My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 11: Reply and night tour

   Dear Uncle Jonas:

   See you!

   I am sorry that it took so long to reply to your letter. I have been busy with the beginning of school and finally settled down.

   The Czech Republic is really a good place. I have always wanted to travel to Prague, but Mrs. Cole refused to help me get a passport. I don’t understand. In this situation, is there any need for a passport? Poland is also a good place. The cousin of my new roommate lives in Finland. He is a Muggle basketball player. He just participated in the last Olympic Games in Berlin. At 2.17 meters, he is a center forward! Can you bring me a piece of amber when you go to Poland this time? It doesn't need to be too big. I heard from our dean that there may be ancient magical creatures in the amber.

It’s been more than a month since I came to Hogwarts. Tom and I were doing well, at least the food was much better than Mrs. Cole’s. Speaking of food, Tom put a large box of chocolates in the closet in his room, which he left for For the children in the orphanage, he has always been relatively shy about this kind of thing. If you tell him, he will definitely say "How can Lord Riddle leave them chocolate? Those dirty silly boys make me feel sick." , Can you help him deliver the chocolate to the orphanage?

Our daily life is very fulfilling. The courses are arranged almost from morning to evening. The first day of school is Friday. We only have two big classes in the morning, which are taught by our dean Horace Slughorn. The content of potions is to make potions in the cauldron. Tom performed very well in this class... By the way, Hogwarts has four colleges, namely Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. , Hufflepuff and Slytherin, the freshman’s college is not determined by his volunteers or his test scores, but by a broken hat that writes a song a year, I think it’s a bit too sloppy, but This may be magic... I was assigned to Slytherin. Most of the Slytherin students come from a family of pure-blood wizards. I understand that certain types of people should not be distinguished by certain stereotypes, but they seem to be of Muggle origin. Of students are full of discrimination. Everyone says that they are good at cultivating dark wizards and careerists, but I don’t think I have such characteristics. I always believe that it is not our ability but ours that determines who we become. select.

   There is no class on Friday afternoon after the potions get out of class. I think it might be left for homework and club activities. Monday morning is the curse class and herbalism. The teacher of the curse class is the dean of Ravenclaw College. She is a stern woman. She teaches many practical mantras in the class, some of which are life curses. It can help us save the time occupied by the trivial tasks of cutting vegetables, living, and washing dishes. Some spells are more magical, such as the floating spell and the door opening curse (the opening curse is a bit violent, it will leave a hole in the door, don’t know Why does the school teach this spell specially? Is it easy for a wizard to forget the key?).

The teacher of herbal medicine is the dean of Hufflepuff. He is a funny and generous old man. He always tells us that he hopes that we can study hard and inherit his mantle, so that he can retire early...I see There are many peculiar magic plants. In addition, there are many common plants in life that also have magical effects. I feel that I will soon become as knowledgeable as you.

Tuesday afternoon is the history of magic, you know, I have always been interested in history, but in the previous month, I was more interested in the teacher of this course-Professor Bins-he is a ghost, it is said that many years ago One day, when the elderly Professor Bins went to class, he even forgot to bring his body. That day was his death day, and he has become a ghost ever since. Although he is so confused that he can't remember anything, he remembers history clearly, and he himself is a living history book. The ghost of Hogwarts is not allowed to come into contact with students, except for Professor Binns, who is a truly respectable historian and educator.

I have a transformation class on Wednesday and Thursday morning. The transformation class is my favorite and most handy course. Transfiguration can transform one thing into another, and even learn how to transform yourself at a high level—I am the number one. A freshman who can turn a match into a needle, Professor Dumbledore (he is in charge of enrollment, he is also the dean of Gryffindor) said that he would introduce me to an excellent senior sister, she is Dumbledore’s A proud protégé and the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team (Quidditch is an aerial multiplayer basketball + mixed martial arts sport with flying broomsticks, very popular in the wizarding world), I can learn from her Some extracurricular, advanced content, I am looking forward to it.

On Wednesday morning there is also a section on Defense Against the Dark Arts. The purpose of this course is to help us master the means of self-protection under the dark arts. However, the teacher who teaches this course, Professor Melles, is a bit dry, just Facing the textbook promulgation, the students seem to have no interest... I know that I cannot question the teacher's teaching method when I am studying, but I am pessimistic about the teaching effect of this course. The situation in the wizarding world is no better than in Europe. There is a terrorist named Grindelwald who is engaged in terrorist attacks all day long, so I plan to study some knowledge in this area after class.

There is also astrology that night, which is, fortune-telling subject, Mrs. Clemence (she doesn’t allow us to call her a professor, it is said that this will destroy the relationship between her and the stars). God talks about it, but I have a unique understanding of astrology...

   I don’t know if you can go home for Christmas. Tom and I plan to go home during the Christmas holidays to prepare an interesting gift for my aunt and you. I don’t know if you are in Poland or have returned to London, but you’re right, the owl will find the recipient.

   Nelson looking forward to a holiday in the Czech Republic

   October 8, 1938


"I don't know if my uncle can understand what I wrote... Fortunately, his surname is not Dursley, or I don't even have a letter writer..." Nelson was lying on the lounge chair in the Slytherin common room next to him. The blazing fireplace made half of his body hot. He looked up at the huge French window next to him. Several thick green chains hung from the ceiling along the stone pillars by the window. Outside was a peaceful black lake.

   Nelson took out his bag from under the table next to the recliner, turned the quill that was about to fall apart into a candle, lit it with a flame curse, and began to fumble for the lacquer he had just "buy online".


   The sound of the heavy wooden door hitting the door frame destroyed the atmosphere Nelson had worked so hard to create.

"Gnar, you must go tonight. Tomorrow is Sunday. You don't have to work so hard—" Tom took their three roommates into the lounge hurriedly from outside, with two boxes of small tomatoes in his left hand and his right hand. Like a nobleman, holding a golden fork in it, he put a box on the table, "I think you didn't go to dinner today, so I brought you something to eat."

   "Thank you," Nelson looked at the tomatoes in his heart, "Give me a box of negative calorie food. Are you afraid that I will starve to death on the spot after eating it?"

"This is the first formal meeting of our Freshman Mutual Aid Association. Just tonight, in the Transfiguration Classroom on the fourth floor, I have been there several times. It is well-connected and suitable for night gatherings." Tom said slowly. " We have united many friends."

   "Bang!" This time it was the sound of the door slamming on the stone wall.

"And I have already told the students of Hufflepuff that they will let the house elves in the castle serve us some delicious food." This is Alphad who seems to have a full meal. "I found out again today. There is a secret passage from the lounge, and you can walk from here tonight."

"Freshman Mutual Aid Association? Are you going to be independent from the Student Union?" Nelson sealed the envelope, looked up at Tom in confusion, and turned his head to Alphad in confusion. "You didn't claim to have discovered all of Hogwarts last week Is it secret?"

"No, it's just a watch-and-see party." Tom explained dryly, almost writing "I want to be independent" on his face. He saw the envelope in Nelson's hand and bent down and whispered, "It's for an appointment. Uncle Nas’s? My—"

"I've written it, Tom's cleverness—" Seeing Tom's face full of resistance to the collapse of human beings and fear of social death, UU read Nelson's conversation and chuckled lightly." Greetings from the great Lord Riddle, I will bring them."

"I think that in different time periods and under different conditions, some organs or magic that are normally difficult to trigger will be triggered in the castle, and some more hidden secret channels will be encountered." Alphad answered Nelson's question and added confidently. "I am sure I have found all the secret passages used in the castle!"

   "Awesome!" The Slytherin freshmen next to them all gave thumbs up. No natural free person would be uninterested in such things as secret roads.

   "Nal, we have to go and notify Ravenclaw." Tom directed the roommate behind him, leaving the fork on the table, and saying goodbye to Nelson, "See you tonight!"

   Alphad also went to change his clothes. He seemed to be a bohemian from a pure-blooded family, but sometimes, even if it was such a trivial gathering, he would carefully prepare.

"Okay, see you later." Under Tom's life-threatening bombing for a month, Nelson was finally going to the freshman party. He took out his watch to check the time, and after winding it up for a while, he put it back in his trouser pocket. .

   "There will be a while."

It was late at night, and squeezing the letter into his bag, Nelson changed to a uniformly heated position and continued to lie on the lounger, watching the fish swimming in the black lake. They formed in groups that were not inferior to other lakes. The giants of Chinese residents, through the crevices of the schools of fish, you can see that the light from the lake surface is scattered in the water. Nelson wrote a letter by this light. He followed the source of the light and looked at the distant lake. There is a light and shadow floating with the waves, it is perfect, bright, glowing with a cool and warm bright yellow.

   "The moon at fifteen..." Nelson shook his head, humming a song that no one could understand.

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