After confirming once again that there is no danger in the classroom, Deng Jun led people to the next classroom, but even after searching the entire classroom on the first floor, Deng Jun and the others did not Find any signs of life.

At this time, a soldier of Deng Jun’s squad member loudly shouted as if he had discovered something.

“Captain! Look here, there is a trace of someone locked up here, do you want to break it open and check it”

Deng Jun looked for his voice and looked towards what the team member said The storage room, this storage room can clearly see the traces of human being locked, the handles of the entire storage room are tightly locked together by the iron chain, it looks like there is something terrifying in the storage room Same as monster.

Maybe it was the sound of Deng Jun’s communication that disturbed the creatures inside. The door of the storage room began to shake violently. It seemed that something was hitting the door from the storage room. , This made Deng Jun and several people instinctively raised their guns in fright.

Just a few minutes later, maybe because it was too quiet outside, the door of the storage room didn’t shake anymore, and it calmed down.

Looking at this situation, Deng Jun directly made a retreat gesture, and then began to slowly leave the storage room with a few people.

After leaving the storage room, Deng Jun spoke to the other team members.

“Our main task is to rescue the survivors here. As for other situations, don’t care about it. It is important to rescue the survivors!”


In this way, Deng Jun and the others ignored the storage room locked by the chain and started to climb to the Second Layer. After reaching the Second Layer, Deng Jun and the others discovered the unusual here, because 2- There are fallen corpses everywhere in the Layer. Although it is not clear what happened, it is certain that these fallen corpses did not turn into zombies, but died when they were still humans.

Deng Jun stepped forward and began to examine the corpse here.

“Looking at the degree of flatulence of the corpse and the situation in the corpse class, these people should have been dead not long, at least not more than 24 hours, and the way these people died does not look like suicide. It means that someone killed them on purpose”

Speaking of this, Deng Jun was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head, began to quickly observe the surroundings, and then directly fixed his eyes on a camera.

As soon as he saw the camera, Deng Jun immediately stood up and fired a few shots at the camera. The camera was basically impossible to guard against the bullets, so it was scrapped.

The gunfire also attracted Zhao Zilong and several people who were searching on the other side. Zhao Zilong and several people quickly gave up and continued the search, and ran directly in the direction where the gunfire sounded at the fastest speed.

“What’s the matter with Captain? Did something happen?”

“You just came here, I think we were tricked, even the head was tricked”

“What do you mean? What is being tricked?”

“All of this is a scam, a scam set up specifically to play on us, come with me!”

Speaking, Deng Jun led everyone to the locked storage room on the first floor. After reaching the storage room on the first floor, Deng Jun started to destroy the locked chain without saying a word. .

Because there is no professional tool, Deng Jun can only use a rifle to shoot at the iron chain, and the iron chain is directly broken into two sections, and then the chain is split into two chains without the slightest hesitation. Opened the locked door.

After the gate was opened, what appeared in front of everyone was a hell-like scene. A group of children under the age of thirteen were all tied together, with one hand and foot taken. The slender rope is tied tightly.

Among them, little girls make up the majority, only a few little boys, and they are not more than ten years old.

And these children’s faces and bodies have obvious traces of beatings. Most of the children’s faces have black palm handprints and they are not decently swollen.

There are also a few little girls who lie on the ground with lifeless eyes. When Deng Jun looked towards them, his body trembles obviously, and then he opens his eyes like a machine. leg.

The violent shaking just now was actually formed by a small child leaning against the door, hitting the door with his thin body.

Seeing this scene, Deng Jun directly guessed what happened here before. Deng Jun flushed his eyes directly and made his right hand fiercely and smashed it against the wall next to him. , And then shouted.

“The beasts of the worst than a pig!! Look what! Save people!”


Everyone in the rescue team, hurry up I took out the originally prepared blanket and directly covered the naked child lying on the ground, and then started one after another to untie the ropes that bound his hands and feet, and the children who were rescued should also understand what they are seeing. This group of people came to save them.

So these half-old children started to cry silently, but no one made a sound, even the little girls who opened their legs, although they were crying silently, But there was still no sound.

Deng Jun, who saw this scene, felt even more distressed, but he couldn’t comfort them at all. He couldn’t even say the phrase “are you okay”, he could only say one sentence.

“You are safe, I will take you home”

Maybe because of the word home, the children finally stopped being silent, but began to cry. It took less than a few seconds for two people to cry together with everyone.

“Cry, cry, at least you can survive”


After ten minutes, Deng Jun and the rescue squad brought A large group of half-large children appeared on the playground, and the two team members who had been left in place from the very beginning hurriedly greeted them.

“Captain! We must board the plane quickly. The pilot of the gunship reported just now that a group of mutant rats are moving fast towards us, and they are expected to arrive at us in five minutes. Now there are only 3 minutes left.”

“I know, help me carry these children up, I still have some personal matters that have not been resolved”

Deng Jun finished , Handed a little girl he was holding to the soldier in front of him, and then picked up his rifle, ready to go back and kill all the scum who was hiding in the dark.

But when Deng Jun turned around, the little girl who had been in her arms grabbed Deng Jun’s body armor and began to plead.

“Big Brother, don’t leave, don’t leave Yiyi, I’m afraid”

Faced with this pitiful little girl, Deng Jun couldn’t leave cruelly, so he could only sighed and turned to face With this little girl named Yiyi, comfortable.

“Don’t worry, Yiyi, the big brother will not leave you. The big brother will always protect you, so don’t worry, okay”


In fact, this little girl named Yiyi is actually the child of the female teacher Ning Tianze, whose full name is Li Yiyi.

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