One afternoon in 1876, Armando Dipeter, who had just finished the Defence Against the Dark Arts course for Gryffindor and Slytherin third-graders, walked out of the classroom with the school bell holding the lesson plans, but the view in front of him was like a swamp. The muddy corridor blocked his way.

Rather than saying that the corridor is muddy like a swamp, it is better to say that it has indeed become a swamp. Armando knew very well that no student had the courage to do such a bad prank against him, and the whole school dared to do such a thing. There is only one person.

No, maybe it is not appropriate to describe him as "person".

Armando frowned, which made his already profound Chuanzi lines more conspicuous. Many students huddled behind him and looked forward. Some of them had whispered to each other.

He was a little dissatisfied, turned around, and the crowd suddenly became quiet, standing straight, silent.

Armando nodded in satisfaction, handed the lesson plan to the nearest student, drew his wand, and pointed to the corridor.

"Pippi, don't do these boring things."

The swamp in the corridor disappeared in an instant, revealing the clean floor and carpet. He stretched out his hand backwards, and the students behind him hurriedly stuffed the lesson plan into his arms. Armando held the lesson plan and walked to his office.

"The boring little old man, Dippet, the crying ghost, became a little old man just after graduation!"

Pippi whizzed and flew across the corridor, and his voice became more and more thoughtful. He rushed past Armando holding a pile of dirty things, splashing him with mud spots, and Armando used magic to clear away his body with an ugly expression. The filth, quickened his pace and walked into the office.

Leaving Pippi on the spot, he rubbed the dirt in his hands and shot at the students who were stranded in the same place. He flew in the air and laughed wildly, "Amando Dippet, thin and down! An eagle bigger than a face. Hooked nose, it looks like poker!"

Armando stood behind the office door, threw the lesson plan aside, and rubbed his temples with both hands helplessly.

For Armando Dupete, order is the most wonderful thing in the world.

Doing the prescribed things at the prescribed time and place, never stepping into the regulations, never causing trouble to others, and never letting others trouble him. Armando has adhered to this creed since he was a child.

From the time when he was five years old, when magic power broke the fish tank on the bedside and killed his beloved goldfish, he hated everything beyond his control. In his opinion, as long as everyone and everything follow With the established orbit, then the bewildering accident will never occur. There must be no tragedy and no danger in such a world.

Armando knew clearly that it was impossible to eliminate accidents in the world by himself, nor did he have the right to demand other people. Therefore, when he was a teenager, he had to be strict with himself, getting up and going to bed and eating regularly every day. Studying, he took his protective gear and played two Quidditches regularly every week on Tuesday afternoon. During his seven years at Hogwarts, he stereotypically repeated the life of his first day in school every day.

Sure enough, his rigid habits have made his life more stable. In his school career, the only two accidents occurred after he didn't get up on time. The accidents that happened to other people around him also made him more certain of his own ideas.

As an outstanding student of Hogwarts, after graduation, Armando got his wish and became the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts at his alma mater. In his opinion, these mischievous students will inevitably encounter various things when they grow up. Dangerous, defense against the dark arts as a weapon of self-protection is undoubtedly the most important discipline for them.

At the same time, he did not forget to extend his philosophy to the classroom-no late arrival or early departure, no whispering, and even clear requirements for the line spacing of homework. After having the identity of a teacher, he was finally able to rely on himself Standards to require their own students.

Many Hogwarts students of that era believed that Armando Dupete was the harshest and most paranoid teacher in the school, but his harshness is awe-inspiring. People are lenient to others, and although they never think of any good memories when they think of his class, none of their defense against the dark arts ability has fallen behind.

After working for a few years, Armando did not add a bit of softness to his character in his contact with children. Instead, he became more and more angry with these lazy students. He felt that their behavior was constantly putting himself in danger, those dangers. His pranks, those dangerous night tours, those dangerous truancys...These behaviors that are no different from suicide have always made him difficult to understand. He also made up his mind to reverse the lazy temperament of these students, starting with school education.

But how can human nature be so simply fettered? Hogwarts was eleven years old when he entered school. Even after graduation, he was only a half-year-old boy of seventeen or eighteen. Young people love to have fun and excitement. How can this be reversed?

After dinner, Armando knocked on the door of the caretaker Rancoros Calpe.

"Strange, no students are coming to confinement tonight..." Lankoros came from behind the door with a sleepy voice. He opened the door, yawned, rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked towards The guest standing in the doorway straightened his back as soon as he saw Armando clearly, "Professor Dippet, why are you here?"

"I didn't see you during dinner tonight, so I wanted to come and have a look." Armando twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a slightly squishy smile, and squeezed into the door, "Look at you like this. Those naughty little guys are making you tired again?"

"Yes," Lankoros rubbed his hair, making his messy haircut look like a permed lion. "The Weasley in Gryffindor is so energetic. I really do. I don’t know what’s wrong with this family? His father and I were in the same year, and he would deduct 50 points from the college almost every year! He wanted to go to the forbidden forest every day. Oh my goodness! I can't even imagine the two of them torturing me together!"

He closed the door with his hand, Lankoros spread out his hand and complained. It seems that no one has been talking to him about these topics for a long time, and his chatterbox immediately opened.

Armando responded without a word. In fact, before today, he had rarely dealt with Lankoros, and Armando also proved his ability in other areas with practical actions. When he wanted to When he looks like a spring breeze, anyone will think that he is worthy of being close.

After complaining for a few minutes, Lankoros felt that Armando was one of the few teachers in Hogwarts and his appetite. Especially in terms of his attitude towards students, Armando also felt that this administrator Quite insightful-strict school rules and management are more conducive to the growth of students-the two quickly reached an agreement in this regard.

"Armando, it would be great if you became the principal!" Lankoros shook his head and said with a slap on his thigh. "Students should do what students should do. If I could study hard back then, I won't slip back to my alma mater to do it. I’m an administrator... Oh, I’m not saying that my alma mater is not. I just think it would be nice to be a professor who is loved by others like you!

Lankoros had a look of longing in his eyes, and after a conversation, his name for Armando had changed from "Professor Dipeter" to "Amando" more cordially.

"It's still far away, I'm not even the Dean," Armando put a hand on the table, tapped lightly, shook his head and said, "Lankoros, you can't think so, the professor is no better than you Where is the noble? In fact, Hogwarts can have no principal, but it must not be without an administrator. Besides, I am not a beloved professor."

"Armando..." Lankoros' eyes showed gratitude. He looked at Armando and said solemnly, "I've heard about you, and many students say you are too strict. But I think they are just too young to understand-they may not understand you now, but when they grow up, they will definitely understand your good intentions."

"I hope so," Armando said, shaking his head slightly, "Our original intention is the same, all in order to enable Hogwarts students to have a better future..."

Looking at Lankoros who nodded vigorously, Armando said while the iron was hot, "But now we have a good way to make Hogwarts students feel more at ease in their studies."


Looking at Lankoros, who was looking excited, Armando showed a long-lost smile. He understood that this simple-minded castle administrator had been moved by himself, and then he straightened his back and said softly, "Pippy, With him in one day, students will one day not be able to study at ease. This ghost is a stubborn illness of Hogwarts, and it's time to expel it from the castle permanently."

"Pippi?" Lankoros had a complex and struggling expression on his face, sometimes disgusted, sometimes scared, and not too often, he took out a thick yellowed footer from the drawer under the table, and placed it. Go to the table and push it in front of Armando, "In fact, the castle administrators of all generations have tried to drive this wicked guy out of the castle."

"It's not just stubborn."

Armando opened the booklet. Starting from the administrator appointed by the Big Four himself, Hankelton Humbler, the administrators of the past have made various attempts to expel Peppies, but they are still in Hogg. Woz's active Pippi repeatedly emphasized to them as if mockingly: You have failed!

"It seems that only the administrator has tried to solve this problem. Doesn't any professor at Hogwarts feel that it has affected normal teaching?" Armando frowned and continued to look down. "This is another What nonsense is Pippi is not a ghost, but an elf born from the castle. It is the product of the emotional representation of the students who lived and studied at Hogwarts in the past? How could the product of the student’s emotional representation be a mischief? A ghost that doesn't know anything but pranks?"

Looking at Armando with an ugly face, Lankoros recalled the terrible consequences of fighting Peppies recorded in the booklet, and moaned his lips and suggested, "Armando...Shall we change it--"

"No, it is precisely because of repeated patience and compromise that Pippi is becoming more and more unscrupulous and lawless! Even if it was born in a castle, it is a tumor of the castle, not an elf!" Armando shook his head and hit. Breaking off Lankoros’s proposal, he said firmly, “The administrators have been working hard before. I don’t think this is because they are insufficient or Pepigui is too powerful, but you are too single and weak. I think if there is a professor's help, it will not be the result."

"Really?" Lankoros asked with some lack of confidence.

"Yes," Aman nodded and turned to the last page of the booklet. "You wrote this page, right? You have clearly conceived a whole set of methods to deal with it, why not put it into practice? ?"

"I..." Lankoros was silent for a moment, and asked softly, "Do you think it's feasible?"

"It couldn't be better." Armando picked up the booklet and stood up. "Don't bother you to rest. Let me have a look at this booklet~ After breakfast tomorrow, we will go to Principal Moore together. ."


A month later, the trap imagined by Lankoros was set up in the middle of a corridor in the basement of Hogwarts. He used some weapons that the Peppies could not resist anyway as bait, and used a huge one to impose various blockades. The bell of the curse is the basic structure of the trap. After putting countless containment curses around the trap, Lankoros waited silently at the end of the corridor.

As he wished, Pepy Ghost quickly fell into a trap.

Pippy Ghost was perfectly covered by the bell like it was written in the script.

Lankoros walked forward triumphantly, patted the bell-shaped cover, opened a small valve, and mocked at the yelling Pippi inside, "This is the end of the prank."

"Really?" A familiar voice rang under Lanclos's feet, and Pippi easily got out of the floor where the tight protection spell was cast, grinning wildly, grabbing his ankle, and hanging him from the chandelier above his head.

"Hahaha, idiot Calpe, your trap is really fragile! Hanging from the lamp and crying, taking a picture is miserable!"

Pippi was holding a camera to take pictures of Lankoros who was hanging upside down frantically, and his mocking cries echoed throughout the castle.

He is the perfect fusion of pure humor and malice, but at this moment only malice is left in the laughter.

The weapons and spells prepared by Lankoros instantly became Pippi's tools. Without the help of a magic wand, all the spells applied in the corridor were infinitely multiplied to every corner of Hogwarts.

Pippi really seems to be the fairy of the castle. Every time people who have experienced this thing recall the scenes at that time, they can't help but sigh: "Yes, even the castle is helping him!"


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