My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Vol 2 Chapter 649: declare war

He forgot the commandments! Looking back,

Only Eurydice remained in the eyes, the figure fading in the light,

It was a life more precious than his life,

The road of prayer shattered into bubbles, and the pact of death was cruel and merciless.

- Virgil's Farming Poems

After only staying for a short time, Haierbo chased after him.

The dark wind roared, the dark clouds were like the wings of a giant dragon swaying to both sides, and were divided into two halves in the sky. The sunlight that had not been seen for many years was carved straight on the ground in the shape of a sharp sword, and the land that was unfamiliar to sunlight quickly dried up and cracked , the lichens and fungi that are tired of light cannot look directly at its brightness, and they will disappear in the moment of being scattered by the light.

The dry corpse poked out the mycelium and climbed hard to the dark place without light. The sunlight did not bring the long-lost warmth to this nameless city-state standing on the top of the mountain, but dimmed the brightness of the street lamps, adding to it. A pale, skeleton-like filter.

The buildings and life that retain their original appearance in the dark are like the murals in the ancient tombs, and they begin to become as crisp as biscuits. The wind blowing from the gap between the clouds just blows gently, the buildings collapse, and the slate of the street turns into mud Sinking into the ground, this city-state that has been silent for three years will also completely lose its name on the map.

Scattered gravel everywhere, in the snow-like destruction, Nelson, who was standing in the middle of the street, bent down, picked up the box on the ground, he shook his arm, the silver bandage sticking out of his sleeve put the wand on his fingertips. With his fingers firmly bound together, he straightened his waist and pressed the button on the handle of the suitcase. One side of the case fell off, revealing a dense honeycomb of holes.

Nelson raised his head and squinted at the looming sun in the cloud gap, until a dragon's head that covered the sky protruded from the sky-opening crack, and the beast's eyes even saw the last trace of his own will. It was gone, and its pupils were covered with bloodshots like roundworms. In the depths of the bloodshots, the cursed Rune was spreading their despair and devouring the surrounding vitality.

It's more of a cold machine than the mayfly in Nelson's box.

It didn't seem to see Nelson on the street, with sharp teeth criss-crossed like shark teeth in its wide mouth, and the residue of some creatures even hung between the teeth. After the blazing fire, the dragon breath that shook the sky and the earth spewed out of the mouth, and rushed to the top of the mountain almost instantly. Those city-state residues isolated between the mountain and it instantly melted and dissipated, and the heat wave roasted the damp mountain top. It became a sturdy shell like pottery.

It can even be glazed and polished, and even engraved with the name of its great master on a natural mountaintop.

Nelson raised his wand to the top of his head. The invisible barrier blocked the dragon's breath. Only the ground under his feet remained moist as it was before it was raging. Although the dragon's breath was blocked, the increasingly hot air gradually made Nelson feel it. Some breathlessness.

He was thinking, weighing, if he left with Pitia like this, maybe he would not be exposed to Haierbo too early, and he would be able to leave enough opportunities and time for the historical mystery to be revealed.

But he will also keep Haierbo's anger here, at his feet.

Under his feet is the real city-state.

The city-state has never been in the city, but in the people. As Andros said, after briefly resisting Haierbo's attack, he moved the inhabitants of the city-state into the cavity of the mountain below them.

Ten minutes ago, Nelson was dragged by Andros' Tengman into the pit he dug by himself, passed through the mine that he blew up, and witnessed the city-state of refuge that Andros established.

It was a city he had never seen even in fantasy novels, a city that was out of tune with this era.

A huge spherical cavity was excavated inside the mountain. Along the inner wall of the cavity, rows of corridor-like platforms were excavated. The cave-like houses were compact and harmonious. Different from each other, each platform is connected by rope ladders woven with green rattan. They cling to the mountains that support people and live together in a crowd.

The underground is actually much brighter than the outside. In an area that has not been excavated into houses, a large cluster of glowing crystals grows between the rock crevices. They seem to be the original ore of the glowing ore street lamps on the streets outside. There were dozens of meters of shirtless miners working there, and the sound of the pickaxe continued to be tight and rhythmic.

A thick vine grows from a mud area directly below, poking straight to the top, and assumes the role of a column supporting the cavity. The city-states built on the rock walls are connected in a closer way. From time to time, people can be seen dragging canes and sliding in the air. Full of the courage to survive in a desperate situation, almost every one of them has calluses on their hands. This huge underground city is not the invincible Andros's own work, but these people who are struggling to survive.

Those vines are rooted in every corner of the city like street trees, and the treetops are bound with carved ores, as if it should be such a plant with fluorescent fruits.

Nelson even saw a young couple sitting on a rattan, their robes covered with patches woven with fine rattan, their palms covered with thick calluses clasped tightly together. It was almost impossible to feel each other's palms, but the cocoon didn't hinder the communication between their minds.

It was something Nelson had never seen in Delphi and what he most wanted to see in this era.

He closed his eyes and smelled the odor of cooking smoke permeating the cavity, the earthy smell of the ground, and the unique stench of the ancient city. Under the drag of Tengman, he fell freely and fell.

At the bottom of the cavity, the bright and even dazzling light illuminated it like daytime. Tengman tightened abruptly, Nelson stopped in the air, and hung upside down about one meter above the ground. Observe the world with interest.

A few sturdy vines quickly stretched out from the vines in the center, wrapped around him like a zongzi, and instantly built a cage. The bottom is a rare flat ground in this round city, and the brightest ore is surrounded by vines. Man hangs here, aiming at the fields under his feet that have been cultivated as meticulously as possible. The spring water drawn from unknown sources converges into a trickle, flowing slowly in the canals in the fields. From time to time, people carry wooden buckets to the canals. There are also many people working in the fields, including some young children.

The people on the ground didn't know what day and night it was, so even though the world was orderly, the seasons were disordered. Nelson saw a golden ear of wheat in the northwest corner, but there was a little boy squatting on the ground directly below him. A small shovel was used to dig out the pit, and a grain of wheat was carefully removed from the seed bag hanging from his waist and buried in the pit.

His robe is not made of sheepskin or fabric, but is completely woven from rattan, which should be scarce in this underground city-state. He noticed Nelson hanging upside down, raised his head curiously, and looked at his unique blond hair.

"Are you... the sun god?"

This child looks less than three years old, and his speech is intermittent. It should be a child born after the entire city-state went underground. He has never seen the sun, but he has heard the legend that the sun emits golden light, but only heard of it. In just a few words, the sun **** himself was confused with the sun.

"I'm not."

Nelson twisted his neck and saw a tree house at the bottom of the vine man, built with tangled vines. This should be Andros's residence. He walked in a hurry and forgot to close the door. Nelson followed the door to the door. Looking inside, there was some silver metal on a small table. He raised his eyebrows. It turned out that the missing mayflies had arrived here.

Soon, people who looked like parents of children hurried over. Even though their faces were full of anxiety, they were still cautious and did not step on the land other than the ridge. They rushed to the side of the child and put him Holding them up, the two parents of course knew that only their Andros would serve this vine, so the one who would be **** like this would definitely not be a good person.

On the woman's back was a baby who had been knocked into the basket. He had **** almond-like eyes, bit his fingers ignorantly, and looked at Nelson, whose nose was under his mouth. There were still some residues on his body. Bloodstains, judging from the face of the woman's weak movements, this is a life that has just been born.

But he was so quiet, so quiet that his face turned purple.

The woman backed away with the child in her arms, while the man raised a long branch with a spear at its head to warn Nelson vigilantly.

"who are you?!"

"I'm a friend of Andros," Nelson smiled, indicating that he was not hostile. "I'm from Delphi. Your city-state is great, much better than mine."

Hearing Nelson's words, the man not only did not relax his vigilance, but became even more nervous. When he heard "Delphi", he even raised the rough spear in his hand and took an offensive posture towards Nelson.

"I just want to experience how Andros usually goes up and down," a silver light flashed, and the mayfly that had been violently dismantled on Andros's table was reassembled in an instant, flashed past Nelson, and bound him The vine man cut off, he landed safely, avoided the crops, and spread his hands, "Look, he won't let the uninvited guest break free so easily."

The man's hand holding the spear trembled, and his legs couldn't help but start to fight. He knew very well what the scene he had just seen was - magic, only the magic of Andros, the person who broke into their homeland was a A wizard with divine powers like Andros, the rebuilder of the city-state!

He had heard Andros talk about the dangers and horrors of the outside world countless times. Everywhere these people who possessed the same magic power as him went, they would bring killing and destruction.

The faces of both the man and the woman who had distanced themselves turned blue. Only the child who was being held by the woman looked more curious. The baby in her bag leaned over her shoulder and stuck her head out, seeing Nelson's mouth running under her nose again. , I couldn't help clapping my hands and laughing, but there was still no sound.

The man didn't dare to let his air out. He was afraid that his actions would anger the wizard who didn't know the reason. Andros didn't know why he was not at his residence. Knows more about wizarding horrors than most Muggles.

"The little guy is so cute."

He blinked, and suddenly found that Nelson in front of him had disappeared! He turned his head in horror. Nelson was standing behind his wife, laughing and teasing the child. It was his little daughter who had just been born for less than a week. Although she did not cry and cry like other children, she was still depressed. Proof of hope in underground life.

"Let go of my daughter!"

He widened his eyes and saw Nelson put a silver metal pellet into his daughter's mouth, his father's courage filled his thin body, and he imagined himself as a warrior who charged bravely with a fine spear, Raising the stick with the tip of the spear, he rushed towards Nelson recklessly, his eyes were red, like a bull in a bullring.

The spear pierced Nelson's body, and he gasped for breath and stopped behind Nelson, slumped to the ground.

"I actually... killed a wizard?"

The spear was stained with some invisible liquid. He looked at his hands, but heard a violent cough from his daughter.

"Be careful, cough slowly."

He turned his head with all his might, and saw that Nelson's spear-pierced body was replaced by a cloud of water, which was quickly returning to the appearance of a robe.

"Cough cough cough..."

The baby girl's face turned red, and even coughed up blood. Nelson's hand was next to her mouth, and it was dyed red in a short while. The next second, a blood clot much larger than the metal particle just now was covered with blood. She coughed, and the baby girl clenched her small fists and made a loud cry, attracting the attention of almost everyone in the cavity, "Wow..."

"You like this?"

Nelson shook the spelled mayfly in front of her, looked at the baby girl's outstretched hand, and smiled, "For you."


The man looked at Nelson's back and asked again, but Nelson had disappeared, replaced by a white cat that nimbly climbed up along the vine, as fast as flying.

Nelson shook his head and kneaded the hand holding the wand. The blood clot coughed up by the baby girl was crushed, revealing a small angular fusiform luminous ore that she accidentally ingested and almost stuck to her. UU Reading

"It's better to be famous than to meet, Haierbo."

Nelson smiled, raised his arm, and the tip of the staff shone with silver light, drawing a perfect arc in the air.

The scorching dragon's breath was split from the center, and after the silver arc, the sharp ore was thrown out like a javelin, and the silver parts were shot from the exposed holes of the suitcase like bullets, followed by the ore. Clinging to its body, it condensed into a spear imagined by the father in the hole.

With the whistling of the wind and thunder, and the roar of the soul, it splits the flames like a stubborn stone splitting a stream of water, and in just an instant, it pierced into the roaring mouth of the giant dragon!



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