Not only is the heart of the blood plague, but the zombie of the blood plague and the mutant zombie of the blood plague are also extremely afraid of fire.

Let’s put it this way, as long as the survivor is holding a torch, he can pass through the place where the blood plague zombie is. Of course, there are exceptions. The blood plague mutant zombie like a licker will be used directly. The advantage of his own tongue long pierced the survivors holding the torch to death.

Back now, the heart of the blood plague in Lianhua Village, although I don’t know how it appeared, it is clear that the distress messages received by Zhou Weiguo and Cai Wenjie are false. I want to get rid of the two people by the hand of the blood plague heart, no! It should be said that all survivor groups with conscience in YJ City.

And what can be known is that this force seems to have a certain understanding of the Heart of Blood Plague, and it is very likely that this Heart of Blood Plague was arranged by them.

Because the Blood Plague Heart cannot be moved, but it can still be created artificially. The method is also very simple. It requires a living blood plague mutant zombie and ten dead blood plague zombie corpses, and then put them Closed in a very small sealed space, just keep it for twenty-four hours. After twenty-four hours, a brand-new heart of blood plague will appear in the sealed space.

Although it has not been determined whether it is the heart of the blood plague created by this force, the rescue force sent by Zhou Weiguo has arrived in the Lianhua Village, and the army truck stopped directly outside the Lianhua Village.

The name of the leading officer this time is Zhou Tai. He is a captain and the commander-in-chief of the rescue force.

“Everyone pays attention! Start the battle formation! Hurry!”

Under Zhou Tai’s order, everyone began to orderly put out the training that has been training for a long time. The battle formation is a team of three people. In fact, this is an improvement from the original three-three system of the old tactics.

The original three-three system was divided into three battle groups based on squads. Each battle group consisted of three persons. In order to facilitate interaction with each other, they generally formed three echelons.

The three-person combat team is in a triangular offensive formation. Each soldier has a clear division of labor, offensive-cover-support. The squad leader, deputy squad leader, and team leader each lead a combat team to act.

When the combat team is attacking, two soldiers are in front and the team leader is behind, forming a triangle formation. Three combat teams form a combat squad, and three combat squads form a combat group. The “pawn line” formation unfolded.

But the improved three-three system, when attacking, will no longer be deployed in the skirmish line, but will gather together to achieve a dense fire defense line, because the enemy on the opposite side will no longer be Humans, but zombies, the best way to deal with zombies is intensive firepower.

Soon the recruits completed the new battle formation in accordance with the previous training content, waiting for Zhou Tai’s order.

At this time, Zhou Tai also noticed the red smoke inside Lianhua Village. When he saw the red smoke, Zhou Tai suddenly felt a chill in his body. This was his instinct. Once encountered a very dangerous situation, his body will shiver involuntarily. The last time there was such a situation, it was seven years ago. At that time, he went to the wild on an expedition alone, and then encountered a body that weighed nearly a ton. Black blind, although he escaped in the end, he almost passed away with serious injuries.

So when Zhou Tai showed this instinct again, he took two steps back subconsciously, but his obsession as a soldier stopped him.

“What’s wrong here! Everyone is ready to retreat”

After finishing talking, Zhou Tai thought about it again and added.

“Everyone put on their gas masks to avoid inhaling the red mist over there! One group! Two groups! Come with me, the others are on standby!”

“Yes !”

Zhou Tai decided to take the risk personally. After all, the mission has not been completed, how could he just retreat? Besides, maybe the survivors are in the red smoke screen over there, waiting for his rescue. He could not leave the survivors alone, but for the sake of safety, Zhou Tai still left the recruits in place, so that even if he died, these recruits could go back and continue to protect the stadium gathering place.

After he was enlightened and prepared, Zhou Tai put on his gas mask, then took the two combat teams, raised the rifles in his hands, and slowly touched the red smoke.

But as soon as Zhou Tai and the others entered the red smoke, they encountered the first difficulty, that is, the visibility is too low. With Zhou Tai as the center, only two meters ahead can be seen clearly Once the space exceeds this distance, there will be red fog everywhere in the line of sight. In this case, in order not to lose contact with the soldiers of the other two groups, they can only stick together and move forward slowly.

But the problem is that as the squad gets closer and closer to the heart of the blood plague, the red smoke becomes more intense. By now, Zhou Tai has completely lost sight of the road ahead.

In this case, Zhou Tai has no choice but to order.

“No! If this goes on, if there is any zombie sneak attack, we will definitely die. There is no way, we withdraw from the same way!”

Unfortunately, Zhou Tai’s words, There was no response, Zhou Tai, who found that no one answered him, stretched out his hand and touched it to the left, but his head did not move, and he kept carefully holding the unexpected situation.

When there was still someone on the left, Zhou Tai let go of his guard a little, and said with some dissatisfaction.

“Answer as soon as you hear it!”

But even so, Zhou Tai did not get a response. Feeling a little strange, Zhou Tai turned his head and looked towards the left, then Zhou Tai Tai had a close contact with a [zombie] face to face.

Zhou Tai suddenly got goose bumps, because it was too slow to mobilize the rifle at this time, so he reflexively pulled out his pistol and wanted to shoot the zombie, but he didn’t wait for him to pull the trigger. , The zombie who was facing him, grabbed his wrist and prevented Zhou Tai from moving further, and then shouted.

For this kind of scene, Zhou Tai did not panic, but counterattacked calmly. The wrist that pulled out the pistol was caught, and he attacked the zombie with his leg. Soon this zombie was caught by Zhou. Tai kicked out, because of the red smoke, Zhou Tai completely lost the movement of zombie. He couldn’t help but hold the pistol in one hand, and pulled out the dagger inserted in the tactical leggings to protect himself.

Of course, it’s not enough to protect yourself. Zhou Tai knew that he had to leave this area as soon as possible. So Zhou Tai watched all around while slowly retreating in the direction he came. The zombie he kicked flying approached him once. Although I don’t know why this zombie didn’t directly pounce on him, it didn’t affect Zhou Tai’s shooting.

With a shot, Zhou Tai successfully killed the [zombie] who had been following him

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