My Best Wife

Chapter 2029: Li Yonggui's concerns

Just a few steps out, Fang Zhiqiang's phone rang again. Before Fang Zhiqiang could take it out, he saw Li Xiaoxiao's fierce gaze on the side, he quickly retracted it and turned on silent mode very consciously.

The phone was not connected, and it was hung up after shaking for a while. Fang Zhiqiang ignored it, and then followed Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Xia as coolies.

The way women buy things is indeed different from that of men. In Fang Zhiqiang's eyes, many of the things they buy are actually unnecessary, but they just keep throwing them at themselves.

At this time, Fang Zhiqiang was already full with both hands, and he was almost hanging his bag on his nose.

"No, we're almost done, right?" Fang Zhiqiang, a dignified seven-foot man, was already out of breath, watching Wang Xia and Li Xiaoxiao still not intending to stop, he said helplessly.

"Almost what? Didn't you listen to my dad? There must be a lot of people on the street in the next two days. We don't have to hurry up and buy everything now. It will be inconvenient to go to the street then!

Li Xiaoxiao looked back at Fang Zhiqiang, and immediately smiled happily.

At this time, Wang Xia and Li Xiaoxiao were empty-handed, and even their bags were hung around Fang Zhiqiang's neck.

"That's right! You are a big man, our two weak girls are not tired yet. Seeing your unlovable expression, you are not ashamed!" Wang Xia was also happy from ear to ear, watching Fang Zhiqiang teasing. .

The helpless Fang Zhiqiang rolled his eyes and muttered: "It's really not a pain to speak while standing..."

Because there were so many things to mention, Fang Zhiqiang's phone vibrated again and again, and Fang Zhiqiang didn't even notice it. He just wandered until four or five o'clock, the sun set, and the sky was about to darken.

Wang Xia and Li Xiaoxiao looked up at the sky, and finally looked reluctantly at the unfinished street, and sighed: "Let's do it for now, go back!"

Hearing these words, Fang Zhiqiang's whole body immediately slumped down, and he ran away quickly carrying things like an amnesty.

"Wait a minute!" Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Xia chased after Fang Zhiqiang and headed towards Li Yonggui's home.

Li Yonggui at home is still sitting on the sofa in the living room at this moment. Fang Zhiqiang and the others have been out for more than three hours. He has never left the sofa, and has been sitting here as if worrying.

Even after he had quit smoking for several years, he took out a pack of cigarettes from nowhere, and had already smoked several cigarettes unknowingly.

The one that was just ignited at this time was already the seventh.

The smoke rose up, and Li Yonggui looked at the cigarette between his fingers, as if it were a person's life, burning out little by little until the last moment, the smoke disappeared.

"Oh! Why did you smoke again! Don't you think you coughed enough?" Xiaoma smelled smoke in the bedroom, and she immediately opened the bedroom door and took a look. Sure enough, this was her third this afternoon. It was discovered that Li Yonggui was smoking.

In the first two times, Li Yonggui said that it was the last one, but when Xiaoma wanted to take away the cigarette case, Li Yonggui never agreed.

"You said, will Xiaoxiao be happy in the future?" Li Yonggui stared blankly at Xiaoma who came out of the bedroom, frowned suddenly and asked.

"Why do you ask this all of a sudden? Are you stupid by smoking?" Xiaoma was also taken aback when she heard the words, jokingly looking at Li Yonggui's serious expression.

"I'm starting to worry a little bit. If Zhiqiang keeps doing this, Xiaoxiao will one day live the same life as you did." Li Yonggui said softly as he looked at Xiaoma who was getting closer and closer to him.

"I used to..." Xiao Ma suddenly began to vomit.

Looking back on that year, she still can't forget it.

The two of Xiaoma and Li Yonggui were in free love. In that era, this was a very fashionable behavior. Until they got married, Xiaoma had always believed in the love between them.

However, everything in my life after marriage changed. I quit my job for the children. Although my husband Li Yonggui was very capable in those two years, he couldn't spend any money he brought home.

But Xiao Ma will never forget how dark and dayless it was for her.

Staying at home every day, spending money that seems to be inexhaustible, with Xiaoxiao who is less than one year old.

At the beginning, everything seemed to be quite happy, but gradually, Xiao Ma realized that she was living like a walking dead, completely losing her soul.

She felt that she couldn't do anything, and repeated the same things day after day. At that time, it was pretty good for Li Yonggui to go home almost once a month.

Xiaoma began to lack love gradually, so she devoted all her love to Li Xiaoxiao who was less than one year old at that time.

But the child would not give the slightest feedback on her deep love, and sometimes even made Xiaoma almost crazy.

Such days are desperate for any woman. Xiaoma was very sober at the beginning. In fact, it was not that the relationship between her and Li Yonggui had changed, but that the way of life had changed, which led to a change in their hearts. Subtle changes.

Therefore, later Xiaoma insisted on going to work in Li Yonggui's group, no matter what position, as long as she can keep herself busy, at least she won't have so much time to be sad.

Although Xiaoma was in pain during that period, she never mentioned it to Li Yonggui.

Li Yonggui went home almost once a month and finally got together. Xiaoma didn't want the two to be unhappy with each other, so every time Li Yonggui went home, she behaved very happy.

However, as time got longer and longer, although Xiao Ma didn't say a word, Li Yonggui also noticed something.

Later, Li Yonggui finally agreed to let Xiaoma join the group to work.

At that time Xiaoma was still wondering. Before Li Yonggui had been against her, why did she suddenly agree?

In fact, Li Yonggui is also very helpless. Work cannot do without him, and his wife cannot do without him. If you become a man, you will be in a dilemma.

In the end, facts proved that it was a very wise decision to agree to let her go to work in the group.

Since then, the relationship between the two has gradually improved.

However, the current Li Yonggui can't help but worry that the future Li Xiaoxiao will become like Xiaoma at the beginning.

Although they only have one little Ai Li now, their old couple can help take a place.

It's just that they are going to get old after all. Xiao Ai Li is getting bigger and bigger, and it will naturally be more and more difficult to educate. At that time, even if Li Xiaoxiao wants to go to work, the conditions are not allowed.

Once she is free to take care of the children at home, then the questions will follow one after another.

The gloomy feeling was like a thick layer of dark clouds, and the two people could not breathe quickly.

Li Yonggui had felt that way.

"I am worried that Zhiqiang is devoted to his career, ignoring Xiaoxiao's feelings, but looking like Xiaoxiao looks very similar to you back then. She is unwilling to tell Zhiqiang about a lot of troubles. This is no way to continue." Talking about the worry in my heart.

And Xiaoma fell silent when she heard this.

She also only learned today that Li Yonggui had always known her emotional state back then.

"Old man, why did you just tell me these things today?" Xiao Ma said with a little excited lips.

"It's just that I mentioned Xiaoxiao today, and it's nothing..."

Before Li Yonggui had finished speaking, Xiaoma patted his arm hard and interrupted: "You stubborn old man, if I said it earlier that year, I wouldn't have the same attitude towards you later..."

"It's done, it's all things in the past. What we should focus on now is Xiaoxiao's future life." Li Yonggui looked at the regretful expression on Xiaoma's face and said tenderly.

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