My code name is Green Bull

Chapter 425 Sakaski’s call

Baixing, are you having fun staying outside these days?

On a ship wrapped in bubbles, Jon looked at Bai Xing who had been lying on the edge of the ship watching, and asked with a smile.

Well, I'm happy, very happy. This is Bai Xing's happiest few days in the past few years.

In addition to being a little uneasy when he came out on the first day, Bai Xing was always in a state of excitement in the following days.

After not coming out for many years, she saw the outside world, and her excitement couldn't be expressed in words.

In the next few days, although she continued to wander around Fish-Man Island and looked at the places she had seen, her excitement did not dissipate at all.

These days were the happiest and freest moments in her life, and she had even forgotten about the Walder Daken who had been threatening her.

Seeing Bai Xing smiling happily, Jon's mood became much better.

In his previous contact with Bai Xing, he was completely utilitarian and wanted to use Bai Xing's ability to draw her into his camp.

But after a few days of contact, he had a different sense of Bai Xing. This mermaid girl was really so cute and kind, almost like an angelic girl.

Although he still hasn't changed his plan, he already feels like an elder and an old father towards Bai Xing, and he can't help but want to protect this mermaid princess.

This is Fish-Man Island. Later, I will take you to land to see the world on land. It may not necessarily be more beautiful than Fish-Man Island, but it is countless times larger than Fish-Man Island and has too many things. There are so many things that Fishman Island cannot access.”


Bai Xing stared at Jon excitedly and eagerly, his eyes watery and full of anticipation.

With a slight smile, Jon stretched out his hand, wanting to pat Bai Xing's head as usual, but suddenly realized that this was not his son Simon. Bai Xing was much bigger than him, and he couldn't even reach it without jumping up. Shirahoshi's head.

Of course, didn't you say that we are already good friends, and of course good friends will not lie to good friends.

Excellent, Lord Jon, you are such a good man.

In the past few days, Jon, who has been taking her everywhere to play, has become her best friend and most trusted friend.

Jon smiled and said nothing. Bai Xing was too innocent. If he hadn't been protected by his father and brother, he would have been deceived and sold long ago.

That Wilder Daken is really calm.

Wilder Daken has not appeared so far, which makes Jon really surprised. Did the fishman really see his plan, or was he too cautious?

Although he stayed on Fish-Man Island for a short time, not many people really knew his identity. Wilder Daken probably didn't know him, but even so, he still didn't show up. He was either too cautious or too courageous. Small.

Because he had to protect White Star, Jon couldn't search for Wilder Daken everywhere, but his domineering power always shrouded the surrounding area, and anyone who appeared suspicious could not escape his perception.

Porlu porlu...

Suddenly, the phone bug in Jon's arms screamed. After he saw clearly that it was the phone bug, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and he returned to his cabin before answering the phone.

Hi, I'm Jon.

it's me.

Sakaski's voice came from the other side, and Jon asked doubtfully: Is something wrong?

How are things going with you over there?

Jon originally told Sakaski that he could go back soon, but now it has taken more than half a month.

It's not done yet, but this matter is very important. I'll tell you when I get back.

In the new world, the Big Mom Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are at war, and a large-scale war may break out at any time. I have received information that they seem to have conflicts because of the ownership of Fish-Man Island, and they There was also a battle on Fish-Man Island. You were on Fish-Man Island at the time, why didn’t you take action?”

I know this. I didn't take action at the time, just for this reason. We don't have time to take care of those guys in the New World right now. In order to curb their development, letting them have a war internally is the best result. If I took action at that time, and I am afraid there will be no friction between the Big Mom Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Are you deliberately trying to provoke conflict between these two pirate groups? Your plan is correct in this matter, but not only these two pirate groups, but also the rest of the pirate forces in the New World are not at peace. I have already With the approval of Wulaoxing, they agreed to move the headquarters to the new world and swap it with the G1 branch base, but relocation is not that easy, and someone needs to be in charge first to stabilize the new world.

You want me to go?

I can't leave, and neither can Porusalino. It's most suitable for you to go over.

Jon thought for a while and then replied: Okay, I will rush back as soon as possible.

Although he really wants to conquer White Star, the navy is their foundation, and the current actions must be based on the navy.

Okay, come back as soon as possible. Over at Fish-Man Island, if it's not a particularly important matter, you can leave him alone for the time being.

Sakaski didn't take Fishman Island seriously. Even though Jon emphasized that he had an important purpose, he still didn't take it to heart.

After hanging up the call with Sakaski, Jon sighed slightly. He knew that his time on Fishman Island was almost up, and he was quite disappointed that he did not get rid of Wilder Daken.

Today, Wilder Daken still did not show up. Jon took White Star back to Fishman Island and then found Neptune.

After seeing Jon and the others come back, Neptune asked with some disappointment: Didn't that Wilder Daken still show up?

Jon nodded and said, Well, this guy is very calm, which is a bit beyond my expectation.

Will we continue tomorrow? Neptune asked.

Jon said: Your Highness Neptune, to tell you the truth, I have been away from the Navy Headquarters for a long time, and Sakaski has urged me to go back, so I can no longer stay on Fish-Man Island and I will leave tomorrow.

What? Mr. Jon, are you leaving?

Neptune was shocked when he heard that Jon was leaving. These days, it was precisely because of Jon's presence that he could sit back and relax. Now that Jon said he was leaving, he immediately panicked.

Jon said: Yes, but you don't have to worry, Your Highness Neptune. The Big Mom Pirates are currently at war with the Whitebeard Pirates. They should not attack you fishmen again until the winner is determined. Let’s start with the island.”

But... Neptune naturally knew about the two big pirate groups, but he was still uneasy in his heart.

If people from Big Mom cause trouble again, you can contact me through Dreher, but you must make it clear in advance that I only represent myself, not the Navy.

Jon said to Neptune with a serious face. He pointed it out directly to make Neptune understand that the navy was not the backer of their Fish-Man Island.

Neptune was a little disappointed, but he still said happily: I understand, so thank you Mr. Jon.

After thanking him, he sighed slightly: But after Mr. Jon leaves, Bai Xing will probably be very sad.

Because of Jon's presence, White Star was able to leave the Hard Shell Tower to go out and play. But once Jon left, he didn't have the guts to let White Star stay outside, and then White Star would have to return to the Hard Shell Tower.

Jon said: Actually, there is another way.

Neptune's eyes lit up and he asked: Mr. Jon, please tell me.

If Your Highness Neptune is at ease, you can let Bai Xing leave with me. As long as she stays by my side, no one will be able to hurt her.


Neptune didn't hesitate and directly rejected Jon's proposal. It would be fine if Bai Xing was just his daughter, but she had another identity. He would never let Bai Xing leave his sight.

Neptune's reaction was as expected by Jon. He had no hope of being able to take Bai Xing away, and speaking out at this time was just a test.

Since His Highness Neptune does not agree, then we will try one last time and pretend to take White Star away, forcing Wilder Daken to appear.

Will he be fooled? We have been trying for many days and he has not been fooled.

He hasn't appeared in the past few days, so he must be suspecting that we have an ambush. But if he leaves Fish-Man Island, he will relax his vigilance. Wilder Daken can only hide everywhere by being on the bottom of the sea, but if he goes ashore, He and his pirate group can't display much strength at all; you can ask others to follow you, and when I finish dealing with Ward Daken, you can bring Shirahoshi back.


Neptune was a little moved. He had always wanted to deal with Wilder Daken, but the other party was too cunning. Finally, with Jon's help, if White Star could not completely defeat the other party this time, Bai Xing didn't know what to do next. How many years of suffering.

Your Highness Neptune, you should be very aware of my strength. Wilder Daken's ability is pretty good, but the weapons he throws cannot escape my perception at all, and they cannot harm Shirahoshi in the slightest. Don't you want to do it as soon as possible? Can you deal with him?

Neptune gritted his teeth and agreed to Jon. He had confidence in Jon. Jon was a naval admiral with the world's top combat power. Although Vanderdeken's ability was weird, he wanted to hurt Jon in front of him. White Star, the possibility is almost zero.

After the two people discussed it, they immediately started taking action. Early the next morning, they waited for Princess Bai Xing to leave Ryugu City by boat.

When Bai Xing heard that he could go to the shore to play, he was so excited that he pulled Jon and shed tears.

Starting from Fish-Man Island, Bai Xing stared at the beautiful scenery in the sea, and his laughter never stopped.

Not long after Jon and the others left the Fish-Man Island, somewhere in the underwater world, a group of fish-men gathered together, it was the Flying Pirates.

What? My Princess White Star left Fish-Man Island?

An ugly-looking tiger-shark man with a small top hat, curly hair and a beard, multiple necklaces hanging on his body, and four legs with wide stripes made a weird scream.

Hehehehe, what are these fishmen in Dragon Palace City doing?

This fishman is Vanderdeken IX, the suitor of Princess White Star.

He was very puzzled by Ryugongcheng's recent reaction, and out of caution, he had not taken any action.

But now that Princess White Star was about to leave the Fish-Man Island, he immediately became anxious. He was a fish-man, and the bottom of the sea was his home. If he really reached the ground, he wouldn't have much advantage. Although he could rely on his fruit ability, Princess White Star can be found at any time, but the risks on land are too great.

No, Princess Bai Xing is mine, and I must not let her escape.

Soon, Wilder Daken made a decision. This was his best chance to capture White Star, and he couldn't just miss it.

Princess White Star is my wife, wait for me, Princess White Star.

Wilder Daken shouted, and suddenly threw out a huge axe, engraved with roses, making the ax levitate, and then jumped onto the axe, and his ability was activated instantly.


The ax flew out instantly, heading rapidly in a certain direction.

Jon stood on the deck of the ship, activating his Haki at full power, sensing everything around him.

The ship has floated several thousand meters up and is not too far from the sea. If Wilder Daken wants White Star, now is the best chance.

Lord Jon, look there, it's such a big fish.

Bai Xing pointed at a huge fish swimming in the sea and shouted to Jon excitedly.

Yeah, what a big fish.

Next to Bai Xing, her three brothers kept staring at her, fearing that Bai Xing would be hurt.

Jon nodded and was about to speak when suddenly he raised his eyebrows and said, Hey.

Mr. Jon.

The great prince Shark noticed something strange about Jon and asked eagerly: Did you discover something?

A smile appeared on Jon's lips, There is a breath approaching quickly. If I guess correctly, it should be our target.

Wide Daken?

Shark Xing and others all screamed.

Yes, the speed is not slow. It will be here soon.

There are too many sounds and breaths in the seabed, and there is almost no difference between the breaths of fish and underwater animals, so even Jon can't tell whether it is a fish or a fish-man from the countless sounds and breaths in an instant.

However, he quickly caught a breath and quickly approached them. The direction was very clear. It was definitely not the animals and plants on the seabed.

A few minutes later, a burst of laughter suddenly came.

Hahaha..., my dear Princess Bai Xing, your fiancé is here, hahaha.

I saw a huge ax coming from the bottom of the sea quickly, heading straight towards the ship where Jon and the others were. Standing on the ax was a strange fish-man, his whole body surrounded by bubbles.

It's Wilder Daken, that's him.

Shark Star and others immediately recognized Vander Daken, while Bai Xing hid behind Jon in fear, trembling all over. The shadows of these years made her have no courage to face Vander Daken.

Dear Princess Bai Xing, I have seen your beautiful body, stop hiding, I will come..., ah!

Because of the ability of the target fruit, even without doing anything, Wilder Daken was able to accurately find the white star, which was approaching the ship at an extremely fast speed.

The proud Wilder Deken screamed. As he stood on the axe, his body was suddenly entangled in vines uncontrollably and he was pulled to the boat. The bubbles on his body also disappeared after contacting the bubbles around the boat. .


Wilder Daken's body hit the ship's deck heavily, but the ax still struck unabated, but before it hit the white star, Jon reached out and pinched it.

Jon exerted force on his wrist, and the ax, which was larger than his body, instantly fell apart.

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