My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Vol 2 Chapter 663: arsonist

The sudden appearance of the black tower made Haierbo feel alarmed. Although Nelson, who was struggling to support him, was in front of him, he still pulled away and quickly retreated, pulled away by the gale of dark clouds.

But he was still one step behind.

Haierbo's cold sweat wetted his clothes, and just as he was about to retreat to the distance he thought he was safe, the brutal heat wave coming from behind instantly tore his skin, and he wailed, this kind of pain deep into the bone marrow. He almost lost control of his body, and after using his last sense of reason to shoot the magic spell behind him, his body was pulled towards the sky under the recoil of the magic spell, and flew back to the place where he had just escaped.


Haierbo smashed heavily on the hard and flat ground where only rock formations remained after the explosion, motionless, only twitched from time to time, the robe behind his back was ignited, and after the flame was extinguished, exposed skin festering, flesh and blood scorched black back.

"Fierce fire."

The hoarse male voice that sounded on the plain then entered his ears. The canyon had been razed to the ground by the explosion, making this erratic voice as thin as an undead. Haierbo struggled to raise his head and saw the open door from the black tower. Shiny leather shoes stepped out of the gate.

The man under the tower was tall and tall, and the hem of the long black trench coat almost dragged on the ground, more like a luxurious robe. He was carrying an old black box and wore a pair of round-frame glasses with the lenses on his face. In the breast pocket was a long-dried red feather, and a pitch-black wand full of knots shone with a deep and eerie light in his hand.

This piece of accessories with different styles hangs on his body, making him like a walking display stand, as if he has some quirks in collecting loot, or maybe they are precious souvenirs.

Without exception, these ornaments are covered with the old mottles left by time, only the soft felt hat on his head is as clean as new. hat brim.

The moment he saw his face clearly, Haierbo's pupils shrunk, his eyes widened suddenly, his two eyes glanced in opposite directions as if they had different thoughts, his face was extremely terrifying, against the backdrop of the monstrous flames , like a demon that escaped from purgatory.

Haierbo's body trembled violently, he couldn't believe what he saw - the man under the black tower and Nelson, who was kneeling on the ground and almost fainted after the impact of the magic explosion, had the same face.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Haierbo did not hesitate too much, waved his wand, and cast his best spell on the man who resembled Nelson. The instinctive fear that his heart was clenched made him dare not fall into passive, with the help of Horcrux, roared The dark green giant snake rushed towards the man, but what happened next made Haierbo only have the idea of ​​escaping in his mind.

I saw that he raised his empty left hand, opened his palm to face the magic light of the Life Sucking Curse without dodging, and the vicious giant snake slammed into his hand, figuratively showing a biting bite. Action, the sleeve of his left arm also shattered under the stirring of magic power, revealing an arm that seems to be entirely cast from metal. Giants—gold and silver metal twisting bundles of muscles, neatly lining the structure of the arm, the gears at the elbows exposed, driven by magic, much tougher than a real arm, The exhaust vents exposed in the "muscle" gaps continued to emit thin mist, and at the moment when the giant snake of the life-suppressing curse bit his palm, he grabbed the snake's seven inches, the knuckles of the snake. The muscle bundles turned red under the high temperature, the exposed gear joints turned rapidly, and rich steam gushed out of them, with the icy force from magic and machinery, forcibly pinched the giant snake from the middle.

For a while, manic electric light frantically emerged, and his calm expression was covered with a green layer against the light, revealing a madness that was completely separated from his whole being.

The wailing souls crawled out of the electric light, their shoulder blades were pierced by green chains engraved with rune, and connected together, it was the sad servants who had been killed by Haierbo not long ago and had their magic power stolen. Their faces were written Full of grief and hatred, but in the face of supreme power, they can only be driven by those who killed them even after death.

No soul is complete. The cross-sections of their tattered bodies are covered with dense imprints. It seems that they have just escaped from a feast of snakes. Haierbo did not have enough time to swallow them completely, so after the confrontation just now. He didn't get enough magic power to crush Nelson, but at this moment, their appearance was great news for Haierbo. He pulled the chains that enslaved the soul with all his strength, as if he was driving a fierce horse, designed for torture. And the magic of life attacked every soul along the chain, their spiritual bodies spasmed in the electric light, and the expressions on their faces gradually changed from despair to dullness.

"Stop him!"

Haierbo's roar broke, and those souls whose last sanity had been wiped out piled up in layers, crawling with their only remaining palms, crawling towards the man under the tower in the form of a spider, the dense scene is creepy .

"Stop him! Stop him!" Haierbo didn't say "kill him" this time. He sat on the ground, hid his figure behind the ghost, and wriggled back against the ground. But the fierce flames coming from behind made him daunted. He turned his head and saw a towering wall of flames. The flames of the fierce flames turned into deep purple as the temperature increased, and then turned into transparent sun flames. , Haierbo was in a dilemma, he turned his head to look at the black tower, facing the playful blue eye that was looking at himself between the ghost's pores.

"Ha, it looks a little troublesome."

The man's gestures can trigger powerful magic power, and the cracks caused by the explosion also shrink rapidly as he consumes the magic power. In the area, he raised his wand and faced the army of ghosts roaring towards him, like a savior wearing glasses, shouting loudly: "Except your weapons!"

This is a spell that Haierbo has never heard of, but he also has a deep understanding of Rune. He quickly understands some of its meanings. This "except your weapon" does not seem to be a killing spell, it should be a man. In order to resist the spell cast by the ghost army, he let out a sigh of relief and thought about ways to survive.

But the next second, his relaxed expression froze on his face, his neck slowly drooped like a clockwork toy, and he saw an invisible edge running through his heart.

"I'm sorry," the man twisted his shoulders, the sleeves torn by the curse instantly recovered, he straightened the brim of his hat that had been swayed by the wind, and said in a playful tone, "The bad habit I developed in the past made you laugh, Haierbo."

Haierbo was powerless to answer him. The pierced lungs could no longer help him breathe. He could only breathe in but not out. His heart stopped beating under the destruction of the spell. After the wind blade penetrated his chest It exploded in the chest cavity and turned into countless sharp knives. He could no longer imagine what his heart was damaged. He was about to open his mouth to speak, but his throat was blocked by blood foam and fragments of internal organs.

The army of the wronged souls also lost their command with the fall of the main general, and their empty eyes were slowly swallowed up by the painful "eating" instinct. They raised their heads in unison and let out a dull roar. After that, their necks twisted half a circle, looked behind them, and looked at Haierbo with greedy eyes.

Haierbo no longer has the strength to control them, and I saw those broken souls use their hands and feet together, crawling towards Haierbo in a more terrifying posture, the dead souls behind them have begun to bite their companions in front of them, and more and more The far-off souls choose to jump on the backs of their companions in front, stomping on them and rushing towards the culprit who has caused them endless pain!

The man didn't continue chasing, he looked around, and his eyes that were enough to cross the border of the blurred vision stopped on Tom and Pitia. Tom looked at the man's face without reacting too much, but silently remembered that he had just The magic used and the structure of the arm, but Pitia, who was watching, felt her heart stop for a while.

"Ancient Greece?"

The man quickly looked away from them and looked at the wooden box behind Nelson that was blocked by Nelson. He waved at the wooden box. This small movement caused the crack to shrink violently, and the wooden box flew in front of him. It shrank quickly, revealing its original face - a black box exactly like the one he brought.

He bent down and did not open the black box, but was looking for something on the surface of the box. Soon, he found the mark he had made, and his smiling face finally showed a real smile, as if he was with an old friend He patted the notch on the inside of the handle as if to say hello, and the next second, his figure flashed and he appeared in the blurred illusion.

"Are you Gnar?"

The moment he appeared, Tom stepped forward, blocked Pitia behind him, and asked softly, "No, you're not, you're very fierce."

"If 'Gnar' means Nelson Wilttening Williams, I think I am," said the man, taking off his hat and holding it to his chest, nodding to Tom and Pitia, and pointing again. Nelson, who was half-kneeling outside the illusion, said, "If 'Nal' refers specifically to him, then I am not."

"I see," Tom nodded, he didn't doubt, because the man was full of the same temperament as Nelson, he continued, "You are very strong."

"Really?" The man smiled, took out a dark red preserved fruit from his arms, threw it at Tom, and sighed, "I have to say, this is the closest attempt to success."

"Are you Gnar invited to kill Haierbo?"

Tom caught the preserved fruit, which was a small shriveled tomato.

"I'm not good at killing, and I don't interrupt it. My struggle is not the same theme as yours. You may jump out of the tragic cycle, don't let it die," the man shook his head and rejected Tom's proposal , "Tom, you still don't understand the price of time. This era is the cornerstone of magic, including the despicable Haierbo. If you kill him, our existence will be completely turned into a broken bubble."

"Gnar also said something similar. He is not willing to defeat Haierbo in this era, he just wants to find his fatal weakness."

"Really? As expected of me," said the man, shrugging his shoulders. "Instead of looking for his weaknesses, it's better to shape his weaknesses."

He looked at Haierbo, who had been drowned by dead souls, then raised his head to look at the dark clouds covering the sky, and said, "Has Haierbo made his first Horcrux? Then at least you don't have to remove him from that group. rescued from the ghost."

"We still have to save him?"

"It depends on your mood. Let me tell you, now is the best time for you to gain his trust. Looking at your attire, you should be... the great magician under Haierbo? This is indeed an idea we can come up with, the same Innocent, just as bizarre," the man smiled and shook his head, every word he said would shrink the crack in the blurred illusion, and the crack had shrunk to within the scope of the Lihuo cage. "From the moment I received the box, From that moment, until I handed the box over to the next one, I was thinking about a possibility to fight alongside myself, but I didn't expect it to take so long before someone called me from the other side of time... oh no After all, it's a simultaneous story for us."


The noise of the crack shrinking entered their ears, and the crack in time had shrunk back to their side, and it was about to dissipate.

"Just come here, it's useless to talk too much."

The man looked at Pitia and snapped his fingers gently in front of her. Pitia was stunned for a moment. When she woke up, there was already a dense fog in the man's hand, and he pointed at Pitia. He nodded, said thanks, and looked at Tom with a smile: "Maybe we can meet again, good luck to you."

The crack disappeared, and the towering black tower disappeared. Except for the cloud layer with a gap above his head, there was nothing to prove its existence. The figure of Nelson also disappeared, and the fierce fire of the prairie did not follow him. The departure extinguished, but instead expanded violently after losing control. Tom stood there, thought for a moment, and looked at Pitia.

"I'll save Haierbo later, so I won't kidnap you," Tom said. "Nar should need you more. Take him away quickly so that he won't be burned to death."

"Your story is like a tragic epic."

Pitia sighed that the sentimental priestess who grew up in myths and legends only heard a few words, and then she sketched out a heart-wrenching story in the infinite reincarnation in her heart.

"What does it have to do with us?" Tom pouted, "People can only live a lifetime."

Tom raised his wand and let Pitia send himself back to reality. He walked towards Haierbo, who was being tasted by the undead. After walking a few steps, he stopped and squeezed the small tomato that was dry and hard in his hand. It was thrown into Pitia's arms: "Take it, maybe you can still grow it. From now on, it will be more delicious in two thousand years."

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