"Now I know you're wrong?" Li Qiuyun shakes off Meng Xue, grabs his hand and says angrily. "Why didn't you think of it when you beat me and scolded me? Don't you still say that Xia chuyang and I got together to cheat Shuai Zhicheng? Why do you want to make me stink in chuyang? He doesn't know anything. He is a real victim. Don't you let him go? Now that Shuai Shuai is innocent, what did he do? Don't you want to make me never turn over? "

"Sorry, it's all my fault." Meng Xue kowtows to her in tears. "As long as you let Shuai Shuai go, you can do anything to me. I'm crazy. I shouldn't find someone to work with you and make you have nothing. It's all my fault. I'm willing to compensate you for your loss. As long as you let Shuai Shuai go, I'll promise you anything."

"Promise me everything?" Li Qiuyun laughed strangely. "How generous are you now? At the beginning, when you forced me to a dead end, why didn't you expect such a day? You find an accomplice to take my bride's place, and you try to kill me. If it wasn't for your fierce pursuit, would I be exiled to the land of fireworks? Can you afford to pay for these losses? "

"You say, I promise you whatever you say." Meng Xue is now more and more afraid to listen, she did not expect that her own pursuit will let Li Qiuyun go astray, "Shuai Zhicheng and that woman have divorced, if you still want to marry Shuai Zhicheng, I will help you."

Li Qiuyun gives Meng Xue a kick. "Go to hell! I don't want such scum. You'd better keep it for yourself so that he won't come out and harm others. "

Meng Xue is very embarrassed to climb up in front of her and beg. "Miss Li, you can put forward any conditions to me. As long as I can do it, I will satisfy you. Please let my Shuai go. He is my life. I don't want to live without Shuai."

"Get up!" Xia chuyang couldn't see it any more. He reached out to help her.

"I don't want to get up. My son is still missing. I want to make atonement for my son." Meng Xue pushes away Xia chuyang's hand.

"Here you are." Li Qiuyun took out the house property certificate from his bag and threw it in front of her. "This is the house that Shuai Zhicheng once bought for me. It's also the only asset I've got in exchange for my happiness. Now the market price is 1.5 million yuan. I want you to take it back at the price of 3 million yuan. Would you like it?"

"Yes, yes..." Meng Xue nodded like a chicken pecking rice. Now, let alone three million, even thirty million, she would like to. No matter how much I am, I'm not worth Shuai's life. If I don't have Shuai, I don't want to live with more money.

"Li Qiuyun, you are breaking the law." The early summer sun stopped me. "In your eyes, nothing but money?"

"You are noble, you don't want money, but I, Li Qiuyun, am a layman. I need the money. I have to buy a new apartment to take my parents over for the elderly. They raised me up. Shouldn't I be filial to them?" Li Qiuyun looks at him unconvinced. "Besides, I deserve it. Why not?"

"What do you deserve?" The sun is cold in early summer. "Then you deserve the position of Shuai Zhicheng's wife. Since you have made Shuai Zhicheng divorced, why don't you want to marry Shuai Zhicheng?"

"Yes, Shuai Zhicheng's divorce is because of me, but I just want to revenge the dog man and woman." Li Qiuyun said. "Now that I have finally achieved my wish, it's time to change my life. I can't go back to my old house and see the shadow of Shuai Zhicheng in it every day?"

"Can't you sell it at the market price and buy it again?" Xia chuyang pointed at her angrily. "You are just too greedy. Your house is in a good location. It must be easy to sell. With so much money, it's enough for you to buy a few sets in a less expensive place. Do you know that your business is called extortion? Do you want to go to jail? "

"It's about me and the couple. It's none of your business. Get out of here!"

When Xia chuyang wants to theorize again, Meng Xue pours on him, holds his legs and pleads. "Xia chuyang, I beg you. Don't say any more. I'll give you the three million yuan. As long as my son is safe, let alone three million yuan, even thirty million yuan. This is what we owe her. Now she's asking me to exchange my life for that of Shuai, and I'll accept it."

"You crazy women!" At the beginning of summer, Yang was very strong. "What do you say that the war between you always involves me in somehow? You must not bite back and say that I and Li Qiuyun together cheat your money. "

"No Meng Xue said. "I didn't know you before, but now I know you are not like that in Xia chuyang."

"Get up!" Li Qiuyun said condescending. "Transfer the money to me. I'll transfer the ownership with you tomorrow. I'll take the money and the house will be yours."

Meng Xue got up and asked for Li Qiuyun's bank account number. She immediately transferred money to her by mobile phone. After that, she said to Li Qiuyun. "Three million will be transferred to you. I don't want the house, as long as you give Shuai Shuai back to me intact."

Li Qiuyun picked up the house property certificate on the ground and put it in his arms. "You take it. This house belongs to you. I won't want this shameful house. I promise Shuai will be intact, but you have to promise me one condition."

"What conditions?" Meng Xuexin said that as long as Shuai had nothing to do, she would not hesitate to agree to one condition or ten conditions."Shuai is going to take the senior high school entrance examination. I hope you can take Shuai to live in this house for a few weeks. Can you do it?" Li Qiuyun stares at her tightly.

"Li Qiuyun, are you a pervert?" Xia chuyang can't see any more. "Why do you force people to live when you sell them your house? Do people want your broken house? Let the villa not live, go to live in your house, Meng Xue if promise you, that she is also crazy, and still in Shuai Shuai to test period, you this is not intended to embarrass her

Meng Xue pushed Xia chuyang away, "OK, I promise you, as long as Shuai is safe and sound, it's nothing to live in. Take me to see Shuai quickly."

"Good. Come with me With that, Li Qiuyun walks to the car parked by the side of the road without looking back. She says that Mr. Yun is right. Meng Xue pays twice as much for the house that brings her shame. Next, she can buy a suite for herself, and then take her parents over to live with her. Anyway, Yun ruoli plans to live here, and she can live here for a long time.

Anyway, it's good for her to be strict with her, but it's not good for her to have a job that is ten times lower than that of an ordinary assistant.

"Xia chuyang, you should follow my car closely." Meng Xue is pulling the early summer sun. "I haven't seen Shuai yet. You can't leave me yet."

"Why?" Xia chuyang said discontentedly. "Are you going to take me hostage? If you don't see Shuai, do you want to exchange it with me? "

"No Meng Xue said with a trill. "I'm afraid."

In the face of such Meng Xue, Xia chuyang can't get angry and sighs. "Let's go. I'll do it to the end. I'll send the Buddha to the West. I'll leave after you find Shuai Shuai. You can get on the bus and don't lose it!"

"Well." Meng Xue wipes her tears and sits in her car. Now, she regards Xia chuyang as a straw. As long as she has this man by her side, she will have the courage to face all the difficulties. Otherwise, she is afraid that she will fall down.

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