My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 629: The Most Dangerous Dark Lord and the Greatest White Wizard

The dark green crescent-shaped arc of light is sharper than any sword in the world. The city entrenched above people's heads is vulnerable to its ravages. It even splits the sound into two halves. .

But the edge of this crescent is not as smooth as a sword, it is eroding the boundary between the present world and the illusory realm every moment, so that the intersection of the two constantly moving with the crescent is covered by dense and random points. It is expanding all the time in the squirming, like a group of creatures that gather together, reproduce continuously, and expand disorderly.

Dumbledore's pupils were constricted, and the crescent moon reflected in the lens was even more condensed and terrifying. He had seen a similar scene. It was the plague of locusts encountered when he was passing through a country in Africa when he was young. They ate everything and destroyed everything. Wherever they passed, the rest only the cry of the peasants and the barren white fields.

A sense of oppression like a "leader" burst out from the edge where it ripped everything. In front of the ancestor of black magic, anyone who claimed to be evil could not help but crawl, and those black magic spells that splashed around the battlefield shrank. Stuck in the air, waiting for the crescent moon to pass by them, opening their hungry mouths and swallowing them whole, becoming a paltry nourishment for the spell of destruction against which the spells of non-Black Might and Magic are colliding The moment was annihilated into the invisible, and the man's arm was used as a car, but after the locust swarm passed through the border, not even the ashes were left.

For Haierbo's magic, the spells of these trash fish can only be called appetizers. In his eyes, only the silhouette of Nelson wrapped in silver light in the distance is left. I don't know when, the silver rain has begun to pour out. , they occupied the sky airtightly, eclipsed the mighty dark green arc, but Haierbo was not discouraged by this, but his hands trembled with excitement.

In his eyes, Yin Yu was decomposed into the most authentic appearance of magic power. He finally understood where the "grand death" he was grateful for came from. The slaughterer turned out to be the wizard who put himself into death like a bereaved dog. ! He didn't care what the silver rain was for, because the more souls rushed to death, the more fortunate it was for him. The gate of death was washed away by a large number of souls, and he also felt My connection with the world is getting stronger and stronger.

Nelson's magic exudes a fatal attraction, he can't wait for a moment, he just wants to quickly taste this rare delicacy, like stealing other people's power when he was still active, and pocket this unique little power middle.

The wand called "Avada" was even more excited, and it was also aroused by the mysterious power of death.

Suddenly, Haierbo noticed the man standing in front of the crescent moon.

Who is that? After thinking for a long time, he found the figure of this man from his long memory. He seemed to be just an insignificant mortal. The guy who came with Nelson when he went to the blurred vision to rescue the soul kidnapped by Salem, has not yet approached. After death, the soul has been overwhelmed. Those supplies who have devoted themselves to death to supplement him in the past year seem to value this man very much, but the soul of man and **** is inherently different. No matter how much you admire him, it is just a boring joke for Haierbo.

Haierbo only finds it amusing. These stupid mortals always like to convince themselves to die for various reasons. He would never even look at mediocre people like this before, but now he wants to be in prison. Imprint the man's face in the heart.

Because this will be the first sacrifice he will die under his magic wand after his great cause that has been interrupted for thousands of years is reunited. When people mention their great master in the future, they will think of this overachieving challenger.

"What's his name?" Haierbo kept grasping and releasing his empty palm, feeling the gradually concrete touch with the full bloom of black magic, and frowned, "Albus Dumbledore ?"

Dumbledore silently turned his head to the side and glanced at Nelson out of the corner of his eye. The student, who was difficult for him to evaluate, was still maintaining the unprecedented giant magic ceremony. As a teacher, he prided himself on carrying the burden of the world. It's time for him to stand up.

He turned his head sharply, his eyes fixed on Haierbo's spell, the edge of the arc widened and expanded rapidly in his eyes, and the half-moon glasses were almost completely filled with dark green, compared with this terrifying spell , his figure is just a small speck of dust.

Dumbledore took a step forward, his knees bent slightly, his right hand holding his wand was raised high, close to his left ear full of despair and wailing, his arm blocked one eye, and his eyes could only be seen from the spectacles. The gap is squeezed out, and the arc of light is approaching rapidly like a flicker. It takes a few seconds for the tall buildings along its route to reveal the cut in the waist, and slowly slide down along the smooth cut.

In the time of breathing, the magic spell was already approaching in front of him. As the only one who stood out from the crowd, his back slowly fell down, and the hand holding the magic wand was cramped and stiff because of too much force. The moment he passed by, Dumbledore waved his wand, as if holding a delicate rapier, and resolutely pointed towards the long-awaited curse. His arm was immediately wrapped in the flames of the phoenix, which belonged to Transfiguration. The unique magic power is brewing and condensing at the tip of the wand. The almost negligible point of the fragile wooden wand is so vulnerable compared to the black magic that destroys the world. People who noticed this scene didn't even have time to make an expression. But almost everyone acquiesced that the best of wizards was leaving them.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Dumbledore clearly saw that the tip of the staff intersected with the sharpest point of the arc of light. Immediately afterwards, his right hand, which was wrapped in the warm flame of the phoenix, felt a searing pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow. At the tip of the wand, a colorless but arrogant flame suddenly ignited, breaking the balance of the moment when the magic powers converged. The wand that Grindelwald picked from the ground decayed and crumbled as if it had experienced a thousand years.


The shock that swept everything spread out in all directions with Dumbledore as the center, and completely cleaned up the wreckage of Berlin's still strong buildings. This city that can only be called a plain is now completely replaced by a half-collapsed mirage. During the shock Standing with difficulty, only the ward made of four stone slabs remained and Alexander connecting the clouds to Nelson. Before the fighters close to Dumbledore could react, they flew to the rear as if they were hit by a cannonball, in the air. After drawing a perfect parabola, it fell into the group of corpses that had lost their control and stood blankly in place.

The only wizard who responded was Tom. The moment he saw the backs of Dumbledore and Grindelwald, he took a step forward and waved his wand. A giant python sticking its head out from the cloud was like a black lightning bolt. Splitting on the ground, it used its sturdy body to entangle the poisonous snake formed by black magic, and the two behemoths instantly fell into a savage fight.

But Tom's spell is still derived from black magic. Although his will is not controlled by the founder of the black magic, the scales on the poisonous snake pierced deeply into the body of the python, scarlet stench. The blood spurted out, and almost instantly, Tom's python was sucked into a shriveled body with snake skin hanging on it. The poisonous snake was even stronger because of this, but the tail of the python was still sucking the inside. The deep pit under him and the last struggle of the giant python before it dissipated tripped the black magic poisonous snake. It howled angrily, but finally fell into the pit a second before the impact, with its huge body as a wall, Protect the people in the center of the battlefield from the impact.

In the blink of an eye, the shocks that had just spread out in all directions gathered around Dumbledore again, and the opposite wind blew the crowd into pieces, but this time, Alexander, who was kneeling on the ground, blocked them from the wind. .

Diffusion and constriction both happened in an instant, so that most of the wizards didn't even have time to draw out their wands, only a few people like Tom who had trained "Wizard-style Igai" had time to react, and the people who were still standing were shrouded in shock. He stared blankly at the two figures in front of him.

Dumbledore stood up straight and gently lowered his right hand holding his wand, as if he had just shown the Hogwarts students the simple transfiguration of turning a mouse into a teapot or a teapot into a porcupine, Grindelwald Standing sideways beside him, the crescent moon that was almost equated with doomsday has disappeared without a trace, as if it never existed.

In front of Dumbledore, a cylindrical building cracked with a slanting scar at the height of one person. Then, the building hundreds of meters high collapsed suddenly, smashed to the ground, and raised the white sky. Fog, the mirage in front of Dumbledore has become unobstructed, replaced by the tumbling sea of ​​clouds as seen on the top of the mountain, proving the existence of that terrifying spell. Just one blow, half of the city was destroyed. On the flat ground, the poisonous snake that was congealed by countless black magics, which was hard to see directly, only experienced the aftermath of the curse, and half of its body was blown into a **** mess, and its magic power was disordered. Into the crowd, what will be the consequences.

For a time, the happiness of the rest of his life and an inexplicable hope spread among the crowd, but Dumbledore, who was expected to pay attention, did not feel much happiness.

Through the surging Lost Fog, he saw a pair of abyss-like eyes that couldn't cover up even the thick fog.

"I must state that I didn't mean to steal your limelight, Albus," said Grindelwald in a voice that only Dumbledore could hear, dropping the rotten and broken wand in his hand, "but I found that there was a You don't want to block a spell and collapse yourself, right?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, tightly holding the small bottle in his pocket with his left hand, smiled and shook his head: "Of course."

The two looked at each other and smiled in tacit understanding. They both realized that even if they had not fought side by side for decades, even if the confrontation as an enemy replaced the friendship of their youth, the familiar and seamless cooperation would still come easily, as if they had never left. .

Grindelwald knew that Dumbledore was better at defending, and he knew that he would leave just the right space for the point that was most suitable for him to attack. Dumbledore understood that the moment he waved his wand, his old partner could immediately Read your own intentions and make the most appropriate cooperation.

"I remember when you were seventeen when we went to the virgin forest in Albania to help the local hunters drive out vampires together."

"Yeah, after so many years, it still feels the same," Dumbledore nodded, "nothing has changed."

"I remember that vampires have been your friends since then. In every capital of every country, you can always find a vampire-run bar that doesn't cost you money," Grindelwald smiled casually, "Seriously. Come on, that fight was really tough for us to win."

"I didn't even understand Transfiguration at that time, so I was thinking about making a name for myself."

"It's no different from now," Grindelwald shrugged and glanced at the end of the fog, "We weren't good at fighting back then, and we're not good at fighting now, but we both won in the end, didn't we?"

Dumbledore smiled and said nothing.

"All?" The hoarse, snake-like voice questioned in an ancient and clumsy There seemed to be an abyss-like vortex in the eyes opposite the mist, and the mist that blocked the line of sight became thinner and thinner. , the despicable Haierbo joined the conversation between the two, "I have disturbed your reminiscences, it is a pity to meet you, in two thousand five hundred and forty-three years, four months and three days, I was already the king of this world. ."

"I remember it clearly." Grindelwald stepped forward, stood in front of Dumbledore, and stepped on the broken wand.

"Yes, in the great dynasty that lasted for more than three hundred years, what I like most is to hang people who call themselves heroes like you on the tower," Haierbo's tone did not fluctuate at all, "Compared to the endless Killing, this is a more time-saving and labor-saving way to shape authority, I-"


"Lend your wand," Grindelwald interrupted Haierbo's recollection, looked at the wand that was broken in two at his feet, and yanked it, knocking out a stunned proud wand who was blown up in the impact. Luo fished to his side, took his wand from his hand as stiff as chicken feet, and used the new wand to sign the Auror's forehead, "If you're lucky enough to go home alive, you can go to Gerry. Govic wants new ones, and I have orders from him for over a thousand wands a year."

Dumbledore reluctantly looked at Grindelwald who had randomly grabbed the wand and threw the owner of the wand aside, shook his head, put his wand against his throat, and said aloud to the remnants of the International Federation of Wizards: " Listen to me now, hold your ground, forbid the use of black magic, guard Nelson Williams to complete his ritual, and wait for me to come back... if I don't return for a long time, follow his instructions!"


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