My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 92: Old Tom on the Icarus

"Icarus, waving his wings made of feathers and wax, fled the maze of Crete and ran to freedom, but the joy of freedom dazzled his mind. He flew too high, too close to the sun, the strong sunlight The sealing wax melted, and the feathers stuck together with the wax began to loosen. Eventually, he fell from the sky and fell asleep in the vast blue waves."

After learning about the allusion of the Icarus name from Nelson’s mouth, this has become a topic that Captain Jack must say to every passenger he talks to. He racked his brains to recall what Nelson said, and be sure to understand His well-informed image is shown to every passenger on the ship.

After the last voyage, the captain of the Icarus officially retired, and Jack was finally promoted from the first mate to the captain. He was pacing the Tilbury wharf with a pipe in his mouth like a parrot, and he couldn’t wait. The word "Captain" is tattooed on his forehead. Although it is illegal and taboo for the captain to leave before the ship sails, who can use this to accuse a man who has finally gotten what he wanted after having spent most of his life. How about young people?

"Sir, do you like this story? I feel that naming my boat with this name is really romantic! Although it is a bit unlucky, it is very cultural." He stopped a haggard man who was about to board the boat and started to work. Little Jack's work of checking tickets again peddled his level of education to the passenger, "This... Mr. Riddle, are you going to Poland? There has been a lot of chaos recently."

"I'm disembarking in France." The haggard man took off his hat. His black hair was mixed with the same amount of dim silver threads. It looked like a gray color, and his eye sockets were sunken. It was described as haggard. Like a drug addict, he handed his hat to his entourage, tremblingly took out a thin piece of newspaper from his pocket, and took it to Captain Jack’s eyes, “You’re the ship’s Captain? Have you seen this boy?"

Captain Jack took a closer look. Although he hadn't read a book, he still knew a lot of European words when he went north and south, so he read the headline of the news word by word: "Looking for Pythia-The Great Performance Artist Albus · Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald make their first appearance on the streets of Paris"...what is this? Oh? Oh...oh! Little Jack, come down!"

He raised his head and shouted to little Jack who was sitting on the gangway. Little Jack wore a brand new sailor suit, slid down the rope hanging from the side of the ship to the pier, and ran over.

"What's the matter? First Mate Jack!" Little Jack stood still in front of Captain Jack, did a funny naval salute like the British navy, and suddenly realized his behavior was inappropriate, slapped himself and said loudly. : "Hello Captain Jack!"

"You kid." Captain Jack smiled and cursed and kicked little Jack's calf lightly, grabbed him by the shoulder and dragged him to the gaunt middle-aged man named Riddle, and asked, "Look, this Is it Mr. Williams?"

"Let me take a look," Little Jack took a closer look, then raised his head and nodded, "This looks like Mr. Williams, I still remember his trilby, but he is not called Albus. ·Dumbledore..."

"You specify what's the problem!" Captain Jack kicked little Jack's **** fiercely, causing him to trip and stagger, and laughed and cursed, "Why don't you say that I am the captain and you are a sailor? You didn't read the news. Content? Artist! Mr. Williams is an artist. Isn’t it normal for an artist to have an artistic name?"

"Captain Jack, what you learned!" Little Jack offered another funny naval salute.

"Two gentlemen, have the boys in the newspaper ever boarded this ship?" The man on the side showed a hopeful expression on his face, and tremblingly took out a box of crumpled high-end cigarettes from his arms, and picked two whole cigarettes. He wanted to hand them, but because of severe hand shaking, they fell to the ground. He stomped his feet bitterly and called his entourage to let him take two boxes of new ones, "Mr. Captain, I...I, I'm here to find My child, the boy in the newspaper may...may be my long-lost child. After so many years, so many years, I finally..."

Saying that he could hardly control his emotions, buried his head in his trembling hands, covered his face and choked up, and soon burst into tears completely out of control, his nose and tears filled his entire face.

Captain Jack shook his head. He has been accustomed to seeing life and death for so many years, but he still felt great sadness from the man in front of him. He stepped forward and patted the man on the shoulder. "Mr. Riddle, let's go up first. Well, when the ship leaves, let’s go to the captain’s room and have a good chat. Please believe us, the boy in the newspaper took our last trip."

"How do I feel that someone is always talking about me, is it Tom?" Nelson wiped his nose and sneezed again. The little doll who was pouring tea and water suddenly appeared, picking up the hot towel on the towel rack and heading towards him. The face is stunned.

"Tom? I remembered, the one you saw last time...your little friend? There is indeed a saying in some places that misses will make people sneeze." Andre looked at Nelson who was fighting with the towel and nodded. After that, he turned to Luo Li Ann, who was sitting aside, "Miss Luo Li Ann, you don't seem to know the wizarding world very well?"

He tried his best to express the meaning of "wild wizard" carefully in terms of words.

"Yes, I only came here a few years ago." Luo Lian nodded, "Then, are you here to tell me the rules?"

"It seems that the place where you stayed before did not join the International Wizarding Federation." Andre thought that Luo Lian was a wizard from a small place, and complimented, "It seems that you can cultivate a wizard with high mana like you. Mundane."

"Of course, I am the chief of the Magic Academy." Luo Lian nodded proudly.

"Witching Academy?" Andre raised his eyebrows in surprise. He thought that Luo Lian was just a genius wild wizard who was not registered by any country in the world but was self-taught. He didn't expect to have even received magic education. He squinted his eyes and began to really look like The cadres in the saint's ranks think likewise.

"Is there really a wizard in the world who has never been in contact with the outside world?" Andre and Lorion were talking about business, and Nelson, who was idling on the side, turned sideways, whispering to him who was wrapping Zweig's head with a layer of gauze. When I got up, White expressed confusion. In fact, he always felt that the conversation between Andre and Lorion sounded weird. Although the two of them were able to say one thing to one another, he always felt that they were talking on different channels. Are there really solitary wizards...groups on the planet?"

"Not necessarily," White brought a new roll of gauze. "Some places refuse to be visited by outsiders. They use various magic to hide their position, such as the expulsion curse, the map marking prohibition curse, and the deeper ones such as The Courageous Faithfulness Mantra and the Opening Mantra can all achieve outstanding concealment effects."

"Don't suffocate him to death." Nelson reminded White who was wrapping gauze around Zweig's nose, and continued to be puzzled. "But how could there be a wild wizard? Not every little one with magic talent. Will wizards be recorded on the roster of the magic schools from the time they are born?"

"It's not necessarily true," Newt Scamander interrupted. "Do you know how many magic schools there are in the world?"

"I saw it in the book, it was the eleven."

"Then do you know how many countries there are in the world?" Newt Scamander asked.


"Yes, how can the eleven magic schools in sixty-three countries, five continents and three oceans be completely covered? What's more, the roster of new students in magic schools is also magic." He explained, "Since it is magic, it will always be There is a loophole. Think about it, if there is an island in the Pacific Ocean, it is not recorded by any map, and is not included in any magic school, then it is possible that there is a group of isolated wizards on the island. When things here are over, you might as well go with me and I will show you to the world..."

Senior Newt still did not give up his plan to "bring Nelson back to the right path."

"The secrecy law stipulates that we wizards cannot expose our existence to Muggles." On the other hand, Andre is giving Lorian, who lacks common sense, a lesson. "Muggles are those who don't know how to make magic."

"Do you still care about the secrecy law?" Newt Scamander sneered, "I am afraid that there is no wizard in this world who cares less about the secrecy law. You know what the secrecy law is."

"Introduce myself. My name is Andre Schiller. I am one of the saints who follow Master Grindelwald. We are committed to creating a place where everyone can perform their duties and shine in their respective positions. The world." Andre ignored Newt and continued, "We have cooperation with the Muggle government in Germany, and now this is their control area, so we have an obligation to help them solve the magical incident in this land. Lorian Miss, we have absolutely no malice, it's just you and your...dragon, which shocked the Muggles too much."

There is a big difference between the order he received and what he said, but Luo Lian, who was not deeply involved in the world, nodded seriously after hearing this leaky speech.

"As a magician, I really shouldn't trouble people who don't know how to magic," Luo Lian nodded, "So do you have a way to send me back? I have been finding my way back for so many years."

"Go back?" Andre's eyes rolled, a magical power that has never been exposed in the world, and can cultivate such a powerful wizard, if he can cooperate with them... he coughed slightly and asked warmly. "Where is your hometown? We must think of a way for you." My classmate who is jumping to Hogwarts is the old Tom Green on the Icarus Chapter 92 Reading-Hogwarts My classmate here is Voldemort-Novel Reading Network..., if there is no automatic jump, please click [Jump]

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