My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 526: Social etiquette

Latest website: "I'm sorry, Miss Umbridge," Nelson covered his pocket and gave Umbridge a standard social smile, "I have something to do, excuse me for a while, you can talk to Martha first. Let's chat."


"Please." Umbridge was not polite like her, she bowed slightly, nodded like a lady, turned and walked towards Martha, leaving plenty of space for Nelson.



"Hello? Can you hear me?"


Nelson walked out of the clothing store, stood beside the mailbox on the street, looked at the street where people came and went, habitually picked up the small silver ball, held it with one hand and held it to his ear, blurted out this familiar but long-standing greeting. After that, he was stunned and looked back at the bright glass window of the ready-to-wear store. A blond man in a long trench coat was standing there smiling, and he was amused by himself, "This is not a phone..."


Nelson shook his head, the sense of alienation caused by the struggle that seemed like a lifetime disappeared. He put the small silver ball in his hand into the ear canal, and took out another count to his mouth. This should be the correct use of it.


"What smallpox?" Tom's voice clearly appeared in his ear, "I have figured out Fritz Harriman's bottom line. He is the murderer Jonas once told us about."


"Is it the murderer whose head was cut off by the University of Göttingen to study his brain because he was too crazy?"


Nelson asked, when the wizard who passed by him heard this, he stopped, turned his head and looked at him suspiciously. How can this dog-like young man speak so hard? ? Nelson's unfocused gaze happened to stop at the position of his neck. The passerby got cold on the back of his neck, shrank his neck, and left here quickly.


"What nonsense..."


From time to time, he turned his head to look at Nelson, as if for fear that he would catch up and chop off his head, the pace under his feet continued to accelerate, and he quickly disappeared into the crowd.


Nelson didn't notice the stop of such a passerby. According to scientific research, people ignore or rationalize everything around them when they are on the phone, even when making "magic phone calls". He paced by the mailbox, said, "I remember that was a ghost story Jonas told to scare us into going to bed earlier."


"What kind of ghost story is that?" Tom exaggeratedly said, "I can only say that Muggle imagination still needs to be improved, after all, there are so many terrifying things that wizards can do!"


Nelson shook his head, looked at the surrounding street signs, and said, "Me and Martha are at the door of a... er 'Savina Style Clothing Store', just across from the Owl Post Office—"




Tom's voice suddenly became high and low as if someone was in harmony. The two voices fell into Nelson's ears. He felt someone tap on his shoulder and turned his head. Tom was already standing behind him.


"You actually know where this shop is?"


"I know Diagon Alley even better than Hogwarts." Tom raised his eyebrows and looked into the store through the glass window. Behind the mannequin in the window, Umbridge was enthusiastically serving Martha. They recommended all kinds of fashionable dresses by wizards, and they were already filling the shelves beside the two of them. Looking at Umbridge, who was so gracious, Martha was a little confused and didn't know what to do.


"This Dolores Umbridge is a talent." Tom looked at the pink woman and sighed in a serious tone, "a talent."


"How to say?"


"You should know that she once complimented Abraxas in front of everyone in the Slytherin lounge for being handsome and charming, ah yes, you mentioned it before," Tom said, scratching his hair, "here Before, she even wanted to participate in the mutual aid club for freshmen that I organized. Of course, its scale is not limited to freshmen. After all, after us, there have been six freshmen enrolled... I feel she is a bit like a degraded version. Professor Slughorn, the same well-informed, the same keen sense of smell, the same good at digging, just a little less hard."


"I don't remember your tea party having such a senior student," Nelson thought while catching the Chocolate Frog from Tom, "I think she should be one grade above us? Or two grades?"


"She's in the same class as Minerva," Tom said, curling his lips, "I've inquired that she and Minerva were interviewing for the Ministry of Magic together, but she didn't do very well, and she had to mix things up. For an intern position, it was Minerva, who performed well, and even Nobby Ritchie admired her, but she didn't choose this path herself in the end."


"Your information is a little behind, Tom," Nelson smiled. "She's been on the right track for a long time."


"Of course I know, you listen to me first," Tom said, waving his hand. "You went to Germany when she was still active at school, and you probably didn't know about it, although I declined her request to join us. , but she still didn't give up, this is a woman with a strong purpose, she happened to show up at every meeting after that, her original words were 'the experience of senior students may be helpful to you young people who are hungry for knowledge' , she always obliged to help those guys with outstanding backgrounds but bad brains, such as Carol, Selwyn, etc. At first, she even wanted to ask Ying to be our guide, but how could she have the truth? It's kind of mediocre, so most people don't buy her account."


"And then?" Nelson became interested and tore open the package of the chocolate frog, but with a little more force, the chocolate frog squeezed out of the package, jumped hard, and fled to the road, Nelson only had time to look at it , it was stomped on by a passing pedestrian, "Oh... poor little guy."


"You know, Selwyn is an idiot, he has only one child in his family, but his father always wants him to be like Dumbledore, or Welfare at worst, and it puts a lot of pressure on him , his head rose a few times bigger than everyone else's - but I think it's more likely because his father married his cousin and gave birth to him, in order to..." Tom looked at Nelson, who was standing awkwardly with the wrapping paper in his hand. , took out a chocolate frog and handed it to him, "You know, the noble and oldest Selwyn family."


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"I remember that this should be the motto of the Black family."


"They're all about the same family." Tom raised his arm to block Nelson in front of him, to prevent the chocolate frog from continuing to seek freedom, "so old Selwyn was very harsh on his son, so harsh. The young man is a little withdrawn, and Umbridge stared at him and became one, how do you say it? Confidant sister?"


"She? Confidant Sister?" Reason told Nelson that the current Umbridge can indeed play the role of a confidant sister, but his eyes always kept appearing in front of his eyes the future crunches under the cries of the centaurs. The Senior Investigator of , couldn't help feeling a little funny and a little disgusting. He felt that his stomach was a little acid reflux, and he had to eat this chocolate frog and press it down.


"You really don't believe it," Tom raised his eyebrows, "she always inadvertently discloses the assignments of professors in various subjects, so she is very popular among those lazy people, most of these lazy guys are the kind of people who have been born Children of big families who don't have to worry about anything, like us, who have to sell their ancestral property to get some pocket money... I admit that when I first gathered this group of mutual aid members, I had this idea in mind that their power can help me go. Going further, I think Umbridge must have the same idea, and she's even done a better job than me in terms of uniting them."


"Oh?" Nelson carefully tore open the package and squeezed the opening with his fingers, "I thought that in a few years, when your little friends grow up, you can go to the Ministry of Magic and be nine thousand years old."


"what is that?"


"It's nothing." Nelson held the bag to his mouth and grabbed the chocolate frog that was trying to escape. It struggled so hard, it slapped Nelson's face and seemed to be practicing back punches to his lips, which Nelson never did. I have never seen such a spirited chocolate frog.


"Okay, let's go on," Tom said, ignoring Nelson's strange words, "She and Selwyn are like siblings, and even use a set of nonsense to make Selwyn feel like her distant cousin, that's all. , I don't know where Umbridge came from and became a member of the Twenty-Eight Purebloods, an honorary member."


"It's too much of a joke."


"This is no joke, she has made up a clear and even verifiable context, I even think that if her target is me, she can become a direct descendant of Slytherin, if it is you, she can even Go straight to Wizengamot to find Judge Shafik to recognize your relatives." Tom sneered, sounding a little admirable, "I can only say that there is a specialization in the arts, I can't do these things, I'm starting from Hogwarts. After graduating, she relied on this relationship to enter the Ministry of Magic despite her poor interview performance. Even old Selwyn thought she was a relative of their family. After entering the Ministry of Magic, she was even more like a duck to water. I've heard that almost all of her colleagues in the Legal Enforcement Division have bad words for her, but she's a perfect subordinate to her superiors, and Carlo told me she might even become the secretary to the minister. "


"I thought she didn't call herself Selwyn until she got the locket."


"What locket?" Tom shook his head, "I actually admire this kind of person, how can I put it? It feels like from the moment she entered Hogwarts, she has already decided that she will be like a person in the future. Like a vine in a devil's net, she clings to higher powers. For this reason, she can give up her studies, her normal social interactions, and even her own dignity. I probably know why she is so enthusiastic about Martha, probably because of wo Because of Erbuga, after all, Mr. Black is the hottest person in the Ministry of Magic right now, and your presence has strengthened her idea even more. She is a well-informed person, and how easy it is for a wizard to please a Muggle ? And for a small price, she has the opportunity to reap unimaginable rewards."


Nelson glanced back at the window. There were more dresses on the shelf next to Martha, but Umbridge's flattering face was not at all tired, as if he had already incorporated the mask into his habit. Or maybe she was just that kind of person.


He was fascinated, the chocolate frog in his mouth had stopped fluttering, the corners of his mouth were full of small chocolate-colored paw prints, and passersby all cast strange glances at him, Nelson took a sip and ended the chocolate frog s life".


"I'm going to give her a chance," Tom narrowed his eyes, "I've already inserted that person's soul for Fritz Harriman, and the time is running out. Since you have an agreement with Dumbledore, then Leave it to me, and the interests of those in the Ministry of Magic are not the most reliable allies, we need someone who can really take the lead."


"Aren't your 'friends' just like us, haven't graduated yet?"


"I have more than a few 'friends'," Tom said with a confident smile. "The friendship between the cups is nothing compared to real money, Mr. Karkaroff, don't forget who I am?"


"Does a pup sell an antique dealer?" At Tom's prompt, Nelson recalled the pseudonyms of the two, and remembered the pioneering work of the two who almost burned Knockturn Alley. He couldn't help laughing, but his face was very fast. Changed, the bitterness of the chocolate frog melted in his mouth, he turned out a handkerchief, spit out the contents of his mouth "bah bah bah", and a fire burned, "Why is this chocolate frog..."


"It has an expiration date. When did you put them in the pet store cabinet?" Tom handed over Nelson's unlimited refills of Coke. "Now we're even."


Nelson drank Coke "tons and tons", and his tongue was numb.


"Don't worry, those who have the same demands have been lonely for too long, they don't care what power can bring," Tom said softly, squinting his eyes, "For those who admire power, the most precious thing is power itself. "


Passersby are farther away from these two crazy talkers, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Tom chuckled and shook his head, "Actually, I'm a little excited myself, after all, I've wanted to be a powerful person from a long time ago, but it's actually no different from the guys I mentioned. "





Two people with almost identical expressions, but very different looks, stand face to face, behind a crumbling, struggling and collapsed charred statue, their eyes are almost filled with the same green light, and even their subtle movements are like looking in a mirror Same.


"Harriman, are you back? I thought you were eaten by the English dingoes."


"The new name is Riburn?" Harriman ignored the other's sarcasm, and the two of them twisted their necks in mirror images, "It collided with my taste, but if you are Riburn, then... I who is it?"





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