My code name is Green Bull

Chapter 428 Heading to the new world, unexpected news

Are you ready?

A few days later, Jon was ready. This time he was taking his whole family to the new world, so he had to prepare more things.

Gion nodded and said: Everything is ready. I also told the Lieutenant General. She agreed to let me follow you there first, and the female barracks will also accompany us.

The Navy Headquarters base is about to move. Soon, the people and things in the headquarters will be moved to the new world, so they have to go early and late, and Crane will certainly not object.

The original Iron Triangle of the Navy, now Garp has left the Navy Headquarters and gone to the East China Sea. Sengoku has resigned as the Navy Marshal and is now a consultant in the Navy Headquarters. Only He has not changed and is still the Lieutenant General of the Navy Headquarters, leading the staff.

Among the generals holding important positions in the current Navy Headquarters, Crane is already the oldest one.

By the way, Gion, my father wants you to help take care of me. Now that he sees me, he doesn't look at me well at all. In the past few years, I didn't dare to appear in front of him when I stayed in Nanhai.

Speaking of his father, Jon couldn't help but smile bitterly. His old father was really stubborn, and he couldn't help but refuse to forgive him because of the grain business.

Gion chuckled and said: Only my father can control you in this world. Don't worry, although my father says he is cruel, he actually still cares about you. When I brought them back from the South China Sea, His old man has always been thinking about you, especially after knowing that you were restored to the position of general, he was happier than anyone else.

Jon smiled and said: Of course I know what kind of person he is, so I can only follow him. As long as he is happy, you can scold me if you want.

How could he not understand his father and cooperate with his father just to make him happy?

You go to your parents' place to clean up, and I'll inform Pemberton that this guy is very lazy now. He can't do anything without urging him.

OK, go ahead.

Jon went straight to Pemberton, but when he arrived at Pemberton's residence, he discovered something unexpected. He saw Pemberton staying intimately with a woman.


Seeing how intimate the two were, Jon couldn't help coughing twice, which frightened Pemberton and they quickly separated.

Damn, it's you, Jon, what the hell are you doing?

When Pemberton saw Jon, he shouted at Jon dissatisfied.

Jon looked innocent: Can you blame me? You don't close the door and are so upright. I'm kindly reminding you to pay attention to the impact.

After speaking, he looked at the woman hiding next to Pemberton.


She has an oval face, white skin, and long hair, just like an Internet celebrity in her previous life. She is extremely beautiful, has a good figure, and has a lovable appearance.

No wonder Pemberton was eager to get married. This woman was not only young, but also beautiful. She was the type that probably nine out of ten men would like.

Seeing Jon staring at his fiancée, Pemberton was nervous and embarrassed, and quickly said to the woman: You go out first, I have something to discuss with General Jon.


The girl bowed to Jon and then left calmly.

After she left, Jon walked into the house and looked Pemberton up and down.

Tsk, tsk, I really can't tell. You have good taste. No wonder you are in a hurry to get married.

Pemberton was quite embarrassed: Don't talk about this, don't talk about this, you came to me today, are you ready to leave for the new world?

Jon nodded and said, Well, we'll set off tomorrow. How are your preparations going?

Pemberton said: I'm almost ready, but I want to take Lian Na with me. Is that okay?

Is that your little girlfriend? No problem. This trip to the New World is not strictly for business. We will all live there in the future, and we will naturally bring our family members with us if we can.

Of course Jon would not object, he himself wanted to bring his family with him.

Pemberton breathed a sigh of relief: That's good, that's good.

After talking to Pemberton, Jon set off for Sakaski's office.

We are going to the New World tomorrow. Are you ready? Sakaski asked Jon while handling official business.

Jon said: Well, I'm almost ready here. Where is the person you arranged?

Sakaski said: This time you were just a pioneer, temporarily handling the affairs of the G1 branch base. You didn't bring much with you. You won't need to make a big splash when the real migration comes.

Although everyone in the Navy knows that the headquarters base will be relocated, everyone also knows that this cannot be completed in a short time. There are too many things to be busy with during the relocation process.

Jon, after you pass this time, you can put aside other things temporarily, but there is one thing that must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Oh, what's so important?

Clean up all the pirate forces around the G1 branch base. Soon, the G1 branch base will become the headquarters base. There must be no pirate forces around.

The headquarters base is the most important base of the navy. If the area around the headquarters base is occupied by pirate forces, how will the navy lose its face?

Jon nodded and said: I understand. Don't worry about this. After arriving in the new world, we will deal with those pirate forces as soon as possible.

Although the New World G1 Branch Base is the largest naval branch in the New World, there is still a big gap compared with the Navy Headquarters. It cannot be as peaceful and peaceful as the surroundings of the headquarters base.

Is there anything else you would like to ask?

Sakaski said: There are none for the time being. If there are any, I will contact you directly through the phone bug.


In the evening, Jon said goodbye to his acquaintances, and early the next morning, he left Marinevando on a warship.

This time the navy dispatched four large warships. After setting off from Marinevando, they quickly arrived at the Red Earth Continent, then changed ships from the Red Earth Continent and headed to the New World.

The whole process lasted two days, mainly because there were so many people this time. If it were just a few people like Jon, they would be able to reach the new world in one day.

On the way to the G1 branch base, Jon saw his father standing on the bow of the ship, looking at the sea.

Dad, why don't you rest in your room? Jon walked to his father Watson and asked.

Watson glanced at Jon, then still looked forward, with a serious expression.

I have been a soldier in the South China Sea all my life, and I have only been to the first half of the Grand Line once, but this is really my first time in this new world. I heard that this is the most chaotic sea area in the world, and the number of pirates far exceeds In other sea areas, the strong ones are also the best in the entire world, is that true?

Even if Wollson reaches the position of a naval admiral, it will only be in the South China Sea. For the Grand Line, his status and strength are really insignificant.

Regarding the chaotic sea area of ​​​​the New World, Watson has only heard of it before, but has never been there. Now that he is here, he will be somewhat curious.

Jon replied: You are right, the new world is indeed chaotic, and the strong people here are far more powerful than those in other sea areas. It is no exaggeration to say that any of the powerful pirates here can defeat just a few of them. All pirate forces sweeping across the four seas.”

There are a lot of pirates in the Four Seas, but their combat power cannot be compared with the powerful pirates in the New World. Not to mention the Four Pirate Emperors, even pirates at the level of emperor and deputy can sweep all pirates in the Four Seas.

This is a paradise for pirates, but it is also hell; similarly, for the navy, it is paradise and hell.

Watson said solemnly: Pirates are a source of chaos in this world. Jon, I know your abilities. If possible, I must get rid of those pirates.

Jon replied with a serious face: Dad, I know what to do, and I will definitely live up to your expectations.

You remember it best. If you kid behaves like a bastard again, I will beat you to death with my own hands. Watson threatened viciously.

Jon said helplessly: Dad, how could any father talk to his son like this? He would be beaten to death at every turn.

I can say whatever I want, what? Do you have any dissatisfaction with me?

No, no, it's whatever you say.

After another half day, Jon and his team finally arrived at the Navy G1 branch base.

Today, the base commander of the G1 branch of the navy has changed. From the original Ghost Spider, he has become the Flying Squirrel Lieutenant General. He has been at the G1 branch since the war.

Knowing that Jon and others would arrive today, Flying Squirrel had already made preparations. Before Jon and the others arrived, they were discovered by his people. After Jon arrived, he had already led his people to wait at the port. .

Admiral Jon.

Seeing Jon and others disembarking, Flying Squirrel immediately greeted him and complimented him: We haven't seen him for a few days, but General Jon's demeanor remains the same. It's really enviable.

Jon is definitely a legend in the entire Navy, not only because of his strength, but also his legend of immortality.

Anyone who is familiar with Jon knows that Jon is nearly fifty years old, but he looks to be in his early thirties. Although there is no shortage of people with good looks in this world, the aura and momentum cannot be changed. Jon is not looking at it. Look young, but truly young.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, I'm going to trouble you this time. Jon said politely.

The flying squirrel replied respectfully: General Jon is serious. It is my responsibility to cooperate with your actions. No need to worry. From today on, we will only follow your lead.

Although he is now the head of the G1 branch base, Jon is the general and his boss, and this time Sakaski also gave him an order, and he must obey Jon's order.

Jon smiled and said: Let's arrange for everyone to enter the base to rest and reorganize. We will discuss it later.

Yes, General Jon.

This time Jon brought thousands of people, but for the huge G1 branch, it was not difficult to arrange.

Jon followed the flying squirrel to the office, accompanied by Pemberton. As for Gion, he took the others to settle in.

Marshal Sakaski's order has been issued. He asked us to fully cooperate with you and obey your orders.

Jon nodded, without being polite, and said directly: Well, our next main task is to eliminate the pirates, and we must not let any mistakes occur in the migration process of our headquarters.

The army and warships are ready and ready to leave at any time, just waiting for your order, General Jon.

Thank you.

But I'm not in a hurry right now. Sharpening my sword will keep me from chopping wood. I want to first understand the current specific situation in the new world and see if anything major has happened recently.

Recently, he hasn't paid much attention to the New World, but only knows a little about the Whitebeard Pirates.

The flying squirrel looked solemn: A lot of big things did happen.

Tell me.

Jon drank tea and waited for the flying squirrel's narration.

The flying squirrel obviously had a plan in mind and answered quickly.

Since the war, many major events have indeed happened in the New World. Among them, the biggest movement is naturally the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates. Especially recently, the Big Mom Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are fighting again. The New World caused a huge stir.”

Jon said: I already know these things, is there anything else? What's going on with the Beasts Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates?

Flying Squirrel said: At the beginning, there was indeed movement among the Beasts Pirates, but there was a brief battle between the Red-haired Pirates and the Beasts Pirates, and then both sides calmed down.

Did the two parties fight again?

Jon was quite surprised. It seemed that Kaido, who had been stopped by Shanks once, did not give up. Shanks had obviously been on guard for a long time, but both sides obviously had their own concerns, so after a brief fight, Just leave each other.

But since the Red Haired Pirates and the Beasts Pirates are both calm, that's the best thing.

One more thing, there was a coup in the Kingdom of Dressrosa. Doflamingo of the Donquixote family sought power to usurp the throne and seized the power of Dressrosa. The Donquixote family officially occupied the Kingdom of Dressrosa. Resrosa.”

Doflamingo, this guy is quite fast.

When Jon heard the news, he was a little surprised. You must know that Doflamingo had just escaped from Impel Down City not long ago, and his forces had not yet recovered. He actually took the lead in attacking Dressrosa. He was really brave. big.

If something like this happens, won't the world government respond?

No, I don't know what Doflamingo did. The World Government actually acquiesced in his actions and did not let our navy arrest the Don Quixote family.


Jon sneered disdainfully. He was fully aware of the bad blood between the World Government and Doflamingo. If he hadn't acted quickly enough back then, I'm afraid Doflamingo would have been fine, let alone imprisoned. Impel the city.

But this is also a good opportunity for me. Dressrosa is also a member of the World Government. If it can win over me, it will be a big help.

Jon's eyes flashed, and he had already made a decision in his heart. When the time was right, he would take action. If he could take down Doflamingo once, he would be able to take down Doflamingo a second time.

There are many other pirate forces that have been making frequent moves recently. In short, the new world now has become more chaotic than in previous years, but in general, it has not completely lost control.

Jon said: It hasn't been that long. The consequences of the battle with Malinfando will have a great impact, and it's just the beginning.

He knew very well that the new world would become turbulent in the next two years, and the impact of Whitebeard's last words before his death was still huge.

By the way, General Jon, there is another piece of news that I think we should pay attention to.

I heard from my subordinates that I discovered a suspected big pirate from decades ago, who seemed to have escaped from Impel Down City.


Baroric Redfield!

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