"Is everyone out of danger?" Wang Baiyan took a look at everyone.

"Report to the leader, all the staff of the sixth team were out of danger, but before I could report the danger to the leader, I ran out to the Secretary, and it was too late. So many of us, only a few of them came out with mobile phones, and finally they were soaked in the water. The water poured down, and no one could stop them. Fortunately, there was a mountain where we could take refuge Let's all stop here. The unstoppable current is terrible. We are watching the roof submerge bit by bit. "

"It was the phone call you made that made me highly alert. After checking, it turned out that it was your team. Thinking of the location of your team, I immediately realized that something had happened to you. So I called all the leaders of the Bureau in the night. Fortunately, there was captain Xia of the fifth team. If I had to detour for a few hours, I would have to retreat. It's the same There's nothing we can do about it. "

"Thanks to the leadership, we can all get out of danger." Zhao Fulai said excitedly. "A phone call makes the leaders think deeply. With your concern for the subordinates, on behalf of the whole team, I would like to express my great thanks to the leaders and the reinforcement brothers."

Just after taking more than 100 employees from the six teams out of the tunnel, Xia chuyang saw in the wechat group that an employee sent a picture of the seven teams in danger. There was a reservoir where the seven teams were stationed. With the continuous rainstorm, the water level kept rising, and there were many dangers. It was imminent to remove the silt and remove the obstacles. He had to tell the leaders about the danger.

In fact, the local government and residents should do a good job in flood control measures. Once the dam breaks, it is not only team 7 that is the hardest hit area. There are many local farmers around. Team 7 is relatively located in the plain and has a large population. Unlike team 6, which is located at the foot of a remote mountain, it is far away to go in by detour. There are no local villagers around that place except the temporary camp built by team 6, The plan is to build a tunnel through the mountain from Songhu mountain.

As soon as Wang Baifang looked at the picture, his brows were locked tightly. Many wooden buildings were built around the reservoir by local residents at will. With green mountains and green waters, they relied on mountains and water to enjoy themselves, and they started a happy farm there.

In view of this situation, Wang Baiyan immediately called the mayor's hotline, reported the danger faced by the seven teams to them, and asked the government to send flood control and disaster relief teams to reinforce them. If the reservoir really broke its embankment, it would be a disaster.

City and county leaders are also holding an emergency flood control meeting. After receiving a call from Wang Boyan, the leaders said that the reinforcements will come soon and ask them to support for a while. Under such circumstances, Wang Boyan had to take a large army to the seventh team. The three double row seats of the fifth team all started. As long as they are not old people and children, all of them volunteered to join the rescue fight.

Wang Baiyan is calling up all the members of the Fifth Engineering team, the Sixth Engineering team and the seventh engineering team. Fortunately, Luo Hanwen gave him a high pitched loudspeaker to keep his voice from breaking.

With a high pitched loudspeaker, he stood at a high place to command everyone and let hundreds of subordinates rush to build the dam. Only in this way can we ensure the safety of one party. He is a veteran of engineering. He is no exception to such a simple project. We are all experts. If the local villagers did not come out to stop him, the rush to repair the dam should be very smooth.

Hundreds of people were involved in the intense battle. Wang Baiyan took a double row seat to inspect again. He saw that everyone was going on in a tense and orderly way. He also got out of the car and put himself into the work. He rolled up his sleeves with the rest of us.

All of a sudden, more than 20 villagers rushed out. They were the operators of the wooden house. When they saw that they had dug up their vegetables and plants, they immediately refused to give up. They had to pay for their losses. They almost started fighting.

When Wang Baiyan heard the news, he had to go to mediate. "What's the matter, you tell me, don't stop them from repairing the dyke here."

The villagers said rudely. "Can I help you? They have destroyed our vegetable garden and garden. They have to pay for it. Can you pay for it? "

"Is this your garden and garden?" Wang Baiyan said as he worked. "As far as I know, you farmhouses are all built illegally. Look what you've done to the green mountains and green waters? If you didn't destroy the ecological environment, would the reservoir be in danger? "

"Who are you?" The man gave Wang Boyan a good push.

Xia chuyang just came. He was afraid that these people would hurt the leaders when they made trouble. He just saw Wang Baiyan was pushed. He came forward with a tit for tat and pushed the other side too. He almost fell down. It was his family who helped him to stabilize.

This time, they besieged Xia chuyang. "Lose money, lose money, otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite."

"What if you don't pay?" Xia Shiyang looks dignified. "Look at the faces of you people. In your eyes, what's more than money? I don't see. Are we all worried about you? When the dyke of the reservoir is broken, it's not your home that will be destroyed. Does it have anything to do with us? It's such a critical time. If you don't come to help repair, you have to come out to stop us. It's killing people, you know? "

"Who are you scaring?" The man said incredulously. "I've lived here for decades, and there has never been any breakout of the dyke. Take away your kindness. We're not rare. Get out of our territory. This place is a blessed place. It's absolutely impossible for you to worry about it. I don't care. You'll have to compensate for the damage to our vegetable garden and garden, as well as the loss of farmhouse.""Pay for the wool!" Xia chuyang waved his hand. "At that time, it's good not to let you spit out the illegal gains of these years. Don't you get out of the way quickly?"

"No!" After all of them winked, they scattered and stopped everyone digging.

Wang Baiyan had no choice but to speak out with a trumpet. "I'm the director of bureau F. if there's anything wrong, wait until they finish repairing the dam. Now even if there's a big problem, put it aside for me and ask for compensation. You can go to the bureau to find me when the rain stops."

"We believe that you are the director?" There was a cry of disbelief.

"He is really our director." Said the captain of team seven. "Villagers, we are helping you. Don't be ignorant of your good heart. If we let go, don't say that the vegetable garden is not protected, that is, your life is not protected. How can we not distinguish the heavy from the heavy? Do you still have human nature?"

These people know the leader of the seventh team. This engineering team has been around for a year. Sometimes the leader will bring people to the farmhouse for dinner, and there will be some exchanges. Therefore, they believe the leader's words, but they don't want to give up the plan of compensation. These ignorant villagers who get into the money can't suffer any loss anyway.

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