Yun ruoli is not the only woman who has been to Xia chuyang. Meng Xue, Li Qiuyun and Xiao Jia have been to him, but he has never been out of control like today. Yun ruoli is a real goblin. Even if he has all kinds of self-control, he can't make it out now. He can only sink into the abyss of desire with her madness.

"Early summer..." Cloud if leave also continuously murmur his name. "I want to, I want to..."

"Well." He answered, at this time, he didn't want anything, just wanted to engulf the woman in front of him, unconsciously pressed her down, gently bit her sexy lips, and then kissed her soft face all the way.

She panted low, "Xia chuyang, enter the theme quickly!"

Just as Xia chuyang was about to enter the theme, the sound of clapping on the door came up, and it was more than one sound. It seemed that he intended to fight against them. He sincerely didn't want them to do good deeds. He was so angry that Yun ruoli shook his head at him and motioned to him to ignore him.

But after the knock on the door, there was another knock on the window, just above their sofa. It came in clearly, loud and harsh. He relaxed in an instant, raised his head and asked. "Who is it?"

There was silence outside, he muttered. "What the hell

When Yun ruoli reaches out to lift him, the sound of knocking on the window rises again and again. He has to pull Yun ruoli up, and then push her into the room and close her up. Intuitively, it's definitely not Xie Liancheng. If it's that boy, he must have been shouting for a long time. Where can he be silent?

When the knock on the door rang again, Xia chuyang suddenly opened the door. Just as he was about to curse, he found Bai Cailing standing at the door in tears. He was stunned and grabbed his head. "You Why are you here... "

“……” Bai Cailing didn't make a sound. She just looked at him with her resentful eyes. She was still white and had traces of light rain. At this time, her resentful eyes were in line with the continuous light rain outside the house. The whole person and the whole atmosphere were filled with resentment and discontent.

"It's raining outside. Come in!" Finally, he couldn't bear to let her in and gave her a hand.

Seeing that she was shaking all over, he thought that she was so cold because she was wet by the rain. He quickly went to the bathroom and handed her a dry towel. "Wipe your hair. It's raining. What are you doing out there?"

"I want to see you." Bai Cailing said with her lips moving. "These days, I come to see you every night. Today, I finally see you back..." At this point, she can't say any more, because what she saw next made her speechless and sad.

Just now, she was out of the window, but she could see everything clearly. Originally, she just looked and left, but she didn't expect to see the woman trying to compete with him strongly. Finally, she had to knock on the door and the window to help him out.

She knew that at the beginning, he didn't want to. It was the woman who teased him all the time that made him lose control. Therefore, her eyes were still staring at the door of the room. If she could, she really wanted to open the door and hit the shameless woman.

When Bai Cailing writes novels, the things about men and women in her works are so romantic and beautiful. However, when she sees this scene today, it completely refreshes her three views, that is, the goblins in her novels are not so presumptuous and bold. This woman is too direct, and she almost loses her face.

"Have you been here a long time?" Xia chuyang realized something and asked carefully.

"No She timidly lowered her head, did not want him to see through his anger and disappointment at this time.

Xia chuyang is relieved at last, and says that it's good to let her see the interaction between him and Yun ruoli. Although he didn't take the initiative, he was finally aroused by Yun Li. Bai Cailing didn't knock on the door. Now he and Yun ruoli are willing to turn the clouds upside down.

See her body is still shaking, two thin small shoulders have been shaking, he pointed to her towel. "Dry your hair quickly, don't catch cold! I'll pour you a cup of hot water and drink it to warm your body. You've been living under the ground all day, and you haven't seen the sun. You're definitely not fit. When you get wet, your body will shake like chaff. If I don't come back today, don't you want to pour out? "

"Xia chuyang, I don't want to go back today. Can I have a rest here for one night?" She raised her eyes with a cry. "It's raining outside, and my clothes are wet. I want to take a bath with you and rest for another night, OK?"

"This..." He hesitated. "Isn't that good? It's inconvenient for us to be alone under the same roof. I'll take you back later, so that people won't gossip about you and have a bad reputation for you. I'm nothing as a man. I'll be criticized later. "

If it wasn't for Yun ruoli, he would certainly agree. As long as he is upright, what's wrong with that? Now, he absolutely can't promise her to stay, otherwise, the two women in the room may fight. Lingdang always likes him. Xia chuyang knows this. This time, if lingdang hadn't saved him, he might have died long ago.

"We didn't do anything for nothing. Why can't we?" Bai Cailing's face turned pale and her brows wrinkled. "I'm really uncomfortable. Xia chuyang, can I stay on your sofa for one night?""Really not!" He said firmly. "I'll take you back later! I'm sure I'll take you home. I haven't been to your way home. I want to see it myself. Do you mind if I go in with you? "

"I didn't live in that hole." She whispered. "You probably don't know? That tunnel will be developed by the big boss as a tourist attraction. I can't take it as my home in the future. I can only return to the normal life. "

"You don't live in it?" Xia chuyang said pleasantly. "That's moving back to live with your parents? This is a good thing. You should have returned to normal life long ago. Last time, the leader said that you let your registered permanent residence come back from the dead. Has this been implemented? "

"Well." She nodded. "The household registration has been implemented, Bai Cailing has come back to life, and the government has added two million more demolition fees to our family. Our family is about to move out of the village and live in the buildings in the town. In the future, I'm afraid we won't have a chance to see you."

"It's not far from town. Why don't you have a chance?" Xia chuyang is really happy for her. "You can come here to see me at any time. It's like parting from life and death. Now, if your family is willing to move out of the village, the villagers will follow. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the next rainstorm will harm the villagers. Look at this time, it's really dangerous. It almost drowns all the villagers in the water. It's another night. It's really a lot of bad luck."

"So, everybody agreed to move out." Bai Cailing added. "We don't have any opinions about our family's compensation of two million yuan. They just give each family 100000 yuan more demolition fee on the original basis. I thought everyone would have opinions. As a result, they all agreed. They also said that the extra 100000 yuan was thanks to our family. If my father didn't hold on to the village together, the later 100000 yuan would not be obtained. ”

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