Jiang Hao said, still holding Xia chuyang's head to look left and right. He was so anxious that he jumped to his feet. Such a rich man came to see him, but he didn't give others a good face. If he was Jiang Hao, he would certainly give in to his favor. If she was so rich, she would smash him with money. Is Jiang Hao OK? Can it be used as money?

"Well, don't mess with my head!" Xia chuyang scolded angrily. "It's almost breaking your neck. I have no problem with my brain. What's wrong is you. You don't understand the world of rich people. We can't afford it."

"I can't afford to play with you. Do you want to be fat?" Jiang Hao rolled his eyes in anger. "Don't you always insist on inviting them?"

"Yes, I want to invite them. That's hospitality." Xia chuyang nodded seriously. "Even if I just invite them to a very cheap local dish, it's also my intention. It's better than nothing. Although it's a bit shabby, at least it won't make me feel like a person who can't get in and out."

"It's unnecessary!" Jiang Hao complained. "Maybe people will laugh at you for being a fool. If you don't have money, you have to pretend. Is there anything to pretend? I really don't understand. Is face really that important to you? "

"Compared with starvation, face is nothing." Xia chuyang said thoughtfully. "But I'm not hungry now. I'm full. Can't I have a little face? Where is my dignity? "

"Forget it, I won't argue with you." Jiang Hao compromised. "When you are in good health, go to fight a fat man with a swollen face and get back your so-called dignity. People who have been in moonlight for a month can't breathe under the pressure of money. They still have dignity one by one. I really convince you."

Jiang Hao didn't know that Xia chuyang had a million dollars. He thought that Xia chuyang was once a poor man who worried about money every month. But he didn't know that he had become an invisible rich man. He not only bought a house quietly, but also had several luxury goods. He also had a hundred thousand yuan deposit on hand. Now Xia chuyang is not the poor man who worries about money as soon as he opens his eyes.

"Jiang Hao, let me discuss something with you." Xia chuyang's condition is good now. He wants to help Jiang Hao.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hao thought it was the voice of eager to please him as a companion.

"If I take over the work of yunzong, we will do it together, and the reward will be half for one person. Will you do it?" In fact, he can do it by himself and earn more money. When he thinks that Jiang Hao and his girlfriend still live in a rental house, he is worried about Jiang Hao. Although Yang Yang is not a material woman, he is also very loyal to Jiang Hao, but he hasn't formally proved it. It's not a long-term thing.

"How much do you make in a month?" Jiang Hao laughed with indifference. "This kind of part-time job won't be given too much, will it?"

"Then you are wrong." He waved his hand. "It's more than our salary in the company. If you want to work with me, I'll take more private work."

"There are so many?" Jiang Hao immediately came up, "does this woman really like you? It's just a part-time job. How could she be so willing to pay for it? "

"Mind your own business!" Xia chuyang hit him. "Put away your gossip and say whether you want to work with me or not? It won't take up your working hours. You can do it after work and on weekends. It's very easy to send it online. There won't be any annoying rules and regulations to hold you there. You're free. "

"Yes, of course." Jiang Hao high fives him. "Why not do such a good thing? However, you can't offend our God of wealth. Looking at your performance today, I think she is really angry. In order to make money, we have to give up the God of wealth. Next time you invite them, take me with you and promise to make her laugh. "

"Come on, don't make yourself cheap." Xia chuyang glared at him. "We earn money by our ability, not by laughing. Since she came to me to cooperate and prove that I am really the talent she needs, why should we please her? Shouldn't she please us? Don't reverse the relationship? "

"I think you've reversed it." Jiang Hao was so angry at his words that he shook his head. "Your head has changed since you fell, didn't it? You used to be a money addict. Now it seems that you are not short of money. Are you rich? "

"Ah, rich, do you believe it?" Xia chuyang seriously lowered his head.

"Cut, I don't believe it." Jiang Hao bent over with a smile. "Who do you coax by staying at the construction site every day?"

"I'm really rich." Xia chuyang finds out the bank balance SMS from his mobile phone and shows it to him. "See? My balance is no longer double-digit. "

"Really?" Jiang Hao grabbed his mobile phone and counted it carefully. "One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, my God, there are 150000 yuan. Where do you have so much money?"

"I earned it myself." He gave Jiang Hao a lazy look. "Didn't you say you wanted to buy a house last time, but the down payment was still 100000 yuan short?"

"Why?" Jiang Hao looked at him with his eyes shining. "Will you lend it to me?"

"Well." He nodded. "I'll lend you 100000 yuan to buy a second-hand house in the city center."

"Yes, we want to buy a house in the center of the city, but we haven't raised enough money. Our savings, together with the support of his family and my family, can only raise about 400000 yuan at most, 100000 yuan less than the down payment of 500000 yuan." Jiang Hao shook his head and sighed. "We pity our parents, who have worked hard to cultivate us into college students. As a result, we not only don't enjoy our happiness, but also are dragged down by us. If they don't support us, we don't want to dream of buying a house in our life.""I said," why do you have to buy second-hand houses in the city center? " Xia chuyang said puzzledly. "Now the transportation is convenient. If you go to a remote place with subway, you can buy a big house to live in."

In fact, Xia chuyang wants him to buy his own community, but after thinking about it, he still holds back and agrees with Hu Rong that he can't expose his current residence, otherwise, he is a man who can't keep his word.

"You have a point?" Jiang Hao points off. "The surrounding areas are developing well, and a lot of tall new residential areas have been built. I will take Yangyang to the surrounding buildings this weekend. Their family and our family are single children. It's best to buy a four room apartment. In the future, we can take both parents over to provide for the aged. Although they can move now, we have to consider the day when they can't move. We have to consider the long-term."

"In this case, it is suggested that you buy three rooms and two rooms in the same unit, and buy them separately. You can rent one with Yangyang. After you get married, you can reduce the pressure of repayment. When your parents come to live, you can take it back and get through. In this way, you can have a place to live even if you have two children." Xia chuyang plans for his future.

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