All sounds were silent, and the snakes retreated.

Haierbo and his minions left this place to Tom, leaving only a chaotic door.

Tom raised his leg and walked towards the door.

"Tom, you're crazy!"

The silver coins in the pocket kept shaking violently, but this couldn't express Nelson's 1/10,000th anger.

Tom felt his pocket suddenly swell up, he lowered his head, thin white mist filled his pocket, Nelson's portal based on the blurred vision was about to open, but he grabbed the gold coin, causing the white mist to be instantly engulfed. It was sucked back into the badge on the front of the gold coin.

Of course he understood the danger of this trip. The portal that Haierbo left here was obviously a ticket to hell, but he was not afraid. He needed to face Haierbo, just as they did two thousand years later, and he Face to face, find his weakness with his own eyes, and send this mighty devil himself into the graveyard of history.

But he couldn't even tell Nelson what was in his heart. The feeling of peeping in the dark not only did not disappear, but it became stronger. Tom took a deep breath, took out the gold coin, carefully placed it on his thumb, and pressed it hard. Bounce upwards.

The eyes in the cave were all attracted by the flying coin that reflected golden light at this moment. The shining spot of light flew over the wall like a butterfly through flowers, illuminating the dormant snakes. Tom reached out his hand. , wanted to clasp the gold coin on the back of his hand as he did just now, but it slipped away from his hand.

It fell to the ground with a "ding", bounced a few times on the stone bricks, stopped in a depression that was dripped by dripping water, stopped at a place in front of the portal, and spun as if it had fallen off.

"You'll stand behind me, won't you."

As Tom showed to Haierbo not long ago, he showed his trust in "destiny" vividly. Those eyes in the dark stared at the spinning gold coins with him, and they were equally curious about Tom's fate.

Unlike Tom, who doesn't know where it is, Pitia, who lives in the sun, knows how long it has been since their separation, even though the sun above her head is not really free - exactly a month.

This month is short and long. For the peninsula that has long been shrouded in darkness, it is short. Compared with those dark days when the sun is not visible, no matter how much has changed in a month, it is only scratching the itch;

It was too long for Nelson and Tom, who had entered a strange age, until Tom had learned an authentic accent from a wizard, and Nelson had read most of the books on magic kept in the temple. , for so long that the mayfly he sent has been patrolling the peninsula, but only returned less than a quarter.

Pitia watched him become taciturn day by day, and even those who could no longer read his expressions were enough to see the growing worry in his eyes. In her opinion, the predicament that could be solved by waiting for the destined person seemed to be a dilemma. The challenge is even more difficult than seeing destiny itself. At least Nelson's eyes were full of hope when he came to two thousand years, but the firefly of hope was already faint and about to go out, which made her deeply believe in her destiny. doubts arose.

She has tried to foretell Nelson's fate more than once, but the people from the future don't seem to be written into the future of the world, all she can see is a cloud of mist, a cloud of steam, and steam emerging from the crevices under the temple. The same, like poison, made her sink deeper and deeper into the fog of fate.

At first, she saw that Nelson made a small drill out of the waste rock piled up outside the temple, and installed it in turn on the magical creations called "Mayflies" that he carried with him. A bottomless hole, and entangled Nestle to seal off the center of the temple. She was in a state of panic all day long, and she couldn't even have any interest in spying on Nelson's privacy. "It's like a construction site construction noise, constantly trying to find a solution in fate.

She flipped through the booklet Nelson gave her over and over again, but no matter how many times she looked at it, the simple words could not be remembered in her mind, it was like inhaling air in her lungs, spinning around, and spitting out muddy came out.

Finally, after the noise in the wall had completely subsided, she couldn't hold back the anxiety in her heart, and knocked on the door of the temple on a clear and windy morning for a month.

The four high walls that were originally erected had been refined into a silver castle. The whole castle seemed to be cast in one piece. There was no gap except for the small door that was one person high. Her hand stopped in front of the door for a long time. Her hand finally fell when the sun shone on her face through the hole in her head that had yet to be repaired.


A muffled sound echoed in the temple. She just knocked on the door lightly, and the door opened by itself. It was never locked, but kept waiting for her to come in.

When she opened the door, the sight made her mouth wide open. There was only a bottomless pit within the wall. Just standing beside it, she could not help but be wrapped in the weightlessness of falling, and her heart stopped. After jumping for a beat, in the middle of the deep pit, a silver tower protruding from the ground extended upward like a sharp sword. When it was about to poke into the hole in the temple roof, it became blurred and plunged straight into the mist. In the middle, it appears transparent and illusory, as if it does not exist in this world.

She saw where the fog came from: two intertwined transparent pipes poking out of the bottomless pothole, clinging to the tower like blood vessels and extending to the top, one of the pipes was connected to the interior of the tower, making a The root is open, like a chimney, and a steady stream of white mist pours out of the pipe, as if connecting to another world.

A stone bridge that can only be walked by one person stands quietly at her feet, without piers, without slings, leading straight to the only door of the tower - a door to both sides, bright behind, but full of unknowns. Square metal door.

The inner wall of the high wall was separated by blocks of regular hexagonal-shaped modules that looked like honeycombs. Pitia smelled the rich sulfur smell in the air, and a stinging pain hit her forehead. She felt that there seemed to be countless fates in all directions of her. She was amazed by the sudden agility of the prophecy, and was terrified of this never-before-seen situation, but she did not choose to close the door and escape. Open the door to yourself.

The bridge that looked fragile was extremely stable, but she didn't notice that after she ran, the bridge behind her split into pieces of hexagonal parts, filling the surrounding walls. She didn't retreat or think about it. Passing the retreat, she heard unbearable heat from her feet. She lowered her head, and the boiling lava could only see a bright spot of light under her feet.

She ran to the door, the shadow behind her was completely swallowed by the bright lights.


The two doors slammed shut behind her, she leaned against the door, her chest heaving violently, the feeling of suffocating her just now still did not dissipate, fine beads of sweat seeped from her forehead, but she didn't have time to sort out her thoughts. , stood up against the door, what she had never seen before, and her last doubts about Nelson's prophecy from the future disappeared at this moment.

All kinds of strange instruments that she had never seen before were placed in different categories, leaving only the aisle for people to walk and the spiral staircase leading to the top of the tower. The small space was used in an orderly manner. In the center of the first floor, there was dirt. The ore was continuously spit out by the exit of a conveyor belt extending from the ground. She stepped forward, put her hand on the cold handrail, and stepped up the stairs.

The ore was sucked into a sidecar by an uncontrolled floating spell. After filling up, the sidecar pushed all the ore into a furnace. This was the only device she could identify the purpose of. Those The ore seemed to be a silver mine, and she didn't know where Nelson dug it from. The silver ingots formed in the previous batch went along another conveyor belt into a more sophisticated instrument. As she continued to climb the stairs, the purer silver The blocks are pushed into different dies, forging pieces for parts she doesn't recognize.

She continued to move up, and saw that these parts were engraved with rune by a sharp carving knife and formed piece by piece. In the process of continuous upward movement, she witnessed the birth of a "life".

Too much magic beyond this era dazzled her and washed her cognition. In this era when the rules of magic spells have not been unified, such uncontrolled alchemy is simply a miracle. The lost mist poured out of the pipes, scouring the residues for these parts engraved with rune, and leaving the magic power unique to the mist on it, she only knew that these mists could help her enter the state of divination faster, and naively thought that this It was a gift from the gods to her, but she didn't expect that Nelson's research on the fog had already gone ahead of her.

The priestess was frail, and she stopped and walked. Her feet that never traveled far had worn out blood blisters during the short journey. She realized that the stairs she had climbed had already exceeded the height of the temple, and now she She should have entered the fog, her heart was full of curiosity and nervousness, a brand new mayfly flew out of the equipment used to assemble beside her, and glanced at this one that was different from her with its one red eye. Guys, ignorant souls are equally curious and nervous.

Pitia rubbed her eyes, she couldn't believe it, she just saw the same emotion as herself in the "eyes" of the little thing, and when she looked at the mayfly again, it had already left, instead of continuing upward, instead It was to turn into a small door hidden between the instruments on this floor.

Realizing that her short journey was about to end, she followed the newborn mayfly and entered the room.

She thought this was the end of today's shock, but after entering the door, she found that she was too happy.

The room behind the door is many times larger than the space in the tower, but she is no longer surprised. She has experienced too much confusion today, so what is the change in the size of the space?

What shocked her was what was being built in front of her. She saw a wall with no boundary in sight. The scaffolding made of steel covered the entire wall. Countless mayflies flew in and out in front of her, and countless fans around her. She could not imagine how Nelson had built so many wonders in one month, nor could she understand that Nelson allowed creations to be made again. The alchemy of creation expands the possibilities exponentially.

Her eyes were completely drawn to the bones nailed to the scaffolding.

It was a metal rib that was bent in a perfect arc. It could not be seen what kind of creature it belonged to, but it was difficult to be completely covered by just a bone. She remembered that when Haierbo was not yet on the rise, she When she saw people building statues at the dock of the city-state in her childhood, she had long forgotten which **** the craftsmen were building, but she still remembered the majesty and grandeur of the city-state overlooking the hill-like statue in front of it. It was small, even as big as this rib, but it was already the tallest and most god-like idol she had ever seen.

She saw a young, tired figure standing on a floating silver plate, holding a wand and carving on the ribs. The mayfly that led the way flew to Nelson's side, and under his control, filled in a reserved space. In the gap, the entire rib was integrated. Even if she knew little about magic, Pitia, who knew nothing but prophecy, also felt its powerful magic that was full of oppression. She seemed to be facing a being born. God!

Noticing the arrival of Pitia, Nelson put away his wand and turned around. His eyes immersed in creation forgot to put away his thoughts. The moment they looked at each other, Pitia felt that he was being crushed by a huge wave. In the sea, in the vast and suffocating deep sea, a huge figure was breaking out of the cocoon. Before she could come and spy on the whole picture of the giant, she was swallowed by a heart-wrenching headache.

The sea water pressed into her body from her nose and mouth, and her eyes went black. When she regained consciousness, the giant statue was covered by a cloth.

Nelson was standing in front of her, frowning and handing her a silk handkerchief, and she touched her forehead, sweat dripping down like rain.


She reached for the handkerchief, realized that Nelson didn't want to talk about what had just happened, and swallowed the words back.

She grabbed the handkerchief, but Nelson didn't seem to want to let go. She raised her head and saw Nelson's frown, the gold coin tightly clenched in the other hand, and the mixed emotions in his eyes. Angry, incomprehensible, worried, in the month of dealing with Nelson, Pitia has never seen such a look in Nelson's eyes, even when he was most "unconscious" and even started talking nonsense when he first came. When the eyes are clear.

She felt the air around her tremble and boil, and the unfinished colossus behind Nelson also struggled to get up with his fluctuations.


Time passed minute by minute, and finally, Nelson let go of his hand, lowered his head, hid his eyes in the shadow of his hair, and whispered, "Wipe your sweat."

Tom took a step forward, UU reading bent down, and reached for the gold coin that was still spinning.

When his finger was about to approach the gold coin, its rotation finally stopped, and he slowly lay on the ground.

Tom and the eyes around him stared at the side of the gold coin facing upwards, and the laurel pattern was in full bloom.

He smiled, picked up the gold coin from the ground, wiped the dirt on it, and muttered, "Fate is still on my side."

Immediately afterwards, he straightened up, took a small step forward, smiled at the eyes hiding in the darkness in all directions, and broke into the door to hell.


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