The girl herself is a person with rich feelings, otherwise, she would not write so many stories in her pen. She looks at the sleeping man, and her mouth unconsciously evokes a gentle smile. She says to herself, "when will you wake up? I have a lot to ask you. I want to chat with you. "

Her whisper word by word into the ear of Xia chuyang, she is not sure he can hear? How much can you hear? She said to herself. After a while, she began to sing her songs in the novel bitterly and softly in her throat, hoping that her songs could penetrate the layers of darkness and lead him to find himself or be familiar with her voice.

However, Xia chuyang, who was in a coma, still didn't move. It seemed that she couldn't hear her words or the songs she sang in a low voice. She couldn't feel her existence, which made her very frustrated and sad. She was so sad that she cried out. Tears ran down her face. Tears stained his face, as if he had been crying with her.

In his sleep, Xie Liancheng vaguely heard the voice of a woman talking softly. He thought he was dreaming. He thought he had seen movies and TV plays. But gradually, he heard the sound of crying again.

No, it should not be a dream. He suddenly sat up, not only with intermittent sobs, but also with intermittent singing. In an instant, he held his arms up, afraid of goose bumps all over his body.

Is this the female ghost who killed people?

He awoke rohanff gently and whispered. "Listen, humph?"

"Listen to what?" Luo Hanfu was about to push his hand away, but he stopped again. He also heard the women's singing, accompanied by intermittent sobs. It sounded sad, with a kind of creepy feeling.

"It seems that it came from the direction of Xiao Xia. What should I do?" Xie Liancheng whispered. "Will he be killed by the ghost?"

"Go and have a look!" Rohanfu is touching the flashlight.

"I dare not?" Xie Liancheng said in fear.

"What are we two big men afraid of?" Rohanfu said. "Xiao Xia lives outside by himself. If something happens to him, we can't say clearly. Xiao Xia is good to us. We can't wait to save him."

"All right!" Xie Liancheng took his hand. "You let me pull, otherwise, I dare not go out!"

"Well." Rohanfu whispered. "Step gently. We should not be surprised if it is a human or a ghost."

They walked out hand in hand, holding a flashlight in hand, and they didn't dare to fight. As soon as they got out of the shed, the voice was heard more clearly. It was really from the tent in early summer.

It's really a quiet night, a dream, a sad song. Listening to such a beautiful voice, Xie Liancheng's courage is growing up slowly. He says that such a charming voice is certainly not bad.

In a hurry, he sped up his pace and threw luohanfu, who was not on guard in front of him, to the ground. With luohanfu falling to the ground, accompanied by his scream, the female voice just humming stopped suddenly. Then he saw a dark shadow flying out of the tent in early summer.

Luo Hanfu was lying on the ground, shining a flashlight at the woman who was walking like flying. He was dressed in white and flying. His long hair was also scattered behind him, and he was as light as a swallow.

Xie Liancheng, who was standing, was so scared that he sat on the ground and kept shouting in horror. "Ghost There are ghosts Someone, please The construction site is haunted There are ghosts Help

looking at the ghost disappearing in sight, rohanfu also screamed. Several people who were sleeping inside were awakened. The light was on in the shed, and several men asked with open eyes and panic. "What happened?"

Another look, the bed without Xie Liancheng and luohanfu, this just realized that the outside of the cry is they sent out, quickly ran out to help the two collapsed on the ground.

"Brother, there is a ghost!" Luo Hanfu grabbed Luo Hanwen's hand in horror.

Liu Tiezhu waved his flashlight and took photos everywhere. "What the hell? I think you two have hallucinations? Everything is fine. Today is the only time that something like this happens. It must be that you are too late to see it and your brain is not normal. "

Liu Tiezhu went to bed earlier than some of them, so he decided that they were stupid when they watched movies.

Or I got Acacia after watching the movie. These two people seem to be very sick? Or is he Liu Tiezhu smart, not to see those people's wishful thinking things.

"Go back to sleep!" Luo Hanwen also agreed with Liu Tiezhu, "I guess you two really have hallucinations after watching the film. OK, what's the ghost? Don't scare yourself here, go back to sleep

"Brother in law, there is a ghost!" Xie Liancheng's voice has been trembling, "in that direction, she is from that direction to escape, light to fly away, but also a white, too terrible!"

"Isn't that the fairy sister in the TV series you're talking about?" Liu Tiezhu joked. "You two are really obsessed with watching the film. You are confused and don't get a clear score. You think it's a woman's idea, don't you? It's strange to think that we men who are far away from home can only sleep with a woman during the Spring Festival all the year round. Don't think about it. Wake up"I miss your mother?" Xie Liancheng roared. "Don't fool around here. I'm sober. I'm not dreaming and I'm not thinking about women. Just because you don't have women to sleep doesn't mean I don't have women to sleep. Who are you? It's really disgusting to mess around at this time!"

"I say you're not sick, are you?" Liu Tiezhu also got angry and rushed to him. "Want to fight?"

"If you fight, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

"You, you don't quarrel!" Luo Hanfu said anxiously, pointing to Xia chuyang's tent. "Brother, you go to see Xiao Xia. The ghost just ran out of his tent. Go and see if he's OK? Why did we make so much noise and he didn't move? Can't you really let that female ghost be killed? "

When he said that, everyone was stunned.

He should have woken up long after such a big noise. Why didn't he make any noise? Can't something really happen?

A few men had an instant midnight fright.

"Then follow. Let's go to see Xiao Xia." Luo Hanwen's heart also raised. If Lian Cheng only said that, he might not believe it, but Hanfu also said that. Naturally, it's true. His younger brother never tells lies, and he is very honest.

As they passed by, a chilly night wind was blowing, which made the tent that had not been closed make a sound in the early summer sun. The hairs on their bodies stood up, which was so gloomy and terrible!

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