My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Vol 2 Chapter 678: When the waves hit the beach

"Listen, feel, think."

Kent Tanka stood on the shore in a panic, letting the sea cover her feet. In the world of total silence, she could only hear Tom's voice. He used a calm tone to soothe this fawn-like panic girl, only The figure she can see floats behind her like a spirit behind her, whispering in her ear, "Don't resist, since you can hug me... Naturally, you can hug it, this is your right, someone has it Take it away from you, you just have to get used to it."

The white paper-like soul was brutally left with her own drawings by Tom. To her, everything she was already familiar with was so unfamiliar. After finally recovering her strength, she ran to the beach like crazy The gravel and seashells on the beach cut the soles of her feet, tripped her, and continued to run forward. She wanted to escape from all this, escape from the cage constructed by malicious words, and escape from this unacceptable memory.

But what's the use of it? If there is something that can catch up with a Scud, it must be his soul, and the same is true for Kent Tanka. For ordinary people, memories that are so normal are like a nightmare to her. When her cognition is in the Tom's construction gradually became more detailed, and the stormy night thirteen years ago also broke free from the chaotic colors, and the shackles were firmly branded in front of her eyes. She was like a prisoner who was tortured. He was forcibly opened by the tape, and the blood-splattered picture was repeatedly played on the TV in front of him.

At that time, she still didn't understand what happened, but after accepting Tom Linghui, she already fully understood.

She widened her broken eyes and looked around in panic, but all she could see was darkness, and only Tom, who was hiding in her heart, followed behind her, holding an object that exuded infinite attraction. The self-awareness formed in her memory brought her Tom's calm and cruel logic. Driven by the same character as Tom's, she forcibly calmed down and began to think.

"I... Who am I?"

While running, Kent Tanka, who was in a panic, stepped into the tidal flat submerged by the tide. This is a corner she has never set foot in. In the past, when she accidentally entered here, her father would always carry her up from the water, but now There was no father by her side, so she could only stand there blankly, her soul-deep eyes looked at Tom behind her, pursed her lips, and asked slowly.

Tom laughed. He didn't understand why everyone who had experienced mental trauma would ask this unanswerable ultimate question after starting to think, and he didn't want to analyze it for her from a philosophical point of view, and he didn't have time for them.

"You are Kent Tanka."

"Kent Tanka...Isn't it my sister?"

She hooked her head and avoided Tom's sight, not even knowing that "sister" refers to a blood relationship. In her cognition, it was only a unique name for the woman she was extremely close to.

"Yes, Kent Tanka is your sister and you, and she left her name to you as an expectation for you," Tom said softly, "you experience my memory, then you become me too, You know what I'm here for, and my mission has become your mission, so do you understand what you should be doing now?"

"I...should do what you want me to do."

"Yes, it's a deal, Kent Tanka, I'll give you back what you've lost, and you'll do what I need to do for me," Tom smiled, "but don't worry, when it's over, Afterwards, I will make up for your last missing experience, you should know, Gnar, there is magic through time and space, he can let you re-experience your life, and when you are complete, you will be reborn."

"Is this your promise?"

Kent Tanka slowly raised her head, the memory of Tom was flickering in her eyes, and the same calmness as Tom had returned, she was silent for a long time, stared straight at Tom, and said, "You won't break your word, right? Bar."

"I do not know."

Tom replied without hesitation, looking at the girl's eyes that were almost identical to his own, his smile froze for a moment, stretched out his hand, and handed the thing in his hand to Kent Tanka: "Come on, take it."

Kent Tanka didn't say anything, he stretched out his hand to take it, and the next second, a black magic wand appeared in the hand of the girl standing in the sea.

"Come, slowly, slowly... lift your hand, hold it, feel its texture and length, feel the trembling of the wood-wrapped dragon's heartstring as it is alive," Tom's soul stood Behind her, synchronised with her, the soul reshaped after Tom was so synchronised with him that Tom looked, like her shadow, "feel its heartbeat? The dragon's roar, its thirst to kill, is a wand of a warrior."

With the help of "Shadow", Kent Tanka raised his head and arms and felt the call of the wand. He felt the fighting spirit of the warrior in the two hearts in the thin girl's body. The wand beeped and cheered, and the next Seconds, like when Tom touched his first wand in Ollivander's wand shop.

The passive wind blew up, and against the backdrop of its surrender, Kent Tanka's body slowly floated up from the water. In the hunting wind, her dress fluttered like the wings of a thunderbird. When she lowered her head and was about to feel the heat of the wand with her lips, the sea water swept up by the strong wind splashed onto her bare feet. The cold touch made her return to the dumb girl who had nothing to do with her, and her magic power froze for a moment. Her figure fell quickly, smashing heavily into the muddy mudflat mixed with sea water.

"No, I can't, I'm not a wizard!"

She was lying in the icy sea water, her mouth and nose were full of water, and sweet blood rushed to her throat, but she just kept repeating these words, groping in the sea water, looking for the magic wand that fell from her hand.

"You can, Kent Tanka, you have experienced the past of my life, my story has nothing to do with you, the affinity for magic that I remember is the same for you, like an arm, when you take When you pick up the wand, you are me," Tom's eyes were eager, and Kent Tanka was anxiously looking for the wand. , he struck while the iron was hot, and continued, "My soul is also open to you without reservation, and when you wave your wand, my magic will be at your disposal, and you will become like me the most powerful wizard, our enemy. will be run over mercilessly."

"I'm not you either..."

"The sloe wood, the dragon's heartstring, ten inches, stubby and strong, has experienced evil thorns, and it produces the sweetest berries after the hardest frost."

Tom introduced the wand he had acquired during his first-year Christmas break like an enthusiastic wand salesman, wondering when was the last time he had such a magical experience, day after day. During his magic study, the powerful magic spells gradually no longer excited him. He was surprised to find that the last time he felt this way was in Ollivander's shop.

"Sloe, the cheap plant, it can survive in any cold place, but the fruit is sweet and delicious, the wood is a good choice for a wand, and even the leaves can replace the tea," Tom's shadow was in Kent Tanka's ear He said softly, "It is just an ordinary shrub by the road, but if it is a tree, it can be compared with any tall tree. What it can become depends on what it wants to do."

Even Tom didn't realize that, before he knew it, he had become a real "Professor Riddle".

"The first thing I did when I got this wand was to avenge my pet, for which I violated many wizarding laws, and in the days that followed, I did many shameful things with it. Once a dirty glove, I use it to disrupt order, to vent, Gnar with his brother's wand once made a hypothesis if we didn't get these two unregistered wands, could we be law abiding good citizen?"

Thinking back to the past, Tom smiled. He straightened up and looked at the calm sea. Where the dark clouds could not cover, the waves were surging to vent their anger, and the typhoon was brewing at sea, roaring and stirring.

"I've done a lot of 'bad things' with it and they couldn't be more right to me, but the same Kent Tanka, from the first time I saw you, I thought you were like a sloe , the humble and lowly visible to the naked eye, the first thing I thought of was an American who was in the same situation as you and was famous in my time," Tom looked up at the sky, "but are you willing? You could have been an arbor. , I'm your soil, your nutrients, your sister created the greenhouse for you, I'm here to break it, take you to the wind and snow, I'm not at all convincing you to help me stand up for me, but I hope you Do it."

The drenched girl shivered in the icy cold sea water. I don't know if it was because of the cold or something else.

"You don't have to worry, Kent Tanka, your sister has done me a big favor, and I will protect you, even if the opponent is Haierbo who created magic at the cost of a whole city," Tom said softly, "but I still I want to ask you, put aside those memories and missions that belong to me in your mind, put aside my character and influence, and answer me with your own heart, Kent Tanka, would you like to?"

The girl didn't answer. She stood up straight on the mudflat, her long hair and cheeks dripping with dirty mud. After struggling for a while, her figure gradually overlapped with Tom, who was facing the sea.

"I... remember when I was young, my sister took me to the beach to play, the weather was very hot, the sea was... blue, there were fish, shells, and boats, and there were men who were attentive, and my busy father brought them to me. Raw shells, the sky is also blue and warm, I stepped in the water, it was cool and cool..."

She squeezed out a self-righteous smile, tilted her head, and said lightly, "But I don't remember it being so cold."

"Want to see the sea?"

In the right eye penetrated by the hideous scar, Tom opened his eyes with a smile, and the magic power used the magic wand as a link to connect the two.

Kent Tanka's eyes still couldn't perceive the light, but in her heart, what Tom saw appeared.

"In the days when we fought side by side, let me be your eyes for the time being."

The dazzling light made Kent Tanka, who had been away from her for thirteen years, feel dizzy. At this moment, everything in the past was left behind, and only the blue of the sea remained in her soul, which was the only hue of her rebirth. .

The stacked waves surged towards the coast like a curtain wall that covered the sky, but the edge of the dark clouds above the head poured down a terrifying green thunder. In the confrontation of natural disasters, the ocean roared and was messed up. Its beating heart brewed more and more terrifying waves, beaten to the shore again and again, and foamed again and again by the net of mines.

Kent Tanka's heart stopped beating for a beat, and her breathing stopped. Her father and sister had never brought her to the seaside in this weather. For the first time in her life, she saw the angry sea, far away from the small child in her life. The town is so close that you can reach out and touch it.

The girl is in step with her shadow, the wand in her hand turns flexibly, the wet dress is changed by the plot, she and Tom behind him raise their head at the same time, hold the same wand, raise their arms, and use their wrists, UU reading www. opened its mouth.


In the struggle against the thunder net, the waves burst into a roar of grief and indignation, obscuring the weak sound of the girl's curse.

But this is no longer important. In the next second, a huge black snake gushed out from the tip of the staff, with a dragon-like head showing sharp teeth, and its scarlet eyes full of arrogance and mockery. Passing through the dark clouds overhead, then, he sacrificed himself to the roaring waves, to the cobwebs woven by the green thunder of death.

At this moment, Haierbo sensed the change of magic power. He just raised his head and looked at the coast where the movement was heard, but in his sight, the barrier from the Egyptian wizard just fell, and Haierbo, who missed this scene, was still immersed in the "Prophet Chamberlain". "In the beautiful dream prepared for him, Hermes, who was persecuted by the suspicions of the Greeks, betrayed his relatives, and his great magical ceremony came to an end. The Egyptian wizard who came to investigate the situation was opening his chest with a fascinated smile, and took out the beating The heart, with its back facing the half-carved stone tablet, dedicated its soul to the scales of the gods.

Tom's spell broke through the thunder net at this moment and dissipated the tsunami. At the other end, he saw the giant coming across the sea, the silver fleet, the overwhelming mayflies, the bow and Pitty. Nelson standing side by side!

Haierbo, who was sitting in the rocking chair, felt a palpitation for no reason. He looked at the back of the servant he called "friend" in front of him, feeling the group of snakes wrapped around the servant's heart. He breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes again. .

"Egyptians, it's really tragic, why bother? Well, we need a closed stage, which is more secure."

"You are right, Haierbo...sir."

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