I'm really sorry. It's been rainy and gloomy lately, and my whole body hurts so much. Plus, I've been out of shape recently, and my writing has been really bad. Also, I've been busy with the plot of a new book, and my mind is very confused, so I'm taking a few days off to recover. .

To be honest, it is really not easy to write Green Bull until now. It is only with everyone's support that Lao Xue slowly writes it. Since it was put on the shelves, Lao Xue has rarely asked for leave, and I really can't bear it these two days. , I will ask for leave, please forgive me.

However, Lao Xue's writing skills are not very good. When it came to the end, it collapsed a bit. Please take a few days off, take a good rest, and think about the ending seriously.

As for the new book, I originally planned to upload it this month. After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to write about pirates. However, this time I am not going to write about the navy. I am going to change the route.

I don’t know if the new book will satisfy everyone, but this new book has been prepared by Lao Xue for the longest time, and he thinks he is also the most attentive. I will tell you the details when the book is released. I hope that my book friends will always support Lao Xue. , and can continue to support it! ! !

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