My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Vol 2 Chapter 653: 3 Great Hermes

"It's a long way from us, and you've heard it countless times, but every day I have to sing his story to you."

Along with the desolate sound of the lyre, the old voice began to sing loudly.

"Our city-state was once under the protection of a demigod, heir of the double great Hermes, who could travel thousands of miles a day, conveying the great Hermes with his quick-witted eyes and quick feet The oracles of the gods, we have been able to survive the attacks of the underworld army," Bards have a unique ability to cram any different sentence into their unchanging tune, "but demigods can never Against the real god, even if he is an evil god, an underworld demon cast aside by fate, our city has fallen, but the demigod who protects us has invited the source of his power—"

The old man took a deep breath, squeezed out an exaggerated expression like a mask, and called out the name he sang in a distant tone:

"Our savior, the triple great Hermes!"

The true face of the triple great Hermes will never be spied upon by mortals, and only his busy shadow can be kissed by the people living on the earth.

He is sometimes a silver eagle called "Vedfelnir" by the barbarians of the north. Its feathers show a metallic luster, and each feather reflects the ugliness and beauty of the soul like a mirror. His eyes stared at everything in the world, and everything, including those ghosts of the underworld who were creeping and crawling hidden in the darkness, would also be invisible in his eyes.

The eagle sometimes stood on top of a young man's head. The Egyptians who came from the southern shore of the Mediterranean told us that this was the **** Thoth in their mythology. He was in charge of wisdom, magic and medicine, but most of them had seen him like this. It is always difficult for people who look like this to connect the handsome man with the half-human bird in the Egyptian fresco who only uses half of his face to face us. The Egyptians quibble that it is a matter of painting angle - the bird is actually Standing on his shoulders, covering his face.

However, he is indeed worthy of the divine name of his superior in charge of wisdom, magic and medical treatment, but it would be better if the picture scroll could face people directly.

The image he most often shows before the eyes of the world is a white cat that will never stop running. From time to time, it will escape into the illusory realm, rushing to various places along the shadow of our soul, in search of survivors who have survived the ravages of the underworld army. , He is Hermes, the **** of travelers, who is always on the road and blesses those of us who have lost their homes and displaced people and have to embark on unknown journeys.

No one knows when the triple great Hermes began his journey. The gods of Olympus have long since abandoned the land that once believed in them, and let the dark clouds of the underworld take over our sun. It was completely taken away. Only the temple of Apollo in Delphi still had a trace of power to resist Hades. God Hermes ignored the prohibition of the father **** Zeus and stole the fire that Prometheus ignited from the heavens, ready to restore the light. to the world.

Without the help of his brothers and sisters, he could not support himself, he could only use his divine power to shape a giant who stood above the ground, carrying the first city-state he saved after entering the WTO, walking on the dark land of the Balkan Peninsula, serving the displaced victims one after another. Provides safe shelter and delicious hot soup.

The old man raised his head, and the surrounding buildings became clear. This was a small settlement built on a flat stone slab. It was only the size of a football field, but it was built with layers of buildings. The householder, a rusty iron nail that was smashed and bent was nailed to the front end of the slate. Emerald green, towering columns formed by entanglement of vines.

And on that pillar, I don't know how many identical iron chains are tied, and I don't know how many homeless settlements like this slate are tied together.

Four wooden wheels were installed on both sides of the slate. The grooves were stuck on the two straight rails under the feet, and they kept moving forward under the traction of the iron chains.

There was a lot of smoke and dust in front of the vine man. Someone once climbed to the vine man along the iron chain and saw the ups and downs in front of him being leveled everywhere, and the silver elves were busy laying the rails to clean up these fragile city-states. enough way forward.

The city-states marched northward along the railroad tracks day and night, and people worked during the day and rested at night, with two exceptions—for lunch and dinner, they stopped, and in Andros’s words: “We cannot give the peace of the last meal. also deprived."

According to the man who climbed the vine, he could hear the footsteps of earthquakes as the city-states advanced, as if a giant was dragging these cities northward step by step. Row.

The old man raised his hand and pointed to Tengman in front: "I talked to a barbarian ranger from the north about it, and he told me that only their legendary world tree would grow to break through the sky, and even if our heads were covered with clouds, it still remained. It can rise above the dark clouds and bring the sunlight needed for the growth of crops to the ground, and the first body of the triple great Hermes, Vidfornir, perches at the top of the world tree, with eyes that are enough to see everything Overlooking the world, and the triple great Hermes is exactly the same, he will turn into a steel eagle and fly to the top of the world tree to guide us in the direction of recovery."

He plucked the strings violently, and the lyre in his hand, which was older than him, beeped loudly. It really sounded like a mighty eagle flapping its wings that covered the sky.

"As far as I know, it shouldn't be an eagle, but a falcon."

There was a discordant sound from the old man's side, he turned around, and saw the raw face of a northerner, it was a young man with blond hair, which stood out among a group of dark-haired and dark-eyed Greeks, but the inhabitants here were already I'm used to it, because the city-states dragged by giants will pick up homeless refugees every moment, and I think he is the same.

He waved his hand and glared at the young man, indicating that he had nothing to talk about.

It was noon at this time, and even if the sky with dark clouds could not tell the day and night, the meal that was about to be distributed was enough to help them judge the time.

A boy about four years old slid down the iron rope, carrying a large wooden barrel much taller than him behind his back. The wooden barrel was tied with a cowhide rope on his shoulders, but the boy did not seem to be struggling. , as if nothing was back.

The boy jumped off the big bent nails, rubbing against the rust on the soles of the shoes on the slate, and said dissatisfiedly, "Your nails should be polished. Lord Andros said that rusted metal is easy to be dangerous."

He looked around at the people gathered in the open space beside the iron nails for a week, silently counting the numbers, he soon discovered that there was one more person.

The boy narrowed his eyes and looked carefully at the striking blonde hair, his expression changed quickly, but he quickly closed his mouth when he met the young man's raised eyes.

"Okay, I'll find a few people to sharpen the nails later."

"Don't be scratched by the rust," the boy instructed like a little adult. "I heard that someone in City No. 3 got sick from being scratched by the rust and almost died."

"Understood." The old man happily agreed. He was already familiar with the boy who came to deliver meals at every meal. He knew that this seemingly mature child would be impatient on the slate after distributing today's soup and meal. Sa Huan played for a while, he joked and saluted, "Understood, sir!"

Such an ordinary exchange caused the people listening to the story around to laugh, but the boy didn't seem to be in the mood to play today. He took the wooden barrel off his back, put it on the ground, and said, "You can share it yourself, it's dinner time for me. Come and collect the barrels, you will know the consequences if you are short of jins or taels!"

He blushed and said this sentence that was too complicated for him, glanced at the newcomers in the crowd, and walked away as if climbing on the iron rope.

"Strange," the old man opened the wooden barrel, took out a package full of noodles that was bigger than the wooden barrel, picked up the soup spoon, and beckoned people to bring their own bowls while serving soup for them After making the cake, he wondered, "What's wrong with this child? Are you in a relationship? Hey, Martin, have you young people started dating now at the age of four or five?"

"No," the boy who was called shook his head, "I only liked to play with boys when I was so old!"

"Nothing," the old man tapped his head with a spoon, and began to serve soup to the long queue, singing a story about "Trinity Hermes", when the last man left with a bowl, the old man He glanced at the amount of the last bowl in the bucket and the last piece of bread in the bag, and looked at the young man who suddenly appeared, "Young man, use my bowl first, remember to prepare it yourself when you find a job later. Bowl and spoon."

"No need, old man, eat it," the young man took out a basket from his arms, "I still have some food left."

The old man didn't persuade him much. He took his bowl and sat back to his original position. He broke the dry noodles into pieces and soaked them in the soup. He ate with one hand, played the piano with the other, and chewed and swallowed. He was not idle either, and continued the story that he had just told.

"He is still the **** of music," the old man sang with shaking his head, the tone of the lyre has a quaint pathos, "this musical instrument is the treasure he left for us to dispel the darkness."

The men, women and children sitting around were fascinated, rejoicing at the miraculous city-state beneath their feet, and worrying about Hermes, who was fighting against Hades.

The longer the story is told, the more Hermes' achievements have almost surpassed that of Zeus. In people's simple values, the more you do, the more praise you deserve.

"So why is he called the triple great Hermes?"

The young man on the side was eating the small tomatoes freshly produced in the mobile city-state. The luscious juice filled his mouth. The sweet and sour taste stimulated his taste buds that had been bored for a long time. The young man didn't feel the taste of the fruit in his mouth at all. His exposed toes were digging deep into the straw-tanned sandals, and he looked like a hedgehog or porcupine with apples all over his body.

"Because he has three forms, which correspond to the different legends of the three ethnic groups in the refugee team." The old man stroked his beard, and from the young man's fruit basket, he quietly found a fruit that he had been greedy for for a long time. The young man was restless and unresponsive to his surroundings. He threw a small tomato into his mouth in one gulp, and the sweet juice burst in his mouth. Tears poured out involuntarily. He stroked the lyre with his old palm, lowered his head and said, "Great Hermes not only gave us hope that we could eat fruit in such a doomsday, but also gave us such beautiful music."

"Uh...if you want to eat it, this basket is all for you," the young man scratched his head, "is what you're saying a bit blunt? As far as I know, there is more than one person who saves these city-states. The result of people living together in the city-state, 'Hermes', is a group of people."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The old man slapped the stone under his buttocks and glared at Nelson, and the people around him who listened to him sang also cast unkind glances. During the long journey, they had heard the old man sing "Three Great Hermes" countless times. The story of Hermes, every time the story is different, will fill in some new details, even in the singing of the bard like the old man, the image of Hermes has become more and more full, "You Just be saved by him, don't insult our benefactor!"

"Uh, okay, sorry."

This embarrassed young man was Nelson. He raised his hand and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm new here, and I don't understand the rules here."

"As far as I can see," the old man bit another half of a small tomato, and spared Nelson in the face of the fruit, "Looking at your blond hair, you must have come from the north, so unlucky, you might as well not come, before. We always say that the people in the north are barbarians, half of the year can't see the sun, and the other half can't sleep well, but now it's better, you can see at least half of the sun and sleep half of it well."

"It's going to get better," Nelson nodded. "We're heading north, and in two months, we'll be out of the Balkans and out of the range of the dark clouds."

"Thank you Mie—"

Nelson didn't want to hear that name anymore. "Hermes the Three Greats" was well-known among wizards, but it was the pseudonym commonly used by wizards of a secret society when they published articles in the first and second centuries AD. It means that their research on magic has achieved the trinity of Hermes in ancient Greece, Thoth in ancient Egypt and Mercury in ancient Rome, but they did not expect that it was already in people's fiction before Mercury was born. Appeared, in order to fill the vacancy of Mercury, even forcibly stuffed the eagle on the top of the world tree.

Listening to the old man's non-stop chatting at noon, Nelson was afraid that he was a poet like Homer, so he recorded his deeds in such a pompous way, making him suffer two thousand years of embarrassment for no reason, so he hurriedly interrupted the old man. if:

"Are you literate?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I have something to do. I'm leaving now." Nelson waved at him, "I'll come to see you in a while, and then bring some delicious fruit... How about raw cherries?"

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