they both subconsciously understood that it should be ye Dong's man?!

Looking at them, the man in black couldn't help but sneer: "Hey --"

immediately, the man in Black said, "is the lake and lake in Shudu so fragile?"

“……” Miao Wuhua and Guo Huaian are embarrassed and dare not speak.

The man in Black said with a sneer: "you two are so-called masters! It's about people in the Shu capital! It's too much of a quack, isn't it? "

Then, the man in Black said, "I see that Tamar is full and has nothing to do, so they have to study how to deal with others all day long? What virtue of Tamar is that he does not urinate and take care of himself

Miao Wuhua and Guo Huaian only felt slapped in the face. They were so embarrassed that they wanted to find a place to hide in.

Then, the man in black swaggered and pulled a chair over and sat down in front of them.

Suddenly seeing the situation of the man in black, Miao Wuhua and Guo Huaian were frightened and shivering, and they were sweating

After another sneer, the man in Black said, "the two masters are the people of the Shu capital at least. I'll give you two a choice. How do you want to die?"

Miao Wuhua took the lead in shaking: "don't, don't, don't! My Lord! hero! Spare your life

Then, Guo Huaian was also busy and shivered all over: "spare my life, master!"

The man in black laughed coldly: "anyone who has seen my appearance or heard my voice can't live any more!"

Then, the man in black again said, "since you two don't want to choose, then I'll decide the death of the two lords!"

As soon as the voice dropped, the man in black was no longer wordy. He raised his hand and shot Miao Wuhua's eyebrows


Sure enough, after a shot, Miao Wuhua began to tilt down, and finally with a "poof" sound, he fell to the ground.

Guo Huaian looks at it and wants to play a game of dog jumping over the wall. Unexpectedly, the man in black is too fast.

It's a direct and decisive "purine"!

Finally, Guo Huaian choked up!

Three of Shu's capital, Luo, Miao and Guo, all died together.


About half an hour later, suddenly, a "Wuwuwuwu" police car came to Yuanji teahouse

At this moment, the service staff in Yuanji teahouse dare not go to the second floor.

Because the scene in box 8 on the second floor is really bloody! How tragic!

The three lords of Shudu are all hanging there!

Now all the service staff gathered on the first floor were terrified and pale

Because they don't know who killed the three lords in Shudu? unclear?

Boss Zhang, who was the first to arrive at the teahouse, asked, "what is the situation?"

Boss Zhang, whose real name is Zhang yuanqiang, is the boss behind the scenes of Yuanji teahouse.

He also has some ways in Shudu.

But teahouse is not his main business, his main business is playing calligraphy and painting, antiques.

But the service staff looked at boss Zhang, and they all shook their heads in a daze

Only one of the managers, yuan Sufen, said, "I don't know who came to the teahouse? And kill three masters of Shudu! "

Yuan Sufen, the manager of Yuanji teahouse, is a woman in her thirties and full of charm.

In fact, as we all know, this woman is the lover of boss Zhang.

Yuanji teahouse is actually named after yuan Sufen's surname.

This kind of woman with stories is quite calm in the face of such occasions.

But in fact, yuan Sufen's heart is also shaking.

After looking at yuan Sufen and the service staff, Zhang yuanqiang asked again, "you Didn't you hear anything? "

Including yuan Sufen, they all shook their heads

Lying trough -

when Zhang Yuan qiangten, he was helpless!

Because of this, as the owner of Yuanji teahouse, he has some joint and several liabilities.

After all, man died in his teahouse.

Although the police will investigate the matter of Tama, it is not clear about the people in the underground world of Shudu.

Later, when he looked at them one by one, they were all frightened and frightened. Zhang yuanqiang had no choice but to turn around and run to the second floorHe wants to see for himself what's going on?


When Zhang yuanqiang went up to the second floor, the police also arrived.

Suddenly, six or seven police cars stopped at the gate of Yuanji teahouse.

Then a dozen uniformed policemen came in in

Zhang yuanqiang went to the door of box 8 on the second floor and took a look inside. After that, he was frightened at the door and did not dare to step inside.

Because in the box, it's really tragic!

The three masters were all lying on the ground with their eyes closed, bloody

What's more, there is a bullet hole in the middle of the eyebrow.


Next, the police quickly sealed off the scene.

Start all kinds of exploration, evidence collection, judgment

Then there are various inquiries about these people in Yuanji teahouse

Yuan Sufen, the manager of Yuanji teahouse, said that when the three masters came back to the teahouse, they all wanted box 8 on the second floor.

And they don't need service people in the box every time.

It happened that there was no business in the teahouse this afternoon. On the second floor, only three of them were there, and the service staff were resting on the first floor.

It was found that when the three lords died, it was when a service personnel went up to prepare for the impoundment.

When the police hear this information, they are also feeling headache!

What's more, the killer didn't leave any fingerprints or footprints at the scene.

There are few favorable clues.

The only clue is that all three were shot dead.

Next, we can only wait for the bullet to be taken out and then study the source of the bullet.


After a while, the three lords of Shudu were shot dead in Yuanji teahouse, and it began to spread gradually in the underground world of Shudu.

This is definitely a big event that shocked the underground world of Shudu!

Former Luo Ye's subordinates, Ma Shi took the lead to give Duan Ye's lawyer Yu Kui de a phone call.

As a matter of fact, yuquid has heard of it.

As for yuquid, he is a lawyer. In fact, he has been involved in some affairs of the underground world.

It can be said that Yu kuider is equivalent to Duan Ye's scoundrel.

On the phone, after listening to Ma Shi's suspicions, Yu kuider actually thought, should it be the Ye Dong who did it?

It's just this kind of thing. If the police can't find out why, it's probably not settled?

After all, they are the big men in the underground world who are the bane of disturbing social order.

Therefore, in terms of the attitude of the police, it is very difficult to kill them at one time.

But for the underground world of Shudu, it can be said that people are in danger now!

Finally, Ma Shi asked, "what should I do now?"

Yu kuider on the other end of the phone frowned and couldn't help lighting a cigarette

After a while, Yu kuider could only say, "what can I do? The police have also intervened and can only wait for the police investigation results! "

"But you don't think Is that ye Dong too cruel? "

"Now, without any evidence, we can't conclude that it was he who did it?" he said

Ma Shi then said: "Hua Yu group wants to expand its market in Shudu. Luo ye and others are all stumbling blocks, so this is obviously not?"

"It's just our inference!" Yu kuider replied.

Obviously, Yu kuider is a lawyer after all, so he still pays attention to his discretion.

Of course, his heart is also in hesitation, fear.

After all, he was afraid of being made.

Because he knows that sometimes, the law is not the only weapon.

"The problem is If no one stands up now, the momentum of Huayu group in Shudu will be irresistible! "

Yu kuider said: "what others have done is the way of capital operation. How do you think we can stop it?"

"So that's what we're doing?" Ma Shi asked again.

Yu kuider said, "let's get to the bottom of the matter first, OK? Or wait for the results of the police investigation? "


In fact, what is more shocking is Lu Dazhong of Qingjiang group.

Originally, Lu Dazhong was planning to secretly unite with Lord Luo and others to make a stumbling block for ye Chen's little boy. But who knew that such a shocking news came immediately

"Chairman, what are we going to do now?" Guo Yuanzhong asked.

It's OK not to ask. Lu Dazhong glared at him inexplicably: "if I want to know how to fix it, what else can I do with you?"

“……” Guo Yuanzhong was suddenly embarrassed and speechless.

In fact, Lu Zhong needs to calm down.

Because Lu Dazhong is thinking that ye Chen's invisible strength can't be underestimated!But think again, Lu Dazhong is depressed. He thinks that I just want to marry his daughter to Ye Chen. Is it all so difficult?!

Sleeping trough!!

Immediately, Lu Dazhong was wondering whether it was necessary to continue to make a stumbling block?

After thinking about it, Lu Dazhong is afraid that he will really upset Ye Chen

Because when it comes to his Qingjiang group, it's not worth the loss!

Moreover, Lu Dazhong has to think about it. After all, there is Qinglan group of Jianghai behind the scenes of Huayu group.

So in order to marry a daughter, and make such an impassioned words, it seems too much to lose!

suddenly, Lu Dazhong make complaints about it: "Tamar!" I just want to marry my daughter to Ye Chen! Is this Is it so hard for all of us? "

after a burst of Tucao, Lu Dazhong said, "make complaints about Tamar!" Is it true that my daughter can't get married

“……” , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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