At present, only Xia chuyang, Wang Baiyan, Hu Rong, Luo Hanwen and park Huajun are left in the courtyard. The rest of them have been rushed out by the police. Xia chuyang wants to drive Hu Rong away several times, but she says that she is the leader and has the responsibility and obligation to stay here.

Said the leading policeman. "Our people are ready. You all evacuate to a safe place. Let's leave it here."

Xia chuyang looked at the fully armed police and said anxiously. "It's better for you to step back. I'll come. You'll only aggravate the contradiction. Now, we're not dealing with vicious gangsters. The weapons in your hands can't fight violence with violence. They will only serve as catalysts. It's too dangerous for all of you to step back to the safety zone and not be allowed to stay in this yard."

"Are you not afraid of danger?" Hu Rong's face was full of anger. "Is this your time to show off? What kind of situation hasn't happened to the police? Are you better than a policeman? Let's all quit and leave it to the police! "

"Not right!" Xia chuyang shakes his head and asks Wang Baiyan. "Wang Ju, please take them all out. I'm enough here. It's not easy to lead Wu Zhichu out when there are too many people. Don't worry. I'll try to persuade him to come out and remove his detonator."

"Well, you have to be safe, too!" Wang Baiyan held his hand tightly and whispered in his ear. "When the situation is not good, run quickly and don't sacrifice fearlessly. Do you understand? We're waiting for you outside. "

"OK, I promise to come out safely." Xia chuyang said chokingly.

Wang Baiyan waved to everyone. "Come on, let's all go out and let captain Xia communicate with the people inside."

"Captain Xia..." We are all reluctant to give up and stop talking.

"Captain Xia, I'll accompany you." Park Hua Jun ran back suddenly.

"Go, go!" Xia chuyang pushed him far away.

"Let's go!" Luo Hanwen is holding Park Huajun. "Don't disturb captain Xia. He won't leave the danger to us. You can't help him there. On the contrary, you will distract him. He is such a selfless man."

Park Huajun's eyes moistened, and he was deeply moved. He found that Captain Xia was not the kind of person Liu Changqing and Xiao Deli said.

After everyone evacuated, Xia chuyang walked step by step to Wu Zhichu's dormitory. He was not afraid of death, he was also afraid of death, but he didn't want to see a bloody tragedy. Someone had to make a sacrifice in this matter. He was the team leader and had to fight in person.

He went to the door, connected the wechat voice call of his mobile phone to Luo Hanwen, and then raised his hand and knocked on the door gently. There was no reaction inside, he said aloud. "Lao Wu, I know you are inside. I'm Xia chuyang. Open the door quickly. Don't you hate me? Open the door, come out and fight with me? "

There was still a dead silence, as if there was no one inside.

He didn't give up and knocked on the door again. "Lao Wu, I know you have resentment, dissatisfaction and reluctance in your heart, but it's not that you can't do it or that you don't have the ability. In fact, what I'm most optimistic about is you. Losing this election doesn't mean you don't have a chance. You are such a good person. Where is the candidate for the logistics Minister? I didn't tell you about it because of something I can't tell. Now there is no outsider. I'll tell you the whole story. In fact, secretary Zhu is waiting for you. "

As soon as Xia chuyang's words were finished, the door opened and Wu Zhichu looked at him. "What did you just say?"

"I said Secretary Zhu is waiting for you." Xia chuyang didn't dare to get close to him. He looked at him with a detonator around his waist. He was afraid that he might be on the verge of a hair trigger. "Secretary Zhu is living every day now, and it's a day to live every day. At this time, I dare not tell you such news. In fact, I have already mentioned your business to you. Whether this defeat is a blessing or a disaster is that there is a better position waiting for you."

"Is that true?" He actually grasped Xia chuyang's shoulder tightly with both hands and shook it. "Is it true?"

Now it's Xia chuyang's turn to be afraid. He's afraid of touching each other's body and says nervously. "Yes Really Don't tell anyone about this. If secretary Zhu knows, he will be sad. After all, he is not dead yet. Do you think so? "

"But why didn't the leader of the Department tell me about it?" Wu Zhichu stared at him with hatred. "You must be deceiving me, you must be deceiving me. If that's true, why don't they tell me about it and make a private settlement with me, don't you think?"

"Private settlement?" Xia chuyang was surprised, "what private reconciliation? Do you have any shady business with others? "

"You're a disgrace!" Wu Zhichu gave him a push. "So you are a liar, too!"

"Lao Wu, I'm not a liar!" At the beginning of the summer, Yang saw each other's anger. "It's really not a liar. You tell me who cheated you. I'll do justice for you. Believe me, I'm your leader. I'll make decisions for you."

"Go to your mother's leader, that is, your dog day leader, who won't let me be the logistics minister." Wu Zhichu pointed to Xia chuyang and swore. "What are you doing voting? It's you who made me like this. It's clear that you are my Wu Zhichu. It's you who made this matter yellow. Xia chuyang, I'm going to take you to die together... "Everyone was listening around Luo Hanwen's mobile phone. When she heard this, Hu Rong couldn't help it any more. When she was about to rush inside, she was caught by Wang Baiyan and couldn't help winking at her.

"Captain Xia is in danger. Let's hurry to save people." Park Hua Jun said that he would also rush inside.

The leading policeman stopped him. "I can't go in now. The other party is so emotional. Going to an outsider can only make the other party more out of control. Not only can't help, it will also make the other party speed up the idea of dying together. Let's wait."

"Lao Wu, listen to me, listen to me." Xia chuyang roared. "I'm not afraid of death, but have you ever thought that if we die like this, we can only make our relatives hurt and our enemies quick. Do you think this is meaningful? Besides, if you work all your life, don't you want to come back to your hometown when you are old? What will your family do if you die in this way? They not only have to be immersed in the grief of losing their loved ones, but also have to endure the ridicule of others, don't you think? "

"Yes, I can't die, I can't die, I have money, I have money, why should I die?" At the beginning of Wu Dynasty, he was very happy. "I have money. I have a lot of money. I want to give all my money to my family so that they can have a good life."

"Yes, you have money, you can't die!" Xia chuyang finally took a long breath and followed his words. "Look at you, not only money, but also good news will come soon. I heard that secretary Zhu's condition is not optimistic now. In the future, you will be the only one. Your mouth beer in the team is obvious to all. Therefore, you are not only rich, but also powerful. Soon, you will be able to return to your hometown and make those who look down on you look up to you and feel proud The time is coming. You must not die. "

"Can I really?" Wu Zhichu said incredulously. "You're not lying to me again, are you? You've cheated me for so many years. In the end, you'll let others take the upper position, but I have to stand aside. Won't you cheat me again this time? "

"I won't lie to you." Xia chuyang said firmly. "If you don't believe me, I can ask director Wang to make a video call with you. He can promise you that secretary Zhu will be your only one. Really, I won't cheat you. Do you want to listen to Director Wang's promise?"

"Well, I'll listen." Wu Zhichu nodded, "you quickly give the video to Director Wang, I want to listen to him speak out to believe, otherwise, I will still pull you to die together, you destroy me, I will not let you die."

"I'm not the one who ruined you. The one who ruined you is the one who lied to you." Xia chuyang wants to set up some other information.

"No, they're helping me. They're helping me. You're hurting me. You've always been against me. It's clear that I'm the one who reported Ding Yishan's merits. Why did you let Park Huajun be the logistics Minister?" In Wu Zhichu's eyes, he was full of violence.

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