"Other people's relatives keep watch and don't let us move. They say that as long as we move, three members of their family will die in front of everyone." Chen Haichang put his right hand on his back and clapped in his left heart. "I'm afraid they'll come. Who dares to move? How many lives? I'm afraid that they can do anything if they are in a hurry? "

"How did this happen?" Wang Baiyan quickly pushed away the crowd and pushed inside.

The head of the medical team also came forward to plead guilty. "Wang Ju, I'm sorry. We didn't expect such a thing to happen. It's really beyond our expectation. It seems that the family is dying. Otherwise, don't tear down the shed?"

"How long have you been taking rat poison?" Wang Baiyan felt that the situation was more serious than he had imagined, and suddenly he was in a cold sweat. He looked straight at Doctor Chen. "Can it be saved again?"

Dr. Chen shook his head. "It's been more than an hour. It's estimated that even if we go to the hospital, we can't bring the dead back to life. We don't want to see more lives die under our eyes. Go and have a look. The relatives of the dead have been holding a kitchen knife in their hands. They say that as long as we dare to move the old lady, he will kill his family and let the world blame us for bullying the common people."

"Are we bad people?" Wang Baiyan hummed coldly. "Is that the reverse of what he said?"

When Chen Haichang heard this, he sneered in his heart. Now when are you going to tell me who are the bad guys? Then don't blame him for being cruel and ruthless. Instead, let's do nothing and go on for a while, and then incite everyone to fight against this stubborn new director.

As a matter of fact, many of the people around here are the related households who build the sheds along the way. They are all called here by Chen Haichang in order to overpower the team that demolishes the sheds. They don't believe in fighting these people, and they can't let their relatives die in vain. They have to pay some price.

The person who took the rat poison has been more than an hour. If they delay for a while, they will not be saved even if they are sent to the hospital. Therefore, Chen Haichang also follows Wang Baiyan to squeeze in and winks at the man who is crying there, which means to let him persist in the end, otherwise his previous achievements will be wasted.

The calm man immediately picked up the kitchen knife and waved it fiercely towards Wang Boyan. "Go away! Don't come here! What else do you want when you force people to death? Why are state-owned enterprises treated like this? Where is the principle of heaven? "

"Don't mess about!" Wang Baiyan raised his hand. "You will kill your mother in this way. Send her to the hospital as soon as possible to save her life. Calm down. Don't come here!"

"What do you want if you don't give our migrant workers a living and force them to death?" The man flushed his eyes fiercely. "People are dead, I will not let you take her away, absolutely not!"

"That's right, you've been deceiving people too much!" Someone took the lead in shouting. "What about migrant workers? Aren't migrant workers human? If your projects were not for the hard work of our migrant workers, could there be so many high-quality projects? "

"Yes, you officials can't do this to us bottom-up migrant workers. We are the real workers. You only know how to exploit our working people, but you don't sympathize with our difficulties at all. If you work hard for a month, you can get a little money, tear down our shed, rent our house, can you still live with that money?"

"Black hearted enterprises specially squeeze us working people. If you force us so hard, we'll expose it on the Internet and let public opinion and morality condemn you. Do you still have the face to sit in that position and command blindly? It's true that the master who stands and talks without backache will take us migrant workers at the bottom of the class as soon as he comes. "


all kinds of curses are heard all the time. It seems that if they insist on taking away the old lady who is taking the rat poison, they will attack each other and exchange other people's lives for their own interests and peace. Why not?

"What do you want to do?" Hu Rong was so angry that she stepped forward and scolded. "It's a crime. If you don't help yourself, you have to stop us from saving people. Get out of the way, otherwise, when the police come, none of you will be arrested as abetting."

She didn't call the police. She was bluffing them.

Unexpectedly, an alarm provoked the public anger. Suddenly, the crowd poured in towards Hu Rong like a tide.

Men, women, young and old all stretched out their fingers to scold Hu Rong. All kinds of faces scolded Hu Rong. Some of them even puffed their mouths and raised their eyes. Their fingers almost reached Hu Rong's face.

"What do you want to do?" Where can Xia chuyang allow such a thing to happen? He rushed out with a loud drink, slashed those rude hands, and then protected Hu Rong tightly behind him.

"Who are you?" Someone pointed to Xia chuyang and hummed. "Who are you?" It's clear that they didn't pay attention to Xia chuyang. You know, they are all related households. Otherwise, they would not be able to enjoy the treatment of damaging public interests.

"He is the college student who was transferred to guard the construction site." There was a cry.

At once, they burst out with warm laughter.

"Is that you who play the game of changing wives?" Just now the man said with a sneer. "What? Did the woman come to the construction site again? Do you want to have sex with this woman? ""Don't blame me for being rude again Xia chuyang protected Hu Rong and retreated, "I can tell you that this is a vicious mob riot. You have to forcibly prevent law enforcement even if you occupy the territory of the country. You people come out to earn money, not to send yourself to prison for dinner?"

"Of course not." Someone yelled at the early summer sun. "Naturally, we are seeking wealth, but the leaders here want to tear down the shed we live in, that is to say, we are asking for wealth in a bad way. We will never allow this kind of thing. Besides, this kind of thing does not start now. It has been many years. Why should he do this?"

"You are losing public interest. What do you mean to block your wealth?" Xia chuyang angrily waved his hands and beat back the hands he wanted to reach out. "If it wasn't for the good intentions of the leaders, they would not have informed you to use bulldozers to remove these obstacles directly. Now that they have informed you of their good intentions, they still need to gather people to make trouble. It's really something that I don't know how to praise. If I were you, I would not care if you had any valuable things in it. I'd like to let you do it Some greedy people cry

"How dare you?" Some people said.

"Do you think I dare?" Xia chuyang won't be afraid of them. "Isn't that death? Come on, you're hitting me? I don't think any of you dare to move me? "

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