My Draw Game Has Come True

Chapter 141: bridegroom

In a dizzy time, Nakao Hikoji awakened from the darkness, and as far as he could see, it was a simple and elegant hall.

   At this time, he was wearing a white robe. He looked a little small and didn't fit well, which made Nakao Hikoji feel a little awkward.

   Nakao Hikoji felt a little confused. After looking around, he slowly said, "What is going on, why am I here?"

   Soon, Hikoharu Nakao reacted, thinking of a lot of things, his expression changed and he became a little ugly.

   "Where is my camera?!"

   Thinking of this, Nakao Hikoji immediately panicked and started looking for his camera, only to find that he seemed to be frozen and unable to move.

   The feeling of numbness in the whole body increased greatly, and Nakao Hikoji was very frightened, not knowing what to do.

   In panic, Nakao Hikoji was wandering around, and suddenly found that not far away, his camera equipment was lying quietly on the ground, motionless.

The angle of    is not towards oneself, but towards the other side.

   Damn it!

   Nakao Hikoji cursed in his heart, quickly calmed himself down, and wanted to observe the situation.

After all,    is also a person who has experienced some extraordinary events. After a short period of panic, he quickly calmed down and began to think about his current situation.

   Nakao Hikoji took a look at his clothes first, wearing a white shirt and jade pendant.

   The costumes and makeup are different from the guests attending the wedding.

  According to several movies that Nakao Hikoji himself watched, Nakao Hikoji clearly determined his identity: the bridegroom.


  How can I be the groom?

   Thinking of this, Nakao Hikoji's breathing became a little disturbed. He thought of some ghost movie plots... This bride, I am afraid that this is the ghost!

   Nakao Hikoji's hair exploded, and he panicked again.

What to do? What to do? What to do?

   Nakao Hikoji has no means to solve the problem.

   The only thing that can save him now is the official aid of the neon government.



   Nakao Hikoji panted deeply, trying to become as calm as possible.

   "Nakao-kun, are you ready?"

   Suddenly, a voice that didn't know where it came from reached Nakao Hikoji's ears. The voice was full of gloomy feeling. This voice made Nakao Hikoji feel creepy and subconsciously stagnated.


   Nakao Hikoji felt his teeth trembling, and under the trembling, he didn't even say a complete sentence.

   He thought he was a person who was not afraid of everything, and he would not be nervous in the face of any kind of existence.

   But in this case, Nakao Hikoji really feels that he has no leeway.

   "It looks like you are not ready yet."

   The voice sounded again, and this time, Nakao Hikoji saw the speaker.

   is an old man standing in front of the door, holding a pair of dead fish eyes, looking at Hikoji Nakao with a disregarding look, his voice is rather cold, and he looks particularly terrifying under his white robe.

   "In that case, I will give you time to prepare."

   Nakao Hikoji thought he was about to die, but he didn't expect to get such an answer. He was overjoyed immediately.

   "You can do it yourself, but don't let the lady... wait in a hurry."

   The old man gave Hikoji Nakao a meaningful look, and then he dragged his footsteps and walked away gradually.

   After seeing the old man leave, Nakao Yanji also breathed a sigh of relief, his heart pounding, he found that his numbness in his hands and feet had disappeared, and he regained control of his body.

   "I can move freely?!"

A sense of joy came again. Nakao Hikoji, who stood up, did not hesitate. He took three steps and made a two-step jump. He directly picked up his own camera equipment and didn't care about the situation in the live broadcast room. He directly turned on the dialing function. He dialed the phone without hesitation.

   The phone was dialed quickly, Nakao Hikoji didn't hesitate, and he whispered, "Is the Metropolitan Police Department?! I'm in danger, come and save me!"

   "Nakao-kun, please rest assured, our transcendents have already been dispatched. They have been hanging behind you before. It is estimated that they will arrive at the scene in less than ten minutes to help you."

   On the other end of the phone, a senior police officer from the Hokkaido Metropolitan Police Department smiled gently at Nakao Hikoji, as if there was nothing wrong with everything here.

   Neon’s Metropolitan Police Department can be said to have cooperated with this Nakao Hikoji.

Hikoji Nakao is responsible for the exploration and discovers those extraordinary events. If there is a dangerous situation, the Metropolitan Police Department will be dispatched as soon as possible. The neon supernatural will show off in the live broadcast room, thereby promoting the power of the neon official supernatural Place.

   This is also a means of propaganda.

   Undoubtedly, this propaganda method is very useful. Now in the entire ranking of the extraordinary on Twitter and YouTube, many neon extraordinary have been selected.

Although it is a popular list among the people, it also means that in the minds of ordinary people, neon’s extraordinary people already have the labels of'reliable','strong', and'excellent in strength', which are very promising for future promotion. Critical role.

   For this set, the Neon people are too familiar with it. It doesn't matter what else is, publicity and cultural output must be in place.

   In the eyes of neon officials, this cooperation will naturally be resolved in a light and light manner. The extraordinary people of neon Hokkaido will also enter the public's field of vision. In the future, Hokkaido may cause a peak tourist season.

   I'm a little excited to think about it!

   After hearing the words of the Hokkaido Metropolitan Police Department, Hikoharu Nakao gradually relaxed his nervousness.

   Next, he only needs to wait for the time to come, and then be rescued by the Neon Extraordinary.

   After turning off the phone, Nakao Hikoji murmured to himself, quite dissatisfied with the situation in Hokkaido: "Damn it, why are the extraordinary events in Hokkaido a supernatural event, so terrible."

   Other extraordinary events are very strange scenes, like iron trees blooming, or rooster laying eggs...Where is such a strange event?

   Nakao Hikoji has already decided that he must screen his actions in advance to avoid any problems.

   Time just passed by one minute and one second. The barrage scrolled very fast in the live broadcast room, and the number of people in the live broadcast room was also skyrocketing. The number of viewers of Nakao Hikoji, who originally had only a few hundred thousand viewers, has now exceeded one million.

   And according to this progress, it is still rising.

   In the barrage, some other countries’ texts also appeared in it.

For these contents, Nakao Hikoji did not express any other thoughts. After all, this matter is related to his life and family. There used to be interest in chatting with the bullet screen. Now Nakao Hikoji is confused in anxiety and anxiety. Wandering.

   The whole room is a very closed room, the interior decoration of the room is simple and luxurious, and there is a little... neon classic style.

   is said to be neon classical style, but in fact it is Tang Feng.

   After all, the neon style was also brought back from the Tang Dynasty by the envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty, and the ancient neon architecture is naturally closely related to the Tang style.





   A weird voice sounded from outside, the voice was still so old, for this voice, Nakao Yanji would never forget.

   This is the voice of the old man just now!

   "What...what is it?"

   Nakao Hikoji tried to be calm and asked back.

   Now he has a little confidence, as long as he delays time, he may be spared.

   "It's already late, miss... can't wait~"

   Outside the door, the voice came again, with some weirdness and gloom in it.

   In this weird and gloomy, there is also a hint of impatience.

   After hearing these words, Nakao Hikoji shuddered, then took a deep breath and calmly said: "Give me some more time, I still have some friends who want to come."

   Although his teeth trembled, Hikoji Nakao spoke completely.

   "Any friend is coming?"

  The voice outside the door finally produced some special fluctuations, and seemed to be a little puzzled: "Well then...I will give you time to make incense, Nakao-kun, hurry up, the lady is already very hungry."

   "Please... please rest assured."

   Nakao Hikoji tremblingly said.

   He has a lot of confidence in the official neon transcendent.


   The voice sounded, which seemed to be the footsteps of the old man going away.

   After hearing the sound, Nakao Hikoji let out a sigh of relief.

   But this old ghost's words also made Nakao Hikoji full of anxiety.

   This sentence is obviously an ultimatum.

  ‘When will the neon transcendents come! ’

   Nakao Hikoji's heart is very anxious, the time passed by one minute after another, Nakao Hikoji is here as if he is living like years.

   But at this moment, in the corridor outside the door, suddenly there was the sound of footsteps!

   Nakao Hikoji's heart was caught in his throat all at once.

  At the same time, the phone screen suddenly lit up. It was a call from the Metropolitan Police Department.

   Too timely!

   Hikoji Nakao yelled out of his fortune, quickly connected the phone, and said hurriedly: "Let them come in to save me! I have heard footsteps outside the door! Come and save me, come on!"

   Nakao Hikoji's voice is almost and on the other side of the phone, the caller seems to be silent.

   This silent silence made Nakao Hikoji feel a little bad, but the sound of footsteps outside the door let Nakao know that he has run out of time: "What the **** is going on?!"

   "Nakao-kun, you have to hold on."

   After a long silence, a warning voice came from the other side: "Our transcendent has arrived in the village where you are, but..."

   "Our transcendents rummaged through the entire village, but they didn't find you."

   After hearing these words, Nakao Hikoji was completely stunned and couldn't help but screamed: "How is it possible?! I'm in this room, through this paper window, I can see the outside scene!"


After    finished speaking, Jingshi hung up the phone.


   The sound of hanging up the phone rang, and at the same time, there was a heavy push of the door outside the door.

   "Nakao-kun, those friends of yours have arrived, but they seem to be very unfriendly. The eldest lady has ordered the samurai to make them into meatloaf to entertain today's wedding."

   The old man opened the door and entered with a weird smile.

   Hikoji Nakao can even see the corpse spots in the hands of the old man!

   "Nakao-kun, please follow me."

   The old man leaned slightly, showing his white teeth: "Don't resist, otherwise...the lady will be unhappy."

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