"It's OK. If I ask you to do this, I won't be afraid of him to deal with it." Xia chuyang said. "If he really dares to deal with it, that's exactly what we want. I've already handed over Liu Qiang's information to Wang Bureau. It's estimated that it has now been handed over to the group. If Liu Changqing really wants to deal with so many things, then I really convince him."

"Don't look down on Liu Changqing. He really wants to settle for Liu Qiang. These things are really not things. You'd better not underestimate the enemy." Park Hua Jun handed it to him. "Keep it well!"

"Don't give it to me yet!" Xia chuyang refused. "Shoot quickly. You just say that you got these things while I was away. Let's pass his pass first. Now I want Liu Changqing to clean up the mess. I can't catch his fox tail."

"Is that what you call leading the snake out of the hole?" Park Hua Jun asked with some understanding.

"It means that, but I don't think Liu Changqing will be so stupid. He won't stand up for Liu Qiang. He thinks that he will abandon the car to protect the commander, or he will put all Liu Qiang's crimes on Chen Haichang. Let's see what he does. We'll see you again."

"Chen Haichang has been sentenced, he is not so stupid?" Park Hua Jun shook his head. "Chen Haichang and Zhu Hanliang should know everything about Liu Qiang. If they hadn't connived at Liu Qiang, would a little driver have been so bold? The truth is so shocking. It turns out that Liu Qiang spends so much public money every year. In the morning, I thought you were just threatening Liu Qiang to say that. It turns out that everything is true. "

"It's just the tip of the iceberg." Xia chuyang said. "This really needs to be investigated. Zhu Hanliang, who is sick, has to go to jail. Every time they go out to eat, drink and have fun, they all provide one-stop service and spend public money. It's too arrogant!"

"It's terrible!" Looking at the above statistics, Pu Huajun said, "we workers are so tired that we can't bear to pay a hundred yuan bonus in a month. They can really enjoy it. They are so popular and spicy. They even have the expense of serving young ladies. It's really unheard of. Jane is so corrupt. These guys should all arrest them. They're so corrupt It's all squeezing the hard-earned money of our workers and squandering it. "

"More than hard-earned money?" Xia chuyang whispered. "They are very likely to set up a small Treasury privately. It's all shoddy work, or it's the benefit fee given by the contractors. They are just black sheep. In the previous project, it's OK to say that if there is an accident, all the employees who follow are responsible. Do you think they are harming everyone?"

Xia chuyang found that Pu Huajun had a strong collective consciousness. He said this on purpose. He wanted Pu Huajun to stir up everyone's dissatisfaction with Liu Qiang and Chen Haichang. Everyone would not say a word. That's because they thought it was none of their business. Silence is golden. If they really made a big deal, and still involved themselves, everyone would stand up and speak up.

The strength of the masses can not be underestimated. Xia chuyang, who knows this well, will tell Park Huajun so much. If Park Huajun is allowed to pass on this kind of panic to everyone, someone will provide more clues secretly.

With Park Huajun's worrying character, he will certainly be able to embellish this matter and tell everyone. After all, they are old people who only want to retire cleanly and have no other delusions. What they didn't do when they were young is even more impossible at this age.

Xia chuyang can only move these people in another way. For example, park Huajun is the best example. Evil does not oppress right. This is a famous saying of truth. As long as people have conscience, they will not go along with bad people without conscience.

This group of workers who are going to die,

their education level is generally not high, and they don't want much. They just want to stay until retirement and get their retirement salary, and they don't want to bear any serious consequences. If they know that they have to be responsible for the safety accidents in the projects they have done, they will definitely be reluctant.

They have not enjoyed any privileges and treatment. Why should they bear such consequences together with the black sheep? Under such a consensus, Xia chuyang hopes that everyone can step forward and expose more things.

Xia chuyang, who used to be a class cadre and a school cadre, was more than enough to do the ideological work of Pu Huajun.

Park Huajun nervously looks at Xia chuyang. "Don't scare me like this. Why did you come to us when there were quality problems in previous projects? Didn't it pass the acceptance at the beginning? Even if something happens, it's none of our workers' business, right? Besides, who can guarantee that the project will not happen for decades or centuries? In this case, my children and grandchildren are not allowed to enter the industry, let alone such a huge project. They are just buying a large power supply in the mall. Once the warranty period is over, it will break down if it breaks down, and no one is looking for any trouble. How can they operate in this way? Is someone deliberately saying that to scare us

"It's not a bluff, it's a precedent." Xia chuyang immediately gave him some examples. "Even if you are retired and something really happens, we all have to bear the responsibility. We can't get away from it. Therefore, we all need to unite and find out these corrupt elements so as to return our innocence."

"Well, I see." Park Huajun nodded seriously. "It's really possible for you to talk about the small Treasury. In the past, several times of sophistication in the team were solved by the team with money. If there is no money, how can it be solved? But we have no evidence. What can we do to others? It's not that you can't help anything but watch it"Pass it on for me, and you are welcome to provide me with all the evidence in the future. As long as you find out these black sheep, you will be innocent, and you will not be implicated by them in the future. You can live a happy old age when you are old." Xia chuyang holds his this kind of psychology to say. "I've worked hard all my life. Who doesn't want to enjoy the happiness of family when I get old? Who's willing to go to jail, don't you think? There must be something wrong with Chen Haichang's project during his term of office. If we work together to find out these guys, there will be peace in the future. "

"Well, you have a point." Park Hua Jun agreed with him very much.

"Then you take a picture of it and pass it on to Xiao Deli." Xia chuyang said. "Don't let him doubt you now. Let's make a general plan."

"Good." Park Huajun no longer insists. With Xia chuyang's help, he feels that he is no longer so embarrassed. At least, there will be no more pressure from Xiao Deli. It seems that Xia captain really believes in himself this time.

These photos by Pu Huajun will soon become public secrets.

Xia chuyang is not afraid that Liu Changqing and Xiao Deli know that they just want to use these to disturb their positions and make them headache everywhere, so they won't stare at Hu Rong all the time to embarrass her.

Now I'm really worried about Hu Rong. These bad guys are gathering everywhere. He hates his lack of skills. Otherwise, he also wants to transfer back to guard Hu Rong. As long as he's there, he won't let those people bully her.

"After you send it to Xiao Deli later, if he doesn't come to you, you'll try out his ideas in a few days." Xia chuyang said, took out the key and handed him a piece. "You take it and come in for sanitation when I'm away. Remember, I must go in when I'm away. It's a cover up. You can't let people find that you've been out of the control of Xiao Deli and make them feel that you're still on their side. On the surface, I won't be too close to you. What was it before and what will it be after? Do you understand?"

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