My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 219: The enemy is the forest

"who are you?"

Tom gritted his teeth, his eyes released a terrifying red light, raised his hand to accumulate energy, and then, a thick black electric light full of destructive power shot forward. It became thicker and thicker as it flew, and it was in the forest in an instant. An open space was left in between. The exposed soil was dry and cracked and black. The tall trees that were rubbed against the leaves by the lightning lost all their vitality and turned into a curled coke. Some of the stones scattered on the ground contain metal. The composition, with faint black electric light jumping and flickering on it, exuding a dangerous atmosphere.

The black thunder cut off the leaves above the head, and the bright sky shone from the top of the head, illuminating this land that has not seen the sun for a long time, but the soil that has not seen the sun for a long time does not show any greed. On the scale of time, the lifespan of a few trees may be nothing to the earth at all.

"The dark wizard who covets wisdom..."

The female voice groaned softly, and there was no more sound.

After showing his strength, Tom raised his head and said viciously, "No matter who you are, give me Nagini."


The breeze blew, and the trees with leaves not far away made a neat movement. A wind with a large number of leaves rushed out of the airstrike caused by Tom's curse, blocking the vision of the two, and Nelson stepped forward. Put up the barrier.

"This wind—"

Before the words fell, the wind made up of almost half of the leaves suddenly accelerated and hit Nelson's barrier fiercely. The violent sound of swords chopping armor followed one after another, knocking Nelson back several times through the iron curse. step.

A few seconds later, Nelson felt a little less powerful. He just raised his head. However, the second wave of attacks followed. The leaves blocked by the barrier were gathered together, flying high and falling again. At the moment he could not reflect, he would The barrier is completely shattered!

Nelson's eyes widened. This was the first time that his iron armor curse was shattered by this seemingly inelastic attack. Even if the barrier was broken, he did not find a trace of magic on the leaves. It seemed that the attacker was only With the tremendous power brought by speed and quantity, he shot such a powerful attack. He raised his arm and subconsciously covered his face.

Although the unknown enemy is strong, Nelson is not a weak hand. He did not give orders, but the mayflies who had been on the sidelines activated the moment the barrier was broken. The mayflies next to Nelson flocked to them, the red in the center. Lighted up, red high-temperature beams shot around without any scruples. The mayfly’s movement awakened more mayfly and other devices hiding in the forest. Countless sound of breaking air came from the corners of the woods. From the sky above their heads and from the ground below their feet, various spells and various projectiles, crossbow arrows, rope nets were thrown out, and the forest around the two of them was messed up in an instant, with violent explosions one after another. It erupted, and the sound of a huge explosion spread for several kilometers. Fortunately, there were no humans in the surrounding area. Only animals that felt the danger and raced to flee were frantically restless.

"so troublesome."

Nelson’s hand has just been placed on his face at the moment. He put down his hand and stared at the gunpowder in front of him. The magic in his hand kept on, and the barriers were constantly piled up around. Under his command, the mayfly passed through the barrier and into the gunpowder. Drill away.

"What's the matter?" Tom reacted and began to bless magic around him. This involuntary attack aroused the tyrannical psychology in his heart. For those who are difficult to communicate, the magic wand is indeed the most effective communication tool.

"let me see……"

Nelson frowned, closed his eyes, and shared the career discovered by the mayfly through magic. However, whenever he linked one, the mayfly would instantly break the link. In the blink of an eye, they were wiped out by something unknown. .

"What?" Nelson's expression became more solemn. Tom noticed his expression and silently set two more magics. Time passed by minute by minute, and he still knew nothing about the identity of the enemy, although it was vague. Speculation, but this kind of speculation can often push the war situation to a more unfavorable situation.

"Did you see anything?" Tom looked at the thinning smoke in front of him. He always felt a slight vibration on the ground. He turned sideways, blocked in front of Nelson, raised his wand, and was ready to meet.

Nelson's gaze constantly switched between the perspectives of the sent mayflies. Every time he saw one, it would immediately go out. He simply waved his hand and sent a group of mayflies to huddle closely together and slowly flew straight ahead.

His gaze was always fixed on the mayfly in the center. As soon as the mayfly left the barrier, he quickly and silently attacked them. Nelson's spirit was tense and he was unwilling to miss any information. Finally, when his vision was completely dark. At that moment, Nelson opened his eyes and gasped violently.

His eyes were wide and bloodshot, and Tom was startled by this look.

"What's wrong with you? What happened?" Tom only dared to tilt his head and asked anxiously, "What did you see?"

"I'm fine, just a little nervous just now, don't worry."

Nelson shook his head lightly, rubbed his temples, his mouth curled up, and looked at the thicket of trees ahead. I don’t know when the traces left by Tom’s spell were erased—the one in front of him. The forest became dense again, and tall trees filled the vacancies brought about by the destruction, holding their heads upright to resist the endless attacks of Nelson's silver balls, they were motionless, as if there were just some little careless little ones around them. Sandstorm.

"What did you see?" Tom stepped back and asked in a low voice.

"I think," Nelson nodded, "our enemy should be a dryad."

"What? What is a tree spirit?" Tom raised his eyebrows. "Is the beating willow still some similar magical plant?"

"It should be stronger, but at least I know what it is." Nelson closed his eyes, rubbed his temples, and said, "I saw it. It was the whole forest that just attacked them... I checked, it shouldn't be Transfiguration is a kind of magic that activates control, and they have a unified consciousness."

"Will you die?" Tom didn't seem to understand.

"Nothing is immortal." Nelson took a step forward and put his hand on Tom's shoulder.

"That's fine." Tom grinned, smiling excitedly, and whispered, "Nagini is still alive. We need a quick fight far away from here."

"I see."

Nelson raised his wand and waved his arm. The smoke in front of him instantly dissipated. He raised his head and looked at the sky, waiting for the opponent's next reaction.

"Our next battle may cause irreversible harm," Nelson said loudly. "We have no contradictions, and there is no need to provoke meaningless hatred."

"Let Nagini go, I can forget the blame." Tom said.

"Don't hurt the forest, black wizard," the cold female voice didn't answer Tom's question, "your violence is meaningless to the forest, and it's nothing for the hurting forest like the fall of a tree."

She removed her disguise, and vines crawled out of the shadows in the forest and waved like tentacles.

"So you can talk," Tom squinted and repeated, "I said, let her go, I will not blame it."

"Stupid people have a common habit, which is arrogance," said the cold female voice without any emotion. Although her words were extremely rude, Nelson felt that she was not swearing subjectively, on the contrary, She seems to really feel like this, "You have just been taught by my children to drop your helmets and unload your armor. How can you say that you are not responsible for the past?"

"Your children?" Nelson read this sentence and whispered to Tom, "She really seems to be a tree spirit."

"Damn fellow! I can hear your whispers, the whole forest is my ear!" The female voice finally took on a little affection, and she exclaimed angrily, "You will pay for your disrespect, stupid. Dark wizard!"

"We are not a dark wizard," Nelson shook his head, and put his hand on Tom's shoulder slightly harder. "Dryant, where is Nagini?"


She moved really angry, and the surrounding Tengman began to shake violently, and even the big trees with them were like ghosts squirming in the night. It was terrifying, but Nelson didn't care about these seemingly huge miscellaneous soldiers. The most common trees in these forests cannot break his defenses.

The ground in the distance began to crack, and a large seam extended to the two of them. Then, the ground arched from the place where the crack started, like a giant beast marching under the ground. Nelson felt the ground shake. Immediately afterwards, the defensive device he placed underground was smashed into pieces by the devastating force.

"It's now." Nelson said hastily.

Tom nodded, and raised his hand, the long-supplied spell rushed forward fiercely, and saw a twisted, slender, tangled dark shadow rushing out of the ground in front of the two of them. A green compound eye with a diameter of about one meter was located in the center of the black shadow, just in time to meet the black light that Tom shot, and the huge impact staggered the black shadow, who had just taken his head and couldn't see what it was.

The tyrannical curse, led by the sharp tip, used great force to penetrate the compound eyes of the black shadow, and the green mucus gushed out like a fountain, and fell on Nelson's barrier, making a sound of "sizzling" corrosion. The barrier was quickly The ground was eroded layer by layer.

The black light penetrated into the body of the black shadow through the scar of the compound eye. The next moment, the black shadow writhed in pain, waving its terrifying huge body, sweeping the surrounding trees to pieces, and Nelson could see it clearly. The whole picture.

A vine, a thick emerald vine with about four or five people in a hug, a vine with compound eyes like a fly every two or three meters, and a vine that is "bleeding" with a strong fishy smell Man.

It doesn't seem to have a vocal organ, but a scream that hits the soul declares its pain. The black light that shoots into the body unscrupulously destroys it, and soon every compound eye opens with marks, and it exudes a smell of death. The black light came out cruelly, announcing its breaking.

Nelson saw a substantial hatred in every small hexagon in its compound eyes. It was like a child who was just born but was beaten. He didn't understand what is strong and weak, and he didn't understand death. I just wanted to give these two nasty guys a hard hit.

"It's disgusting..." Tom used the most simple language to make the most appropriate evaluation for the ten meters above the ground.

He shook his head, raised his hand holding the wand, a black thunder flashed by, and Tenman was pressed back into the ground forcefully!


When it lay down completely, the sound of thunder came from the horizon.

"To be honest, I feel that this may be just one of—"

Before Tom finished speaking, he felt the hand that had been resting on his shoulders slightly hard. The next moment, darkness and oppression hit him. When he opened his eyes again, it was hundreds of meters high in the sky. , He lowered his head, looked at the ground, and said the last half of the endless sentence, "One."

"The shake became shorter before casting."

After a brief period of stagnation, Nelson did not forget to take time to praise Tom's magic.

"what did you say?"

"I said, you are getting more and more comfortable with this magic. It's not like the first time, it feels suffocated for a century."

"I I used it for the first time."

Nelson condescendingly saw that at the moment when he took Tom’s Apparition to a high altitude, several giants exactly the same as the vineman just broke out of the surroundings, and there was even an unearthed place where he just stood. local.

They destroyed everything around them in a frenzied manner. After sweeping the surroundings into ruins, they stared at Tom's several fallen companions at first, rushing to stretch out their spikes and pierce them into the compound eye of Tengman. , Absorbing its nutrients, the fallen Tengman quickly became withered, and then quickly weathered and turned into fine sand, with no trace of existence.

Tom shook his head, retracted his gaze, looked at Nelson and said, "You don't want us to float like this, do you?"

Nelson shook his head, stretched out his hand, and pressed his feet. A steel silver falcon suddenly appeared at his feet. This is a body made by his unguarded deity. Although the guardian deity is not available now, the body is still worth using, at least It’s much better than a flying carpet. Under Nelson’s control, the eyes of this model-like bird glowed with blue light, and blade-like feathers protruded from the pores of the wings. Soon, this bird was born to soar in the sky. The giant falcon came alive.

Nelson rolled over and sat on top of the giant falcon, looked at the ground, raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, the mayflies he stayed on the ground shot red and dense high-temperature rays towards each other, connected to each other, and shuttled through the vines with dexterity, using high-temperature rays to cut these low-intelligence vines into seven pieces drop.

"Is the main body over there?" After doing all this, Nelson looked far and saw a tall tree in the distance, which looked unusually abrupt against the surrounding relatively low trees.


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