My Draw Game Has Come True

Chapter 137: New position

Latest website: Through Jiang Fubai’s few words, Song Luo also knows what kind of training camp Jiang Fubai has participated in.

Practice breathing, breathing, breathing, and respiration once a day, visualizing a fantasy picture, and physical exercises for a week.

In addition, there is also ideological construction, and there is basically no rest time.

In fact, there is no need for rest time. Song Luo also knows that as long as he replaces sleep with spiritual practice at night, he hopes to be refreshed the next day... This is what Mr. Yao said.

But as far as Song Luo is concerned, he needs to go to the heaven and blessed land to practice more at night, so naturally he can't replace sleep with practice.

In fact, there is a drawback of using practice instead of sleeping, that is, it is difficult to adapt to it in a short period of time.

After all, I always sleep at night. If I change to spiritual practice, it will inevitably be a little uncomfortable, which will lead to apathy.

Jiang Fubai and the others are like this. Although they have practiced for a long time, they can only be said to be tortured mentally.

However, the effect was not bad. In two weeks, the concentration of resources to cultivate a group of first-level practitioners, as well as some non-ranked practitioners, can be considered to be able to alleviate urgent needs.

Having said this, Jiang Fubai suddenly thought of something, smiled confidently, and raised his head and said, "By the way, are you at the first level now?"

Seeing Jiang Fubai's stinky ass, Song Luo couldn't help but start to say, "You...didn't you read the list?"


Jiang Fubai wondered: "What list?"

"How did you come here?"

"We were directly pulled from the training base." Jiang Fubai said.

After hearing these words, Song Luo also nodded, spread out the list in the phone, and said: "Look for yourself."

Seeing Song Luo in this state, Jiang Fubai understood Song Luo too much as his hair was young, and he immediately snorted in his heart.

Broken, this servant is so vowed, I'm afraid it's not also rated as a first-level transcendent.

In this way, wouldn't it be that Song Luo's servant came from behind?

With such an idea, Jiang Fu didn't have much thoughts for nothing. He clicked on the list and didn't bother to look through it. After searching for ‘Song Luo’ directly, he found that Song Luo was ranked sixth.

Um? Sorted by the first letter, S doesn’t seem to be at the top?

A bad premonition arose, Jiang Fubai once again clicked in his heart. After clicking on the details, after seeing the position of deputy leader of the first operation group, he was already a little serious, waiting for the second level of supernatural. When the word appeared in Jiang Fubai's eyes, Jiang Fubai also lived in Bengbu.

Damn it, he pretended to be!

"No, when did you become a second-level transcendent? Didn't you start three or four days later than me? Could it be that you also participated in some training camp?!"

Jiang Fubai was puzzled. He really didn't know why Song Luo was able to make such progress by leaps and bounds.

The corner of Song Luo's mouth rose slightly, and he sneered at Jiang Fu, "It's okay to be awakened continuously, no, no, no, won't anyone still be a first-level transcendent?"

Suddenly, Li Li, who was sitting not far from Song Luo's front row, glanced at Song Luo bitterly, and then turned back, keeping his mouth shut, just looking sullen.

Who am I provoking? How come I was shot while lying down?

Li Li, the first-level transcendent, thought sullenly.

Looking at Jiang Fubai with a face of disbelief, Song Luo couldn't help but frantically raise the corner of his mouth.

"Xiao Hei, I didn't expect that there was already a deep and sad gap between us." Song Luo said to Song Luo, "but we are an equal society after all, so we can see me calling Song Gehao in the future."

"screw you."

Jiang Fubai rolled his eyes and said, "The awakened person will advance a little faster in front of him. When I have mastered the Tuna Fa thoroughly, I will definitely enter the third level before you."

Seeing Jiang Fubai's reluctance, Song Luo couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

The young man is still too young. Can you beat the wall by relying on your strength alone?


The two of them started chatting like this, and more and more people came in. Suddenly, a ‘Song Luo’ interrupted the conversation between the two.

Song Luo looked up and saw that it was Zhou Yuanting.

Zhou Yuanting was quite happy after seeing Song Luo, and after saying hello, she went to the last few rows.

Song Luo looked around, Zhou Yuanting finally sat beside Wang Ting.

On the other side of Wang Ting, there was Wei Yingran, who was afraid of the cold, the Awakened Ice Element.

After about ten minutes, a large number of people gathered in the entire conference room.

The voice is messy, but few people come out to maintain discipline: everyone is extraordinary, so what discipline does it maintain?

At two o’clock in the afternoon, Mr. Yao and another youth who looked plain-faced walked in from the outside. When the two appeared, all the noise disappeared. In almost three seconds, the entire conference room was quiet. Even the drop of a silver needle can be heard clearly.

"Hello everyone, I'm Shen Pei, deputy director of the Transcendent Affairs Department of Lindong Province."

The mediocre young man disturbed his head and spoke with a smile on his face, looking harmless to humans and animals: "This time we are summoning everyone here, mainly for future work scheduling."

"I'm not a serious public official, so I don't want to talk about so many reasons. I will just start to announce everyone's new positions in accordance with the opinions of the organization."

Shen Pei didn't have much ink, and he said directly: "There are Yang Rong, Zhang Ziyun, Dong Yaomin, Jiang Fubai, Qi Anran who remain in the Gaohai City Police Department..."

First of all, the first batch of people who were announced turned out to be members of the Gaohai City Police Department and assigned some positions. Jiang Fubai was not bad, and he was directly assigned to be a section chief.

Jiang Fubai was also a little surprised, but there was no surprise. After all, he was born in the police system, and it is normal to return to the police station.

"The non-security bureau retained personnel..."

"There are..."

Several departments were announced without Song Luo's name, especially the Special Protection Bureau. Song Luo did not hear his name either. On the contrary, Li Li did not accidentally enter the Special Protection Bureau.

Not only Ting, Wei Yingran, and the Ye Yao...Currently, only two of the second-level transcendents have been assigned to the Special Security Bureau and the Non-Security Bureau.

"Lindong Provincial Institute of Training, faculty and staff are as follows, Wang Ting is the dean of teaching, Zhou Yuanting is the teacher of basic training subjects..."

Lindong Provincial Ascetic Academy, the name made Song Luo look forward to it.

Going to school is too beautiful.

Unfortunately, until the end, Song Luo's name did not appear.

Jiang Fubai also noticed this, and couldn't help but whispered: "Should I miss you out?"

"It's more than that."

Song Luo shook his head, and was about to say something, but saw Shen Pei continue: "The coastal defense inspection team, Ye Yao is the team leader, Song Luo and Wei Yingran are the deputy team leaders, and the team members are Ji An'an and Lu You..."

What is the Haiphong Inspection Team?

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