"Nar, as your teacher, I'm glad you have your own ideas."

Dumbledore cast a deep look at Nelson, saw his bound spine still straight, saw the tears glistening in his eyes, saw the sunlight he gently shed on most people ignored by magic, see In the shadows behind him those minions who do not belong to the right path.

How could he not understand Nelson's thoughts? As the mentor who personally took Nelson on the first step to the wizarding world, he could see that this ignorant but intelligent teenager changed from a chick exploring the unknown under his wings to the falcon he saw at the funeral. Strong and strong, he put everything on his back and charged towards the swamp.

Isn't this a kind of anger? It's just that this anger is too aggressive and too gentle.

What's the difference between him and the boy in front of him? Dumbledore may have come to understand why Nelson called himself Albus Dumbledore in an interview many years ago.

"But now that I have something I want you to know."

He pressed his wand to his throat without a trace, so that the chattering crowd didn't notice the conversation between the two, and the voice only traveled between Dumbledore and Nelson.

"You never seem to think of yourself as a wizard," Dumbledore whispered, turning his head to the side, "I remember when Judge Shafik awarded you the Order of the Garter, your oath spoke only of humans— When you think about it, maybe most of the world is too narrow, wizards and muggles... just like left-handed people and right-handed people."

"You've always been so wise, Professor."

"But you should understand that even if the old rules are unreasonable, you still live in them," Dumbledore turned his head, his expression seemed slightly different from before, "You who are blessed by the rules must pay The price of breaking the rules, no matter how much reason you have."

"I understand, Professor," Nelson nodded. "This is what I decided early on. The wizards whose lives were changed by the magic factory will not be bound by it in the future."

"It's a good thing, it's just Gellert... no, Grindelwald, would he agree?" Dumbledore threw the question, and answered quickly to himself, "He will certainly agree, that's him too. The situation you want to see, but do you know that the next life and death will be handed over to the people you care about. If you have more troubles, they will inevitably have suspicions, and no one wants another in this world. Grindelwald, not to mention that this new Grindelwald grew up under Grindelwald himself."

"Have you forgotten, Professor?" Nelson blinked. "I am Albus Dumbledore."

"Hopefully not," Dumbledore and Nelson looked at each other. "You're not me, and you're not Mr. Nicklaus, you're Nelson Williams."

"Of course I—"

"Listen to me, Nal," Dumbledore interrupted Nelson, who was defending, and said earnestly, "From the first time we met at the West City Orphanage, I felt that you and Tom were two different people. Children who are completely different from each other, I saw in Tom's eyes his resentment against the world, he wanted too much, but had too little, I thought he would be a ruthless child, with that The rare magical talent in the world may become a dark devil in the future, but do you know what it was like when I met him for the first time?"

Nelson didn't understand why Dumbledore suddenly mentioned Tom, but he didn't ask more, just followed Dumbledore's words and asked, "What is it like?"

"He was not at all surprised by his identity as a wizard, and he was not afraid of the unknown at all. Instead, he immediately remembered that he could use this unique power to stand out. I have seen too many examples of this, Gnar, this This kind of imagination may sometimes become the poison of the world. If the ambition is not controlled, it will swell into a disaster that devours everything. What is even more terrifying is that he really has this ability." At this moment, Nelson seemed to see a full The silver-haired, waist-bearded old man smiled at himself through the half-moon-shaped spectacles, "But when I pointed it all out, he told me, 'Nar always says that,' but with my years of teaching experience Come on, he's listening."

"At that time I was wondering what kind of person he was talking about," Dumbledore stared at Nelson with scrutiny, as if he wanted to see him from flesh to bone, but he finally blinked Eyes, buried his face in his hands, "I am full of fear for the birth of a careerist, because I once created such two careerists with my own hands. Although I killed one of them, the other inherited his ambition. , has become stronger, and even I can't handle it anymore."


"I was thinking at the time, why does a teenage kid have that kind of eyes, and...why do you know me?" Dumbledore's eyes were so sharp that even Nelson felt his heart pounding after so much. , "Why do you have that kind of attitude towards me, you know, this shouldn't be the reaction a kid who hasn't been exposed to wizards should have."

Nelson's heart beat in his throat, but Dumbledore said in a tone that seemed to convince himself: "Of course, the story after that gave me the answer, you are a prophet, even more than Grindelwald. More farther, more farther..."

"But you know what? I've never seen a person's eyes so empty, and although it shines everywhere, this brilliance comes from the outside, like a mirror with six sides wrapped around it. The box, people will be attracted by the beauty of the mirror when they see it, so they forget to find out what is in the box," Dumbledore's eyes became very penetrating, almost the same as the one in Troca that day. It was exactly the same when he cast Legilimency in the tavern, "I can't see a little bit of yourself in your eyes, Gnar, under what circumstances would a person not care about anything? Even after everything you did, wouldn't it? Is there really any sense of justice driving you? I don't think so. You have only a few shadows in your heart, and you can't even hold the flowers, trees, cats and dogs around you. You will pity them, but you never will. Don't care about them, your gentleness and kindness comes from upbringing, but where does this upbringing come from?"

"It seems that you have lived for a long time in a world that is so beautiful that I can't imagine it, and sneered at all the treasures we value. Even magic is only a somewhat interesting tool in your opinion. Of course, this is impossible. Yes, the more this is the case, the more I wonder what kind of person Mr. Nicklaus is, but unfortunately, I don't have such a chance." Dumbledore's expression was no longer serious, he smiled, and then said, " Grindelwald told me that you have ambitions in your heart far beyond his, and I don't believe it, boy, I don't think a man who can't hold anything in his eyes can hold that shit."

"It wasn't until later that I finally saw your emotions. You can't unleash that kind of spell that pierces the bone through practice, not to mention it is so powerful, and the accumulated anger is far beyond my imagination," Nelson's hand clenched sharply. He got up and slowly loosened it. The pale trace was struggling to regain its blood color. Dumbledore looked at Nelson's hand and said softly, "I finally saw what was in the box, and finally saw your connection to this world, You are finally no longer a passerby or spectator who is so quiet that I am afraid, you actually have a lot of things in your heart."

"But is that really your own thing?" Dumbledore's question seemed to hit Nelson's soul directly, "It belongs to Mr. Nicklaus, I haven't seen him, but I know he is a man in the war. Lost a lot of reporters, his yearning for peace is not something that a wizard born in peace can imagine, after he died, you took his dream as yours, so you suddenly became aggressive, suddenly left behind Partly shackled by your upbringing, you begin to embrace your power, permeate your magic into every aspect of your life, and you choose to leave Hogwarts out of fear that the ease of life at Hogwarts will flatten your edges, You are afraid that you will forget your hard-earned goals because of this, you become active, stop practicing magic step by step, and turn your attention to older or more future spells, even if you reject Green Devo's magic, but your power is getting stronger at a speed that even I can't understand, I know, you're in a hurry, you want to do it all in a few years, don't say what it is Radical or not, when you really get what you want, what is left in your heart?"

Nelson was silent, his originally gentle expression became straight, and the pair of ocean-like blue eyes were now like the dark trenches at the bottom of the deep sea, making Dumbledore unable to see his head.

"As a teacher, I believe you can do nothing wrong, but have you ever wondered if this is too hasty?" Dumbledore sighed and looked at Nelson with an equal attitude, "I'm not against you , my family also fell apart because of the secrecy law. I was almost ruined by it in the first half of my life. I also know that it is just a twisted product of a twisted era, but even if it is as fragile as a sieve, it is still inaccessible now. Missing—you know what? Credence Baierburn came to me and brought the news you wanted to tell me from the future."

Nelson's eyes widened, staring intently at Dumbledore's mouth.

"He asked me to stop you, you told me that now is not the time, everything in the future will be a mess, even if you try your best to be a paper painter, but the world does not become better because of this, but more and more divided ," Dumbledore's eyes were like lightning, hitting Nelson's forehead fiercely, making his hands and feet become cold, "I once asked him, now that the future changes are a foregone conclusion, what do I do? Can change? But he doesn't know the answer either, I tried, but as you can see, I failed, I had a date with you on Christmas eve before, handed you something, I changed the time, made the first try—but you know what? Even that is the foregone conclusion of the future."


Nelson's tone was a little flustered, but he felt a force on his shoulder, as if Dumbledore was patting him.

"I haven't been able to change the future, but maybe you can, you're the most unbelieving person I've ever met as a prophet," Dumbledore said softly, "I don't want to blame you, and if it were me, I wouldn't be able to. Even better, since you have this grand ideal, you might as well build it yourself, but you must know that sometimes it is too hasty, but it will backfire, which is why I held this meeting and delayed the time.”

Listening to Dumbledore's elder-like words, Nelson lowered his head.

"Forgive my nagging, Gnar, I've seen a lot of things, and it's inevitable that I will have more worries in my heart," Dumbledore's half-moon lens flashed a reflection, and Bai Sensen couldn't see it clearly, he paused, He asked in a low voice, "Nar, can you make a promise to me?"

"What?" Nelson raised his head and looked at Dumbledore.

"I want you to be honest and read Hogwarts until you graduate, and see for yourself what the world will look like when you remove the barriers," Dumbledore said with unquestionable firmness, "You can't Take it all on your shoulders, and I think Mr. Nicklaus thinks the same, you have to get people to drop their crutches and get up on their own, and that's what you asked to tell me...the second thing!"

Nelson's eyes widened. Dumbledore, who he thought was the least aware of the situation, turned out to be the most sober person. Nelson knew that he still had a lot to say.

"I'm very happy that in the future, you choose to trust me," their eyes met in mid-air, and Dumbledore seemed to have aged a lot. "But now, can I trust you?"

"I can make unbreakable vows."

"No need for that, Gnar," Dumbledore shook his head, "I want you to make your own choice, I don't need you to promise or promise anything, even if the world is really messed up, some of it is to clean up the mess However, if it stagnates because of this, I am afraid it will only accumulate a lot. To tell you the truth, I am afraid that my stubbornness is not something you or Tom can easily persuade. This is what you want to see, and I think See, I believe you have the power to change the world - but always keep in mind that you have more to fall back on, and I just hope you don't feel so lonely and extreme anymore."

Nelson didn't speak, just nodded heavily.

"You can now announce-"

Dumbledore stood up without the slightest hesitation, the wand slid away from his throat, and the sound spread to all directions in the dark room, and even the walls of attraction were not enough to annihilate the echo. With his movements, the last chain on Nelson's body broke. It broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"The International Secrecy Act, which has divided the world for more than 200 years, is repealed from today."

When the last chain slipped off Nelson, instead of relaxing, he felt heavier on his shoulders.



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