My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 263: Dancing partner

"Williams, have you found a partner?"

At noon the next day, Nelson, who was looking for a clean seat in the auditorium with a dinner plate, was stopped again. This time it was a girl from Boothbatton. I wonder if it was because the French admired romance. After the notice of the prom, several people from Boothbatten had already approached him.

"Sorry, I will invite others later," Nelson raised his head and turned down the 1.8-meter tall girl. In order to avoid her being hit, he added specifically, "I don't know how to take the French steps. dance."

Imagining his little bird nestling in this girl's arms, Nelson shuddered.

"It's okay, we can skip the national standard. This is made by you in the UK," said the tall girl. "I have studied specifically—"

"Nelson, have you seen my dear sister?"

Before she started again, she was interrupted by an uninvited guest.

Not far away, Alphad with gold dust on the school uniform and the characters "I want to be a performance artist" floated over quietly.

When Yu Guang saw Alphad, Nelson almost laughed.

"Is this your friend?" the girl frowned and stared at the floating Alphad, asking with disgust.

"Ah, yes, this is my good friend."

"Okay..." She shook her head in disappointment and left Nelson.

"I wish you find a dancing partner you like!" Nelson sent his blessings, put down the dinner plate, and greeted Alphad.

"I just saw Walburga, but are you sure, are you going to find her now?"

Nelson looked at the big golden letters on Alphad, worried about his safety.

"Of course, I want to tell my sister that three girls hit me up today."

Alphad hadn't been beaten by his sister for three hours, and he felt ants crawling all over his body.

"This is not to strike up a conversation, but to visit..." Nelson muttered.

"Congratulations, did you find a partner?" Nelson asked with a smile, "Is it the girl who hit you up?"

"I found it," Alphad said naturally. "The first one I promised was a sixth grade girl from Gryffindor. When I was a kid, I watched Quidditch games with her. Haven't you found it yet? Do you need me to ask her to introduce you?"

"Of course not, how could it be necessary?" Nelson's eyes scanned in the auditorium, and suddenly saw a familiar figure. He beckoned and exclaimed, "Mettle, have you found a partner?"

Nelson’s expression is a bit complicated. The girl in front of him is the Myrtle whom I haven’t seen for a long time. If everything goes according to the established fate, she should have been stared to death by the basilisk now, turning into a translucent ghost, living in In the toilet in the women's bathroom at the entrance of the secret room, weeping at the water tank every day.

This sentence of "Female Big Eighteen" is not suitable for everyone, but it is more suitable for Myrtle. Nelson still remembers when he met her for the first time, he was almost squatted on the ground at Lihen Bookstore. Myrtle stumbled. At that time, she might not be called ugly, but she was definitely not pretty. The finch spots were dotted on her baby's fat face. Although she was white, she always buried her head and humped her breasts. Not to mention the heavy double ponytails that can be called death aesthetics, but today Nelson saw her as if he had changed.

This holiday, her stature has grown a lot like ears, and her slightly fat figure has become well-proportioned. I don't know if it is because of her height, she has become confident, her chest raised, and she is very energetic.

She finally untied the two thick ponytails and draped her smooth brown hair behind her back.

"Ah..." She turned her head in a daze, and when she saw that the person calling her was Nelson, she smiled and walked over, "Your color is much better than before."

"Seriously, I still don't know what the color you are talking about." Nelson shrugged, and then asked, "Did you find a partner?"

"Nelson, you don't want to find her as a dance partner, hahaha!"

Suddenly, a loud laughter came in, and Nelson frowned. It turns out that this kind of person does not only appear in the novel.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of laughter. A tall, dark-skinned boy put his hands in his trouser pockets, and laughed like a toad at Myrtle.

"Who is this?" Nelson secretly said badly, and the good mood for lunch disappeared suddenly, "Alphad, do you know him?"

"Olif Humber, Ravenclaw's, and our grade." Alphad Fuer introduced Nelson, and then he looked at Oliver and warned, "Humber, don't you have a long memory?"

"What kind of memory?" Oliver glanced visibly behind Alphard, not knowing what he saw, he suddenly straightened his chest confidently and said, "Riddle is not by your side now."

"No, who is this person?" Nelson interrupted the two men's retelling, and looked at Oliver sideways. "Your name is a little hard to pronounce. I'll just call you Xiaofu, Xiaofu, do we know each other well? "


"If I remember correctly, I don't seem to know you," Nelson said unceremoniously. "Call me Williams."

"Well...Williams," the little husband, like another famous little husband, bowed his head quickly and heartily, "we have seen it. We often go to class together. I just want to tell you that I'll be the ugly monster. Your dancing partner will embarrass you."

"Sorry, we don't seem to be very familiar." Nelson maintained the most basic courtesy, but his patience was about to be exhausted. He stopped paying attention to the husband, but turned to look at Alphad and said, "Alpha De, I remember Tom should have dealt with these talents."

He emphasized the word "processing".

Myrtle was a classmate that Nelson and Tom knew very early, and even an old friend, but she has been conservative in the torture of campus bullying since the beginning of school. Nelson once asked Tom, who was very wild, for advice in this regard. An absolute opponent of campus bullying, Tom thought of a coup-to bully those bullies.

How should I put it, although the methods are a bit overwhelming, the effect is immediate. At least Mettle has rarely been bullied in Ravenclaw since the second grade, especially after she got acquainted with Christian.

She can make such a big change, and it has nothing to do with Tom's special help.

"Yeah, but this guy is different. He only stares at Mettle to harass him. When Tom is there, he is very honest, but when Tom is not there," Alphad shrugged and greeted Slytherin on the long table. We leaned in, "You know, this kind of person is very...I can't describe it, but you should understand."

"Na..." After being glared at by Nelson, the little husband immediately rolled back the tongue that was being pronounced, "Williams, you don't have to mix with these inconsistent people, you have excellent grades, you should get in touch more Many people who are as good as you."

"What is a person as good as you? What porcelain do you touch?" Alphad said disdainfully, "You don't think that a row of O is the same as a row of A, do you?"

"Is his grades very good?" Nelson still ignored the husband. He picked up a glass of undrunk orange juice from the table and handed it to Myrtle. When she saw the husband, she was already shaking. It seems that I was really bullied by this guy.

"Like I just said, a row of A."

"If there is a row of Ts, I might even have a high look at him."

"A row of T is too difficult..."

"It doesn't matter," Nelson finally looked at the husband, and his first words almost shocked the jaws of those around him, "Do you like Mettle?"


"To be honest, your methods are very inferior. Since the 15th century, humans have rarely used this method of communication." Nelson decided to take a few minutes to educate this confused guy. "I'm very curious. , Why are you biting Mettle and not letting go? Because you think her looks are not in line with your aesthetics?"


"I think you are so ugly," Nelson said with a grin. "Can I bully you now? Alphad, we can call our friends over and block this place."

Under the call of Alphad, a group of Slytherins with the words "I want to be performance artists" surrounded him. A trace of panic flashed across the Xiaofu's face. He didn't know much about Nelson, but he didn't expect it to be in a nightmare better than him. Del has some simple people.

The little husband hurriedly said, "I didn't—"

"You have nothing?" Nelson raised his eyebrows. "Don't you reflect?"


"It looks like you didn't reflect at all," Nelson didn't even give him a chance to reflect. The moment the little man touched his pocket, he fixed him with a petrification curse, and the golden Slytherins around slowly used this communication as a human wall. Surrounded, ""

"Relying on bullying to attract people's attention, seven-year-olds don't bother to do this now." Nelson shook his head and looked at Myrtle. "Mettle, how do you want to punish him?"

"Punishment?" Myrtle didn't seem to care, she didn't care at all. "He will only say to his lips, he can't take anything to me."

"Aren't you annoying?"

"I learned a magic that can specifically block a person's voice."

"Can you teach me?" Nelson cleared his throat, realizing that his thinking was wrong, and turned back to the topic, "Since you don't know, let's help you."

As soon as Nelson drew out his wand, another

"Williams, what do you want to do to my students?"

When the airtight human wall saw the incoming person, a gap was quickly separated. Nelson raised his head. It was Professor Sykes. The little husband was held in place, his eyes turning frantically.

"Professor Sykes," Nelson replied, "your student is maliciously hurting another student."

"I know, Williams," Professor Sykes said softly, reaching out to the husband, "but my students don't need physical punishment from others."

"The curse stops immediately." She raised her wand and pointed at the husband, but the husband who had lifted the petrification curse remained motionless.

"This is not corporal punishment, Professor, we are just helping him remember what he should reflect on."

"I will punish," Professor Sykes nodded and looked at the four hourglasses behind the long table of faculty and staff. "Ravenclaw, because of Humber's foolish behavior, I lowered one hundred points."

The sapphires in the hourglass rushed down, and before the Ravenclaws could react, the Ravenclaw's hourglass had bottomed out.

"I also think he needs some confinement to learn to manage his mouth and brain."

Professor Sykes raised his hand with a wave, and the little husband was already floating in the air.

"We will have the opportunity to see it often in the future." Nelson's smile was so standard that he showed eight teeth. "But to be honest, I heard you were all A before. I thought you were educated, but I didn't expect it to be literate."

With a wave of his wand, Professor Sykes did not stop, and there was no time to stop it.

A line of golden words appeared behind him, and it said, "I am a work of performance art."

After seeing this line of words, she quickened her pace and left with her husband.

"Mr. Williams, you are right," Boothbarton's warrior Margaret suddenly appeared in the gap in the wall where Professor Sykes had just left. After seeing Nelson and Alphad, she hesitated for a moment. Putting on the glasses, after confirming that Alphad is not the phantom of Nelson, he asked, "Can you choose me as your dance partner?"

"Me?" Nelson shook his head, UU reading "Aren't you going to dance with your brother?"

"He doesn't have to jump."

Nelson glanced at Alphad, the same world, the same sister.

"You saw it too, I'm inviting her to be my dance partner," Nelson said, pointing to Myrtle. "Sorry, I don't want to go to the opening dance, so that my quick dance steps will be revealed."

"Haha." Margaret covered her mouth and laughed. "Then I won't bother you."

She said she didn't bother and she didn't bother, so she turned around and left.

At the main entrance of the auditorium, Tom, who was late, was chatting with Walburga happily, but Walburga's good mood immediately disappeared after seeing his brother's shape. He secretly clenched his fist and walked towards Alphad.

"Mettle, are you going to be my dance partner?"

"Yes, but my invitation may be higher," Myrtle said without hesitation. "My parents are both members of the Royal Dance Teachers Association. I just heard you say that you don't know how to dance. I can teach you. "

"Thank you so much," Nelson said with a grateful expression, "then wait for you to contact me when you have time."

"Let's go," Nelson said, welcoming Tom, "It's almost time, what should we eat?"

"Look at them," Tom asked. "I just saw an unlucky guy taken away by Professor Sykes. You won't..."

"You guessed it." Nelson and Tom quickly found the women's bathroom, and after entering the secret room, they apparated and left. "Have you found a partner?"

"How could I not find it?" Tom asked rhetorically.

A few minutes later, the two appeared at the door of the two broomsticks.

"Long time no see!" Newt and Filius seemed to have been waiting for a long time.


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