"Oh." Yun ruoli was surprised. "Is there a more noble and elegant woman beside you than Meng Xue? How come I've never heard of it? If so, Xi Xi will be the first one to tell me that she can't keep any secrets at all. She will make trouble all over the city for a long time. Maybe she will make trouble with that woman and dare to rob a man from her. That's a suicide. She doesn't go to trouble people every day. "

"You don't have to guess. It's just a woman I imagined, or a shield to stop you rotten peach blossoms." Xia chuyang doesn't like this feeling very much, as if he had been stripped by the other party and was discussing. Can't he have a little privacy?

"OK, then I'll take it as if you are used to block rotten peach blossom, and I won't tell you about it." Cloud if leave words front a turn, ask a way. "Where are you? Is it a construction site? "

"Well." He said he was at the construction site without thinking about it. "I'm at the construction site."

"Wait. I'll see you at the construction site now. I won't leave tonight. I'll accompany you at the construction site and experience the house I gave you by the way." Cloud if leave overbearing ground says. "I didn't bring anyone with me. You don't have to worry that I will occupy your bed. I can take a rest to check the sofa bed and my own products. I have to experience it myself to have a say. I know better what needs to be improved."

"Ah?" In early summer, he jumped up from the sofa. "Do you really go to the construction site? Or is it already on the way? "

"On the road, of course." Cloud if leave excitedly say. "Don't worry, I won't trouble you. I'll bring you dinner. I'm packing food in a full shop. I've bought a lot of food. Anyway, there's a refrigerator. I can save it and eat it tomorrow. By the way, I'll go to the underground passage for a walk. That's my new development project. Maybe I'll often go to the construction site to disturb you. It's also a common thing to stay in your place."


"What is no?" Cloud if leave fierce voice way. "I said, it won't disturb your life. You live in yours and I live in mine. What's wrong with that? We are such good intimate friends, what are we afraid of? You know all my privacy. What else do we have to worry about? "

"Mr. Yun, I'm afraid that's not right?" Xia chuyang is afraid. He is not afraid of Yun Ruolin, but he is afraid that he can't control himself. Although the woman he loves in his heart is Hu Rong, his body also responds to Yun Ruolin. Otherwise, he will not have a different emotion towards Yun Ruolin. He is afraid that he will hurt others and himself accidentally.

"What's wrong?" The cloud is like a wave. "You promised to help me put out the fire on the spot, and you won't run away again?"

"Didn't your fire go out long ago?" He hated the voice. "You are just in a hurry. If you find more things to do, it won't be like this."

"The open fire is put out, but the dark fire in my heart can't be put out. I can only find you." Yunruoli told him. "I heard that you still have a partner on the construction site. I will send him away later. I don't want him to disturb us."

"This is not good!" He said frantically. "People are serious about guarding the construction site. Why should I send them away?"

"Aren't you the captain now?" She hummed. "As a captain, don't you have this right?"

"No, I didn't. why did I send him back?" Xia chuyang doesn't want to do this. He tries to find reasons. "If he comes back to live in the team, it will arouse more people's curiosity and suspicion. At that time, they will come to the construction site in droves to peep at us. Now it's raining all the time. It's just that everyone has a lot of spare time. Doesn't it just give them a chance to have nothing to look for?"

"I'll take care of it." Yun ruoli said. "I'll let him come to the Kelly hotel to enjoy the five-star treatment later. Isn't it better than him at the construction site? It's not so hard for me. I just need to arrange food, drink and play for him in the most luxurious place in the city, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to get rid of this light cannon? "

"Yun ruoli, don't do that!" At the beginning of summer, Yang Weili road. "Xiao Jia is very familiar with the people guarding the construction site. If he goes to Kelly Hotel, in case he meets Xiao Jia, do you think Xiao Jia will catch up with the construction site? Are you still the elder of Xiao Jia? What do you want Xiaojia and her aunt to think of you? "

"Neither this nor that. What do you want me to do?"

"Salad!" He said in a sullen voice. "I said, have you burned your brain? If you don't stay in a good hotel, you have to go to the construction site to suffer. Why do you suffer? "

"Experience the performance of the product."

"As long as I don't experience my performance."

"If it's convenient, it's more perfect to experience it all." She began to laugh. "To tell you the truth, you have really succeeded in arousing my desire. Let's be lovers. We won't let you take any responsibility. You can love your woman, or you can marry and have children with the woman you love. I'm just your lover. I don't want any fame or money. On the contrary, I will help you succeed. Is such a transaction OK?"

"Yun ruoli, don't break our current relationship. Once we break it, we're afraid that we can't even make friends. I'm afraid that the kind of sexual happiness you want can't really help you. You said that you've been using the electric toy for several years. Which man can meet your needs? It's not that I don't want to help you, it's that I can't help you. At that time, you can't experience happiness On the contrary, they will trample on me with discontent. I'm afraid? " The early summer sun begged. "Please let me go. At least, we are still real intimate friends. You will not dislike me when you see me.""Can't we try?" Yun ruoli doesn't want to give up Xia chuyang at all. Otherwise, she won't come to the city in person and buy a house here for a project. She is also a woman with normal physiology. For five years, she has never betrayed Huo Ziming except using the electric device to solve her physiological needs.

Before she met Xia chuyang, she never had such an idea. After going through so many things with Xia chuyang, she found that she wanted to turn Xia chuyang into her lover. This idea has been entangled with her for a long time. She couldn't say it before. With the further contact with Xia chuyang, she became more daring after the showdown with him last night , want to have a more progressive physical contact, no longer satisfied with the kind of screen Teaser game.

"Dare not, big brother?" At the beginning of summer, the sun complained bitterly. "If one is not satisfied, what will you do if you drag me out and behead me?"

"Stop it!" She snapped. "The food is almost ready. I'll be at the construction site in a moment. You'll wait and chat with me when I get there. Anyway, you don't have to go to work tomorrow and spend a lot of time chatting."

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