My code name is Green Bull

Chapter 445 Goodbye Barrett, the new Shichibukai

On the coast, a figure was running towards the forest of plants created by Jon at an extremely fast speed.

This man rushed out from the pirate ship of the Whitebeard Pirates. He was a long way away from where Jon and the others were, but with his speed, he had already rushed to the plants that descended from the Flower and Tree World in a few minutes. Forest edge.

He had a very clear direction, jumped up onto the huge tree, and then headed straight to where Jon and the others were.


After Jon sensed this person, he kept watching him. When the person landed on a tree not far from him, his expression suddenly became a little nostalgic and complicated.

It's you, Douglas Barrett. It's really hard for you to escape from Impel Down.

Leanes Jon.

The person who came was none other than Barrett. After seeing Jon, his eyes burst out with cold murderous intent and he stared at Jon.

Barrett was deeply impressed by Jon. When he was attacked by the Navy's Demon-Slaying Order, he was ultimately defeated and captured. Jon played a vital role in this.

Although Jon's strength was very strong at the beginning, there was still a certain gap compared to him. But now more than twenty years have passed, and Jon is no longer the uninfluential naval admiral he was. He is General Green Bull. Although there is not much difference in military rank, his status and prestige are no longer the same.

Jon looked at Barrett and said: I heard before that you helped the Whitebeard Pirates to deal with Big Mom. I still thought it was strange. Why would someone like you help the Whitebeard Pirates? Now I see I understand somewhat that you appeared here, it must be related to this 'Fire Fist', right?

He had guessed before that Barrett's help to the Whitebeard Pirates was probably related to Ace, but now, he was absolutely sure.

Barrett said coldly: It has nothing to do with you. I wasn't ready to take action against your navy at first, but now that you appear in front of me, let's settle the accounts of the year.

Jon smiled contemptuously and said: Barrett, it seems that your brain was really damaged after being imprisoned in Impel Down City, and you can no longer recognize the reality. Do you still think this was more than 20 years ago?

Ace quickly came behind Barrett and said: Barrett, this guy Green Bull is difficult to deal with. Let's retreat first.

Barrett turned his head and looked at Ace coldly: I am not your crew member. If you want to teach me how to do things, wait until you are able to defeat me.

Ace's face turned dark. He then realized that the Barrett in front of him was not under his control. There was not even cooperation between them. If Barrett didn't listen to him, there was nothing he could do. .

Jon looked at this scene with a smile. Although he didn't know the special relationship between Barrett and Ace, he still knew Barrett relatively well. With Barrett's unruly nature, the white-bearded sea There is simply no one in the thieves group who can suppress him.

Barrett's eyes turned to Jon again: I was able to defeat you more than 20 years ago, and I can still do it now. The last battle with that old woman didn't make me happy, so I will attack you this time.

If he wants to find the strongest path, he will naturally not be afraid of any opponent. Jon's name is so big that he is qualified to be an opponent. Only by defeating such an opponent can he feel his strength and progress.


Jon smiled slightly. It was indeed an accident to meet the Whitebeard Pirates this time. In addition to Ace and Bista, there was also a Barrett.

Originally I was just planning to catch Weibull, but I didn't expect accidents to happen one after another.

If there were only Ace and Bista, Jon would have a great chance of catching them as long as he spent some time. But now that there is an extra Barrett, it would take a lot of energy and time to catch them. It's completely different.

As he spoke, the trees around Barrett and the others immediately grew wildly, and the branches whipped towards Barrett and Ace like whips.

The battle broke out instantly.

Jon fights one against three. Barret, Ace and Bista are all famous pirates in the new world, and their strength is first-rate. With such a combination, even Jon must fight with all his strength. Go ahead and don't dare to be careless at all.

Barrett's fighting style is still not much different from that of the past. When he comes up and directly uses physical skills to fight Jon, Jon will naturally not be afraid and also use physical skills to fight back.

Back then, his physical skills were indeed not as good as Barrett's, but his ability was stronger; but after so many years of training, his body has been continuously transformed by plant energy, and his physical fitness has definitely reached the top level in the world.

As your physical fitness becomes stronger and your combat experience becomes rich enough, your physical skills will naturally become more powerful.

In terms of physical fitness, strength, speed, etc., Jon was no worse than Barrett. Therefore, during the close combat, instead of falling into a disadvantage, he relied on the trees and plants controlled by his ability to gain a slight upper hand.

But this advantage soon disappeared, because Ace and Bista never thought about letting the two of them duel. After Jon and Barrett took action, the two of them also attacked from the side, and Ace destroyed Plant, Bista used double swords to chop and attack in a sneak attack.

For a moment, Jon was trapped in a situation where three people were besieging him.

For ordinary people, two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands, but Jon is not an ordinary person. Even when he was besieged by three people, he still did not fall into decline. While resisting the attacks of three people, he also fought back from time to time.

One against three, Jon was not at a disadvantage at all.

It's just that although they are not at a disadvantage, they do not have an advantage. The strength of these three people is indeed very strong. Without using all his abilities, Jon can't do anything to them.

While Jon and Barrett were fighting, Zefa's battle with Weibull and his son was also heating up.

The three masters and apprentices Zefa, Ain and Binz cooperated tacitly. Although Weibull was very strong, his mother Bajin was too weak in combat. Under the siege of Zefa and the others, she had already It was difficult to resist. If no accident happened, they would lose sooner or later.

This battle lasted for several hours, and half of the island was destroyed by the battle. The momentum was astonishing.

As a result of the battle, Zefa captured Edward Weeble alive, while Barrett, Ace and the Whitebeard Pirates took advantage of the chaos to escape.

Jon did not continue to pursue. Although Ace and Bista were both seriously injured by him, and Barrett was not much better, he was not unscathed either. The plants around the island were absorbed by him.

He still had the strength to chase down the Whitebeard Pirates, but he didn't do that, because even if he caught up, he might not be able to kill them all. After all, fighting at sea and fighting on land are different situations. It was very risky for him to pursue alone.

Also, Zefa was injured in order to capture Weibull alive. When he came to help him, he was injured by Barrett again. There was no way he could leave Zefa and others to pursue him.

So in the end, Jon gave up chasing Ace and others, and instead followed Zefa and others to wait on the warship, preparing to return to the Navy headquarters base.

After this battle, Jon had a better understanding of the strength of Ace and others. Barrett has indeed improved compared to more than 20 years ago, but the progress is limited. This may be due to his development from Impel Down. It's only been more than a year since I escaped.

Ace's strength has also improved very quickly. It is much stronger than during the Supreme War. Although it is still far behind him, his combat power can be said to have reached the level of associate general, and he is placed in the Yonko Pirates. , can also serve as the deputy of the emperor.

If it weren't for Barrett this time, he would definitely be able to catch all the Whitebeard Pirates in one fell swoop, and even Ace and Bista wouldn't be able to escape.

Although Zefa hated Weibull deeply, after he really captured Weibull, he did not execute him. He just took Weibull back to his base and stopped caring about him.

Weibull was originally one of the pirates that the World Government wanted to contact, but after Sakaski knew that Weibull had been captured by Zefa, he didn't say much, let alone the World Government officials who came to question him, and directly ordered him to be arrested. Weibull and his son were imprisoned in Impel Down City.

After this incident, Zefa seemed to have let go of his worries, became much more energetic, and once again devoted himself to education, which completely reassured Jon.

Weibull was captured, but the actions of the World Government did not stop. They soon contacted several pirates and lured them to join the Seven Seas of the King.

The first one to agree to join the Shichibukai was Bucky the Clown, who had appeared many times during the war.

Bucky is definitely a real pirate, but because he once served on the Roger Pirates, he naturally has a certain reputation. In addition, he has a group of prisoners who escaped from Impel Down under his command. That's why the world government chose him.

Facing the World Government's invitation, Bucky didn't hesitate at all and agreed directly.

For Bucky, it was actually a bit difficult to get off. At first, he just wanted to go to Marineland to pretend, but in the end he pretended to be big. He could no longer get rid of the prisoners. In the end, he could only make mistakes, integrate these prisoners, and establish His own pirate force.

Joining the Shichibukai now would bring no harm to him.

Donquixote Doflamingo also joined the Shichibukai.

This pirate, who had been imprisoned in Impel Down for more than ten years, took control of the Kingdom of Dressrosa many years later. Relying on his background, he successfully obtained the identity of the King's Shichibukai.

In addition to Bucky and Doflamingo, there is also a new pirate who joined the Shichibukai and also escaped from Impel Down.

‘The King of Evil’ Aballo Pizarro!

This big pirate was originally recruited into the Blackbeard Pirates by Blackbeard. However, the Blackbeard Pirates were broken up by Jon during the War at the Top. After Blackbeard died, the Pirates naturally dispersed.

At that time, he finally saved his life and escaped from the evil king of Marine Fando. After causing a bloody storm in the Grand Line, he finally joined the Shichibukai.

The last newcomer to join the Shichibukai is a great pirate who has just emerged in the new world a few years ago. He is a user with animal devil fruit abilities.

The reason why this person joined the Shichibukai was actually not his intention, but because he was being hunted down by the Beast Pirates and was in a panic, so he had to join the Shichibukai, hoping to get the protection of the World Government and the Navy.

In this way, together with the original Hawkeye, the Pirate Empress and Katarina Daipon, the Shichibukai under the King actually recovered seven people after the war at the top.

The completion of the King's Shichibukai has caused quite a stir in the Grand Line. Although the King's Shichibukai is far inferior to the Four Pirate Emperors, none of them are simple enough to scare most pirates. .

The completion of the Shichibukai, the establishment of the Three Pirate Emperors, the powerful Whitebeard Pirates, and the Navy Headquarters that had moved into the New World for more than a year, actually made the new world's landscape become particularly peaceful. Even the pirate forces who wanted to compete for the position of the last pirate emperor no longer started the war with great fanfare.

There is indeed no shortage of powerful pirate groups in the new world, but except for the Three Pirate Emperors, there is really no other pirate group that can defeat the powerful Whitebeard Pirates.

However, the Whitebeard Pirates do not have a powerful pirate emperor who can suppress the New World. Naturally, they cannot stand side by side with the other three pirate emperors. The Whitebeard Pirates are not qualified to become the Yonko Pirates. group.

As for Barrett, the pirate who helped the Whitebeard Pirates block Big Mom, was not recognized by other pirates in the New World. No one thought he was qualified to stand alongside the other three emperors, and Whitebeard Naturally, it is impossible for the pirate group to appoint Barrett as captain.

Because of these factors, the Whitebeard Pirates have become a relatively unique pirate force. They are below the Three Pirate Emperors, but surpass the pirate forces of other pirate groups.

Navy headquarters!

I'm really tired these days, Jon, you have to compensate me well.

Sitting in a tavern near the headquarters, Porusalino complained to Jon.

What compensation do you want?

Jon was drinking with a smile on his face. He was in a good mood. Ever since he handed Simon over to Porusalino, he could clearly feel the changes in Simon to this day.

In more than half a year, after being trained by Porusalino, Simon has abandoned the double-sword style and changed to the one-sword style, and has made rapid progress. Even if Jon is not good at swordsmanship, he can clearly feel Simon's changes and progress.

For this, Jon was naturally very grateful to Porusalino, otherwise, Simon would not have known how many detours he would have taken.

As I say, Jon, just give him some money and forget it. This guy is the most greedy of money.

Pemberton, who was sitting on one side, suggested to Jon with a smile.

Pepperton, get out of here, I'm not talking to you.

Porusalino snorted in displeasure. Now he felt uncomfortable when he saw Pemberton. How could this guy marry a young and beautiful girl? But he had been looking for a long time and still couldn't find the right woman. Especially when I think of the grand wedding held by Pemberton a few months ago, I feel even more unbalanced.

I called Jon here today, why are you following me? Why don't you go back and create humans quickly? It's been almost half a year, and there's still no movement. Are you okay?

Pemberton, who was smiling at first, immediately turned his back when he heard this.

Porusalino, can you speak human language? Seven times in one night, I can't?

Porusalino sneered disdainfully: Seven times? Who can't brag? If you are so powerful, why haven't you seen anything yet? I heard recently that your old mother is asking people everywhere to find remedies. Could it be that I Misheard?

Pemberton's old face suddenly turned red. This incident was not made by Porusalino, it was a fact.

Since his wedding, his parents have lived at the headquarters base. These two elderly couples have always been looking forward to their grandson.

But Pemberton has been married for such a long time, and his wife's stomach still doesn't respond. This makes his mother unable to sit still. Recently, she has been asking people everywhere to find solutions and remedies.

Ordinary soldiers may not know about this, but among the senior officers of the headquarters, it has already spread throughout the world.

Okay, Porusalino, just don't open or pick up any of the pots.

Jon rolled his eyes at Porusalino, then patted Pemberton on the shoulder, advising: Don't rush this kind of thing, let it take its course, don't put too much pressure on yourself, sometimes what you desperately want is The time just doesn’t exist, and it will suddenly come when you are unprepared, so don’t be anxious, calm down, and go back and do it a few more times.”


Porusalino sneered when he saw Jon trying to persuade Pemberton, but when he heard Jon's last words, he spit out a sip of wine and sprayed Pemberton in the face.

Pemberton yelled angrily: Jon, Porusalino, both of you, get out of here...

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