My code name is Green Bull

Chapter 406: Battle of Admirals, Punk Hassad

"Punk Hassad was originally the research base of our navy. Many of our navy's scientific and technological products were developed here, including the Hailoushi warship. For our navy, this is an important base second only to the headquarters."

The rear admiral who was hanging out with Jon was a rear admiral stationed in the New World branch. He was transferred to the headquarters during the War on the Top. This time, he happened to be returning to the New World with Jon and the others, serving as their guide.

"But it is a pity that an accident occurred while conducting an experiment at the research base two years ago, which resulted in a large amount of poisonous gas leaking, turning the entire island into a dead island. The poisonous gas dissipated not long ago, but This island has been abandoned, so it became the place for the duel between General Sakaski and General Kuzan.”

"Is there anyone alive on this island?"

Jon asked Major General Connaughton.

Although he knew some secrets about Punk Hassad through comics, those were two years later, and he didn't know what happened before.

Connaughton replied: "Yes, many prisoners were detained here for research in the past. In addition to the prisoners who were taken away, some prisoners died of poison gas, but many people withstood the poison gas and survived. Now they are here These people should be the ones surviving on the island.”

"Let's go and have a look, maybe we can get something unexpected."

Connaughton didn't know the current situation in Punk Hassad, but Jon, who knew the plot, understood that the scientist Caesar had most likely returned to Punk Hassad and started his evil experiments.

Jon was so disgusted with this scientist who used innocent children for experiments, it was simply unforgivable.

It would be fine if he hadn't encountered him before. Since Punk Hassad came today, he had to find a way to get rid of Caesar to prevent more innocent children from suffering in the future.

Suddenly, Jon turned his head and looked northwest, and said solemnly: "Has it started yet?"

When Connaught heard Jon's words, he asked excitedly: "Did General Sakaski and General Kuzan start a fight?"

Jon said: "Looking at you, you seem to be very interested, so you don't have to accompany me and go watch their duel."

Connaughton thought for a while and replied: "I am very interested. After all, General Sakaski and General Kuzan are the top strong men in the world, and their duel will definitely be very exciting."

"But forget it. Their abilities are too terrifying. If they are affected and affect their battle, it will be troublesome."

Connaughton is very curious, but he is more afraid of the abilities of Sakaski and Kuzan. One of them is magma and the other is frozen. Whether they are affected by magma or ice, it will cause great harm to ordinary people. .

So Connaughton didn't think about watching the duel between Sakaski and Kuzan up close.

"Then you will follow me and continue walking around the island?" Jon asked.

Connaughton nodded, and then asked curiously: "Mr. Jon, aren't you worried about General Sakaski and General Kuzan?"

Because Jon now has no military rank or position, Connaughton calls Jon sir to show his respect.

"Why worry?"

Jon said with a smile: "Sakaski and Kuzan are both decent people. Even if they are really angry, they will not kill each other. What's more, this is just the beginning. With the strength of the two of them, they don't want to kill each other." To determine the winner, it will not be over without fighting for several days and nights.”

Connaughton rolled his eyes and whispered: "Mr. Jon, who do you think has a greater chance of winning, General Sakaski or General Kuzan?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Jon staring at him with a half-smile, which made Connaughton suddenly embarrassed to explain.

"Mr. Jon, I'm just curious. I have no other meaning. The duel between General Sakaski and General Kuzan is too far away from me, but for you, you should still be able to tell the difference. Right?"

Jon's combat prowess was fully demonstrated during the War on Top. Any naval soldier who has participated in the War on Top will feel that Jon is now the strongest combat power in the navy. Even the three generals cannot compare to Jon. .

"You think too much. Even I can't tell which of them will win in the end, because combat power is not just a fight between children. The winner can be determined by strength alone. It also depends on timing, environment, wisdom and On-the-spot performance and so on, I can only say that they all have a chance to win.”

Jon was telling the truth. Although he was optimistic about Sakaski, Kuzan was really strong. If Sakaski was careless, he might lose, so before the winner could be determined, he No answer will be given.

"Don't worry about them, they have to be early, let's continue shopping."

"Yes, Mr. Jon."

After Jon and the others entered Punk Hassad, people living in Punk Hassad had discovered them and notified the current ruler of Punk Hassad immediately.

M. Caesar Courant!

Caesar was originally a member of the Navy's "Science Force" and was a colleague of Vegapunk, the world's strongest scientist. However, his ideas were too extreme and he often conducted cruel and inhumane experiments, so he was expelled and wanted by the Science Force.

The reason why Punk Hassad became a dead island was because of Caesar's experiments, which caused a large amount of poisonous gas to spread to the island, so Caesar was the culprit.

Although Caesar was later captured, this guy still had some ability and actually escaped from the prison ship and returned to Punk Hassad.

After clearing the poisonous gas from Punk Hassad Island, Caesar regarded it as his base camp and continued to conduct inhumane and criminal experiments.

Although Caesar has been staying at the research institute to conduct experiments, he has not forgotten to monitor the island, so not long after Jon and the others landed on the island, he knew that someone had come to the island.

Because it was not two years later, Caesar's men did not have any powerful people, they were just some subordinates he found among the prisoners.

When Caesar discovered through surveillance that the person who came turned out to be the Navy, he immediately chose to hide in the research institute.

Now he was wanted by the navy. Although he was an ability user, he was not very sure about his own strength. In order to prevent himself from being exposed, he had not thought of showing up.

If only Sakaski and Kuzan came this time, no one would have discovered him. Unfortunately, Jon was also followed this time.

After knowing that the navy had entered the island, Caesar gave up his experiments. Especially after the battle between Sakaski and Kuzan caused a huge stir, he did nothing. Through the surveillance that he finally got, Pay attention to the safety of the institute.

Although Connaughton has a certain understanding of Punk Hassad, he has only been here once and has not entered the key area, so he does not know the specific situation here.

Jon didn't understand the situation here either, but that didn't stop him from finding people. Through seeing and hearing the Haki, he could clearly sense the aura on this island and accurately find the aura of humans.

As long as you find the people on this island, you will naturally be able to find your goal.

Jon was walking with Connaughton when suddenly there was another earth-shattering loud noise, which made Jon couldn't help but shake his head.

Sakaski and Kuzan are really tough. How long has it been since they started fighting? They have already made such a big fuss. If they really fight like this for ten days and ten nights, even though this island is big, it will not be able to withstand it. Live their destruction.

Although it was said in the anime that Sakaski and Kuzan fought for ten days and ten nights before deciding the winner, Jon was not naive enough to think that they really fought for ten days and ten nights.

Sakaski and Kuzan are very strong, but no matter how strong they are, they can't really fight for ten days and ten nights in a row.

Even Jon, who has amazing physical strength, can't hold on for too long against an opponent of the same level with such full firepower. If there are always a large number of plants for him to absorb plant energy, he may be able to hold on.

But Sakaski and Kuzan do not have the same ability as him, so it is impossible to fight all the time. It is most reasonable to fight on and off for ten days and ten nights.

With the abilities of Sakaski and Kuzan, if they really fight without any scruples, even a large island like Punk Hassad will be destroyed and sunk by them, so they will more or less hold back.

Under the leadership of Jon, the two soon arrived in front of a ruins.

"This is the former research base of the scientific force?"

Connaughton looked at the ruins of the research institute with a look of surprise on his face.

Jon said: "To be precise, it should be one of the research institutes."

Of course, it is impossible for the huge Punk Hassad to have only one research institute. The reason why he came here is because he only sensed the breath of human beings here.

"Then what are we doing here?" Connaughton asked in confusion.

"There's someone's breath inside, there should be someone living in it." Jon said.

Connaughton didn't take it seriously: "Even if there are people, they must be just prisoners. Why are you looking for them?"

Jon said: "Now that we're here, we have to find something to do. And haven't you noticed? According to the intelligence, this island originally had a lot of poisonous gas. However, we didn't find any poisonous gas along the way. Only then did we get closer." No matter how long it took for the incident to occur, the poisonous gas would definitely not dissipate so quickly, and it was most likely man-made."

"Hey, that's right, I didn't even think of that just now."

After Jon's reminder, Connaughton realized that it would be fine if they didn't find the poison gas when they first came in, but now that they have gone deep into it, they still haven't found the poison gas. This is a bit strange, considering the information they know. completely different.

"Let's go in, find the person, and you'll know the reason."

Jon took the lead, Connaughton followed closely behind him, and the two entered the institute.

"I actually discovered this place and dared to come in. Damn it, we must deal with them. This place must not be exposed."

When Jon and the others entered the research base, they were discovered by Caesar. His face was ferocious and murderous.

He is hiding here just to conduct experiments, but if he is discovered by the navy, it will be fine if he cannot conduct experiments. He may also be targeted by the navy, so the best way is to get rid of these two navy.

Thinking of this, Caesar immediately left the laboratory. He was very familiar with this place and had the ability of the natural system. He believed that he could definitely deal with these two navies.

Under Jon's powerful sense of knowledge and domineering, soon after entering the institute, he found two people with normal upper bodies but mechanical legs in their lower bodies.

But what Jon and the others didn't expect was that the two men immediately screamed in horror after seeing them.

"Navy, there is a navy, go and report to Lord Caesar, there is a navy intruder."

These two people were originally prisoners in the island prison. After being infected by the poisonous gas, their lower bodies lost function. It was not until Caesar returned here and installed mechanical legs for them that they were able to resume action, but the price was that they would serve Caesar in the future. Become his subordinate.

It is precisely because of this that these two people reacted this way after seeing Jon and Connaughton.

Without any need for Jon to do anything, Connaughton took the lead in using the six-style shave and came behind the two people. The two people who were unable to move were instantly subdued by him.

"Tell me, who are you? Why are you hiding here?" Connaughton asked the two men loudly.

These two prisoners were both spineless prisoners. After being subdued, they immediately gave up resistance, screamed loudly, and confessed everything under Connaughton's questioning.

"Mr. Jon, I remember that our navy was indeed wanted to arrest a scientist named Caesar, but I don't know what happened afterwards. I didn't expect that he could escape and dare to Come back and continue the experiment.”


It didn't go beyond Jon's expectation. It seemed that the plot of Punk Hassard was happening as usual. Now that Caesar had been identified, it was even more impossible for him to let him go.

"Now that we've met him, we can't let him go. I've also heard that he was once a scientist under Vegapunk, but he was an extremely extreme person. He can't be allowed to mess around again."

"Leave it to me, I'll go catch him right away."

Connaughton patted his chest confidently. In his opinion, he was just a scientist. He, a major general, was not easy to deal with.

But before he could take action, an accident happened. A piece of gas suddenly floated from the end of the corridor. It was dark in color and looked like poisonous gas.


Weird laughter came from a distance, and the gas at the end of the corridor quickly gathered and turned into a long-haired man wearing a coat. This man looked like he was wearing heavy makeup and was as charming as a demon.

"Lord Caesar save us, Lord Caesar save us."

The two prisoners who were subdued by Connaughton screamed with excitement after seeing this man.

"Is he Caesar?" Connaughton slapped the two men aside and looked at Caesar curiously.

"Navy, this island is already abandoned, why do you still come here?"

Caesar questioned Jon and Connaughton in a sharp voice. For him, the appearance of Jon and others disrupted his experiment, which was an unforgivable sin.

Connaughton snorted in displeasure: "Are you the wanted criminal M. Caesar Courant? How dare you come back? If we hadn't come here by chance this time, we don't know how long we would have been hidden by you, but it's just the right moment. The opportunity caught you."


Caesar didn't know the identities of Jon and Connaughton, and thought they were just ordinary marines, so he laughed disdainfully: "I should be the one to deal with you. It just so happens that I don't have enough people to do the work, so I will use you to make up the number."

"Let you see the power of the greatest scientist in the world, Lord Caesar."

Jon was quite speechless looking at the arrogant Caesar, who was ugly and mischievous.

Connaughton was obviously dissatisfied with Caesar's arrogance and rushed towards Caesar quickly, but his attack passed directly through Caesar's body.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..." Caesar laughed proudly: "Stupid navy, will you accept my sanction?"

"Gas Lasso!"

A gas-like gas noose appeared around Connaughton, trapping him, and a gas cloud appeared above his head. Connaughton did not realize the problem at all, and was still breathing, so that he inhaled the gas. My mind was dizzy on the spot.



Seeing that Connaughton was actually killed by Caesar, Jon really hated the fact that he was a rear admiral and could be killed so easily.

Seeing that he had solved an opponent, Caesar laughed proudly again. He was quite satisfied with his ability, and then looked at Jon.

"Next, it's your turn to accept my offer..."


Caesar, who was floating in the air, was hit hard on the head before he finished speaking, and he fell from the air to the ground.


Caesar screamed and tried to get up from the ground, but the next moment, he was hit by a huge force again, and his whole body collapsed to the ground, unable to move.

"How is it possible? How could you hit me?" Caesar turned his head and looked at Jon who was stepping on him, and asked in shock.

Jon slapped him with a slap, and with a 'pop' sound, Caesar's face swelled up on the spot.

"Can you become a scientist with a brain like yours?"

"Don't be too arrogant, I..."

"Crack, snap, snap, snap!"

A few more consecutive slaps stunned Caesar.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you."

Although Caesar's head was buzzing from being slapped, when he heard Jon's murderous words, he suddenly didn't dare to say anything.

"Wake him up."

Jon ordered to Caesar and then released his foot.

At the moment Jon let go, Caesar seized the opportunity and used ability gas on Jon.


Not surprisingly, Caesar fell to the ground again.

"You can continue, but I want to see if you can withstand a few beatings from me."

This time Caesar did not dare to attack, but turned into gas and prepared to escape, but the result was still the same, he was still slapped by Jon and slapped on the head.

"Ah, stop fighting, stop fighting, I'm convinced, I won't run away, I won't run away anymore."

Jon said coldly: "Wake him up."

In just a few minutes, Caesar was ravaged by Jon to such a miserable state that his nose and face were bruised and bruised, and he no longer dared to run away, let alone fight.

This man's power greatly traumatized Caesar's mind.

He guessed Jon's identity with horror in his heart, but he didn't dare to stop moving his hands to remove Connaughton's poison.

Connaughton woke up faintly, shook his head first, and then jumped up suddenly, getting ready to fight.

But when he saw Jon standing next to him and Caesar shivering not far away, his face suddenly turned the color of pig liver.

"Mr. Jon, I, I."

In front of Jon, Connaughton felt that he was completely humiliated when he was instantly killed with one move.

Jon waved his hand and said, "Okay, send a message to the people on the warship and ask them to bring the sea tower stone shackles and escort this guy to the ship."

"No, no, sir, don't arrest me. Don't send me to the naval prison. I can work for you. I am a scientist. I am very powerful. I can create devil fruits and research many powerful things." Something that will definitely be useful to you..."

Unable to resist, Caesar hurriedly cried and begged for mercy in front of Jon, hoping that Jon would let him go.

Jon asked disdainfully: "Are you as good as Vegapunk?"

As soon as Caesar heard Vegapunk's name, he immediately forgot his fear of Jon and screamed: "Vegapunk is an idiot, he is very powerful, but I am more powerful than him, he doesn't dare to do it I dare to do whatever he can, and I can do what he can’t do.”


Jon was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and slapped him unconscious. Caesar was very capable, but for now, he didn't need it yet.

But that doesn't mean that Caesar is useless. Whether he will be useful or not will have to wait for a while. If his plan fails to succeed, Caesar's ability may still come in handy.

But no matter what, it is right to arrest them first.

Connaughton walked up to Caesar and kicked him angrily, obviously unhappy with the embarrassing incident just now.

Jon didn't care anymore, but walked around the research institute alone.

This is Caesar's base camp. Although Caesar has not been in control of this place for a long time, he basically has everything he needs.

He also went into Caesar's laboratory and saw a lot of poison gas samples, etc., as well as some materials and items that he didn't understand well, but what shocked him the most was one of the experiments.

Human gigantism experiment.

Jon was able to identify this experiment because he saw the experimental subjects, several dead human children. Several of these dead human children had much larger bodies than other children.

You don't need to think about it to know that these children are Caesar's experimental subjects, used for experiments on human enlargement.

In addition to the corpses in the laboratory, he also found some corpses in other rooms of the institute, including those of adults and children. At the same time, he also found several living, imprisoned humans, mostly children.

This made Jon very angry. Although he didn't know the origin of these experimental products, he knew without thinking that they must have been captured by Caesar and others using despicable means.

Although it is also against humanity to conduct experiments on death row prisoners, Jon can at least accept it. However, he really cannot bear to conduct experiments on ordinary people, even children.

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