My code name is Green Bull

Chapter 447 Shocked and Stunned Rayleigh

"The last time we met was also at the Chambord Islands. In the blink of an eye, two years have passed. Lei Li, I wonder how much strength you still have left?"

Looking at Rayleigh who was a little older than he was two years ago, Jon asked with a questioning tone.

Lei Li laughed loudly and said: "You came to me today, you definitely didn't come to see how much strength I have left, but if you really want to know, you might as well give it a try."

Jon said calmly: "There's no need to do anything."

"Since you are not going to take action, then explain your purpose of coming. A big shot like you will definitely not come to a bad old man like me for no reason."

"If even 'Pluto' Rayleigh is a bad old man, then the world will be in chaos."

Jon sat up straight as he spoke, stared at Reilly, and said slowly: "I came here specifically to find you. I do have something to say."

Rayleigh took a sip of wine and his expression became very serious. He knew that the Green Bull was looking for him for bad reasons, but he didn't think he could do anything to help Jon, so he was really confused.

"If I said that I came here today to recruit you, would you believe it?"


Rayleigh was stunned for a moment, without even twisting the wine bottle, and looked at Jon in disbelief.

"Are you here to recruit me? You asked me to join the navy. Is your joke too much? Hahaha..."

Not to mention Rayleigh, even Xia Qi was confused. Her first reaction was that Jon was joking and playing tricks on them.

The admiral recruits the crew members of the former Pirate King. This can really make people laugh to death.

But Rayleigh smiled, and when he saw Jon's solemn expression, his laughter stopped suddenly and he swallowed.

"Hey, Green Bull, are you serious?"

Jon smiled: "It is true that I am recruiting you, but I am not recruiting you on behalf of the navy, but on behalf of myself, which is my personal last wish."

"Are you recruiting me personally? Why, you, a naval admiral, still want to secretly train private soldiers? Even if you train private soldiers, you should not recruit me, an old man. I dare to believe you, but do you dare to believe me?"

Rayleigh shook his head contemptuously. He really couldn't figure out Jon's mind now. This admiral with a special resume, his ideas were too wild, right?

Jon said: "I don't have to trust you. As long as we have the same purpose, of course there is a chance to cooperate."

Upon hearing this, Rayleigh's expression suddenly changed, and he asked bitterly: "Can I not listen?"

"Of course not. I've traveled thousands of miles to make this trip. If you don't even let me finish what I'm saying, do you think I'll just leave like that?"

"Well, it seems I have no room for refusal. Tell me, I'm actually very curious as to why you want to recruit me and what kind of cooperation you want to have."

Lei Li knew that he couldn't refuse, but he did it simply. He didn't refuse anymore, but pretended to listen.

But Jon did not speak immediately, but said quietly: "Then you have to think about it carefully. What I want to say will be shocking. If I say it later and you refuse, today Here, one of us will surely perish."

When Rayleigh and Xia Qi heard Jon's murderous words, their hearts trembled. They were indeed frightened, because Jon didn't look like he was joking at all.

Before Lei Li could speak, Xia Qi spoke first and said, "Green Bull, don't bully others too much. We don't want to listen to you anymore. Please leave here."

Jon turned his head with cold eyes: "Mrs. Xia Qi, I'm afraid you don't know me very well. I've always been very domineering. Now that I'm here, I must achieve my goal. The reminder just now is just to prepare you mentally in advance. , instead of letting you choose by yourself.”

Rayleigh's face also turned cold: "Green Bull, this is not your way of negotiating. Although you already know that we are here, even if we can't defeat you, you may not be able to stop us if we want to leave. .”

Jon said: "I may not be able to stop you, but I can still keep Mrs. Xia Qi's words."

"Lvniu, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Xia Qi was furious and glanced at the sugar in front of her: "Don't forget, you are not the only one here. This little girl should be very important to you, right?"

If she was dealing with others, she would definitely not use such despicable methods, but facing Jon, if a fight really broke out, she would definitely use all means.

Jon didn't show any panic at all, and said calmly: "Do you think it's not nice at all for me to bring her without anyone else when I come here this time?"

Xia Qi's pupils shrank, and she immediately looked warily at Granu, who was still chewing the lollipop, and thought to herself: Is there really anything special about this little girl?


Rayleigh suddenly interrupted the conversation between Jon and Xia Qi, and asked Jon with a bad expression: "It seems that we really have no choice. In this case, tell us your purpose and stop talking. This is all innocuous nonsense.”

Although he was very unhappy to be threatened by Jon in person, Rayleigh still didn't want to fall out with Jon, because he knew very well how powerful Jon was, and he didn't want to fight Jon unless it was absolutely necessary.

"very good."

Jon nodded with satisfaction and said: "It seems that we have reached an initial agreement, so you have to listen carefully, because what I say next will probably scare you, so be mentally prepared. "

"Huh, I've lived longer than you. What big scene has I never seen before that would scare you?" Xia Qi said sarcastically unhappily.

Jon ignored Xia Qi, but looked at Reilly, and continued: "As I just said, I want to recruit you, but if you are unwilling to submit to me, then the next best thing can be done. cooperate."

"As for what I want you to help do, in one sentence, it is earth-shaking. I want you to follow me and work together to overthrow the Celestial Dragon clan that has ruled the world for eight hundred years."



Lei Li's wine bottle fell directly to the ground, and Xia Qi even kicked over the stool behind the bar. Their expressions became extremely exciting.

Rayleigh opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses. Then he swallowed and looked at Jon in disbelief: "Did I hear you right? What you just said was that you want to overthrow the Celestial Dragon clan and the World government?”

Jon corrected: "You are wrong. The only ones I want to overthrow are the Celestial Dragons, not the World Government."

"Wait a minute, Green Bull, I'm sure now that there must be something wrong with my ears."

Rayleigh is also a well-informed person. As the right wrist of the Pirate King, he has never seen anything like this. But when he heard these words from Jon, he was still shocked and couldn't believe it.

"No, you heard it right. What I want to do is to overthrow the Tianlong clan. You should hear it clearly now."

Jon repeated his words again, which was also the purpose of coming to Raleigh.

"According to my understanding, the reason why Roger wanted to find Ralph Drew was because he wanted the truth about this world. And you must have known a lot by following him, so I think it shouldn't be difficult for you to understand me. mean."

Reilly immediately waved his hand and said: "No, no, no, it's not a concept at all. You've misunderstood; I already understand what you mean. Well, I only have one sentence."

"It's unbelievable, unbelievable, or more accurately, you're crazy."

Of course it was crazy. A naval admiral actually said that he wanted to overthrow the Celestial Dragon clan, and he also wanted to invite a former pirate like him to join him. This was so fucking ridiculous.

Jon shrugged and said: "Maybe you are crazy, but this is not the answer I want. I just want to know if you are willing to join my camp and complete this goal with me."

Reilly picked up the flask again and poured wine into his mouth. He wanted to take a sip of wine to calm down his shock, but when he reached his mouth, he realized that almost all the wine had been spilled, with only a few drops left.

Jon didn't press, waiting patiently for Raleigh's answer, but the muscles in his whole body were already tense, and he would take action as soon as Raleigh made any move.

"old man?"

Xia Qi looked at Lei Li who was deep in thought, feeling nervous and anxious in her heart. She could understand Lei Li's nervousness. No one else would be better than them in such a big and earth-shattering matter.

Rayleigh, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly asked: "You joined the Revolutionary Army and joined forces with Dorag?"

"No, the Revolutionary Army is the Revolutionary Army, I am me, and I have not joined forces with Dorag. He has his goals, and I have mine. We are not the same people."

"But what you want to do is consistent with the goals of the Revolutionary Army."

"You are wrong. I just want to overthrow the Tianlong clan. I have not thought about destroying the world government. The ideals of the revolutionary army are too 'great', so we are not the same."

Rayleigh understood what Jon meant. The Revolutionary Army wanted to overthrow the world government, liberate the world, and establish a new order.

And Jon just wants to overthrow the Draco, but still retain the world government system, which can be regarded as removing its dross, but not completely destroying it.

Of the two methods, he couldn't tell which one was better, but no matter which one it was, it was not that easy to do.

"To be honest, I have absolutely no idea why you, a naval admiral, would have such thoughts. Even if you tell me face to face, I still can't believe it now."

"But I think you already believe it, don't you?"

Lei Li smiled bitterly and said: "Indeed, I do believe it. There is a Dorag in front of me, and one more of you doesn't seem to be so difficult to accept. But I really can't understand why you suddenly have such a problem." Idea, and your idea shouldn’t be a decision made overnight, you must have already started preparing for it, right?”

Jon said: "If you want to overthrow the Celestial Dragon clan, how can you succeed if you are not fully prepared? What I want is success, not death."

"As for why you have such an idea, it should not be difficult for you to understand. The status of a naval admiral is high enough, and he can understand too many secrets. He has a better understanding of the nature of this world and the darkness hidden underneath. After discovering these , everyone will make a choice.”

"And I just made a different choice from everyone else. If you put it this way, you should understand."

Reilly nodded and said: "I understand. If what you said is true, then you have indeed made a different choice. Apart from other things, I actually admire you now. You really are. A different person.”

"Now that you know this and have thought about it for so long, you should be able to make a decision, right? Don't say shirk. You know very well that I will not give you more time to think about it." Jon asked again.

Reilly still didn't answer questions and continued to ask: "I know you are very confident, but you told me everything. Are you really not afraid that if we refuse and escape, you will announce everything and let everyone know that you are not afraid?" Are you beyond redemption?"

All the movements of Rayleigh and Xia Qi were under Jon's watchful eye. Just now, Xia Qi had made a small move, but before he could make a move, Rayleigh stopped Xia Qi with a look, which prevented the two sides from fighting. .

Now that he was sure there was no problem, Jon continued the conversation patiently.

"Confidence is indeed a point, but more importantly, I am not afraid of your rejection. To take a step back, even if I let you escape as you said, and you announced everything afterwards, do you think it will Does anyone believe what you say?"

"I am an admiral and you are pirates. Will the people in the World Government believe you or me?"


Jon waved to Sanduang, who immediately came over and sat down next to him.

"Do you know why I have to take her with me when I'm doing such an important thing?"

Rayleigh looked at the harmless sugar with doubts in his eyes. He really didn't understand why Jon would bring this seemingly useless little girl here.

"Why? Is she some kind of special ability user?"

Jon praised: "As expected of Mr. Reilly, you hit the nail on the head. You are right. Sugar is indeed an ability user, and a very terrifying ability user."

"Although Sugar has little fighting power, her fruit ability is very terrifying. It can turn people she comes into contact with into the toys she wants. People who know and are related to the target of turning into toys will lose their connection with turning into toys. No one will know about 'all' memories of the subject's time together, and even if the records may be discovered, no one will be suspicious."

"In other words, as long as the person who is touched by her and turned into a toy is still alive, no one will remember him because he essentially no longer exists."

After listening to Jon's narration, Rayleigh and Xia Qi both had their pupils constricted and looked at Granu in shock. They never thought that this seemingly harmless little girl would have such terrifying abilities.

Reilly even asked: "Are you already prepared that if we reject you, you will use her and turn us into toys?"

Jon smiled and said: "Yes, this is indeed the worst plan. Let me tell you another secret. Do you know why I suddenly lost my position as admiral? The reason you know is not the real reason. What really makes me The reason why I lost my position as general was actually because I captured a Celestial Dragon, and then everything that followed happened."

Rayleigh stood up in shock and pointed at Jon: "Could it be that you..."

"Yes, the original Tianlong has become a toy. By the way, you should also know what happened back then, but you don't remember it now."

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