My code name is Green Bull

Chapter 442 Fujitora goes out, Zefa is excited

After everything was discussed, the meeting finally ended, and the World Government officials left the naval base under the unfriendly eyes of Jon and others.

They left, but Jon and others did not leave, still staying in the conference room.

You have all heard what happened just now. What do you think?

Sakaski turned his eyes on everyone and asked.

The first one to speak was Zefa. He said coldly: I don't care about the others, but if that bastard Edward Weeble is allowed to join the King's Shichibukai, I will leave the navy immediately.

Sakaski frowned slightly. Although he didn't want the pirates to join the Shichibukai, Zefa's threatening tone made him quite dissatisfied.

In his opinion, personal grudges should not influence the navy's official affairs. Zefa's method of threatening to leave the navy is not the attitude a senior navy officer should have.

However, he was dissatisfied, and he did not show it. He just said: I will not let him join the Seven Martial Arts Under the King.

The matter of the King's Shichibukai and the transportation of heavenly gold can be ignored for the time being, but the matter of the revolutionary army must be dealt with as soon as possible. Do you think we should fully cooperate with them?

As he said that, Sakaski looked at Porusalino and Jon. The three of them were the most familiar, and they were secretly on the same boat. He definitely wanted to know what Jon and the others were thinking.

Porusalino saw the look in Sakaski's eyes, shrugged and said, I don't care.

Jon said: Since it is the order of the Five Old Stars, I'm afraid we can't deal with it.

Warring States agreed: What Jon said is right. Since Wulaoxing asked our navy to deal with the revolutionary army, it means that the intelligence this time is very accurate, and the threat from the revolutionary army is indeed huge. If we can give them a heavy blow, This opportunity cannot be passed up.”

Although Warring States is no longer a marshal, nor is he a general, he is just an advisor, but his status is very high. Even if Sakaski does not listen to his opinions, he will not refute them in public. The minimum respect is still required.

From the beginning to now, He has not said a word, as if the matter has nothing to do with her.

Sakaski looked at Yixiao, who was also silent, and said, Yixiao, what do you think?

Ah? Are you talking to me?

Because Fujitora can't see, others can't see his thoughts, and even his expressions are hard to distinguish.

When Yixiao heard Sakaski calling him, he was in a daze: I don't have any objections, but I always feel that the pirates are more harmful than the revolutionary army. As for whether to take action against the revolutionary army, I really don't know. , after all, I have never been in contact with them.

Although Yixiao can't see with his eyes, he can see clearly in his heart better than anyone else. He knows exactly what the nature of the revolutionary army is. However, now that he is working in the navy, it is of course impossible for him to work for the revolutionary army, so remaining neutral is the only thing he can do. Decide.

Sakaski pondered for a while, and then said: We must cooperate with their actions, and at least send someone who can control the situation, Jon, Porusalino, smile, you three Who is going?

In conjunction with the actions of other people in the World Government, if we don't send generals, I'm afraid we really won't be able to suppress those people.

Porusalino was the first to wave his hand: I'll forget it. I just accepted Jon's son as a disciple and I'm preparing to give him a good guide. I don't have time.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on Porusalino, and then looked at Jon suspiciously.

Zefa even frowned and said: Jon, how can you safely hand over your son to Porusalino? If you really don't have time to guide him, you can leave it to me. I will arrange for someone to take him and hand him over to Porusalino. Lino will only be led astray.

He has a deep relationship with Jon as master and apprentice, and he is naturally concerned about Jon's son. In his opinion, Porusalino is very unreliable. Jon giving his son to Porusalino as his disciple will only harm him. Simon.

Jon cursed in his heart, this guy Porusalino had refused in every possible way when he proposed it, but now that he was taking action, he used their father and son as a shield.

Teacher Zefa, Simon is majoring in swordsmanship. I'm not very good at that. It just so happened that he had some problems in his practice recently, so I asked Porusalino to guide him.

Since Porusalino won't go, then you will?

Sakaski didn't care about whether to accept a disciple or not, and asked Jon directly.

Jon spread his hands and said: You have also seen the attitude of those people towards me just now. If I take responsibility, there may be internal strife. I think it is better to let Yixiao go. It just so happens that since he became a general, He has never led troops to sea operations, and he has a much better personality than me, so he can definitely get along well with those people.

Mr. Jon, that's ridiculous. I can't compare to you. Yixiao said modestly, facing Jon's direction.

After hearing this, Sakaski felt that it was no problem. It would be the same no matter who he left it to. Yixiao was very strong and capable. His domineering attitude was very similar to that of Jon. He was also very efficient in finding and arresting people. high.

And Jon was right, his smile was much gentler. It would be best if he didn't conflict with those World Government officials, and it would save him trouble.

A smile, what do you think?

He smiled and replied calmly: If the marshal doesn't dislike me as a blind person, then I will naturally not refuse.

He didn't come to the navy just for fun. Now that a task was assigned to him, he certainly wouldn't refuse it.

Okay, then it's decided. With a smile, you will take people out to sea when the time comes.

After the decision was made, Sakaski called the meeting to an end.

After leaving the base building, Zefa walked to Jon and told Jon: Jon, arrange your spy to find Whitebeard II. Once there is news about him, inform me as soon as possible.

Jon nodded and said: Teacher Zefa, don't worry, leave this matter to me. If you find him, I will come back with his head and give it to you.

No, you don't need to take action. You just need to find him for me, and I will do it myself.

Looking at Zefa's firm expression, Jon could only agree: Okay, I understand, Teacher Zefa, I will find him as soon as possible.

After Zefa left, Porusalino walked to Jon calmly.

After all these years, Teacher Zefa still can't let go. Back then, he was known as a 'non-killing' general. He didn't expect that he would have such murderous intention towards a pirate. It seems that that incident really hit him hard. It’s really big.”

Jon snorted: Aren't you talking nonsense? You should know my relationship with Teacher Zefa. Don't make up for him in front of me.

Porusalino shrugged and said: You can't blame me. He takes the initiative to trouble me every time. We are all students in the same period. Why is he always targeting me but being so nice to you? Me too To save face.

Okay, since you talk so much nonsense, come back with me to find Simon. You don't have to do anything else. Please solve Simon's problem for me first.

I know, you are clearly asking me to do something, but you are still so bossy.

Just when Jon and Polusalino were about to leave, Fujitora suddenly caught up with him from behind.

Mr. Jon.

Jon stopped and said, Mr. Yixiao, are you calling me for something?

Yixiao said with a smile: It's nothing, I just have a question to ask Mr. Jon.

No problem, Mr. Yixiao, please ask.

It seems to me that Mr. Jon is very dissatisfied with the system of King Shichibukai?

Upon hearing this question, Jon's eyes narrowed immediately, because according to his understanding of the original work, this Fujitora Isho was very dissatisfied with the Oshichichibukai, and even tried his best to promote the abolition of the Oshichichibukai at the World Conference.

Mr. Yixiao is right. I personally am very dissatisfied with the system of King Shichibukai.

Yixiao asked: If you are dissatisfied, then why did you establish the King's Shichibukai in the first place? As far as I know, it seems that several of the original Shichibukai were recruited by Mr. Jon.

Jon smiled casually and said: Although I was very unhappy with those officials just now, one thing they said was right. Sometimes you are dissatisfied, but it does not mean you can refuse. As a soldier, obeying orders is the first day. Even though I am a general, I have to compromise sometimes, so do you understand?

Yixiao nodded and said: I understand. Mr. Qiaoen understands justice and I admire him. After I have asked my questions, I will leave first.

Jon watched and left with a smile.

Porusalino smiled and said: This guy is quite interesting, he actually came to test your tone.

Jon said solemnly: Don't underestimate him. This person is really unfathomable. My domineering power cannot hear any voice or emotion about him.

Porusalino's expression suddenly became solemn, and he asked in a voice that only they could hear: Then he will?

do not talk.

Jon stopped Porusalino from continuing and shook his head at him. Porusalino immediately understood what Jon meant and stopped asking any more questions.

After returning home, Jon immediately called Simon out and asked him to practice with Porusalino.

The next day, Fujitora smiled and led several warships to leave the headquarters base. This was the first large-scale operation since the Navy headquarters base moved to the new world.

But this time they were not dealing with pirates, but with the revolutionary army that was gradually starting to make a fuss.

Speaking of which, after the War on the Top, except for the big quarrel between the Big Mom Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, the New World, although still fighting for the position of the last Four Pirate Emperors, has already entered the stage of the previous one. Such turmoil.

But it's different outside the new world. Pirate forces are still emerging. In addition to pirate forces, the revolutionary army is also very active.

In just this year, the Revolutionary Army has successively launched revolutionary uprisings in four countries, and all of them have had extremely significant impacts. If it were not for the efforts of the world government to control them, the Revolutionary Army's momentum would probably be even greater.

The World Government couldn't bear it anymore and didn't want the revolutionary army to develop like this anymore, so it went all out to pursue it, and that's why this large-scale operation was launched.

A few days after Fujitora Isho and the others left, they returned to the headquarters base again.

The process of encircling and suppressing the revolutionary army was also known to the top brass of the navy.

This time the encirclement and suppression of the Revolutionary Army was relatively smooth, and important figures of the Revolutionary Army were indeed discovered and a large number of Revolutionary Army personnel were captured. However, it is a pity that the biggest big fish, the Chief of General Staff of the Revolutionary Army, escaped. , did not really shake the foundation of the revolutionary army.

But at least it was a heavy blow to the revolutionary army. According to Yixiao, the people in the World Government are quite satisfied.

Regarding this matter, Jon just laughed it off. No matter how many revolutionary personnel were captured, the foundation of the revolutionary army would not be shaken if Dorag was not captured. Not to mention Dorag, even the army commanders If no one is caught, there is no victory at all.

Time flies by, and months pass by in the blink of an eye.

Jon hurriedly came to the No. 6 training camp at the headquarters base. This is a newly established training camp, mainly used by students of the headquarters military academy. The person in charge here is Zefa, the chief instructor of the navy headquarters.

When he came here, he naturally came to see Zefa.

After taking a look at the training ground and finding no sign of Zefa, Jon immediately went to Zefa's office.

Admiral Jon.

As soon as he arrived at Zefa's office, he saw a female soldier walking over and shouting respectfully at him.

It's you, Ai Yin, is Teacher Zefa here?

Teacher Zefa is here, do you need me to report it to you?

No, I'll go directly.

If it were anyone else, Ain would definitely stop him, but she would not, because Jon is one of the few people who can pass by without notifying him.

Zefa was looking at the information of this class of students in his office. When he saw Jon knocking on the door and coming in, he immediately smiled and said: Jon is here, sit down first.

Because of Jon, Zefa did not set up a pirate hunting team as in the original work, but remained at the Navy Headquarters as the chief instructor and continued to teach students.

Jon sat down opposite Zefa and said with a serious face: Teacher Zefa, you have already figured out what you have asked me to do.

Zefa's eyes lit up and he asked eagerly: Is it about that pirate?

Jon nodded and said, Well, it's the 'Whitebeard II' Edward Weibull. My people have discovered his traces.

Speaking of Weibull, Jon is actually quite confused, because according to the original work, Weibull should have cleaned up the pirate groups affiliated with the Whitebeard Pirates some time after the War on the Top, so he was very concerned about it before. Confidently promised Zefa that Weibull would be found soon.

But what puzzled him was that things didn't develop like the original work at all. He didn't know whether it was because Weibull and his old lady who didn't know the truth were afraid of the power of the Whitebeard Pirates and didn't take action, or for other reasons. Anyway, until now So far, they have not appeared so much that Jon can't find them at all.

The new world is really too big, and Jon has given full authority to his intelligence agency to Lafitte. He did not rely on his own intelligence agency, but only relied on the intelligence capabilities of the navy. It is indeed difficult to operate in such a large sea area as the new world. Find someone accurately.

It took several months before he finally got useful information.

Very good.

Zefa stood up excitedly, with excitement on his face. He had been suffering for so many years. He could not care about his arms, but he could not forget that because of his negligence, he killed a boatload of students and soldiers.

He had always wanted revenge, but Kunai couldn't find Whitebeard II, so he could only endure it. Now that he finally got the news, he couldn't bear it anymore.

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