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"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Nelson raised his left arm and pointed his wand directly at Tom. The breeze blew up his half-length hair. The thin mist surrounded his body. The sunlight was cut into irregular color blocks by the mist, and it fell on him, leaving behind a trail. Bright spot.

"I didn't stop on the road."

Tom adjusted his appearance, with his left hand behind him, and his right hand holding the wand to his chest in the posture of a knight holding a sword.

"No, you stopped. You even waited at the door." Nelson shook his head, his wrist flicked, and a crimson beam shot towards Tom's chest. "You made me wait too long."

"I think you had a great time playing with them," Tom leaned over his body, his wand tilted slightly, and the red light beam was refracted by a transparent object that suddenly appeared in the air and turned to one side. "But Gnar, you Shouldn't be such a heavy hand."


The spell flew behind Tom and hit something. The next second, a thick black wand swirled, drawing a beautiful parabola, and flew towards Tom from behind.

He grabbed the flying wand with his backhand, and Ludwig, who was twitching constantly behind his back, let out a groaning moan. Tom put the wand in his pocket and shouted without looking back, "Sorry, Kant, I didn't mean it. ."

"Hum hum…"

"It looks like he forgave you."

Nelson tilted his head, avoided the flying blade manipulated by Marguerite who was irrational, and at the same time jumped a step back, avoiding the green snake coming from under his feet, and stepped on its tail with one foot, the snake It seemed that he had come out to work before the full moon, and his swollen head was rubbing against his shoes in a dazed manner. The rice-sized fangs scratched the firm dragon skin and quickly grinds his teeth flat.

"Except for your weapons!"

Nelson kicked the teething snake away and yelled at Tom.

Immediately afterwards, a faint blue electric light spouted from the magic wand and shot towards Tom.

"Sneak attack, right?" Tom used the iron armor curse to resist Nelson's attack, and quickly returned the color, "Avada gnaws on the big melon!"

A black light shot out from the tip of the staff and hit Nelson's face door.

The two stood in circles on the field above Alexander's head, and the frequency of releasing the spell was getting faster and faster. The light beams of various colors collided in the air, bursting out gorgeous fireworks.

Although every spell of Nelson is a "weapon except you" and every spell of Tom is "Avada gnawing a big melon", the spells they use are almost the same.

The ground under his feet was shaking slightly, and Alexander’s left arm was still fighting with the black python that Tom called out. After Tom didn’t need to be distracted to think about how to break through to Nelson, the black python finally didn’t have to do the control work he was not good at. Up.

Its body will quickly collapse under each round of mayfly’s attack, but new individuals will soon be born from the escaping black smoke. As the battle progresses, the black python splits into two large ones, and the remaining The black smoke turned into tiny venomous snakes, burrowing into the holes in the pipes, and invading Alexander's body. Although the hot steam in the pipes crushed them in an instant, their bodies could be in a very short time. After being supplemented, he was inextricably beaten with the one-armed Alexander for a while.

Alexander had to liberate more functions. Part of the bolts on its huge body fell off, sucking the surrounding air into the body like wind and wind. The fierce fire in the blast furnace burned more violently after getting more fuel, and the surging heat energy flowed through the pipes. It was conducted into the right arm, and its bones and armor were roasted red. The snakes that touched the body gave out blue smoke and made the sound of barbecue, which quickly lost its shape and recondensed into black smoke. The lost fog in the pipeline seized the opportunity to swallow the remains of these lost entities, and cooperated with the mayfly outside of the body to strangle these annoying things.

The black smoke under Tom's control seems to have wisdom far beyond what others expected. It is no longer obsessed with the body, but completely abandons the serpent, all of which are scattered into black smoke, pouring into the pipes, competing for the communication arteries in Alexander's body.

Although Nelson designed a tight defense for Alexander, the hastily deformed unfinished body still has many loopholes, and the magic logic that runs on its own is also difficult to deal with such emergencies that are not in the preset plan, and some black smoke follows. The pipe rushed to Alexander's head, and the little green snake just now was one of them.

Now, on the platform above Alexander's head, plumes of black smoke are squeezing through the gaps in the armor and rising up, mixing with the lost fog floating in the air, and the boundary is showing a delicate gray.

Nelson and Tom walked in the gray background, firing spells at each other while avoiding or resisting Margaret's indiscriminate attacks.

However, the metal soldiers she created experienced the regret of dying before they left the army. They didn’t have time to play any role because the master’s failure was on the spot, and Nelson and Tom didn’t just use their bodies to evade. The other party's curse, they almost simultaneously fought the doctrine of the soldiers' control and persuasion.

When Tom passed by a metal soldier, brightly colored snakes would grow out of his feet, which quickly penetrated into the soldier's body under the cover of Tom's body.

Tom's eyes did not know when they turned scarlet, his expression was cold, his movements were precise, but his eyes were frantic.

Nelson didn't see the little snake appearing, he just noticed Tom's eyes and played with caution.

When passing by the soldier, he was not idle either. The small gears rolled and embedded into the soldier's joints, and the mist that had been thinned by the strong wind invaded through the gaps in the armor on the soldier's head.

After a while, the two turned around on the platform.

Nelson came to the front of the throne again, sandwiched between two soldiers with swords.

"Gnar!" Tom yelled suddenly, hiding behind a soldier holding a shield, "Except your weapons!"

Nelson was stunned. How did Tom **** his lines, but Tom didn’t shoot the spell, just a blink of an eye. The hollow helmet of the sword-bearing soldier behind Nelson suddenly lit up with two scarlet lights. The sword pierced his chest instantly.

And the gear bite sounded inside the shield soldier in front of Tom. There was an impenetrable mist under his helmet. Then, his joints twisted in the opposite direction, and his thick arms hugged tightly. Staying at Tom, his head turned 180 degrees, the misty face stared at Tom closely, the mist gushing out of the helmet, covering Tom's face door.

Watching this scene, lowering his head and looking at the point of the sword poking out of his chest, Nelson raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"Ahem," Tom was squeezed out a little bit by the huge force of the shield soldier, his breathing became difficult and his face was flushed. Like Nelson, he was also exposed." Sure enough," smile, "I knew..."

Nelson leaped forward, and the whole person slipped from the sword. The torn shirt revealed the body below. A hideous piercing wound appeared, and even the hearts of the people in the audience were tightened.

"Nelson won't be stabbed to death by Tom?" Alphad cried out in a fuss.

"No... right?" Walburga rarely beat his brother, but stared at the water curtain intently. "After all, Nelson also avoided the Durmstrang's left chest. Tom doesn't make sense..."

Her voice is getting smaller and smaller, and she has no confidence.

The wizards on the podium were not very worried. Those who were used to seeing strong winds and waves at least knew that a person stabbed in the chest would spit blood after a sharp weapon was pulled out, let alone laugh, and Nelson’s shirt was torn. , But it's just a little wet.

Nelson pointed his wand at his chest. The flesh and blood in the wound turned into water. The tension on the surface made the void heal instantly. He put down the wand and his young skin was as good as before, even a little smoother.

"Human body deformation?" Tom said more and more effortlessly. "When did you learn it?"

Nelson did not answer, but raised his wand and pointed it at Tom.

"Well, it's really boring." Tom said disappointedly. His free hand turned his wand upside down and placed it on the leg of the shield soldier. A flash of red light flashed. The shield soldier exploded from the inside, and countless fragments were taken by Nelson. The gears embedded in the body exploded together with other mechanical structures, shooting in all directions.

Before Nelson could catch his breath, Sa Yazi ran to the throne and hid behind.

Freed from the bondage, Tom squinted his eyes and pointed to Nelson's hiding place, where the same red light as before converged on the tip of the stick.

"It's really hard to deal with people who use spells well!"

Nelson swore his wand with a swearing grin, and most of the metal soldiers started up amid the sound of neat gears and rushed towards Tom.

"You should reflect and reflect, you are the wand of the dragon heartstring."

Looking at the soldiers surrounded from all directions, Tom stared through the "crowd" at Margaret, who was still wielding a sharp blade to vandalize, his whole face collapsed, "This is your role?"

He waved his magic wand helplessly, and the red glow was lit up under the masks of the soldiers whose body was infiltrated by the snake. He hurriedly started and rushed towards the attacking enemy. A group of exactly the same soldiers fought together, but the number of soldiers was slightly larger. The Nelson Legion quickly gained the upper hand.

"Transforming wizards are really difficult!"

The black smoke billowed under Tom's feet, and he soared into the air, past the soldiers' regiment, and rushed towards Nelson under the guard of the summoned viper.

The venomous snakes entangled their open mouths, and drops of venom dripped from their hideous fangs, whizzing through the air like a colorful poisonous cloud.

Soldiers under Nelson's control in the battle group underfoot threw their weapons, but were blocked by the snake that was not afraid of death.

Nelson stood behind the throne, poked his head and looked at the flying Tom. The harassment of the mayfly is almost meaningless to him. A simple magic laser is difficult to kill the snakes on a large scale, and he has no time to control the mayfly to launch a more powerful combination. magic.

He raised his wand and inserted it forcefully into the back of the towering chair. As he got closer, Tom only saw the pointer-like back of the chair quickly scaled down to the sound of gears. Nelson, who was hiding behind, was quickly exposed. Came out.

The red light at the tip of his staff had reached its peak, swinging his arm in the air, a crescent-shaped red arc shot out from front of him, and all the poisonous snakes hit by the arc exploded in place, and it flew forward and firmly to Nelson behind the throne.

Seeing Nelson lose the protection of the throne, and the arc is approaching, there is a trace of panic in Tom's eyes, for fear that he will kill Nelson by mistake.

The pointer continued to shrink, only one meter left. It looked like it was removed from the dial of a big clock. Under the gaze of Tom and all the audience, Nelson reached for the root of the pointer and pulled it out. !

The reduced back of the chair is more like a pointer, and the pattern on it is becoming more and more refined, but when it was held upside down by Nelson, people could see that it turned out to be a pointer-like pointer surrounded by various gears. The sword.

I saw Nelson wave the pointer and lifted it upwards. The tip of the sword just touched the red arc emitted by Tom. Tom shook his head. Everything touched by this magic will explode on its own. The power of the explosion is related to the quality of that thing...

Thinking that the sword seemed to be made from a heavy chair back, Tom closed his eyes in despair. Although he knew that Nelson would be able to survive the explosion, and Miss Joey’s superb medical skills could restore him, he still It was difficult to face the scene where Nelson was blown up bloody.

The audience did not close their eyes. Although they were equally nervous, they were more curious about what would happen afterwards.

Holding his breath, staring at the water curtain without blinking.

The imaginary explosion sound did not come. Tom opened his eyes and saw that Nelson held the sword against the arc light. At the junction of the arc light and the blade, there was a burst of sparks, and the tip of the needle faced the wheat!

When the camera zoomed in, the audience suddenly discovered that this sword looks smooth and flat, but in fact it is made of small parts that are occluded and spliced ​​with each other. The parts at the tip of the sword fall off under Nelson's control. A concave mirror-shaped shield with a smooth surface. The arc of UU看书 only connects with the shield that is separated from the sword. Although each small shield will explode in place if it can’t last for a second, its concave mirror can Change the direction of the arc little by little.

Finally, after losing so many small parts, the direction of the arc light was completely changed, slashing across the blade, soaring into the sky, and disappearing into the clouds.

The audience finally sucked in the oxygen that was lacking because of their suffocation, and the air in the auditorium suddenly became thinner. They looked at Nelson, who pointed the sword at Tom in the air, and looked at each other.

The wizards had imagined Nelson's various solutions to the arc, but they didn't expect him to draw out a sword.

"This is too unmagical!" a Bussbaton student exclaimed.

"No, one of the founders of Hogwarts, Godric Gryffindor's once weapon was a sword."

Hagrid, who was sitting behind him, explained forcefully.


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